BTS discussion thread


May 18, 2018
About members' sacrifices,I really don't buy any theory about j1n.
Simply because his death won't have a great impact on the group or the fandom,because he hasn't done much in the group or outside of it to have that connection with public at large.
When 'they' sacrifice,they need someone who can shake people out of their relative comfort,jolt them,especially when they pick one from the supposed 'it' group.
For example,mj had that reach worldwide ,so was pr1nce,kurt cobain and even amy winehouse.
In kp0p,j0nghyun had some successful radio show where he interacted with general public,he had a book in the market,you see he had an individual thing going.Ladies' code's members' deaths were sensational.
Age can't be the only criteria for sacrifice.
If anything,look out for tea in 3yrs.
Maybe Jungkook...that’s what I was thinking too, I feel like it has to be someone popular for the sacrifice to actually be “valuable” to them.


Feb 13, 2019
about this new video posted

its very similar to that Weverse post of RM I talked about before
Remember a fan talking about driving licence, and RM bot saying "dont worry at least the world has BTS"

the message of this video is:

Are you bullied in school?
Are you an antisocial with no friends?
Dont worry!!! because at least the world has BTS.

In the vdeo the "sad and bullied" kids only see the light when BTS song start to play. Then BTS are represented as the "saviors" that bring joy to the sad and lost kids
typical media representing these celebrities as the kings and queens that can rescue you from your sad reality.
But how can these ceebrities save you, if most of them are suicidal and depressed anyways? they cant even save themselves
Lmao that was i was thinking, they try so hard to appear "woke" or "deep" that it painfully cringy. The video itself doesn't hold any meaning and i don't see what their role tbh?
The only real solution against bullying is to tell your parents or school director/ or any adult but they again bring everything to themself, and try to promote their shitty songs.There is not any oppa touching crystal ball to rescue u irl.
Also their faces look weird there, the plastic surgery is obvious. Esp Jhope and jamal.


Sep 28, 2018
I have a question. What exactly is this "Love Yourself" campaign? I know they raise money and that it is supposedly an anti-bullying campaign. But what do they do? What kind of projects are happening because of this campaign, and how is BT$ involved apart from attaching their name to it?
I dont know tbh
Just follow BTS through social media and what I find about the unicef campaign is just them giving their image ....and they have some songs that say "I love myself"....but thats how far as it goes


Feb 13, 2019
I'm not trying to be mean when I say this.
BTS has many young, teenage fans. And they all look like the awkward types who are the unpopular kids in their school: black, white, and every other in between. They attract the social rejects. I think that's why the LY theme works so well. It's why you have fans who say proudly "B+S helped me with my depression. " They're attracting broken teens.
that video is exactly trying to attract those type of kids


Sep 28, 2018
Lmao that was i was thinking, they try so hard to appear "woke" or "deep" that it painfully cringy. The video itself doesn't hold any meaning and i don't see what their role tbh?
The only real solution against bullying is to tell your parents or school director/ or any adult but they again bring everything to themself, and try to promote their shitty songs.There is not any oppa touching crystal ball to rescue u irl.
Also their faces look weird there, the plastic surgery is obvious. Esp Jhope and jamal.
its a fake fantasy. They present celebrities as superior beings that can help you escape from reality, and thats why fans create a strong dependency

But the truth is that a boyband is never going to magically solve your problems
BTS are not going to fight your bullies, BTS are not going to make you popular in school, etc.

just look at BTS fake smiles in the end....its all so fake and pretentious


Jun 26, 2019
I dont know tbh
Just follow BTS through social media and what I find about the unicef campaign is just them giving their image ....and they have some songs that say "I love myself"....but thats how far as it goes
But it is not even that I think? Other celebrities who are unicef ambassadors have sort of a "topic" and raise awareness for that particluar topic. For example Orlando Bloom went to refugee camps in the Middle East to promote Unicef's work there. Or soccer players who help build schools in African countries. They are usually more "hands-on" than BTS.
BTS's campaign has no projects attached. No awareness raising campaigns (apart from the video which is again incredibly vague and that stupid hashtag). An anti-bullying project would be something like training programs for teachers on how to recognise and stop bullying in classrooms etc. But there is nothing.
So the bigger question is: what is happening with the money that they raise through this campaign?


Sep 28, 2018
But it is not even that I think? Other celebrities who are unicef ambassadors have sort of a "topic" and raise awareness for that particluar topic. For example Orlando Bloom went to refugee camps in the Middle East to promote Unicef's work there. Or soccer players who help build schools in African countries. They are usually more "hands-on" than BTS.
BTS's campaign has no projects attached. No awareness raising campaigns (apart from the video which is again incredibly vague and that stupid hashtag). An anti-bullying project would be something like training programs for teachers on how to recognise and stop bullying in classrooms etc. But there is nothing.
So the bigger question is: what is happening with the money that they raise through this campaign?
yeah, its all very vague and meaningless

Especially when you see BTS fandom and how they are the biggest bullies online. How many people have been atacked by them? and BTS never said a word.
This whole "anti bulling" campaign is a big joke coming from them


Jul 28, 2019
So, we're not even supposed to love ourselves now ? Wtf. Loving yourself is not satanic, God would never want you to pity yourself and be miserable for him. Idk about your point of view, but no, you don't actually need validation from the god to even survive. You are born by your own, you will die by your own. God doesn't do anything but condolences you when you feel sad. He has no hand in your daily life and choices. That is yours alone. If you have to ask God for every single thing you do, you are not a human, you are just a slave. What makes you any different than all the slaves to Satan then ?

If you ask me ( I'm agnostic btw), I'd say that I find it quite hard to believe that religious people could be conspiracists. If you haven't learned a thing by now, DO IT. When will you realize that Bible and Quran, are both propaganda tools, created by the Illuminati to enslave people through centuries ? The same people that created satanism are the same people that wrote the Bible. Let that sink in for a while.

What I'm saying is not be atheists or commit sins, but don't believe Bible blindly either. As many things out there, Bible is also truth mixed up with lies. Judge for yourselves, don't let "god" propaganda take over you.
That's very horrible of you to say. Even I'm having some difficulties in my relationship with God but damn I would never say everything you just said!


Jul 28, 2019
Hold on, hey guys I gotta tell y'all somethin' real quick.

For anyone who's like "WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BTS IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION, DON'T BRING RELIGION INTO THIS", some of us will because the illuminati has everything to do with satan. Some of us here are Christians, so we will bring God's name into this. Even if you're not a Christian, you should understand that we are all going through a spiritual warfare whether you believe it or not.

Where do you think the illuminati came from? Why do you think many are selling their souls for the materialistic things in this world? How can you do that without satan? And if satan is real, that means God is too because satan couldn't be the first evil spirit to come upon this earth. God was already here he is the beginning and the end after all. Now Jesus will come back soon, I can feel it in my spirit even though I'm going through the most hardest times ever, I still know that if I don't get my stuff together, I'm about to be left behind to REALLY witness World War 3 that will certainly take place. I hope you guys can get ready as well. It's not that far away.

With all due respect, please, those that don't believe in God, that's you if that's what you personally decide, but don't end up getting triggered when someone mentions God. Selling your soul is definitely apart of the spiritual warfare. Like I said, and just like God mentioned, what is to come will be the most horrible troubling times the world will ever face. One day, people will stand before God and I don't know about you, but I don't want him telling me how I strayed away from him and let myself get deceived by this world.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, God bless.


Mar 23, 2018
BTS never said a word.
This whole "anti bulling" campaign is a big joke coming from them
BTS, Bigh1t, couldn't care less. As long as Armys buy the products, who cares of what they do online?

what is happening with the money that they raise through this campaign?
My guess? Probably a scam (like many of this type of campaigns are, sadly), or the money is being funneled to some people's pockets (whoever they are).

its a fake fantasy. They present celebrities as superior beings that can help you escape from reality, and thats why fans create a strong dependency
Exactly. They sell a fantasy, and the fans buy it. There's a risk of being trapped in the fantasy and not being able to distinguish reality from the fantasy they're selling you. I think that's why many of these fans, later are the ones that so ardently, defend their "oppa". Better to deny reality instead of facing facts.


Feb 13, 2019
BTS, Bigh1t, couldn't care less. As long as Armys buy the products, who cares of what they do online?

My guess? Probably a scam (like many of this type of campaigns are, sadly), or the money is being funneled to some people's pockets (whoever they are).

Exactly. They sell a fantasy, and the fans buy it. There's a risk of being trapped in the fantasy and not being able to distinguish reality from the fantasy they're selling you. I think that's why many of these fans, later are the ones that so ardently, defend their "oppa". Better to deny reality instead of facing facts.
I mean I commented on article which said "V bts breath taking beauty" that i thought he was basic and i thought other group member was more handsome, i didn't even said he was ugly. Immediatly some fangirls started to insult me saying i didn't have brain.
It's amazing how bts mannipulate their fans and make them their online slaves. It's like free slavery
Arm*s bullied momoland until they closed their instagram comment, then they bullied bp calling them sl*ts and that they slept with many rich ceo bc they have more view than their oppas:p but bts and bighit still hasn't said nothing. The whole situation of having so many power is so exiting for them. (they can manipulate fans and create online bullying)


Jun 9, 2019
I came across this and thought I should post it here.:)
"A message to you all
We live in 2019. 2019 and maybe more years of hypnosis and mind control. This isn't just about spirituality and high vibrations. That's our core. But out in front of us is a world and a population being controlled in the masses. Subconscious hints and sly pointers at what we "should do" and what we should consume.
We are sick and tired of it. We are sick and tired of our true selves being locked away by someone who doesn't want to see it. By someone who just wants to use you and consume you.
Seriously people are waking up.The light in peoples eyes is starting to glisten. We are 1 of many and we all help each other as well as tear each other down. Treat others with passion and love do not expect a prize other than happiness and gratitude.
DO NOT rely on the big corps. DO NOT rely on the ones who control you. Try to block out the subliminal's. MK ultra was way way back. Imagine what they do now. The governments are the puppets who control the crowd. The puppet masters are hidden to us, we cannot see them. So do not worry about them. Worrying about something you cannot control will only cause distress. Instead do not rely on the puppets. Because without the crowd to please they have no meaning. From then on the puppet masters will have to show themselves to keep the show running.
The more you ask yourself and not others. The more you rely on yourself and your own judgment the happier you will be.
Keep going. Keep being you. Stop at nothing. Do what your innermost self desires. Do what resonates with you. Try new things and be yourself."
Is she/he hinting at the Illuminati alone, or the ones who control them (the reptilian theory) when she talks about government being a puppet ? What do you think ?


Jun 9, 2019
Hold on, hey guys I gotta tell y'all somethin' real quick.

For anyone who's like "WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BTS IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION, DON'T BRING RELIGION INTO THIS", some of us will because the illuminati has everything to do with satan. Some of us here are Christians, so we will bring God's name into this. Even if you're not a Christian, you should understand that we are all going through a spiritual warfare whether you believe it or not.

Where do you think the illuminati came from? Why do you think many are selling their souls for the materialistic things in this world? How can you do that without satan? And if satan is real, that means God is too because satan couldn't be the first evil spirit to come upon this earth. God was already here he is the beginning and the end after all. Now Jesus will come back soon, I can feel it in my spirit even though I'm going through the most hardest times ever, I still know that if I don't get my stuff together, I'm about to be left behind to REALLY witness World War 3 that will certainly take place. I hope you guys can get ready as well. It's not that far away.

With all due respect, please, those that don't believe in God, that's you if that's what you personally decide, but don't end up getting triggered when someone mentions God. Selling your soul is definitely apart of the spiritual warfare. Like I said, and just like God mentioned, what is to come will be the most horrible troubling times the world will ever face. One day, people will stand before God and I don't know about you, but I don't want him telling me how I strayed away from him and let myself get deceived by this world.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, God bless.
You could have addressed me personally, pls stop with the subliminal bolds. I didn't mock your religion, I just said a truth that many of you have it hard to swallow.

The Bible and pretty much any religion out there is created by the same people that created satanism. The Vatican is the center of Christianity and Satanism simultaneously in case yall didn't know. Which leaves one with some food for thought.

Are you really sure that the Bible is that credible ? Seriously ? Is it that hard to believe that religion is just mass propaganda that has followed through centuries just to keep people from the truth ? If you study history carefully, clerics had more privileges than kings themselves. Why ? Cause people like yall gave them that.

You really think that army's devotion to bts is any different from a religion ? The very purpose of religion is enslavement to someone you call a god. Whatever name it is, it is still enslavement by the end of the day. Bts is just a modern approach to it.

Idk about yall, but I'd rather live my life the way I want, than be limited to a "god". If he exists, I'll see him when I die, I will guess I would be wrong then, but at least I have lived the way I wanted to. But even if he doesn't exist, I'd still die happy cause of not being brainwashed into thinking sth the elite wants me to.


Jun 9, 2019
I'm not saying you shouldn't love yourself, I'm just saying that they are pushing it to turn you away from God, not because they want you to be actually happy. These people don't even give a damn about their own families, sacrificing them left and right. What makes you think they would ever give a damn about your happiness?
The message they promote about loving yourself is just fine. Yall just pressed, cause you only see things in a religious point of view. There is nothing wrong with a human loving himself. If you don't love you, who the fuck will ? Your neighbor, your friend, your cat ? You are the number one priority in your life, you should take care of you. And no, its not selfishness, it's called logic.

Their ulterior motives behind it have a bit of satanic agenda ofc, but only if you are that brainwashed to think a celeb loves you. It should be common knowledge by now that no celeb actually loves their fans. They love being loved by fans. I thought everyone knew about that. That's like the unwritten rule number one of fame.


Jul 28, 2019
You could have addressed me personally, pls stop with the subliminal bolds. I didn't mock your religion, I just said a truth that many of you have it hard to swallow.

The Bible and pretty much any religion out there is created by the same people that created satanism. The Vatican is the center of Christianity and Satanism simultaneously in case yall didn't know. Which leaves one with some food for thought.

Are you really sure that the Bible is that credible ? Seriously ? Is it that hard to believe that religion is just mass propaganda that has followed through centuries just to keep people from the truth ? If you study history carefully, clerics had more privileges than kings themselves. Why ? Cause people like yall gave them that.

You really think that army's devotion to bts is any different from a religion ? The very purpose of religion is enslavement to someone you call a god. Whatever name it is, it is still enslavement by the end of the day. Bts is just a modern approach to it.

Idk about yall, but I'd rather live my life the way I want, than be limited to a "god". If he exists, I'll see him when I die, I will guess I would be wrong then, but at least I have lived the way I wanted to. But even if he doesn't exist, I'd still die happy cause of not being brainwashed into thinking sth the elite wants me to.
I put my post up just so anyone else that doesn't care to bring religion into this and will get mad when someone brings God in the picture will know. And if I may ask, why do you think God's people are slaves, because weren't not. If anything, we're just more disciplined and we have the fear of God in us so that we can continue living in righteousness. Before you may reply something like "Why would you need to fear God if he's all loving?", well same thing with your parents.

When you look at your parents, they love you but you'd also need to fear them in order to behave correctly. Otherwise, you'd just do what you please and it seems like that's what you personally live by. A man named Aleister Crowley once said, "Love is the law." It explains why we see everyone talking about love and yet not the love of God especially when it has to do with the LGBTQ community. "-Do what thou wilt. Love shall be the whole of the law", and many are doing what they please and sinning instead of going to the Lord.

Sad, but like I said that's their choice. I can't stop you if you come to that conclusion, all I want to do is warn you about it considering you're kind of aware of what's truly taking place, and all I'm saying is that you can humble yourself before God and have his spirit in you and forever be safe and sound from the wickedness of this world.


Jun 9, 2019
I put my post up just so anyone else that doesn't care to bring religion into this and will get mad when someone brings God in the picture will know. And if I may ask, why do you think God's people are slaves, because weren't not. If anything, we're just more disciplined and we have the fear of God in us so that we can continue living in righteousness. Before you may reply something like "Why would you need to fear God if he's all loving?", well same thing with your parents.

When you look at your parents, they love you but you'd also need to fear them in order to behave correctly. Otherwise, you'd just do what you please and it seems like that's what you personally live by. A man named Aleister Crowley once said, "Love is the law." It explains why we see everyone talking about love and yet not the love of God especially when it has to do with the LGBTQ community. "-Do what thou wilt. Love shall be the whole of the law", and many are doing what they please and sinning instead of going to the Lord.

Sad, but like I said that's their choice. I can't stop you if you come to that conclusion, all I want to do is warn you about it considering you're kind of aware of what's truly taking place, and all I'm saying is that you can humble yourself before God and have his spirit in you and forever be safe and sound from the wickedness of this world.
I know you want me to repent, but my parents raised me to follow my dreams and love what I want and do what I love. The concept of sin never existed in me on the first place. If that's satanic, so be it. But I'm not gonna fall in my knees to praise someone I don't even know exists or not. No matter how many rock bottoms I hit.

There are things that are wrong ofc, I don't approve of many stuff that goes on in the world. But I don't do evil things cause I fear God, I just don't want to hurt other people. I spare myself the pain and tears that follow. I don't need God for that in my life. I am building myself and my dreams the way I want, no one tells me what is right or wrong. I judge for myself in each step I take.

Anyways, I think we have talked about the religious stuff a lot,maybe more than we should have, so let's put a full stop to it.

I want to ask from the thread members to be as unbiased as possible and leave religion out of this thread. Let's focus on the conspiracies and illuminati more, shall we ?


Jun 4, 2018
I know you want me to repent, but my parents raised me to follow my dreams and love what I want and do what I love. The concept of sin never existed in me on the first place. If that's satanic, so be it. But I'm not gonna fall in my knees to praise someone I don't even know exists or not. No matter how many rock bottoms I hit.

There are things that are wrong ofc, I don't approve of many stuff that goes on in the world. But I don't do evil things cause I fear God, I just don't want to hurt other people. I spare myself the pain and tears that follow. I don't need God for that in my life. I am building myself and my dreams the way I want, no one tells me what is right or wrong. I judge for myself in each step I take.

Anyways, I think we have talked about the religious stuff a lot,maybe more than we should have, so let's put a full stop to it.

I want to ask from the thread members to be as unbiased as possible and leave religion out of this thread. Let's focus on the conspiracies and illuminati more, shall we ?

no. be more open minded, people here have different religions and we respect their point of views just fine, yet you are here being pressed because we mentioned religion that we have faith in and being ourselves for having faith in our God, i dont even give a damn if you want to believe God or not but for fucks sake respect others here, because i respect your point of view about God, respect our religion, you DO NOT run this thread, dont tell us what to do.

now guys, please do me a favor and ignore this girl and we can all continue.


Jul 28, 2019
I know you want me to repent, but my parents raised me to follow my dreams and love what I want and do what I love. The concept of sin never existed in me on the first place. If that's satanic, so be it. But I'm not gonna fall in my knees to praise someone I don't even know exists or not. No matter how many rock bottoms I hit.

There are things that are wrong ofc, I don't approve of many stuff that goes on in the world. But I don't do evil things cause I fear God, I just don't want to hurt other people. I spare myself the pain and tears that follow. I don't need God for that in my life. I am building myself and my dreams the way I want, no one tells me what is right or wrong. I judge for myself in each step I take.

Anyways, I think we have talked about the religious stuff a lot,maybe more than we should have, so let's put a full stop to it.

I want to ask from the thread members to be as unbiased as possible and leave religion out of this thread. Let's focus on the conspiracies and illuminati more, shall we ?
Alright :)


Jun 9, 2019
no. be more open minded, people here have different religions and we respect their point of views just fine, yet you are here being pressed because we mentioned religion that we have faith in and being ourselves for having faith in our God, i dont even give a damn if you want to believe God or not but for fucks sake respect others here, because i respect your point of view about God, respect our religion, you DO NOT run this thread, dont tell us what to do.

now guys, please do me a favor and ignore this girl and we can all continue.
NO, I DIDN'T DISRESPECT YOUR RELIGION. NOT EVEN CLOSE. I just offered you an obvious truth you simply can not accept cause you are brainwashed to the core from religion. I'm not saying don't believe in God, I'm saying LEAVE YOUR GOD OUT OF THIS THREAD.

If you want everyone to respect you, stop shoving the Bible down others throats and just state the facts and the theories that need to be said. You don't need to "pray, pray, pray" in every fucking post. This thread is NOT A RELIGIOUS SHRINE YOU CAN PRAY TO, ITS A BTS DISCUSSION THREAD. If you want to discuss religion make some analysis out of it and try to correlate it with the mvs and other theories regarding the boys. We don't fucking care whether you pray or not.

Also, many of yall make this thread a pain in the ass. It's pretty much inhabitable to try to survive here. You just can't accept someone with different points of view like yours, just like those annoying kpop thread members that hate on other groups to support their faves.

I am literally one of the most attacked members on this thread since the beginning of my posts, just because I have alternative views. I get called out for lgbt rights, feminist views, sexuality matters and being a non religious person. Why ? Cause you want everyone to be like you.

Fuck, y'all hypocrites. If you really were that devoted to god, you would have never fallen for kpop on the first place. You would have noticed the obvious symbols since the very start and snapped out of it. You had that choice, and you betrayed your god for temporary comfort. What makes you think you are better than me ? I am not saying I am a saint, but at least I see through things I have wrong and don't try to hide behind the "innocent veil" of the so-called religion.

Get over yourselves, if god loved you that much he would not leave you suffer from these boys. God didn't do shit to save you in this situation. You left kpop cause of this thread, not God. Stop giving him credit more than he deserves. Humans are explorative and egoistic in nature, and none of you is different. You fell for this mess, cause you liked it. Each of you is a sinner like everybody else. It's not "devil's fault" you are human.

Red Rose

Jul 24, 2019
So, we're not even supposed to love ourselves now ? Wtf. Loving yourself is not satanic, God would never want you to pity yourself and be miserable for him. Idk about your point of view, but no, you don't actually need validation from the god to even survive. You are born by your own, you will die by your own. God doesn't do anything but condolences you when you feel sad. He has no hand in your daily life and choices. That is yours alone. If you have to ask God for every single thing you do, you are not a human, you are just a slave. What makes you any different than all the slaves to Satan then ?

If you ask me ( I'm agnostic btw), I'd say that I find it quite hard to believe that religious people could be conspiracists. If you haven't learned a thing by now, DO IT. When will you realize that Bible and Quran, are both propaganda tools, created by the Illuminati to enslave people through centuries ? The same people that created satanism are the same people that wrote the Bible. Let that sink in for a while.

What I'm saying is not be atheists or commit sins, but don't believe Bible blindly either. As many things out there, Bible is also truth mixed up with lies. Judge for yourselves, don't let "god" propaganda take over you.
I understand what you are saying, that religion is to enslave us, but do you seriously believe that the universe was created from a Big Bang? Does that make sense even to you? The way this world works, especially the way those elites operate, it would be senseless to claim that God DOES NOT exist. Who do you think these elites are working for, if God does not exist? Why would the push all these agendas if there was not an evil source to direct them. Do you think they would be trying to keep us down and mind control us with music, keep us distracted with politics and all of this other nonsense because they are not working against somebody? Seriously? It very obvious they are pushing an agenda, and the New World Order would not exist would not exist if they were not working against something. The music industry would not be shoving Cardi B, Lil Nas X, Ariana Grande, BTS, Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, and the rest of these sick, twisted monsters forcefully down our throats. Seriously, why would they forcefeed us these people constantly if they are just trying to entertain us. Entertainment only lasts so long. If they are constantly shoving these people down our throats it obvious that they are trying to distract us from our something. Our gov does not care about us. Why would they want to entertain us to be happy if we all know they are trying to keep us down? No. It is simply a distraction from Satan himself. Satan's biggest trick was convincing the world that he and God do not exist. Wake up! They want you to think that Jesus is not real, so that you will still watch your Pornhub and eat your twinkies. God exists and if you think the earth was created from a sudden bang, I suggest you really look into that theory because makes no sense.