Christian viewpoints and "supporting israel"


Mar 18, 2017
I haven't listened to any sermons by zionist pastors since this war began, but gaging by the nonstop zionist propaganda on most non-leftist sources, i can only imagine how bad it is, the level of indoctrination.
Christian MSM is so embarrassing right now. Pulpits have become (if they weren't already) extensions of Israel-centric DC thinktanks. If this (video) is bad enough, imagine how it was during the Iraq War 20yrs ago and how insane it will get when Iran is destabilized....although that will be an unenviable position for many of these people....preaching about & reporting on "Gog & Magog" when you haven't been raptured out of it. It will be curious to see how they do it with a straight face.

Jun 26, 2022
Christian MSM is so embarrassing right now. Pulpits have become (if they weren't already) extensions of Israel-centric DC thinktanks
If 503c is supposed to keep pastors from preaching about "politics" - anything from anti LGTVs, to elections, to the v@x - yet they are preaching pro-israel and pro-war, then obviously they have been put in place precisely to do just that: war monger and drum up political support.

On a related note, claims that evangelicals get to set policy are exaggerated, at best. If evangelicals truly got to set policy, there'd be no legal abortion, no LGTV "rights", no filth on tv, etc. What is happening is that the elites set policy, and then use evangelicals as justification, while no one points out the blatant contradiction that i just did.

imagine how it was during the Iraq War 20yrs ago
Bonus: keeps anyone who is not already Christian from hearing the gospel.
Who wants to listed to a bunch of warmongerers? I know i didnt during the iraq war...

preaching about & reporting on "Gog & Magog" when you haven't been raptured out of it. It will be curious to see how they do it with a straight face
If i had to take a guess, unless it LITERALLY - and i mean LITERALLY - follows the book of Revelation they will just claim it is not yet THE end times...

As in, no plague of literal army of locusts with faces like women and teeth like lions? Not the end times yet.
ALL the water not turned to blood? Not the end times yet.
No literal white horse, followed red horse, the black horse, then pale? Not the end times yet.
No literal beast coming out of the literal sea? Not yet.

I mean, i've heard sermons before where the entire explanation for it not being THE end times yet is that the rapture hasn't happened.


Mar 18, 2017
Does anyone really believe (sure, there are believers but for the sake of my argument) its just a coincidence that Israeli hard-right wingers found themselves holding the political reins just months before "prophecy begun to find fulfillment"? I included that peculiar occurrence as the last item on the list in my World Gov't thread before the war even started. I included it because on the Grand Chessboard, it was an obvious & important move by the players.

Comments from people like Ayelet Shaked may, for now, pass for "cringe from the fringe" but the reality is that there is no 2-state solution in the NWO endgame. Deep down, we all know it.....Dispensationalist eschatology doesn't even recognize it. How many times have we been reminded by pastors and their followers that "God said 'do not divide My land' " and that those who attempt to do so will face severe punishment?
From a purely psychological standpoint, i want to see how (in the future) Christian Zionists are going to defend the expulsion of Palestinians from their territories. I just really want to see them defend their "biblical" position to the death, in face of all the pain and tragedy. Before someone tells me;....Palestinians can be fastracked into Israeli citizenship to live happily that i reply: Look into the 2018 Nation-State Law

According to pollster Frank Luntz' document, laying claim to the land on biblical grounds de-legitimizes those claims in the eyes of many which means that TPTB are going to play some other card inorder achieve this goal because it's going to be very difficult to sell this agenda to the average global citizen. The poll results aren't helping their cause. The Establishment is aware that millions of people harbor this fear of wrath befalling those who attempt to divide God's land so who's to say that those fears cannot be played up?

Source: start at the 11min mark

Israeli property developer with plans for beach front homes in Gaza
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Mar 18, 2017
June 2002

Georgia’s Republican state chairman, Ralph Reed, recently wrote: “There is an undeniable and powerful spiritual connection between Israel and the Christian faith. It is where Jesus was born and where he conducted his ministry.”

So? This has nothing to do with the formulation of foreign policy for the secular nation of America, which represents non‐Christians as well as Christians.

Onetime Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer goes further: “The Bible is pretty clear that the land is what is called covenant land, that God made a covenant with the Jews that that would be their land forever.”
Yet the premise of Christianity is that that covenant was voided by disobedience, and thus now runs to the body of Christian believers.

Moreover, why assume that nonreligious Jews who established a secular state in the Mideast are entitled to the same land once held by religious Jews following in the line of Moses? As Marvin Olasky, editor of World Magazine, notes, “A biblical case can certainly be made that Israelis who are atheists have tossed away their inheritance just as Esau did.”

And if the land was to belong to Jews forever, why did they lose control of it? Surely God does not require America’s assistance to give it back. Finally, to how much are Jews entitled? A generous reading of Genesis suggests ownership of Jordan and chunks of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Another argument is that only by supporting Israel will America prosper. For example, activist Ed McAteer cites the promise that “I will bless them who bless you and curse them who curse you.” Two decades ago, the Rev. Jerry Falwell declared that God had been kind to America only because “America has been kind to the Jews.”

Curiously, there’s no verse explaining that to bless the Jewish people or to be kind to them means doing whatever the secular government of a largely nonreligious people wants several thousand years later. This is junk theology at its worst. Or almost worst. Sen. James Inhofe (R‑Okla.) said in a speech last March: “One of the reasons I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America is that the policy of our government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them.”

Wow. God is punishing the American people because their government, which has long supported Israel more firmly than any other, is insufficiently pro‐Israel.

Speaking for the creator of the universe is a dicey proposition and I won’t try. But presuming that a biblical injunction to “bless” the Jewish people requires a secular state run by nominal Christians to offer a blank check to a secular state run by ethnic Jews is simply bizarre.

There are lots of sensible policy arguments for supporting Israel. But conflicting interests must still be balanced. Crackpot theology is no substitute for intelligent analysis."
Oct 20, 2021
Israel is the Synagogue of Satan. The fact that Jesus was born there is irrelevant. People controlling Israel are European.


Mar 18, 2017
Call for Christians 'everywhere to stand up' for Israel

"The battle in Israel is certainly not a battle of Israel against the Palestinians or even of only Israel against Hamas. Rather, it is the frontlines of a global battle of civilization and basic human rights against pure evil epitomized by Hamas," said Bishop Robert Stearns of Eagles' Wings. "Every person concerned with basic human rights and the future of humanity must take a stand with Israel in this conflict."

A diplomat speaking on Israel’s behalf told a gathering of Christian and Jewish leaders that the country need not apologize for its efforts to eradicate Hamas, stressing that the current conflict is not just Israel against terrorism but a “war of the world against terrorism.”
On Wednesday, over 70 Rabbis, pastors and faith leaders met on Capitol Hill to discuss the conflict between Israel and Hamas and advocate for congressional leaders to support the Jewish State in a time of need.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Susan Michael, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem’s USA director, said the coming together of rabbis and pastors before Congress members marks a “historic day.”
“What we want to accomplish is a deeper working relationship that we can continue going before our government with the message that support of Israel is not a Jewish issue; it's an American issue,” Michael told CP.
The ICEJ director also asserted that lawmakers need to pass a bill that focuses exclusively on providing support to Israel. One of the reasons Michael believes there have been challenges in passing such a bill is because other issues that she described as “divisive” are often attached to legislation for Israel.

A document provided to attendees outlined the agenda the faith leaders planned to present to members of Congress. One of the agenda items included the advancement of $14.3 billion in security aid to Israel and for Congress to provide the aid without preconditions attached, such as requiring Israel to scale back operations in Gaza.
Another of the coalition’s requests for Congress included the complete cessation of funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. Recent intelligence reports suggest that around 1,200 of UNRWA’s 12,000 employees in Gaza have ties to Hamas and other Islamic terror groups, and some may have participated in Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre.


Mar 18, 2017

"Evangelicals are paying closer attention to the Middle East now than we were then, and we’re doing so from a wider range of perspectives.

Just days into the conflict, we’ve already seen prominent, public evangelical responses to Hamas’s unprecedented acts of violence and hostage-taking. CT’s own Russell Moore called for Christians to “stand with Israel under attack,” and the National Association of Evangelicals’ statement condemned violence on both sides.
Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, declared on Twitter/X, “Hamas is the new ISIS and must be stopped!” Shane Claiborne, the evangelical pacifist and activist, criticized both Israel and Hamas for “doing things that do not lead to peace.” Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, speculated that the attack by Hamas was prophetically significant.

In 1973, a relatively small circle of leaders commanded most of the institutional and media influence when it came to speaking for “evangelicals” on the Middle East. That media environment centered on a small and fledgling Christian Zionist network forged in the early years of Israeli statehood. This network grew in prominence after the seismic Six-Day War in June 1967, wherein Israel decisively defeated its Arab neighbors.

Many of these spokesmen had one or two degrees of separation from CT founder Billy Graham, the proverbial sun around which much of postwar evangelical-Jewish relations orbited. Graham played a crucial behind-the-scenes role in October 1973 (during the Yom Kippur War), encouraging President Nixon to greenlight the largest airlift in US history to aid Israel.

In the following decade, an entire class of Christian Zionist organizations would emerge and eclipse, at least in numbers, those evangelical authorities of 1973. The movement started by figures like Olson and Young, who were relatively closely aligned with Graham, would soon be displaced by a new crop of fundamentalist and Pentecostal-run organizations.

These were more ideologically (and eschatologically) driven conservatives who commanded far more resources and members than Olson’s denomination and Young’s grad school. Not only that, but their alignments would extend beyond theological stances—and prescriptions for US policy regarding Israelto support emerging right-wing Israeli politicians like Menachem Begin.

Jerry Falwell Sr., Pat Robertson, and a young John Hagee engaged in dedicated pro-Israel activism beginning in the late 1970s. In 2006, Hagee founded Christians United for Israel, a lobbying organization, with Falwell serving on the board of directors.

After this month’s Hamas terrorist attacks, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a Jewish-led organization supported primarily by evangelical Christians, immediately pledged $5 million in relief.
Hagee’s Christians United for Israel also promised to “confront and overcome any elected official in Washington who would try to undermine Israel’s ability to defend herself” in the war with Hamas.


Mar 18, 2017
^^^When Hagee's outfit promises to “confront and overcome any elected official in Washington who would try to undermine Israel’s ability to defend herself” in the war with Hamas. This is the guy responsible for that part of the operation. I mentioned him in my "memory-hole" thread

In July 2015, CUFI announced at its annual national summit in Washington, D.C., the launching of a lobbying arm, CUFI Action Fund, to be directed by Bauer. "You can't just bomb Washington, D.C. three days per year. You have got to actually occupy territory,” said Bauer at the launch


Mar 23, 2021
If some one walked into your backyard grabbed your whatever grandma kids wife husband etc beheaded them raped them burned them how would you respond? (This was planned but i don't think by the palestine people) so many private mil armies such as vagner isis houti etc all back by other bigger players. I still a test to the fact i think it was a staged play on innoncence people to get people pissed make stupid rash decisions and to push any palestinian person out of the area so they can then justify bulldozing the dome of the rock and build their temple (just speculation but...)

the worse part is the people that don't want or have any desire for violence this is heart breaking (everyone that thinks any of this is ok is not thinking straight) but war makes profit and i guess the spinning wheel landed on this mess. Since ukranian efforts for global destablization is taking to long. Keep stacking up the pile of poop eventually the whole world will be involved.


Dec 13, 2017
God said in the bible that because of sins His people would be deported from His land... and that after 2 days
a remnant would be restored back in His land.

U must understand that fighting jews in israel is tantamount to fighting God.

And that is a fight u will not win.


Dec 27, 2017
God said in the bible that because of sins His people would be deported from His land... and that after 2 days
a remnant would be restored back in His land.

U must understand that fighting jews in israel is tantamount to fighting God.

And that is a fight u will not win.
You know there have been many wars in that land and the Israelites and Jews lost some of those wars. And you know why too. Because of their lack of trust, disobedience and rejection of God.

It was never God's plan or intention that the Israelites and later Jews fight any wars let alone lose any. God told them that He would fight and deliver them if they just trusted and obeyed Him. And we see proof of that in the Bible. When the leaders and the people trusted God, He always delivered them.

“There have been at least 118 separate conflicts in and for Jerusalem during the past four millennia — conflicts that ranged from local religious struggles to strategic military campaigns and that embraced everything in between. Jerusalem has been destroyed completely at least twice, besieged twenty-three times, attacked an additional fifty-two times, and captured and recaptured forty-four times. It has been the scene of twenty revolts and innumerable riots, has had at least five separate periods of violent terrorist attacks during the past century, and has only changed hands completely peacefully twice in the past four thousand years.” Jerusalem Besieged — From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel, p. 2. The University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2004

As you know In the New Covenant God's definition of Israel has been expanded and refined to mean those who accept Jesus Christ as Messiah, regardless of their ethnicity or nationality. And their promised land is not the state of Israel or any other earthly nation, its heaven and the New earth that they are all waiting for Christ to come and take them to at the end of this world when He returns the second time.

Galatians 3:9, 27-29, "For this reason, those who believe are blessed with Abraham who believed." ... "As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise."

Those who have Abraham's faith receive the blessings promised to him. Jews and Gentiles who have received Christ as Saviour and Lord are counted as "Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise."

There are so many passages that make it clear beyond a doubt that the true Christian Church, comprising all genuine believers in Jesus Christ, is Israel and is the chosen nation. Spiritual "Jews" are believers in Christ irrespective of their national heritage.

1 Corinthians 1:23-24, "But we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."

The message of "Christ crucified" is power and wisdom to both Jews and Gentiles who believe. The method of salvation is the same for both groups of people.

This is the kind of Israel we should be part of and support. If anyone attacks the true Israel/church of God that is worldwide including in the state of Israel, then they will not win of course and will lose their lives eternally if they don't repent and accept Jesus as their Saviour.

Biblically we don’t need to look at the current political Israel as a holy nation and they are not our spiritual parents. The state of Israel is no longer the centre of God's salvation. it hasn't been for a long time (two thousand plus years). Biblically the state of Israel is not even the focus of end time events either.
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Oct 20, 2021
Let's make it clear for everyone still wondering about Israel. They along with DC are the Synagogue of Satan. We see proof of this everyday in infinite ways. There is no disputing this fact and anyone who tries is a satanic stooge who sold Jesus out for their twenty pieces of silver. On Judgement Day they will pay dearly and then live in Hell eternally. So shall it be.


Mar 18, 2017
U must understand that fighting jews in israel is tantamount to fighting God.

And that is a fight u will not win.
I can't find an old post of mine where i said that criticism of Israel is eventually going to become a sin....meaning a crime against God.

You'll soon get trapped by your own logic when whatever it is that TPTB have planned for Israel cannot be criticized....on pain of death. Blasphemy tends to carry a capital punishment. Religious arguments used to justify the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 are going to collapse under their own weight.

"God is good to Israel. To those who are pure in heart"- Psalm 73:1

Edit: found my old post
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Oct 20, 2021
Regardless of what happened in the past there is no divine excuse for Israel to be absolved for what they have become. They are modern day grifters who try to blind innocent people with their sham beliefs and actions. Their lies fool many yet they are still lies. They worship only money and usery and stealing from anyone but themselves. They are the true cult of Satan trying to cheat us out of not only our money but life itself. They live on stolen land and now want to steal beachfront property that is rich in natural gas worth billions. They operate the Federal Reserve that steals from us 24/7. They are behind the millions of people currently invading southern border and western Europe. They run the MSM which has tried to kill us with poisonous vaccine and that is just the tip of the iceberg. They have never done the average American anything good and are not our ally. God will punish them for they cannot fool him like people. They only know lies and deception and hatred. They know they will lose in the end and are now attempting to pursue a scorched earth policy. Anyone that aligns themselves with this abomination will suffer their same fate. I have read recently that they celebrate LGQBS in Tel Aviv with more gusto than anywhere else and have teams of doctors ready to perform transgender surgery to make a quick buck. This does not surprise me because they worship money and never run out of ideas to procure it regardless of morality. These are the ones who invented usery and all the other evil we are plagued with. Even if you try to ignore and avoid them sooner or later they will try and ensnare you in some Satanic scheme. This is what they do best. Be Vigilant and never forget they want you dead but only after fleecing you for your very last penny.


Dec 13, 2017
Religious arguments used to justify the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 are going to collapse under their own weight.
God said He would return and restore a remnant back into His land... because of His name.

That's God speaking... and not some religious argument.

Show some respect for God.


Dec 13, 2017
The English term "Palestine" itself derives from the Latin Palaestīna,[27] which, in turn, derives from the Koine Greek Παλαιστῑ́νη, Palaistī́nē, used by the world's first known historian, Herodotus, in the 5th century BCE.[7] Per Martin Noth, the name likely comes from a proto-Semitic word, albeit there is a strong similarity between Palaistī́nē and palaistês, the Greek word for "wrestler/rival/adversary", which has the same etymological meaning as the Hebrew word "Israel."[28] This was expanded by David Jacobson to theorize the name being a portmanteau of the word for Philistines with a direct translation of the word Israel into Greek (in concordance with the Greek penchant for punning on place names.)[29][30][31]

So Greek Παλαιστῑ́νη, Palaistī (Palestine) was the Greek word for Israel.


Dec 13, 2017
There is still some time for you to abandon satan and convert to Christ.

Do not be deceived by the devil and stop fighting for him.

It only brings misery here and hereafter...