Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 24, 2017
Symbolic Pics of The Month (2)
From latest/upcoming Kpop releases

D*AY*6 “Shoot Me : Youth Part 1” Teaser Image

E*LRI*S 3rd Mini Album “Summer Dream” Concept Photo (Dream & Summer Ver.)
Promoting p***philia

G*OT*7 M*ark On Behind The Scenes For C*eCi Magazine June Issue

B*LACKPIN*K 1st Mini Album “Square Up” Teaser Poster #2

S*NS*D’s Y*oon*A For A*llur*e Magazine July Issue
This degrading pose has become popular among female artists, including T*aeyeo*n.

C*hungH*a For B*N*T International 2018

M*OMOLAN*D 4th Mini Album “Fun To The World” Teaser Image
Promoting p***philia


F*romi*s_9 HD Photos 2nd Mini Album “To. Day” Pajama Party
Rainbow-colored pillow. LGBT/Homosexuality.

(G)*I-DL*E For 1*st Loo*k Magazine Vol.156

S*unM*i For H*IGH CU*T Vol.223

S*uz*y For E*LL*E Korea Magazine June Issue 2018

S*unM*i For Sportwear Brand H*EAD X KIRS*H Collection 2018

Dec 26, 2017
Same, the way they get “ unconscious “

Actually almost all of E_X_O’s title tracks are about sex. But I can agree that KOKOBOP has a deeper secret meaning.

SM even stated that it’s about singing and dancing together before a war begins. It talks about violence but it’s hidden extremely well!
wow really, I didn't thought that EXO songs was about sex, lol I didnt see it in this way at least
and Kokobop is actually about the next Korean war, I don't know how sex could be related, but who knows, this wicked industry have everything bad and corrupted, there is no innocence here anymore sadly :(
Dec 26, 2017
South Korean football team was thrown with eggs and pillows upon their arrival.
do you guys think this is could be humiliation ritual?

I find it odd that its allowed to be thrown like this, that they cannot really stop them to throws like this, and this is not the first time that happen to South Korean team, in 2014 it also happened when they returned back from world cup.


Jan 27, 2018

View attachment 11471

The MV starts with a focus on an all-pink door. The pink color as we already know; signifies to loss of innocence and sex.

View attachment 11472

Dah*yun's wearing a female gender symbol earring; which could have the intention to push the feminist agenda. Take a look at the blue bobby pins in " her " hair, doesn't it look like an upside down cross?

View attachment 11473

Here we have few members doing some moves on a Masonic checkerboard. It really couldn't be more obvious.

View attachment 11474

They're blatantly showing us one-eye symbolism from their dance choreography.

View attachment 11475

Again, one-eye symbolism being shown. Their colorful tops / outfits might also push the LGBTQ+ agenda.

View attachment 11476

Jeong*yeon's sweater strongly convinces me that they're pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda.

View attachment 11477

Ji*hyo is holding up the heart symbol while covering one eye. The heart symbol actually isn't all lovely and sweet; it's used in child abuse and p***philia.

View attachment 11478

More one-eye symbolism here.

View attachment 11479

Here we see Sa*na literally about to kiss Jeong*yeon; again they're pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda. Also, in lots of T_W_I_C_E dance choreographies, they're sending each other hearts or pretending to kiss.

View attachment 11480

I guess the one-eye symbolism just won't stop am I right?
They're sooo super tried to make everything suspicious just look usual yet casual and that's the tricky part.

What a time that I lived in...


Mar 2, 2018
wow really, I didn't thought that EXO songs was about sex, lol I didnt see it in this way at least
and Kokobop is actually about the next Korean war, I don't know how sex could be related, but who knows, this wicked industry have everything bad and corrupted, there is no innocence here anymore sadly :(
K0k0b0p lyrics.

Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop
I think I like it
Don’t be nervous, down down
Don’t be shy
I’m entering into your dizzy heart
As if I’m familiar, I’ll softly spread inside
Ah woo, it’s a silent night
Ah woo, it’s a night for you
I can’t hold back, I’m falling, yeah yeah
I’m drunk from your body, yeah yeah
Forget the typical me that you’ve known
My hidden instincts shimmie up
It goes down down baby
Trust your body to the rhythm
It goes down down baby
And shout, oh we are, oh
We going Ko Ko Bop
Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop
I think I like it
Little by little, down down
Don’t be shy
No matter what anyone says, don’t listen
Just be beautiful as you are right now
I wish time would stop
Baby are you down?
Ah woo, it’s the last night
Ah woo, it’s our night
Don’t be nervous and come, yeah yeah
Trust all of you with me, yeah yeah
The reins are loosening, just put it down today
Don’t be cautious, shakin’ up
It goes down down baby
Trust your body to the rhythm
It goes down down baby
And shout, oh we are, oh
Break it down now
We go down now
You shine more as the night grows deeper
Your eyes tell me everything
On this nice night, I want you
I know, it’s ok, let’s start now
Let’s go!
It’s about to go go
Down down baby
Trust your body to the rhythm
It goes down down baby
And shout, oh we are, oh
Going Ko Ko Bop
Down down baby
Whisper in my ear
It goes down down baby
Set my heart on fire, oh crazy, oh
Going Ko Ko Bop


Jun 16, 2018
K0k0b0p lyrics.

Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop
I think I like it
Don’t be nervous, down down
Don’t be shy
I’m entering into your dizzy heart
As if I’m familiar, I’ll softly spread inside
Ah woo, it’s a silent night
Ah woo, it’s a night for you
I can’t hold back, I’m falling, yeah yeah
I’m drunk from your body, yeah yeah
Forget the typical me that you’ve known
My hidden instincts shimmie up
It goes down down baby
Trust your body to the rhythm
It goes down down baby
And shout, oh we are, oh
We going Ko Ko Bop
Shimmie shimmie Ko Ko Bop
I think I like it
Little by little, down down
Don’t be shy
No matter what anyone says, don’t listen
Just be beautiful as you are right now
I wish time would stop
Baby are you down?
Ah woo, it’s the last night
Ah woo, it’s our night
Don’t be nervous and come, yeah yeah
Trust all of you with me, yeah yeah
The reins are loosening, just put it down today
Don’t be cautious, shakin’ up
It goes down down baby
Trust your body to the rhythm
It goes down down baby
And shout, oh we are, oh
Break it down now
We go down now
You shine more as the night grows deeper
Your eyes tell me everything
On this nice night, I want you
I know, it’s ok, let’s start now
Let’s go!
It’s about to go go
Down down baby
Trust your body to the rhythm
It goes down down baby
And shout, oh we are, oh
Going Ko Ko Bop
Down down baby
Whisper in my ear
It goes down down baby
Set my heart on fire, oh crazy, oh
Going Ko Ko Bop
There’s literally NOTHING war-related to the lyrics, it’s blatantly sexual.

I can’t believe S*M ENT buys their own lies.


Jun 16, 2018
They're sooo super tried to make everything suspicious just look usual yet casual and that's the tricky part.

What a time that I lived in...
I already got a bad vibe from the start of the MV, the colorfum pink room with multiple hearts.

It reminds me so much of color coding programming and child abuse. Indeed, it’s a really sad time we live in ..


Dec 22, 2017
Smoke symbolizes the transition of matter into spirit. Therefore, Smoke represents the ascension of the immortal soul as it leaves
the mortal body.
Smoke represents the release of the soul, or spirit, from its visible and physical form and its sublime ascent back into the invisible and spiritual realm from whence it originally came: the realm in which it existed prior to its imprisonment in matter.
Smoke is also used as a method of communication.In addition to sending secret and sacred messages between other persons, tribes or communities here on earth by way of smoke signals, the sacred fires of indigenous cultures use Smoke to communicate their Prayers and requests to the Deities and the Spirits of their ancestors who reside in the heavens above.
As a Symbol of ascension and communication, Smoke is also used in sacred religious Ceremonies in conjunction with Prayers and Blessings. It is also used in Rituals that both invoke and honor Divinity and acknowledge the Spirit which resides within each one of us.
The Smoke rising from funeral pyres symbolizes the final release and ascent of Spirit from the material remains of the deceased.
The Smoke rising from the peace pipe Symbolizes the Prayers and Promises of the participants as it Travels upward, in a united vision and bond of friendship, toward the spiritual realm of the gods and forefathers of those participating in the Ceremony. In this manner Smoke carries the vows, oaths, and Promises of the participants of the Ceremony into the Spiritual Realm where they are recognized, accepted, recorded and Blessed.
Incense, resins and herbs are placed within Censers and burned in order to create the scented and aromatic Smoke used in religious Ceremonies which is pleasing and Harmonious to both people and Spirits.The Censer is then swung in the direction of the participants
in order to Bless them, cleanse them, and unite in Prayer. The pleasant aromas from the Censer help set the mood for the Ceremony and make the participants Aware that Divinity is among them and is also participating in the Ceremony along with them.

Capnomancy (otherwise known as libanomancy) signifies a method of divination using smoke. This is done by looking at the movements of the smoke after a fire has been made. A thin, straight plume of smoke is thought to indicate a good omen whereas the opposite is thought of large plumes of smoke. If the smoke touches the ground, this is thought to be a sign that immediate action must be taken to avoid catastrophe.
The first recorded use of capnomancy was in ancient Babylonia where the ceremony was performed at religious dates throughout the year using cedar branches or shavings. In Ancient Greece priests would burn animal sacrifices and then perform Capnomancy over the smoke produced by the fire.



Jun 16, 2018
Twitter stans are the most annoying, seriously. Don't even try building a conversation with any of them; it's just gonna cause you a headache.
I've slowly been disassociating myself from social media, which is kinda unusual nowadays but it's for the better.

This entire world and people just make me sick, I can't keep up with all the " trends " / " hypes " / " challenges " anymore. It's all a distraction to keep us awake. Everything has become so superficial and unspirited that it's upsetting.

There's no room left anymore for humble, open-minded and outspoken individuals. The only things that matter these days are appearance, wealth and popularity.

Sigh, it's just so sad.


Apr 1, 2018
Twitter stans are the most annoying, seriously. Don't even try building a conversation with any of them; it's just gonna cause you a headache.
I've slowly been disassociating myself from social media, which is kinda unusual nowadays but it's for the better.

This entire world and people just make me sick, I can't keep up with all the " trends " / " hypes " / " challenges " anymore. It's all a distraction to keep us awake. Everything has become so superficial and unspirited that it's upsetting.

There's no room left anymore for humble, open-minded and outspoken individuals. The only things that matter these days are appearance, wealth and popularity.

Sigh, it's just so sad.
best decision youve ever made in your life. they are like toxins/poison that i want to get out of my system. i dont ever want to associate with them. they make me depressed too for some reason.


Apr 1, 2018
Did you guys ever stop stanning / supporting a certain group or idol after noticing suspicious symbolism?
im not that attached to 3rd gen kpop. idont ever listen to them because...i dont know. i just get updates about them bec i follow some korean media outlets. with sh/i/nee i stopped following them, listening to their songs and releases. and somehow i feel have grief feeling about them, except Key and Minho. when i see an update about them i report it as spam (lol) :p with jjong’s solo songs, im trying not to listen to them.. slowly. haha im more particular w/ 2nd gen as they are my line. so it’s not that hard to get rid of them.


Apr 1, 2018
but it’s nice to read in here tho im not interacting.. im reading analyses of MV from different K-group and exposes about them. i like to read symbolisms and interpretation, so you guys can just go on. haha


Dec 22, 2017
Within the New Age, the key represents those properties which unlock the mystical "wisdom" of the occult. It also represents the unlocking of "latent physic powers," thereby opening the doors to the world of the supernatural. In Freemasonry, the symbol of the key is used to convey the importance of the order’s secrets, which are to be kept within the brotherhood alone.