Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 5, 2018
I notice this change in Jimin too. When he debuted he was more manly and atlethic, now his body changed and he is very skinny and sometimes even looks like a girl
I get surprised when I see the way he acts because he is older now but he acts like a child, always trying to be cute and innocent. He acts so delicate and feminine all the time

Some fans noticed a change in his face too, like he started to get botox to look more feminine and his face sometimes looks frozen because of this
I believe he is trying to copy Taemin or look similar to him in every way. He seems to worship Taemin

So sad. And in the beginning he wanted to be like Taeyang from BB. I think Taeyang is one of the manliest kpop stars, but now we see there's a special plan for Jimin and he has to work with Taemin, and he's changing.


Jan 14, 2018
To each his own then. So the question would be, since when did SM Entertainment put symbolism and sinister lyrics in SHINee's concept and music videos? Cause they are definitely there, anyway. It gets more and more blatant with every release of their new album. They can only do it if people already approved the previous ones. "It's supposed to be a song you can relate to in some way" well yes, we all are supposed to relate to Lucifer cause if they tell us to worship her directly (Lucifer is said to be a female), we will certainly drive away and say "Wtf am I listening to?". I did a quick search on Google and found this thread from 2010, note that most of them admit that they are Christians

Person 1:
lol.. me too im also Christian I love the song too. people are just over reacting to it,
the shinee members are even Christian excpt jjong

the song is a "love" song about a very tempting and undeniable lady which controls over you, that you are totaly crazy over her.

that's what i understand about the song .
Nothing wrong with it, unless they use the word "SATAN", now that is totaly WRONG!!

Person 2:
That's pretty interesting n_n I never thought of it as the Satan way though since my friend told me earlier. I love Lucifer even more knowing this though

Wow, right? The purpose is so people can accept Lucifer in the most humanly way possible. She's not "Satan" anyway.
Speaking of SM, SHINee isn't the only one doing this as many people have mentioned before. Almost (or all) every group or soloists included in SM Entertainment are made to sing those kind of lyrics and their MVs contain heavy symbolism too, let's say TVXQ, SNSD, f(x), Red Velvet, Super Junior, EXO, NCT, etc. It's as old as H.O.T, the most popular group in the 1990s from SM Entertainment. So I am basically saying that it's nothing new for SM to put heavy symbolism in their music videos and hidden meanings in their lyrics. Knowing the company's culture and views, it's just not questionable or to be argued. Take a look at the first 3 seconds:
Idol worship of any form is the blatant violation of the first commandment. As Christians we are not to listen to music by idols. Because it means we are worshipping false gods. "Christians" who say they love K-pop means they really don't care about God or don't know what the Bible says.


Jan 14, 2018

There's a skull with definite diamonds and the glittery mask could be diamonds or glass shards (core persona shattered) into alters.

If they are diamonds, then the diamonds show a person's level of availability -

For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models. Emeralds mean drugs, rubies mean prostitution, diamonds (rhinestones) Presidential Model work

Also the owl ....depending upon where you're drawing your reference - S.Americans view owls as bad luck/black magic (they kill 'em if they're roosting nearby) and Native Americans view owls in a very positive, good way (you're set if an owl nests near you) - they're a teacher. General representations include athena, wisdom, hidden knowledge and links between the veil. Darker meanings can be found - Medieval europe symbolized the owl as the Satan (of course, if u read old/middle english - the devil was never far away). The owl is the symbol of Bohemian Grove & the owl named Moloch... (who likes to eat kids).

As for the black dog, it is curious. Christianity, Judasim and Islam are all abrahamic faiths (much like jello comes in a few different flavors). In both Judaic and Islamic texts, they acknowledge a 3rd race - Djinn (shapeshifters made out of fire, much like we're of earth, angels of light). They are believed to be quite real (as real as angels) and whispered to come in a few shapes (they can appear as anything) and one is of a black dog. Snakes are another form (which is why you're not suppose to kill one if it comes into your house - take it out - let it out alive). Commonly they can come as black smoke.

Somebody else a few pages back posted a MV with black smoke swirling beings. I'd have to think about other MVs I've seen it in, but they show it regularly in enough MVs
I'm guess the lyrics of that "Mine" song is basically Satan speaking through the idol and telling people who are listening to K-pop: you are mine and I control you. It is so creepy. Friends, please stop listening. When I watch these videos they are for research only and I have the music always muted, because some of the music can be cursed and music is a powerful medium it can stir up stuff you don't understand. May God give us all discernment.


Jan 5, 2018
Yes. The jimin and Jungkook trip was weird. And the video jungkook posted on their offcial youtube account was basically a "coming out" video with a romantic song by a gay singer
Its also not a coincidence that their CEO congratulated jungkook on twitter after he posted that video (also not normal for jungkook to post that kind of private video on social media because he is the most reserved member of the group)
I believe he was forced by the company to do this

their trip was made public, they posted pictures and videos of the whole thing. Some fans even find out they stayed in the same hotel room and they are convinced both of them are dating
I never got gay vibes from Jungkook at all, he was always rejecting jimin in the past and acting awkward when he had to do fanservice. but his attitude changed lately and like I said in one of my previous comments this behaviour is usually pushed by RM
Definitely their CEO is forcing this fanservice thing and RM is controlling it. This is again his sick formula to make fans crazy about boys.

You can see some boys were not comfortable with fanservice, but now they're changing


Dec 22, 2017
Definitely their CEO is forcing this fanservice thing and RM is controlling it. This is again his sick formula to make fans crazy about boys.

You can see some boys were not comfortable with fanservice, but now they're changing
Totally the company is pushing them to do this but I notice they are trying extra hard to push the Jimin and Jungkook thing.
While all the other members do fanservice you can see Jungkook and Jimin taking it to the next level, especially from Jimin side because he is always posting on twitter about jungkook and he is following him around all the time and acting all submissive when he is with him

there is a clear difference in the way he acts around Jungkook and the other members and I wonder why
After that Tokyo trip everything seems more forced and the CEO congratulating Jungkook for his video makes it even more suspicious
I believe the company could have other plans for their "relationship" but I wonder how far they can go o_O


Jan 14, 2018
Maybe spring day is a message. The song was meant for a friend.

Lyrics for Awake- Jins solo

I’m not being faithful
I’m trying to endure
The only thing I can do
Is this

I want to stay
I want to dream a little more
But still
It is time to leave

Yeah it’s my truth
It’s my truth
It’s probably covered in scars
But it’s my fate
It’s my fate
But I want to struggle

Maybe I, I can never fly
Like the flower petals over there
I can’t become like those with wings
Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky
But I want to stretch my arm
I want to run just a little bit

I am just walking and walking in this darkness
Happy times asked me
If I am really okay
Oh no
I answered, no I am very frightened
But I tightly hold six flowers
And I’m only walking
Oh no

6 flowers meaning his members?
Spring Day gave me the creeps as did Serendipity...I don't know why they both seemed so soft but yet something didn't sit right. There was something very unsettling in my spirit. My first reaction was that Jimin would be sacrificed since they kept on comforting him and he went to the tree and was holding the shoes while standing at the water. But you are right Jin was the one not wearing the shoes. The shoes on the tree represent that the owner died. And that does match with the lyrics here. So now I am really worried that someone will actually be sacrificed from BTS. I'm really worried and wish to write them a letter and urge them to run. Is the illuminati really that powerful that even if you quit the business they would kill you? I really hope not. But I am praying for both of these guys that they would know God and repent from their sins and be saved. God can save them.


Jan 14, 2018
Definitely their CEO is forcing this fanservice thing and RM is controlling it. This is again his sick formula to make fans crazy about boys.

You can see some boys were not comfortable with fanservice, but now they're changing
Very true, but what is truly scary is that they are ACHIEVEING OBVIOUS results. Go to youtube and search any two names of the members and you will get endless results in gay "shipping" in which both men and women are INSANELY obsessed with these guys getting involved with each other sexually or romantically. It is insane how popular it has become. They even make sexual fanfic videos of the "couples" and are adamant that these couples are real. And we are talking about teenage girls fighting for this stuff! If you go in and correct them they come at you like animals. I don't know what it going on. But K-Pop is really like spells - as some youtubers point out rock music could be cursed to influence the masses - now that is coupled with cinematography and real life game shows to make sure it binds. Seriously, we need to get out there and warn the people on youtube. YouTube has some of the greatest reach to audience. Christians really need to engage.


Jan 14, 2018
I'm a fan of them, they're actually the only reason why I don't drop kpop all together. Unfortunately, their X Clan concept shows so much witchcraft/satanic rituals: All In shows the group drinking a blue liquid from a cup and making weird faces, acting like they're being altered by this liquid. In Fighter, you clearly see poor Kihyun dragging a dead body with him, he's delivering it to the head of the clan. Only after that he's accepted into the group and shown what their purpose is. And I could go on... This makes me so sad, to think that they have to do these things in order to achieve fame and be 'number one for their fans'. They recently got their first win after finishing their X Clan era, suprisingly with the last MV showing the group making a circle with the shape of the iris of an eye and then it ends showing Kihyun, the one who made the sacrifice, with his 'eyes opened' and the MV ends. with a final shot. of an eye. ok lol. To me it seems like they've been preparing this ritual and couldn't get their win until they finished it. Now they've got their new comeback with a time traveling concept and suddenly won, no one was expecting it at all. They seemed so shocked and so relieved at the same time poor kids... I ask the Lord to protect them and save them everyday
Since you are daughter of the King, you should make a choice to follow the King's call to forsake idols. Idolatry is the worst form of sin, and in our heart there is lust we need to confess. Believing God will fill our loneliness and provide provisions such as a richer spiritual life as well as relationship even a future husband will help us forsake our sins. Only faith can set up free. May God help you.


Dec 23, 2017
These are the posters for BTS's 4th Muster that was released today, and the main colour used is PINK which was stated in a previous post is used for BETA programming, so after seeing them I decided to post them here also the theme of this Happily ever after as if living in a fairytale:

What do you guys think about colours? Do they have any significance? (I know red - means sacrifice, pink might be connected with innocence or kitten programing etc) Does it really matter what colours they are wearing on their poster or is it because they look good in them? I suddenly remembered this video.
Why are those colours exactly the same like in their Halloween dance practice? I would think that it means nothing but I guess "this is not a coincidence" :)


Jan 13, 2018
-Why didn't smoke alarms go off in the apartments where Jonghyun was staying?

Reasons it could have been suicide:
-In response to earlier comments, if you are suicidal you don't WANT to be found out so he wouldn't have told his sister or anyone where he was staying. It's possible if he really killed himself that he got a place like that for a few days so that his family wouldn't be the ones to find him after. I can totally understand and believe that could happen. So I don't find the fact that no one knew his location odd - in fact it makes sense.
-Driving back and forth and getting snacks and stuff could be from fear and uncertainty of what he was planning to do. Revving the engine could be from anger or frustration of having to take his own life and bcs things got that bad. It's not easy to do. Obviously.

Reasons I'm not sure it was a suicide:
-On the other hand I do find it somewhat strange too. Was he was waiting for someone. Or giving someone a signal. By revving the engine. He was hanging out in front of the store. Why there? Or did he want to go back in and tell the man there what he was thinking and stop his plan? Was he supposed to meet someone? Did he think something else was going on? If someone was late you'd go get snacks and cigarettes out of boredom. You'd pace in front of where you were supposed to meet. You'd eventually get into your car for warmth and drive only a short distance waiting for the person to arrive and rev your engine maybe like where the hell are they? ???

-No alarms going off in the building.

-Why is his mom encouraging the other members to perform? Something bothers me about this. Why? Is she being pressured to approve it?

-Sm's statement right away, like maybe in the first announcement that people shouldn't start speculating about things they don't know about. Why on earth is that one of the first things on their minds?

-The other 4 members suddenly ALL producing letters explaining that they've decided to do the Japan concerts. Only I think Key's didn't sound so enthusiastic. Is it all their decision or does SM want them to do it. The mom's statement also to make it sound like it's okay to do this SO SOON after his death.

-On fan sites many people seem completely mesmerized or something that SM hasn't caused ANY problems or "they would have left already". Some were saying "let's move on" less than 2 weeks later. If nothing else a lot of these "fans" are selfish and sick individuals that see the band members as things. But then they've been programmed to. Others seem more genuinely shocked and confused.

Fans that seem to think they own SHINee members. "My Jonghyun" "My SHINee" "My boys" So don't even think about any discussion of about anything other than "he was depressed and it's a mental illness and he killed himself". They won't even consider that if he did it could have been due to the horrible stress and exhaustion and knowing that you don't really matter to the company. (Or some don't care?) They won't consider that for over 10 years of living as an object and a perfect caricature of something not real might MAKE you feel depressed and like crap. Let alone anything else.

-One of Jonghyun's last videos in Instagram where he keeps covering alternate eyes at the end.

-He (or someone close to him) said the doctor prescribed him sleeping pills to sleep. It's not a great thing to do for someone who is depressed and lethargic.

-He kept saying he was lethargic. That can be depression but tranquilizers don't help. It would keep him in a repressed state and only make depression worse. Plus they are super addicting.

-Was this 9 person at the memorial? I don't ever remember her being identified there. Is there any evidence they were friends?

I also read somewhere that he might have been found in his car and not the room. When people use coal that's usually where they do it.


Jan 15, 2018
You know me? Waa, it's probably from my comments on one of the two exposing videos on Jonghyun's death on Youtube. That's was the only time I've written so many comments. It hit me that I really must start speaking and informing people on the truth. We take our time here for granted. That's one of my biggest flaws - I was afraid to speak my mind. Yes, I hope God can use us to bring others to Him!
Satan uses our flaws and hates it when we get stronger in Christ. He used to make me feel uncertain but not anymore. God has all the power!
Those are definitely trolls but it's ridiculous they sent me a message almost right after I uploaded a video.
God bless you, guys!
Been checking this forum for some time and was surprised to find many evidence of the agenda of the music industry so want to thank u all for giving insight on this matter.


Jan 4, 2018
What do you guys think about colours? Do they have any significance? (I know red - means sacrifice, pink might be connected with innocence or kitten programing etc) Does it really matter what colours they are wearing on their poster or is it because they look good in them? I suddenly remembered this video.
Why are those colours exactly the same like in their Halloween dance practice? I would think that it means nothing but I guess "this is not a coincidence" :)
Yeah, I wonder about that too do the colours mean/symbolise anything?
Dec 26, 2017
Yes Bang PD ( Hitman Bang) is definitely gay and he also gives off a sleazy vibe. He was the one that shared the gay muscician Troy Sivan that Jungkook now listens to and JK used his music for the travel video he did in Tokyo featuring Jimin. They then are perceived as (or are they literally made into) a couple. That whole trip was weird, because Jimin began talking about it years ago and it was always on camera. He talked about talking JK on a trip on radio as well. Not only did they make it into a recorded event, but JK used the gay love song featuring Jimin. AND with the 2018 season's video, Jimin's review of the year was very short and it was him he took JK to Japan for the first time and asked him ON-CAMERA should we go again, then proceeded it calling it himself 'a weird question." I don't know what is going on here. JK has always struck me as purely straight, but Hitman Bang obviously influenced him and I don't know if it is just a for-show kind of thing and their company is really so twisted as hoping they'll develop a gay relationship by pushing them. I am very scared because Jimin looks smaller and smaller by the day, with less light in his eyes and more effeminate than ever. I can feel his soul diminishing. I pray God will send people to help them. If anyone has any idea how we could possibly help, please share.
believe it or not, 55% to 60% of Kpop male singers are gays, I know most Kpop fans have no idea about this but I followed Kpop for long time and I know this fact
I have no idea about BTS because I haven't followed them, but considering the nature of Kpop industry and how its very common to have gays, its no surprising, BTS are no different to any other Kpop group


Jan 4, 2018
believe it or not, 55% to 60% of Kpop male singers are gays, I know most Kpop fans have no idea about this but I followed Kpop for long time and I know this fact
I have no idea about BTS because I haven't followed them, but considering the nature of Kpop industry and how its very common to have gays, its no surprising, BTS are no different to any other Kpop group
I agree there are a lot of gay people on the earth and they are going to be some kpop idols that are gay believe it or not so maybe its not forced it's just the way it is.
Dec 26, 2017
-Why didn't smoke alarms go off in the apartments where Jonghyun was staying?

Reasons it could have been suicide:
-In response to earlier comments, if you are suicidal you don't WANT to be found out so he wouldn't have told his sister or anyone where he was staying. It's possible if he really killed himself that he got a place like that for a few days so that his family wouldn't be the ones to find him after. I can totally understand and believe that could happen. So I don't find the fact that no one knew his location odd - in fact it makes sense.
-Driving back and forth and getting snacks and stuff could be from fear and uncertainty of what he was planning to do. Revving the engine could be from anger or frustration of having to take his own life and bcs things got that bad. It's not easy to do. Obviously.

Reasons I'm not sure it was a suicide:
-On the other hand I do find it somewhat strange too. Was he was waiting for someone. Or giving someone a signal. By revving the engine. He was hanging out in front of the store. Why there? Or did he want to go back in and tell the man there what he was thinking and stop his plan? Was he supposed to meet someone? Did he think something else was going on? If someone was late you'd go get snacks and cigarettes out of boredom. You'd pace in front of where you were supposed to meet. You'd eventually get into your car for warmth and drive only a short distance waiting for the person to arrive and rev your engine maybe like where the hell are they? ???

-No alarms going off in the building.

-Why is his mom encouraging the other members to perform? Something bothers me about this. Why? Is she being pressured to approve it?

-Sm's statement right away, like maybe in the first announcement that people shouldn't start speculating about things they don't know about. Why on earth is that one of the first things on their minds?

-The other 4 members suddenly ALL producing letters explaining that they've decided to do the Japan concerts. Only I think Key's didn't sound so enthusiastic. Is it all their decision or does SM want them to do it. The mom's statement also to make it sound like it's okay to do this SO SOON after his death.

-On fan sites many people seem completely mesmerized or something that SM hasn't caused ANY problems or "they would have left already". Some were saying "let's move on" less than 2 weeks later. If nothing else a lot of these "fans" are selfish and sick individuals that see the band members as things. But then they've been programmed to. Others seem more genuinely shocked and confused.

Fans that seem to think they own SHINee members. "My Jonghyun" "My SHINee" "My boys" So don't even think about any discussion of about anything other than "he was depressed and it's a mental illness and he killed himself". They won't even consider that if he did it could have been due to the horrible stress and exhaustion and knowing that you don't really matter to the company. (Or some don't care?) They won't consider that for over 10 years of living as an object and a perfect caricature of something not real might MAKE you feel depressed and like crap. Let alone anything else.

-One of Jonghyun's last videos in Instagram where he keeps covering alternate eyes at the end.

-He (or someone close to him) said the doctor prescribed him sleeping pills to sleep. It's not a great thing to do for someone who is depressed and lethargic.

-He kept saying he was lethargic. That can be depression but tranquilizers don't help. It would keep him in a repressed state and only make depression worse. Plus they are super addicting.

-Was this 9 person at the memorial? I don't ever remember her being identified there. Is there any evidence they were friends?

I also read somewhere that he might have been found in his car and not the room. When people use coal that's usually where they do it.
its murder 100% by the illuminati, no doubt, its already explained here in the older posts, its disappointing me to see so many are thinking its suicide like come on, especially his fans that are supposed to be supporting of him


Jan 4, 2018
BTS released their Wings Tour teaser video has sparked more theories.

These 2 scenes stuck out to me, I'd seen them before.



They are almost identical to these 2 movie posters.

The butterfly over the mouth represents being silenced & the crack through a face, represents the fracturing of a person's personality, both important concepts and symbols of mind control.

Crazy right, mind control, but both movies are about mind control. There is significant MK Ultra symbolism throughout BTS videos & photos.

The monarch project is believed to be used on celebrities, especially music artists by the Illuminati, to promote propaganda. You can easily find more info online if you want to know more about the Monarch Project aka MK Ultra.

I honestly am very worried about BTS. I've been analyzing everything I can from MV to interviews, to their lyrics & the more I do, the more the puzzle pieces fall into place. At the same time the more worried & even scared for BTS I get.
Dec 26, 2017
Just like Hollywood Elites (basically the same group anyway), they are not only sexual abusers of man and woman, but actually child abusers (pedophiles). I think they want to link sexuality with images of innocence and children. This is what they like because they are truly devil worshippers. Whatever is good that God has designed, the devil seeks to destroy. They want you to turn gay and turn pedo. A lot of BTS fans have already expressed they have turned "perverted" after they follow BTS and often struggle to understand how the stars could be cute in one minute and sexual in the same breath. I believe there were some very obvious BTS lyrics that said something along the lines of fans coming for the cuteness and ending up entrapped by the sexual appeal or something along the same lines. Cannot recall which song. This is why there are so many fanfics out here made of BTS -and many are twisted because of their inspirations.
wow, I would like to know what song is this? they are very blatant in telling to our face what they are doing, even BTS made Pied Piper, which I found really rude song to their fans, BTS are very open about their agendas