I didn't say it was the same as selling your soul, I said it's the same as getting the beast. Do you ever notice in music videos.. like Katy Perry's music video where she was acting as a robot?? I don't know what it's called but we are in the times of "Do what thou wilt, love is the law" All you see is love this, love that, but NOT love God. So in her video, Katy was a robot and she was under mind control. That's exactly what will most likely happen when you get that blasted mark. You'll be able to buy or sell, just when you volunteer to give up your soul, and your handlers unexpectedly puts you under mind control, but you'll be able to be as famous and rich as you want. Do you see the similarities? Sell your soul, get money. Get the mark, be able to buy and sell. Don't sell your soul, you can still be rich but not as rich as celebrities. Don't get the mark, you can't buy or sell.