How And Why Does Israel Have So Much Power?


May 20, 2017
When the Shin Bet Chief Warned That Educated Arabs Are a 'Problem' for Israel
Extraordinary declassified documents reveal the reasons cited by Israel’s top security officials for repressing the country’s Arab minority
"In the 1960 discussion, for example, the police commissioner, Yosef Nachmias, stated, “The Arab sector must be kept as low as possible, so that nothing will happen,” meaning, the status quo would be maintained there. He added that Israel had not yet reached the “limits of exploitation” of the Palestinian citizens, and care must be taken not to arouse the Arab “appetite.” Similarly, Amos Manor, the head of the Shin Bet security service, viewed the traditional clan-based hierarchy among the Palestinian citizenry as providing an advantage for the Jewish authorities."

"The Shin Bet director had a sociological justification for why Palestinian citizens should be prevent from acquiring education. “Revolutions are fomented not by the proletariat, but by a fattened intelligentsia,” he explained. His next remarks are noteworthy: “All the laws must be applied, even if they are not pleasant. Illegal means should be considered [by the authorities] only when there is no choice, and even then – only on condition: that there are good results… Aggressive governance must be maintained, without taking public opinion into account.” Aharon Chelouche, the head of the special-ops unit in the Israel Police......."



May 20, 2017
Palestinians mark the 47th anniversay of 'Land Day'
Palestinians mark the 47th anniversary of Land Day, commemorating the events in 1976 when six Palestinians were killed and 70 wounded while protesting against Israel confiscating around 2,100 hectares of Palestinian land. Land Day continues to be marked yearly as a potent symbol that the issue of land is at the heart of Palestinian struggle, as illegal Israeli settlements and house demolitions continue to plague Palestinians.



Mar 27, 2017
I'm still trying to figure out what to make of this since Rick is reading from documents that are over a decade old. Does this mean that the Khazarians are conceding that Palestine isn't working out for the creation of their satanic headquarters and going back to where they originated from? If that's the case, there should be some accountability to what they've done to the Palestinians for more than three-quarters of a century:Ukraine as 'Big Israel' and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project

December 2019--
Underaliencontrol: Until people realize that in neocon terms, Ukraine is just code for Israel east, they won't get it. I'm pretty sure it was neocon David Frum who stated to Bill Maher on Real Time that the plan per Ukraine vis a vis Russia was that "We are going to try to pry it away from them without upsetting them too much." Pry it away for whom?
Mar 30, 2017
December 2019--
Underaliencontrol: Until people realize that in neocon terms, Ukraine is just code for Israel east, they won't get it. I'm pretty sure it was neocon David Frum who stated to Bill Maher on Real Time that the plan per Ukraine vis a vis Russia was that "We are going to try to pry it away from them without upsetting them too much." Pry it away for whom?
These people...sigh. They destroy Palestine and the countries surrounding for their so-called Oded Yinon plan, and when they find that doesn't seem to be going as planned, their contingency plan is to take over a country and make it their own. When will they learn to get along with others considering they've already been kicked out of so many countries? I think Bernard Lazare said it best:

“If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited
causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.”


May 20, 2017
it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.”
I think it has become patently clear for many that Zionism is racism and the biggest terrorists and anti-semites reside in Israel.
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


War crimes occur when cruelty is made to appear honourable, and good people stand by and do nothing to stop it.

The world watched as the Nazis unleashed state-sanctioned terrorism against the Jews, who were deemed to be sub-human (Untermenschen) – not worthy of dignity, respect or legal protection under the law. To kill a Jew, to destroy his livelihood, to force him and his family out of their homes – these were accepted, sanctioned forms of conduct by citizens of the German Reich to rid Europe of a specific group of people.

Today, the world watches as Israelis unleash state-sanctioned terrorism against Palestinians, who are deemed to be sub-human (Untermenschen) – not worthy of dignity, respect or legal protection under the law. (See citations above.) To kill a Palestinian, to destroy his livelihood, to force him and his family out of their homes – these are accepted, sanctioned forms of conduct by citizens of the Zionist Reich designed to rid Palestine of a specific group of people.

If Nazism is racist and deserving of absolute censure, then so is Zionism, for they are both fruit of the poisonous tree of fascism. It cannot be considered “anti-Semitic“ to acknowledge this fact.

To condemn Israeli terrorism, does not in any way imply animus against Jews; neither does it attempt to diminish the Holocaust. In fact, the opposite is true. Zionists did nothing to aid non-Zionist survivors of the death camps, and did everything they could to coerce them to come to Palestine. For Zionists, the only Jew worth saving from the camps was one who wanted to build the Jewish State.

As famed violinist Lord Yehudi Menuhin told the French newspaper Le Figaro in January 1988: “It is extraordinary how nothing ever dies completely. Even the evil which prevailed yesterday in Nazi Germany is gaining ground in that country [Israel] today.”

For it to have any moral authority, the UN must equate Zionism with racism. If it doesn’t, it tacitly condones Israel‘s war of extermination against the Palestinians."
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Sep 8, 2018
I think it has become patently clear for many that Zionism is racism and the biggest terrorists and anti-semites reside in Israel.
Israel: A monument to anti-Semitism


War crimes occur when cruelty is made to appear honourable, and good people stand by and do nothing to stop it.

The world watched as the Nazis unleashed state-sanctioned terrorism against the Jews, who were deemed to be sub-human (Untermenschen) – not worthy of dignity, respect or legal protection under the law. To kill a Jew, to destroy his livelihood, to force him and his family out of their homes – these were accepted, sanctioned forms of conduct by citizens of the German Reich to rid Europe of a specific group of people.

Today, the world watches as Israelis unleash state-sanctioned terrorism against Palestinians, who are deemed to be sub-human (Untermenschen) – not worthy of dignity, respect or legal protection under the law. (See citations above.) To kill a Palestinian, to destroy his livelihood, to force him and his family out of their homes – these are accepted, sanctioned forms of conduct by citizens of the Zionist Reich designed to rid Palestine of a specific group of people.

If Nazism is racist and deserving of absolute censure, then so is Zionism, for they are both fruit of the poisonous tree of fascism. It cannot be considered “anti-Semitic“ to acknowledge this fact.

To condemn Israeli terrorism, does not in any way imply animus against Jews; neither does it attempt to diminish the Holocaust. In fact, the opposite is true. Zionists did nothing to aid non-Zionist survivors of the death camps, and did everything they could to coerce them to come to Palestine. For Zionists, the only Jew worth saving from the camps was one who wanted to build the Jewish State.

As famed violinist Lord Yehudi Menuhin told the French newspaper Le Figaro in January 1988: “It is extraordinary how nothing ever dies completely. Even the evil which prevailed yesterday in Nazi Germany is gaining ground in that country [Israel] today.”

For it to have any moral authority, the UN must equate Zionism with racism. If it doesn’t, it tacitly condones Israel‘s war of extermination against the Palestinians."
Nazism has all of its roots in Zionism.

Mar 30, 2017
11 years old declaration but more relevant today.
A World has Spoken Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel! (SOLUTION) - YouTube.flv

This is interesting to listen to, to say the least. It was fantastic to have someone call out Israel for what it is, and then it also made me laugh due to calling out the criminal behaviour the rest of the world has had to endure for decades. @Daze was certainly on point when he said with majority of the crimes and atrocities committed across the world, all roads lead to Tel Aviv. That said, while this video is more than a decade old, it may actually come to fruition (along with a little hope and prayer). Thanks to @FilthPig, I've been introduced to Benjamin Fulford:

Western financial system suffers $8 trillion implosion, revolution follows

Some of the points Benjamin makes coincide with what others have said (i.e. Leslie Manookian, Melissa Ciummei, Patrick Wood and Matt Ehret) which is their fiat currency system will undoubtedly and inevitably collapse. The Kharazian mafia, a.ka., the Rothschild's/Rockefellers will no longer have a stronghold on the world. The 64K question is, will the people hold these international criminals responsible and orchestrate a revolution in the people's favour, or will they, in the scheme of things, continue to be distracted by events that are meaningless and trivial?
Mar 30, 2017
953 Palestine structures demolished by Israel in 2022: EU

Confronting Energy Poverty in Gaza
Mar 30, 2017
"This summer, presidents and other high-placed university representatives from over 15 Canadian universities went on a trip to Israel intended to deepen ties between Canadian and Israeli universities. Sadly, these university leaders ignored both the international movement for an academic boycott of Israel, and the fact that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have asserted that Israel practices apartheid against Palestinians. CJPME and its student and faculty allies believe that a trip – sponsored by the pro-Israel lobby group CIJA – to expand academic ties with an apartheid country is both unwise and unethical!
Complete the fields below to send an email to university Presidents and other high-ranking administration members!"



May 20, 2017
Israel and China a ‘Marriage Made in Heaven,’ Says Netanyahu

Though security cooperation remains limited, the two sides are pushing forward on trade and technology.

"Netanyahu particularly expressed Israel’s interest in joining the Belt and Road, and invited Chinese companies to participate in infrastructure projects within Israel. Both he and Li also talked of advancing negotiations on a free trade agreement, with Li promising to seek to conclude negotiations as soon as possible."



May 20, 2017
Israel PM Netanyahu marks 100 days back in office, will he make it to 200 days?
Israelis and Palestinians. It has also been marked by thousands of Israelis' protests against a controversial judicial overhaul. People have been marching through the centre of Israel’s commercial hub, chanting “democracy” and carrying placards condemning the hard-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Al Jazeera’s Senior Political Analyst Marwan Bishara discusses Netanyahu’s time in office.
Mar 30, 2017
UNRWA staff in Gaza strike as demands remain unmet
UNRWA schools and clinics in the besieged enclave were closed as the agency failed to meet its staff’s demands.

Israeli regime 'unprepared' for new war against Gaza Strip, says Hezbollah official


May 20, 2017
Dr. Michael Scheuer - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speech, Emmanuel Macron & More
This was posted on March 12 but is probably older than that, however, he brings forth important truths.

How Israel Betrays US

Israel and the World Refugee Crisis

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Mar 30, 2017
Dr. Michael Scheuer - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speech, Emmanuel Macron & More
This was posted on March 12 but is probably older than that, however, he brings forth important truths.

How Israel Betrays US

Israel and the World Refugee Crisis

These are informative videos, DR. I had to smirk at the first video because I can appreciate Dr. Scheuer's sheer frustration regarding Israel wanting the US to fight its' battles. It astounds me how the propaganda is constantly pushed that Israel is the US of A's ally, when there's blatant evidence that illustrates otherwise.

The second video clearly demonstrates how underhanded Israel is and how it constantly throws the States under the rug when it comes to stealing it's technology and selling it to other nations. Yet, where's the uproar from the Americans?

The last video I thought was very telling, as it tells how Israel is responsible for 81% of the refugees in the world. I find that astonishing! Again, people buy into their country being " overrun with refugees", but will they wake up and understand that Israel is mainly at the root of displacing these people? As per usual, time will tell.