Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 22, 2017
one of my favourite conspiracy bloggers argued that Jonghyun's death was a sacrifice for the Talmuds. Jonghyun had a band in high school called ZION. if that's not creepy I don't know what is. his school was even called Mount Zion or something like that. one of the rappers that attended his funeral was even called ZionT. i really don't know if that has something to do with zionism but it's odd. he even examined his tattoo of the black dog and it's no coincidence that the word Achtung was in German.

EDIT: others argued that the Jesuits killed him (?), because of some unknown reasons, other theorist said that he knew too much about the mafia that is running SK and he was murdered. but pretty much all of agreed it wasn't an Illuminati sacrifice.
Isn't mafia subordinated to lluminati?
Dec 26, 2017
one of my favourite conspiracy bloggers argued that Jonghyun's death was a sacrifice for the Talmuds. Jonghyun had a band in high school called ZION. if that's not creepy I don't know what is. his school was even called Mount Zion or something like that. one of the rappers that attended his funeral was even called ZionT. i really don't know if that has something to do with zionism but it's odd. he even examined his tattoo of the black dog and it's no coincidence that the word Achtung was in German.

EDIT: others argued that the Jesuits killed him (?), because of some unknown reasons, other theorist said that he knew too much about the mafia that is running SK and he was murdered. but pretty much all of agreed it wasn't an Illuminati sacrifice.
the jesuits and the illuminati is the same thing :), so yeah he probably is


Dec 22, 2017
Obama being some "pharaoh" wouldn't make sense to me, at all. I researched this topic on ancient civilazations and I doubt the Illuminati has any connections to Babylon or whatever, they just use their symbols and twist them to their liking. One archeologist even discovered that Egyptians had no pharaohs, only kings.
Some conspiracies even say that Obama was raised for 23 years in some bunker in Finland. Also why would they go as far as resurrecting pharaohs, when presidents are only puppets to them.
Omg,I remember I read about this Finland related story in 2013 and believed it, but now it seems ridiculous. Do you think it could be the truth?


Dec 22, 2017
I actually have two versions: whether Jonghyun's suicide is really of his own volition or that was a real sacrifice but not for the sake of someone else's fame, for something more...


Dec 22, 2017
Do you guys think that some kpop mvs and etc. predict possible war or so to say political unrest between North and South Korea?
I mean, a few months after the Monster video by Exo where social unrest is clearly portrayed there was a lot of agitation on the streets of Korea and EXO had a perfomance where all of them acted as if they were getting killed. Then relations between NK and others started getting hotter..... and EXO dropped an album called... The War.. Coincidence? Probably

Also why they had the word THE SACRIFICE under their perfomance [2016 MAMA] EXO - TRANSFORMER + MONSTER. In the end Baekhyun is lighted with red and dancing to creepy music...


Dec 27, 2017
I doubt that. They even said photos of 7yo Obama in Indonesia were photoshoped. One of them even told me Obama killed Jonghyun, because he liked Taemin o_O and this person was using some fanfic as a proof... I sometimes have no words for these conspiracy theorists. How could anyone even think of that, it's absurd
Obama killed jonghyun because he liked taemin lol i haven' heard anything more funny since decades xD


Dec 27, 2017
Do you guys think that some kpop mvs and etc. predict possible war or so to say political unrest between North and South Korea?
I mean, a few months after the Monster video by Exo where social unrest is clearly portrayed there was a lot of agitation on the streets of Korea and EXO had a perfomance where all of them acted as if they were getting killed. Then relations between NK and others started getting hotter..... and EXO dropped an album called... The War.. Coincidence? Probably

Also why they had the word THE SACRIFICE under their perfomance [2016 MAMA] EXO - TRANSFORMER + MONSTER. In the end Baekhyun is lighted with red and dancing to creepy music...
Exo predicted that cloning and AI may also be introduced in Sm ent. Predicting of political unrest is uncertain tho. But you never know anything is possible.


Dec 27, 2017
Yesterday I was listening to some songs from Jonghyun and accidently found the following VCR from his last concert:

It kind of creeped me out. First I thought it could have been an coincidence that BTS called their dog Coal Briquette. I even pointed out to my sister that more proof needed to be found in order to say that his death wasn't planned by himself but by a higher instance. However, at the end of the VCR Jonghyun is consumed by smoke radiating from a fire after losing a box-fight against a man dressed all in black (referring to his battle with depression)...

What also was fishy about the VCR is the clock at the very beging of the video. It shows us the time 10:40 while a speaker says (in german): "good morning"...
The time in Korea and Germany are 8 hours apart - meaning that it was 6:40 p.m. in Korea at that time. Some sources mention that jonghyun was declared dead at 6:32 pm KST...

Furthermore we can see a bathtub in the clip, kind of reminding me of Jonghyun's "Lonely". In the making of of the latter Jonghyun even asked the audience to figure out what the meaning behind the stripes on his arm is. He talked about them as of an "easter egg"...

First I really believed that he has killed himself, but I am doubting it more and more.

(I am sorry if my thoughts are not phrased cearly as german is my native language)
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Dec 22, 2017
Yesterday I was listening to some songs from Jonghyun and accidently found the following VCR from his last concert:

It kind of creeped me out. First I thought it could have been an coincidence that BTS called their dog Briquette. I even pointed out to my sister that more proof needed to be found in order to say that his death wasn't planned by himself but by a higher instance. However, at the end of the VCR Jonghyun is consumed by smoke radiating from a fire after losing a box-fight against a man dressed all in black...

What also was fishy about the VCR is the clock at the very beging of the video. It shows us the time 10:40 while a speaker says (in german): "good morning"...
The time in Korea and Germany are 8 hours apart - meaning that it was 6:40 p.m. in Korea at that time. Some quotes mention that jonghyun was declared dead at 6:32 pm KST...

Furthermore we can see a bathtub in the clip, kind of reminding me of Jonghyun's "Lonely". In the making of of the latter Jonghyun even asked the audience to figure out what the meaning behind the stripes on his arm is. He talked about them as of an "easter egg"...

First I really believed that he has killed himself, but I am doubting it more and more.

(I am sorry if my thoughts are not phrased cearly as german is my native language)
Wow, I've never seen this video and I'm speechless now. So many things intersect at one point... Scary


Dec 27, 2017
Yesterday I was listening to some songs from Jonghyun and accidently found the following VCR from his last concert:

It kind of creeped me out. First I thought it could have been an coincidence that BTS called their dog Briquette. I even pointed out to my sister that more proof needed to be found in order to say that his death wasn't planned by himself but by a higher instance. However, at the end of the VCR Jonghyun is consumed by smoke radiating from a fire after losing a box-fight against a man dressed all in black...

What also was fishy about the VCR is the clock at the very beging of the video. It shows us the time 10:40 while a speaker says (in german): "good morning"...
The time in Korea and Germany are 8 hours apart - meaning that it was 6:40 p.m. in Korea at that time. Some quotes mention that jonghyun was declared dead at 6:32 pm KST...

Furthermore we can see a bathtub in the clip, kind of reminding me of Jonghyun's "Lonely". In the making of of the latter Jonghyun even asked the audience to figure out what the meaning behind the stripes on his arm is. He talked about them as of an "easter egg"...

First I really believed that he has killed himself, but I am doubting it more and more.

(I am sorry if my thoughts are not phrased cearly as german is my native language)
Your rite absolutely rite! Such a great find!


Dec 26, 2017
As far as I remember, it was stated that member who was going to be involved in that dating scandal didn't speak English. That's why it would so surprising. Also I recently saw new predictions about BTS and Park Bom. As a Christian I tend not to believe into all of these but it was interesing just for keeping track of things
i feel that it's jimin. before knowing about this i had a weird feeling that jimin would be involved in something that would make him lose fans but it wouldn't be as big as something like Onew's scandal. Then I found out about the predictions, and then there was a Japanese prediction about him but i can't remember who made it but it was along the same lines.