

Mar 18, 2017
The media create our current events to push along globalist agenda's in my opinion. There is some quite compelling evidence for this you think the media are now telling the truth all of a sudden?.....why?
That still doesn't mean that this isn't a contagious virus or that it isn't important to educate yourself on how to respond to a reality like this. However it exists, it is legitimately contagious.


Mar 16, 2017
No doubt their will be many casualties of this. I wasn't trying to be insensitive but just trying to make the case for looking at the bigger picture.

Chaos involves the upheaval of peoples comfortable lives unfortunately.
Yes it does. And we are in the midst of it.. I don’t really see a way to avoid feeding into it.

It’s not like what they are saying hasn’t played out into very real consequences for people. It already has. At this point the best we can do is stay informed, hope to stay a step or two in front of it and soldier on. We can’t do that if we stop talking.


Mar 27, 2017

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Jan 10, 2019
That's great!

If this is a giant psychological operation... well we shouldn't cave in. As truthers we are a source of courage and light for those around us so we have to be almost defiant in the face of fear.

I remember in 2007(?) the electrical outage from NY through parts of the midwest lasted a week. I wasn't in the region but a friend told me it was the best time of his life. Everybody was off work. One day they set up generators and had a mini block-party. They paid for fuel to keep generators running for a few of their neighbors.

It's times like this all our education, training, trips, our entire constitution is put to the test. Not to take a "pandemic" lightly but we have to stare through what is illusion. IMO we should be aware of those in need and help keep people's spirits up.
Mar 30, 2017
That still doesn't mean that this isn't a contagious virus or that it isn't important to educate yourself on how to respond to a reality like this. However it exists, it is legitimately contagious.
It is, however, understanding how contagious I think is the real question.

I only say this with reference to the SARS virus as I remember when it was circulating in the city and saw people walking around with masks, notably downtown and thinking ‘what the...?!!!’ back in 2003. It was on our news constantly and the "story" about the origin of it began making its’ rounds (someone in China ate a bat, I think). Years later, I spoke to a friend who works within the healthcare sector and confirmed that the entire SARS crisis was sensationalized by the media. She told me that it was the people in the hospitals and nursing homes who were really at risk, not the general public, which is why they’ve now implemented antibacterial hand sanitizers at every entrance, exit and hallway in all hospitals. She said and even then, the people who worked with the ailing patients took the necessary precautions, she being one of them.

I’m sure Awoken can speak for himself, but I think he’s suggesting that there seems to be quite a bit of fear porn in the thread. Shelves were also clearing out when the entire Y2K fiasco was going on. I remember when I wanted to buy some canned tuna shortly before New Years and the entire section was completely empty because people were stocking up on canned goods as though the world was coming to an end.

My only hope is by mid-April things will have calmed down just as did with the SARS virus.


Mar 15, 2017
I've just popped down to my local Tesco and the only isle which is stripped bare is the toilet roll section.

I think I am quite within my rights at this point to advise people not to shit themselves....unless you're well stocked up on wet wipes that is.
You clearly live in a place which isn't overpopulated and full of panic buying families.

You're very lucky.


Mar 16, 2017
We have been telling my husbands family to get out of nyc (one of the most overpopulated places in America) for weeks now. We are pretty convinced they aren’t going to listen until the bridges get shut down. They tried to go food shopping yesterday and there is almost nothing available.

I am happy we moved to the middle of nowhere a couple years back. I’d hate to live in a city right now.


Mar 15, 2017
I don't think there is fear mongering in the thread, I think everyone is affected in different ways depending on their location and proximity to densely populated areas...

I have family in Birmingham who are also struggling to find basic goods in their supermarkets, but my relatives in Wales are actually okay and other than the global shortage of loo roll, they seem to be able to access basic food and utilities. .

I think the media is of course exacerbating the issue and is the root cause for people panic buying mundane house goods but when you can't buy basic food to feed your family or formula for your baby it does turn into a crisis...

So yh for me, I do think that covid 19 has been hysterically hyped by the media but there are many many many people who are at risk of developing a severe case of it so it's important we keep track of it, but also update each other so that we can share tips and just vent tbh

It's almost 9pm here and my husband has gone out in search of pasta and handwash. I don't know if he'll find any but hey, like i said, not everyone is directly affected by the panic buying but we are and so are our elderly neighbours who have resorted to knocking on the door asking for basics like salt...


Mar 15, 2017
I’d hate to live in a city right now.
Trust me, it's hell.

I'd love to move but house prices are so turbulent atm and I'm waiting to see what Boris has in store since we've left the EU.

I may move out of the UK if things don't improve, have to think of my family too...


Mar 15, 2017
Perhaps people need to develop better hygiene habits then...? What's even more coincidental is right after I posted my post, the DJ on my online radio station said he's never been in a cleaner studio due to all the publicity that this virus is getting, lol.

Just sayin'. :)
So true! I'd never realised how filthy people could be...the stats for people that dont wash their hands after using the toilet floored me...

You should see how the tube (underground trains) looks...spotless! It used to be a pit of germs and no one would dare hold the rails...