The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 18, 2017
They are fighting tooth and nail.

good. They are not fighting anything tooth and nail in this case. There was no substance to her case and that is why it was thrown out, but you can’t see deeper than the surface level of someone trying to do something that might benefit trump.

her case was ridiculous when you look at it from different angles and shouldn’t have been submitted to begin with. It would benefit everyone to find a way to prevent someone from doing the same thing in the future. Her case lowered a potential for a standard of quality to exist within our legal system.


Mar 18, 2017
This was a key point for me in this article when you consider the way the right wants the left to be portrayed as violent.

“Do whatever you got to do to fucking get your tickets,” he says. “You show up there in Biden gear and you turn his inauguration into a fucking circus, a sign of resistance, a sign of revolution….

“You fucking kick off this presidency with fucking fireworks.”

so what he is saying here is that he is planning on dressing up as a biden supporter and infiltrating this event unnoticed. Hmm, this is the better approach to going there and being honest about opposing Biden?

to me, this is the same as saying that they do this at other events where they try to label Antifa as violent for their own behavior.

but there was a comment on this article that I found funny. Someone pointed out that the inauguration was going to be virtual, so I don’t know how this would change things, but it doesn’t seem like they considered this when they said it, so I’m sure it would in some way, which I find amusing.


Mar 16, 2017
This was a key point for me in this article when you consider the way the right wants the left to be portrayed as violent.

“Do whatever you got to do to fucking get your tickets,” he says. “You show up there in Biden gear and you turn his inauguration into a fucking circus, a sign of resistance, a sign of revolution….

“You fucking kick off this presidency with fucking fireworks.”

so what he is saying here is that he is planning on dressing up as a biden supporter and infiltrating this event unnoticed. Hmm, this is the better approach to going there and being honest about opposing Biden?

to me, this is the same as saying that they do this at other events where they try to label Antifa as violent for their own behavior.

but there was a comment on this article that I found funny. Someone pointed out that the inauguration was going to be virtual, so I don’t know how this would change things, but it doesn’t seem like they considered this when they said it, so I’m sure it would in some way, which I find amusing.
They’ve been releasing plans for months stating to dress up as antifa or blm and get the violence started. MONTHS. Openly. People just turn a blind eye.
Apr 13, 2017
There was no substance to her case and that is why it was thrown out, but you can’t see deeper than the surface level of someone trying to do something that might benefit trump.

her case was ridiculous when you look at it from different angles and shouldn’t have been submitted to begin with. It would benefit everyone to find a way to prevent someone from doing the same thing in the future. Her case lowered a potential for a standard of quality to exist within our legal system.
No substance? Have you even read the dossiers?
Apr 13, 2017
In the unlikelihood that Biden ever gets inaugurated, the reason for a virtual zoom-ceremony is to avoid the very awkward scenario that people would figure out the attending crowd was entirely CGI.


Mar 16, 2017
In the unlikelihood that Biden ever gets inaugurated, the reason for a virtual zoom-ceremony is to avoid the very awkward scenario that people would figure out the attending crowd was entirely CGI.
Are your pals going to assault cgi figments? His entire campaign was virtual btw because “liberals” believe the pandemic is real and because responsible adults don’t hold super spreader events during a public health crisis.
Apr 13, 2017
Are your pals going to assault cgi figments? His entire campaign was virtual btw because “liberals” believe the pandemic is real and because responsible adults don’t hold super spreader events during a public health crisis.
My pals? If anything your posts of the past few days has told us, it's that many of the people thinking of going violent or picking up arms are people you personally know. And stop acting like a Karen over mere words and hypotheticals. If you had only shown a shred of concern over all the rioting, looting and burning down people's livelihoods by Antifa and BLM without constantly shifting blame to others, as you've been over some frustrated people on social media, I might be thinking you're more than just a partisan drama queen.

I'd sooner say that if the Proud Boys are really going to go through with this, they'll be assaulting MAGA folk on January 20, as you already know, so I frankly don't give two shits about what they say they're gonna do.
Apr 13, 2017


Mar 16, 2017
That stood out to me, as well, and speaks volumes.
Right.... cuz no one here other then me knows anyone like that, I’m sure. Lying dishonest bunch you all are. Not my friends btw. People either me or my husband grew up with. Plus I live in a “battleground” state. You guys have been saying NO ONES SAYING THIS SHIT - ITS A FRAME UP or whatever. So I post stuff from real people I know saying this shit and then you switch goal posts to it must be something wrong with me for knowing people like this. That’s all any of you know how to do.. switch goalposts. It gets old. I posted you video of the leaders of the proud boys and other far right groups calling for flat out murder - and your silent. But want to feign concern that I didn’t call out the far left hard enough for property damage? Give me a break. Anyone with half a brain can see right through all of you. It’s not hard, your too obvious. You can sit here and pretend to be in denial that this is what’s floating around the hard right but that doesn’t change the fact that it is.
Feb 22, 2020
This was a key point for me in this article when you consider the way the right wants the left to be portrayed as violent.

“Do whatever you got to do to fucking get your tickets,” he says. “You show up there in Biden gear and you turn his inauguration into a fucking circus, a sign of resistance, a sign of revolution….

“You fucking kick off this presidency with fucking fireworks.”

so what he is saying here is that he is planning on dressing up as a biden supporter and infiltrating this event unnoticed. Hmm, this is the better approach to going there and being honest about opposing Biden?

to me, this is the same as saying that they do this at other events where they try to label Antifa as violent for their own behavior.

but there was a comment on this article that I found funny. Someone pointed out that the inauguration was going to be virtual, so I don’t know how this would change things, but it doesn’t seem like they considered this when they said it, so I’m sure it would in some way, which I find amusing.
This has already been discussed ad nauseum.

Right wing terrorists have been caught many times doing this. Even starting fires and shooting into police stations, killing police, and Trump referred to that as "antifa violence" He literally referred to the 2 murdered cops in Cali who were killed by Boogaloo boys, when attacking Antifa.
Apr 13, 2017
Strange that Dominion would send a warning letter to retract defamatory statements instead of suing her for those defamatory statements. A gesture of goodwill, no doubt.
