The American “Coup d’etat”

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Republican Mo Brooks:-

“The House has the members needed to contest the Electoral College certification Jan. 6, but thus far senators have lacked the courage to stand for Americans, according to Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., on Newsmax TV.

"I've been in Congress for a decade; I know how some of these Congress critters and Senate critters try to avoid being courageous when it comes to what they call 'difficult votes,' but in my mind that's what we were elected to do," Brooks told Thursday's "Stinchfield." "I can only control my own vote, how I am going to conduct myself concerning this voter fraud and election theft.

"And I am going to assure the American people, I am going to do everything I can to reverse these Electoral College votes submitted by states that have election systems that are so badly flawed that their reporting of Electoral Colleges votes is rendered untrustworthy."

Brooks pointed to the key battleground states Pennsylvania, Georgia,and Nevada.

"We should not be certifying those voters, rather we should be rejecting them, which is our absolute right under the United States Constitution," Brooks told host Grant Stinchfield.

Senators should stand for the Americans who feel this election was stolen, he added.

"The citizenry should be fed up," Brooks said. "We elect people to Congress in the House and the Senate to be leaders on behalf of our country. Not to shake in their boots in foxholes while the battle is being fought — only to rise up after the battle is over with and joke with the winners and claim we won.

"That's not what we need in Washington."

Brooks concluded with a rebuke of the opposition, saying the "socialist Democrats have essentially stolen" the "accurate and honest elections" from the American people with their unlawful executions of mass mail-in balloting under the guise of the coronavirus pandemic.

Rep. Mo Brooks to Newsmax TV: Senators 'Shaking in the Foxhole'

From another source:-

Where things have got to. 6th January may prove to be a date to remember.

Last edited:
Feb 22, 2020

There is a million militia march planned in dc for Inauguration Day btw. But sure.. nothing to see here folks :rolleyes:
anti government militias calling for authoritarian government.

What a bunch of clowns. You couldn't make this up.
Feb 22, 2020
Posting reports of violence (which is what I've been doing) vs. knowing people who threaten violence are two different things. According to you, you seem to know a lot of those types of people. That's your experience, not mine.

If you really are as concerned as you say, call the authorities. You said you actually know and employ these allegedly violent people, so do something about it.

If you haven't alerted anyone, then you're obviously not as concerned as you claim to be.

There are violent extremists of all types - I have not denied that. However, the majority of the violence taking place since summer is from leftists. That's a fact. You can bring up written threats all you want, it does not equal the actual physical damage, beatings and murders committed by BLM and Antifa.
Majority of property damage = Leftists

Majority of MURDER = Right wing

well its always been obvious you all value property over life. Disgusting.
Apr 13, 2017
Majority of MURDER = Right wing
Shall we count the casualties of political violence throughout the 20th century and then see if your statement can still be backed up?

anti government militias calling for authoritarian government.

What a bunch of clowns. You couldn't make this up.
They could of course sit back and remain proud libertarians doing nothing as their country is taken over by the CCP and corrupt politicians who love to overregulate and overtax society.


Dec 11, 2017
...saw that Andrew Yang was mentioned several times in this discussion..... so... thought this might fit in here.....

...while Andrew Yang may be an 'also-ran/has-been', politically.... has to recognize and realize that his 'viewpoint' on the topic of the covid vaxx is gonna gain traction.... sooner than we realize....




...I do expect a groundswell of opposition.... to this (seemingly) crazy idea...
...but... it's just a matter of time....
...buckle down and prepare.....'s not the USA/Western world that we used to enjoy....

‘This is creepy!’ Not everybody’s on board with Andrew Yang’s idea for how people can ‘easily show ' they’ve been vaccinated’

Almost every day we reach a new “peak Orwell.”

Revelation 13:17

King James Version

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


Jul 27, 2017
Majority of property damage = Leftists

Majority of MURDER = Right wing

well its always been obvious you all value property over life. Disgusting.
It’s not so much valuing property over life. But is there really justification looting and destroying businesses out of frustration?

I get those who try to protest out of goodness but once they partake in said protest, it always instigated into violence. For the left, if you truly want to make a difference. It’s time we demand more out of each other. I get it. Sometimes people...ok most of the time people are stuck in poverty. I grew up in a poor community where gang violence, etc was the means of survival. Sometimes to overcome those barriers you have to work those jobs nobody wants, but that stimulates taxes into the community.

They need proper authority figures. Fathers, teachers, coaches. They need to celebrate success and not accept mediocrity otherwise they get stuck in a cycle of blaming whitey.

For the right. Understand why the left feel like there is white privilege. Idk if any of you guys have experienced poor living, but it sucks living pay check to pay check. Lack of education is to blame but they feel slighted and overlooked.

Also don’t get suckered in to extreme views calling for civil war. I hate antifa actions as much as anyone here. But I truly believe like crisis actors the government plants in operatives on both sided to instigate violence
Apr 13, 2017
Strange that Dominion would send a warning letter to retract defamatory statements instead of suing her for those defamatory statements. A gesture of goodwill, no doubt.

Apr 13, 2017
No.. it’s not. Legally you typically have to issue a cease and desist notice before you can sue, if you want any chance of winning in court.
"Legally you typically have to?" What does that mean?

I'm pretty sure a cease and desist letter is not mandatory and more an act of courtesy (or intimidation, in this case).

If I'm wrong, provide your source.


Mar 16, 2017
"Legally you typically have to?" What does that mean?

I'm pretty sure a cease and desist letter is not mandatory and more an act of courtesy (or intimidation, in this case).

If I'm wrong, provide your source.
if you file a lawsuit prior to giving the other party notice and a chance to correct in good faith you are less likely to win the lawsuit. I don’t know how these things go in Europe but they are typical protocol here in the united states. You seem to have very little knowledge of how our legal system operates. I can overlook that based on the fact that you don’t live here but I do find it funny you think your qualified to issue expert american legal opinions.



Mar 16, 2017
Oh just in case anyone missed it - global martial law has not been declared and it’s the 21st, was supposed to happen by now ;)


Mar 16, 2017

That’s why you issue a cease and desist order @Artful Revealer in case you were wondering. Obviously no one wants to be sued because they know they would lose. And if you want to win a defamation suit you HAVE to give the other party a chance to correct their error and operate as if it was a good faith mistake at first.