The American “Coup d’etat”

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Oh, I absolutely love links to the Progressive Secular Humanist, lol. They want their war on Christians, so they make up up some doozies.

I looked at the headlines in your link Jess and this is why it is hard to take you seriously anymore. Here are the top links from your posted site.

- 4 Arrested After Armed Trump Supporters Storm Oregon Capitol, Assault Journalist
-Christian Pastor Cries And Begs God To Make Trump President Again
-Armed Domestic Terrorists Storm Oregon Capitol, Disrupt Legislature Special Session
Proud Boys Call For Disguises, Violence At Biden Inauguration

Sheesh. I see what you're dieting on there, Jess. Be sure to watch out for the Christians for you're sure to be in their crosshairs, lol. So, you hate Christians. And nobody cares but you.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Poll: Majority of Americans hate socialism, don't much like Ocasio-Cortez

"Only a sliver of likely voters think that the United States should abandon free-market capitalistic policies," said analysts for the pro-market Heartland Institute.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Getty Images
By Joseph Curl

Twitterers may love Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but a majority of Americans don't much care for her or the socialist ideas she's selling.

Nearly 60% of Americans said they didn't like the New York Democrat, and 75% reject the socialism she preaches, according to a Heartland Institute/Rasmussen poll.

"When asked, 'Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?,' only 18% said 'very favorable,' while 19% said 'somewhat favorable,'" analysts for the pro-market Heartland Institute reported. "On the other hand, 38% of likely voters said they have a 'very unfavorable' impression of AOC, and 20% said they have a 'somewhat unfavorable' impression of her. About 15% said they are not sure."

"Taken together, these results show that a strong majority of likely voters believe the United States should reject socialism and instead adopt free-market economic principles," analysts Christopher Talgo and Justin Haskins wrote.

What's more, likely voters hate socialism.
When asked 'Which is better – a free-market economic system or socialism?,' 75% of respondents answered 'free-market economic system,' while just 11% answered 'socialism,'" according to the authors.

"Despite the increased calls for socialism by many on the far left, the vast majority of likely voters believe that the United States should embrace a free-market economy. Only a sliver of likely voters think that the United States should abandon the free-market capitalistic policies that are responsible for making the United States the wealthiest nation in world history," the said.

"Despite the countless calls for more socialism among elites in media and Hollywood," they continued, "Americans aren’t interested in adopting the same socialist policies that have led to mass poverty wherever they have been tried."

Those surveyed split on their view of Democrat Joe Biden.

"When asked, 'Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Joe Biden?,' 36% of likely voters said they have a 'very unfavorable impression'" of him.'" "This was followed by 32% who said they have a 'very favorable impression.' 19% said they have a 'somewhat favorable impression' of Biden, while 11% responded that they have a 'somewhat unfavorable impression' of the next president. Just 2% said they are 'not sure.'"

The survey polled 1,000 likely voters between Dec. 6 and 7 and has a margin of error of +/- 1-3%.



Mar 18, 2017
Given the recent secessionist talk in the press, revisiting these articles from the "election war gamers" (Rosa Brooks and neocon Max Boot) makes an interesting read after the election.

"In the “Trump win” scenario, desperate Democrats — stunned by yet another election won by the candidate with fewer votes after credible claims of foreign interference and voter suppression — also sought to send rival slates of electors to Congress. They even floated the idea of encouraging secessionist movements in California and the Pacific Northwest unless GOP congressional leaders agreed to a series of reforms, including the division of California into five smaller states to ensure better Senate representation of its vast population, and statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico."

Given this, it's logical to ask if Allen West wasn't also "just following orders" when he made his comments. Not sure how realistic secession is but i believe that if any craziness happens between now and Jan 19th, Trump will remain president.


Mar 16, 2017
Oh, I absolutely love links to the Progressive Secular Humanist, lol. They want their war on Christians, so they make up up some doozies.

I looked at the headlines in your link Jess and this is why it is hard to take you seriously anymore. Here are the top links from your posted site.

- 4 Arrested After Armed Trump Supporters Storm Oregon Capitol, Assault Journalist
-Christian Pastor Cries And Begs God To Make Trump President Again
-Armed Domestic Terrorists Storm Oregon Capitol, Disrupt Legislature Special Session
Proud Boys Call For Disguises, Violence At Biden Inauguration

Sheesh. I see what you're dieting on there, Jess. Be sure to watch out for the Christians for you're sure to be in their crosshairs, lol. So, you hate Christians. And nobody cares but you.
It was a videotaped statement @The Zone I could give a shit less about the source when it’s a videotaped statement, just like I could give a shit less about the links I didn’t bother to look at or click.

also who hates Christians? And why would you even accuse me of that?


Mar 16, 2017


Mar 13, 2017

September 5, 2016 (after DNC rigged primary)

If there is anything positive to say about the 2016 elections, it’s that they have finally forced an end to the official denial of computerized election rigging. In the past month, the fact that our voting technology is a hacker’s paradise has been validated by no less than all the major TV news networks: NBC, ABC, CBS, Reuters, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Atlantic, USA Today, The Hill, The Guardian, Mother Jones, Politico, and a dozen other outlets.

Of course, the corporate media and political parties are now professing “shock” at the very prospect that US elections can be manipulated, and yes, even stolen.

Yet it has long been an open secret that game-changing races have been decided not by voters, but by insiders; from the presidential race of 1960, appropriated for John Kennedy by Democratic muscle in Chicago, to the two victories secured for George W. Bush by GOP fixers in Florida and hackers in Ohio. Among other suspect elections in recent years are key Congressional races hijacked by combinations of voter suppression, gerrymandering, dark money and the ugly little secret of American elections: rigged voting machines.


Given all of the above, the most difficult hurdle in repairing the dysfunction and corruption in our voting system is not designing solutions, and it certainly isn’t proving the problem; the evidence is overwhelming.

Instead, the problem is that the press, the political parties, the elections establishment and even some fleeced candidates, have aligned in a policy of never questioning election results. Even when — or especially when — all signs point to criminal fraud.

Though candidates like Richard Nixon, Al Gore, John Kerry and even Bernie Sanders, had reason to call foul and challenge the results of their races — or at least question the processes — they all chose to remain silent and continue their political careers without willingly donning the albatross of “sore loser” status.

The rationale given is always an unwillingness to undermine a peaceful and stable transition of power. In the case of Sanders it was to preserve the gains made by progressives on climate and wages within the Democratic Party.

The press typically goes one step further in actively disparaging as “tin foil hatters” anyone who questions election results or claims they can be rigged. This necessarily includes not only actual conspiracy theorists, but also the technical experts, and even the government officials and candidates who have had the courage to speak out.

Over the years, these attacks have chilled public discussion and fostered the ultimate Orwellian myth that stolen elections “can’t happen here.” This is not only factually disproven, it simply flies in the face of our Republic’s history.

As chronicled in “Deliver the Vote,” from George Washington onward, vote rigging has been as interwoven in the fabric of American culture as bank robbery. The two are alike in that both are high-stakes crimes with big pay-offs, and both have evolved with technology. Computers now allow for invisible cyber-heists of billions in cash. On a similar scale, thousands, even millions of electronic votes can be siphoned from one candidate to another through malicious internal coding in the voting software.

The standard defense from electronic voting proponents is that “no one has ever proven the elections are rigged.” Of course, that is the entire problem. We can’t prove it. The design of these “black box” systems prevents the detection of insider fraud. It’s the perfect crime.

Here is what we must remember: It’s not the responsibility of voters or candidates to prove a non-transparent vote count was fixed. It’s the job of legislators and election officials to provide transparency and uphold basic standards of democracy, and it’s their failure to do so that’s truly shocking.

The nation’s 9,000 voting jurisdictions and 50 states need ironclad, uniform standards for non-partisan election oversight, ballot security and counting transparency, and a final end to paperless and privatized voting.


Mar 16, 2017
Feb 22, 2020
America - where republicans scream all day about socialism coming and then applaud their chosen champion for trying to send them bigger socialism checks. Somehow ironically not realizing they are cheering and applauding him for the socialism they are so adamantly against every other minute of the day.
I was going to comment on this.

They hate socialism, they say it will destroy America and create "dependency".

Yet they applaud Trump for bigger stimulus cheques

There is seriously no principles with these people at all. I dont think they even understand what they are saying half of the time.


Mar 27, 2017


Mar 18, 2017
Bill Arkin has written some good pieces a while back but i felt like this one was a little out there. Nevertheless, will just leave it here.

"...the president declared a COVID-19 national emergency on March 13, a state that continues to this day as specified in three laws—the Public Health Service Act, the Stafford Act, and the National Emergencies Act.

The Public Health Service Act is a 1944 statute that affords the president broad powers to mandate and enforce a nationwide quarantine. The Stafford Act, created mostly for natural disasters, allows the president to move to alleviate a local civil emergency without a request from a governor (that is, when he certifies that the primary responsibility for whatever the emergency is rests with the federal government). There is no aspect of either of these first two statutes that involves the military in any way.

The National Emergencies Act, on the other hand, could be more problematic if Trump chose to invoke it. It generally gives the president nearly unlimited discretion in defining the conditions of a national emergency. President George W. Bush declared a national emergency under this act after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. President Barack Obama declared a national emergency with regard to cybersecurity on April 1, 2015, a declaration still in effect. In both the Bush and Obama declarations, the presidents specified what authorities they were granting to government agencies and departments, mostly to redirect funds (and since then, a February 15, 2019 declaration of national emergency has been used by President Trump to divert defense construction dollars to pay for the southern border wall).

The PEAD, sometimes referred to as Directive 20, confers upon the Secretary of Defense powers to maintain public order, ensure public safety, and enforce federal, state, and local laws. It also directs the Secretary to form an interim government.
The former Justice official cautions, though, that Directive 20 assumes that the United States has been subjected to armed attack and is suffering millions of deaths, that Washington has been destroyed, and that state and local governments are paralyzed, with essential services disrupted