Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 14, 2018
There are some things that we have missed...
And the "Pro memoria" = In memory of is even creepier.
Let's not forget Nirvana's Kurt Cobain's suicide note was also on Shinee Jonghyun's blazer which he wore a time before he "committed suicide" also at 27 (same age as Cobain). They both committed suicude but people questioned it. Now, where can you get a shirt like that unless either he had it specially made or his company did? In addition, is there a connection between BTS's materials which is full of Nirvana content and those of Shinee's?


Jan 14, 2018
Omg,I remember I read about this Finland related story in 2013 and believed it, but now it seems ridiculous. Do you think it could be the truth?
I doubt it. The thing about secret clubs is that they recruit people, but not sure they would invest so much money raising them. There are tons of liberals to choose from who will whole-heartedly stand for similar values. Why bother raising them?


Jan 14, 2018
i feel that it's jimin. before knowing about this i had a weird feeling that jimin would be involved in something that would make him lose fans but it wouldn't be as big as something like Onew's scandal. Then I found out about the predictions, and then there was a Japanese prediction about him but i can't remember who made it but it was along the same lines.

hmm.. that's strange. I wonder if it involves the two of them but mostly centers around jimin?
There's a gay couple agenda for them already.
Dec 26, 2017
I understand, but the question is wjy? that is obviously an abnormalky high percent considering the numbrr if gays in S. Korea. I suspect they are groomed and turned into gays or bisexuals due to programming. It is very suspicious as I know many gays who have become gay instead of being born gay. One example is Leslie Cheung of H.K (let's not forget he also committed suicide early in life). Many BTS malr fans are also reflecting feedback that they are experiencing for the first time homosexual desires after watching Jimin who has been made to do the most cutesy stuff and dress feminine in the group. When he debuted he did not seem feminine in the least bit. Let's also not forget Jonghyun who recently died was also made to do very explicit gay kissing with (possibly already gay) Taemin on stage.
I also suspected this thing, they are programmed to be Gay due to the agenda, I remember back then, there is discussion in Kpop forum about the reason there is high Gay numbers in Kpop and some have suggested the reason could be the company preferred the gay trainees over the straight, because they can control them easier, other reason is gay can have better life in kpop, I am not sure about the reason but mind control could highly be the reason
Dec 26, 2017
I truly think they have turned them gray by systematic mind control or sexual manipulation. Jungkook was never gay and only lately he has acted in compliance. The ugly truth that the LGBT world does not want you to know is that most people are not born gay. Many men have gone gay after being sexually abused by same sex when they were virgins. Just look at Jimin - he went from playful boyish muscle kid to almost unrecognizable. I have friends who are gay - and half of them were abused as a child. The other half could have not told me about their experience yet, but I will not be surprised. Sexual abuse of children is rampant in the world. If Hollywood is abusing so many major actresses, just imagine how they treat powerless kids. Let the truth be known! Let no one mislead us to think men are born this way.
I also suspecting them of turning them gay, I didn't think of any thing of Choi minho, he seems straight but now he has changed, I suspecting him he has turned gay, especialy the thing with him and Key, he was never like that for what I remember
Dec 26, 2017
Dispatch has stated that there is a gay couple from a famous group but they wouldn't out them. What if they play out the gay card with BTS?
They'll be once again the pioneers of yet another agenda. It's about time to have an open LGBT couple in the media.
Gay couples is very common thing in kpop
some of the gay couples I know in kpop
Jonghyun-Taemin(I feel bad saying that since he is dead :()
Heechul-his hair stylist forget his name
before once at time Jaejoong-Yunho


Jan 14, 2018
Hi Guys, nice to meet you all. I wish I had found this topic earlier, now there is too many messages to read in one go hahahaha

As the topic is about Kpop, I have just started a channel about kpop:

What if I tell you that a Kpop group success was predicted.....and this in 2012 ?!?!

When I migrated from Western pop to Kpop, I thought I had found a great alternative without any devilish things….I was so wrong……It was even worse….Once they have a grip on you, they are not going to let you go. I thank God that He opened my eyes step by step.
This has to be real. It means that Big Hit Entertainment was sponsored by someone in the U.S and beyond from the beginning at least was chosen by 2012. Bang Si Hyurk (Hitman Bang) was not alone and was prolly comissioned to raise this group. He would likely be their handler.

Another thing I noticed - he thoughtfully used the word "icon". This word means a picturial representation, but a representation of what? He says it supercedes cultures, so it does not represent Korea nor anything within human culture. It is pictorial representation of something superhuman - that leaves only God or fallen angels whose leader is Satan. Owing to the fact that idol is defined as an image used as an object of worship, a false god or something that is blindly and excessively, this superstar group (BTS) is an icon of not God, but a false god - could Satan and his fallen angels themselves. This may mean fans are actually worshipping the image of the devil (fallen angel). This is important to know, because angels have powers and can control the ones who let them in. This is why treading the waters of superstar singers and groups is very dangerous.


Jan 14, 2018
I always had a feeling as if BTS are being pushed artificially into the masses and stuff like that. As if it was all already staged for them.
I mean, they always have provocing concepts, not that even provocing but some new and unusual for korean society who are used to certain template of entertainment and artists. Even before Wings, BigHit wasn't that big yet to make such controversial videos such as BST and other videos and etc. with all that comprehensible topics such as religion and all that connection to books and philosophy (who could predict that kpop artist would move from a dancing dolls to philosophic dudes with so much mystery to solve?). That means that BigHit probably didn't have any fear that their unexpected representation would flop and likely be disliked by 80% who are there for entertainment not for solving genuis' mind problems, all that money would be spent in vain. If they weren't afraid, that means that were purposely planned to be pushed and being supported from the highest ranks. Only future will unveil what is being made for.
Yes, and how did they get invited to work with UN in the first place. The whole mediocre "love yourself" idea is so weak and UN is using a non-English speaking group? It was like Billboard, AMA, UN and even Ellen werre just told to host them all of a sudden


Jan 14, 2018
BTW, did anyone noticed that there were a lot of crazy conspiracy theories that don't make sense at all? I'm reading one blog, and someone mailed the author, that Obama was planning to push Jonghyun off... the Earth's edge. like why are there so many stupid theories about this? does someone want to distract us from the real thing? and why do they all involve Obama?
You're right. There are three kinds of commentators - 1) a group that is rational and really looks for facts, 2) a group that is obsessed with mysteries and are misled and 3) a group that puts out ridiculous stuff in order to make group 1 look irrational, therefore havr people discredit it. This is why our language needs to be articulate and well-thought out in order to stay objective. Try also to ignore those posters. Satan is very smart in trying to make us look untrustworthy.


Dec 22, 2017
Yes, and how did they get invited to work with UN in the first place. The whole mediocre "love yourself" idea is so weak and UN is using a non-English speaking group? It was like Billboard, AMA, UN and even Ellen werre just told to host them all of a sudden
their success was planned and predicted since the beggining
That Siwon video is so strange. How did he know that a succesful and "iconic" group would happen in the next few years?

A lot of kpop groups from small companies (like BigHit) debut and flop so they have to disband because the company can not afford to support their music anymore. But for some strange reason BigHit knew BTS would have a long career and thats why you can find clues about their next albums in their debut video
What does this mean? that the company knew the group would be suuccessful so they already had their career and song tittles for future albums planned since debut

who gave them this security? how did they know the group would have the resources and big enough fandom to last for years?


Dec 22, 2017
Gay couples is very common thing in kpop
some of the gay couples I know in kpop
Jonghyun-Taemin(I feel bad saying that since he is dead :()
Heechul-his hair stylist forget his name
before once at time Jaejoong-Yunho
SM is very famous for pushing this agenda

Other couples I can think of are : Donghae and Eyunhyuk? And Taeyeon and Tiffany

Also EXO Baekhyun and Chanyeol
And Heechul with his stylist was very obvious even showing videos on instagram of them in bed together


Jan 14, 2018
I can't address every single post I want to specifically mention, but you guys should be in the FBI. All the details you guys notice astounds me xD THANK YOU ALL for all your hard work!
I'm REALLY glad to know that people on here have struggled with Kpop in particular. It's been ten years and I still find myself going back to it but I'm no where near where I used to be. Getting away from Tumblr helped the most. People are seriously delusional on there.
Proclaim the name of Jesus and reject temptation each time you have the urge. The music is filled with repeated spells. Do not listen to it. It is a powerful medium. Pray to the Lord that you will trust Him to fill your heart and provide the comfort you nee. Trust He has your best interest. Meanwhile, I have found that resolving to repent from idol-worship (understanding it is a sin we need to turn away from) and resolving to serve these unfortunate individuals who are enslaved to Satan (thr singers u listened to in the past) by seeking God's will (how can God use me? What are the needs of these poor souls) help me realize I was caught in a lie. They are not gods - they are powerless sweat shop workers whose destination is demise, depression and hell. Think of hope that Jesus has promised us. He will set free the contrite spirited if we learn that all the good we seek comes from Him. He is greater and more givibg than any idol can give you. Seek the joy of Jesus and He will set you free and lead you to set others free. May our Lord Jesus Christ set you free from the yoke of slavery under Satan. May his chains on you break and loosen. May the Lord cast him away from you and give you life. Just do not be entangled in sin no more. Practically, try to hang out with brothers and sisters out more and read the Bible & enjoy the Lord's promises for you in there. Cry out to God through Psalms. Those are great warfare prayers! Trust in the Lord as Savior and Lord over your life. Blessings


Jan 14, 2018
Speaking of Taemin, he's been giving off weird vibes lately. Like dark, dark vibes. Wtf even is this???
Also, there's something unsettling about the rhythm of this song. Listen to the intro and it's like some ritual chanting (???) Idk anymore.
He recently debuted in Japan as an actor for a drama titled "Final Life". This is the detail of his character:
Song Shi-On (Tae Min) is a smart guy. He graduated from a top medical school in the United States. He happily spends time with his girlfriend, but an experiment on his brain causes him to lose his memory.

He also recorded a soundtrack for the drama in which he's singing about "the final dragon" that calls out to his name like a siren that cuts through a middle of the night lol.
– Awaken and become the final dragon –
Yes, the final dragon

Like a siren that cuts through the still of the night
Your voice calls out my name
Inside the thick fog shrouding everything
I hastily run about, pushing my way through
No one would want to lose himself now
It’s not that it’s not scary, and yet I go on

Before your faint voice fades away
I go to where you are
About Taemin, the first time I saw him on screen was a month ago, and he gave me the creeps. I have a strong feeling of dislike of him. I don't know why. It's like he's sleazy but also has a hidden agenda. His smile is too big somehow - can't explain it.
Dec 26, 2017
SM is very famous for pushing this agenda

Other couples I can think of are : Donghae and Eyunhyuk? And Taeyeon and Tiffany

Also EXO Baekhyun and Chanyeol
And Heechul with his stylist was very obvious even showing videos on instagram of them in bed together
I am suspecting Donghae and eunhyuk but not really sure if its real beyond fanservice
the rest I haven't followed, so don't really know
but I don't think its just limited to SM, its all Kpop since its creation


Jan 14, 2018
Apparently *this is making me sad whilst think about this* but most idols are forced into prostitution not saying bts has but with that picture with Jins face covered in ‘stuff’ I’m starting to believe they may have been
The picture was of Kana Yume (not Mika), not jin. He just looks like her.

And you're right. You could get too obsessive with this stuff. But for me I just want to find the truth and if so if I can help expose these horrible practices online so people can be freed from all this K-pop addiction. The more a group becomes popular the more enslave and mistreated they are. I would really like to help them somehow.
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Jan 14, 2018
A lot of things will surprise you. There’s a line I heard in a song today that reminded of this forum.

It’s: the truth will set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.

... so true right, everyone?
Again, that picture is of Kana Yume Japanese porn star. I think Jin would least be abused since he is given the least opportunities. The most willingly ones get center stage and they probably has to make sacrifices the most, like Jimin and Jungkook. If ritual killing was really true, it would be the one that has second thoughts and refuses to comply. In this case, it could be the most depressed one (V/ Jimin?)or a rebellious one (which could be Jin).
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Jan 14, 2018
Any other theories guys? Can some of you help me get the Jin thing trending I want more people to see it
Most of us here are looking to find the truth (if I understand correctly) -not necessarily to put out theories. We're most interested in sharing facts and seeing if there are actually some supported connections. Trending stuff before we can be sure can do more harm. Jin may be embarrassed if you did that and it was not true,


Dec 22, 2017
I am suspecting Donghae and eunhyuk but not really sure if its real beyond fanservice
the rest I haven't followed, so don't really know
but I don't think its just limited to SM, its all Kpop since its creation
yes kpop since the beggining have pushed this type of fanservice, Donghae and Eunhyuk are confusing because they made a career of their "couple" so Im not sure if this is bussiness or reality for them
besides eunhyuk had that scandal with IU in the past. (a lot of people believe that scandal was planned to end her innocent image but we will never know)


Jan 14, 2018
I'm a little worried about Bts especially after BBMAs and AMAs
You know since hollywood is filled with satanic occults and rituals. They can lure Bts even deeper into satanism etc.
They're people after all and they don't know about the truth. They probably have a wrong picture of God or don't believe in God at all.
They'll go to hell for eternity if they don't get saved... it's serious
This is why I think we could possibly write fan letters to them not to expose their company yet, but maybe to befriend them and share with their burdens while sharing the gospel. This obviously requires first prayer and the Holy Spirit to guide us. But today I feel God is leading me to possibly do this. They need real friends who are not fans but people who love them with Christ-like love and share the real gospel with them. With this forum, I see two fruitful things can happen - 1) we find facts and share it with the masses by giving objective information about addiction to idol-worship and about what these people are doing to the idols, and 2) to understand what the facts are and find some practical way to intercede and try to help them.