The Real Syriana: Israel.....Planned home of the World Government


Mar 18, 2017
What a strange religion to obsess over destroying nations:

While iam not an Adam Green's fan nor do i purposefully watch his content, i thought i'd use your post to further the idea that Israel (after the destruction of America) is the planned home of the world government.

For decades, scores of elite puppets have talked about the need for creating a world government. What is curious is that those purveyors are rather tight-lipped about the location where the HQs will be hosted...perhaps that is because it is highly controversial and it is the one subject that unravels all our mainstream history for like the last 100-200yrs. Israel, as the planned home of the world government, changes everything about; WW1, WW2, Hitler, the holocaust, the creation of the state of Israel, events of 1967, 1979 (Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, the embassy siege, the Jerusalem conference on international terrorism etc), 9/11 and it's aftermath, the Arab Spring, questionable polls about "rising antisemitism globally", Trump's Jerusalem declaration, the present specter of a hard-right gov't holding the political reigns in Israel.....i mean the list is too long.

It is a no-brainer that any criticism lobbed at a tyrannical world government headquartered in Israel will automatically be labeled antisemitism...this should make people rethink some of the antisemitic legislation we see passed (think Ron DeSantis) all the time.

Personally, i don't believe this pet project will see the light of day (i won't elaborate on that) but if does become our reality, Christian Zionists, unwitting Zionists, paid shills who flood forums such as these are in for a very rude awakening. There is little straight-from-the-horse's-mouth information out there to work with precisely because it's highly controversial, nevertheless it is out there.

1)Jacques Attali (whose monikers include "NWO Prophet", "the Kissinger of France")

Jerusalem is "a nice spot" as home of the NWO

2)The Jerusalem Summit of 2003 (it was supposed to be a yearly thing but it became defunct. I believe it continues in a different shape and under a different name to this day)
In October 2003, the highly symbolic King David Hotel hosted a “Jerusalem Summit”, whose participants comprised three acting Israeli ministers, including Benjamin Netanyahu, and Richard Perle as guest of honor. They signed a declaration that recognized Jerusalem’s “special authority to become a center of world’s unity,” and professed:

“We believe that one of the objectives of Israel’s divinely-inspired rebirth is to make it the center of the new unity of the nations, which will lead to an era of peace and prosperity, foretold by the Prophets.”

Jerusalem Declaration
The main document to emerge from the Summit was the Jerusalem Declaration which identifies Radical Islam as a new form of totalitarianism and a challenge to the security and fundamental humanitarian values of the Western Civilization and the Free World and condemned the philosophy of Moral Relativism as false.

The Declaration highlights Israel's 'unique geographic and historic position at the crossroads of civilizations and its spiritual experience' which enables it to find 'a golden mean between tradition and modernity, religion and science, authority and democracy' and proposes Jerusalem 'the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel' as a Center of World Unity.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I suspect that this question and something I watched earlier might be inter-related…



Mar 18, 2017
American soldiers have fought and died in "useless" wars in the Middle East (useless to them but useful to the power elite faction....both Jewish and non-Jewish). Lied to that they were fighting for freedom when infact they fought and died to build the NWO. So while the Jerusalem Summit became defunct, i believe it was resurrected as the World Government Summit. Even if you waded eye-ball deep in the Neocon cesspool, you won't find them screaming that the UAE should be the home of the world government. I believe they decided to to temporarily host it there inorder to acclimate the general public to the prospect of a world government headquartered somewhere in the Middle East. If they had been brazen enough to continue to hold the summit in Israel, the whole thing would have derailed their plans and woken up the deepest sleepers or those in deep denial.

Last year, Klaus Schwab's inaugural address to the WGS, he did say that up to that point he'd been an attendee for the 8th time. Which means he's been in attendance every year except for the inaugural year and obviously he must be playing some pivotal role over there considering the whole thing is modeled after the WEF.

This was the message that Prof Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman, World Economic Forum, kicked off the 7th World Government Summit (WGS) in Dubai today.
Modelled similar to the World Economic Forum in Davos, each year the Summit invites global thought leaders, diplomats, heads of state and businessmen to help find solutions to ‘shape the future of the world’.
At the opening address, Schwab called for “Globalism 4.0” to address the rapidly complicating landscape presented by the fourth industrial revolution, “as well as populism and a world that is requiring multiconceptual thinking.”
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Mar 18, 2017
In context of all this, it is important to highlight the influence of demon-possessed, "Epstein patron" Les Wexner and his billionaire fellow travelers who have made sure that the right/vetted puppets civil servants end up in political positions in Israel.

Developing Young Global Leaders

Though Epstein’s ties to Harvard have been scrutinized, Wexner also dramatically expanded his donations to Harvard during much of the same period. However, the role this may have played in facilitating Epstein’s own connections to the university have been largely glossed over by mainstream media reports on the matter.

Even before Wexner and Epstein donated to Harvard’s Hillel in 1991, Wexner’s philanthropic “development of leaders” had become entangled with Harvard University. In 1989, the year after the Wexner Graduate Fellowship was launched, the Wexner Israel Fellowship program was created to specifically “support up to 10 outstanding Israeli public officials earning their Mid-Career Master of Public Administration (MC/MPA) at Harvard Kennedy School.”

Per the Wexner Foundation’s website: “The goal of the Fellowship is to provide Israel’s next generation of public leaders with advanced leadership and public management training. More than 280 Israeli public officials have participated in the Israel Fellowship, including leaders who have gone on to become Directors General of government ministries, Generals and Commanders in the Israeli military, and top advisers to Prime Ministers.” As part of the program, participants “meet with senior U.S. government officials.” Wexner Israel Fellows also “commit to returning to Israel and remaining in the public sector for at least three years after completing the program.”

Similar claims can be found among Israeli media. For example, Israel 21c stated the following about the program in 2002:

“Several Wexner graduates have gone on to become Director-Generals of government ministries. Others have reached the highest echelons of the military, the health service, and the educational establishment. But ultimately, for Israel, the value of the program is not the titles of its participants, but in the quality of leadership exercised by these individuals at every level.”

That same article also notes that Wexner’s interest in having this program be hosted at Harvard’s Kennedy school “is the quality of the international exposure it permits. It attracts the highest caliber of public sector leadership from around the world and Israeli participants find themselves sitting next to ex-presidents and future prime ministers from every continent. It also creates a rare opportunity for high quality public relations, as future world leaders are exposed to some of the finest and most dedicated individuals Israel has to offer.”

As can be seen from just the first class of fellows, the Wexner Israel Fellow programs and its active alumni community have given Wexner considerable clout with prominent Israelis in major positions in government and industry. Years after this program was launched, it has since expanded to include the Wexner Senior Leaders program, which “leverages the training and scholarship of the Harvard Kennedy School to strengthen Israel’s public service leadership and spur innovative, collaborative projects across government departments and agencies.” It specifically seeks applicants from “senior level positions within Israel’s public service sector, including the civil service, local government, government agencies, and security forces.”


May 14, 2022
Well, if they think they can make the headquarters of the world government in Israel, that's the good sign for me. Because they are doomed to fail. Actually the whole idea is meant to fail. Who was recently in Israel, will understand that this land is the center of big spiritual war, it's not just about army and occupying palestine. As long as the satanic elite is in power, as long there will not be peace in israel. And you cannot have a headquarters of world government in the society that you can't control. There are strong communities that will never kneel.


Jan 10, 2019
While iam not an Adam Green's fan nor do i purposefully watch his content, i thought i'd use your post to further the idea that Israel (after the destruction of America) is the planned home of the world government.
People should be open to truthful content regardless of who publishes it. I almost never post info from Adam Green because I realize the controversial path he's continued on disassociating himself with ALL Abrahamic traditions. That said there's no debate to the serious effort Green has put into exposing the Trump/MAGA psyop on conservatives including Q, Kushner and Habad, Alex Jones, Evangelical Zionists, Blackrock and Wall Street secret societies, Noahyde laws, the so-called Holocaust, 3rd Temple, Palestinian genocide, Israeli lobbies, etc. etc. The guy is dedicated and it's been interesting to see his development after studying books such as the DSS and endless interviews with Biblical historians- the top Jesus mythicist Richard Carrier for example.

I have to acknowledge Brendan O'Connell as it just struck me who brought up the history of Mackinder's 1904 "Heartland" report which placed Jerusalem as the strategic center of what was labeled the World-Island (Europe, Africa, and Asia). At the advice of Matt Ehret I choose to continually consider the aims of the Round Table group and other forces of British imperialism, how they effected 20th century geopolitics into the present.

I feel lucky to have stumbled on this article by Israel Shamir- it's exactly what I was searching for. Not to take away from the many facets of the .1% controlled NWO but the British-American imperial hand in Palestine cannot be overlooked:

Why Palestine is Important

...Palestine is important because it is believed to be the linchpin of Empire, one of the key points necessary to control the world. Such was the conviction of the 19th century British Empire-builders of the Rhodes variety, and this conviction has been recently and continuously reformulated into the terms of modern geopolitics. Once an arcane theory developed by HJ Mackinder, it has grown up to become a driving force behind globalism.

Mackinder planned the subjugation of the whole planet to the Empire. He noted that the Arab world (a passage-land, in his terms) is central for this enterprise, and declared that “the hill citadel of Jerusalem has a strategic position with reference to world-realities not differing essentially from its ideal position in the perspective of the Middle Ages, or its strategic position between ancient Babylon and Egypt.” He believed that the “ideal position” of Jerusalem as the centre of the world of the medieval Crusader maps is no religious quirk, but an inspired understanding of the inherent quality of the place. In his exact words, “In a monkish map, contemporary with the Crusades, which still hangs in Hereford Cathedral, Jerusalem is marked as at the geometrical centre, the navel, of the world, and on the floor of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem they will show you to this day the precise spot which is the centre? The medieval ecclesiasts were not far wrong”.

A strategist-mystic, Mackinder was a great supporter of the Balfour declaration: “The Jewish national seat in Palestine will be one of the most important outcomes of the war. That is a subject on which we can now afford to speak the truth … a national home at the physical and historical centre of the world”.

"Naval of the world" is strong imagery!

The second part of the article proves the primary source of political Zionism is British imperialism. Thinking of the two most passionate vocal preachers at this forum the picture kind of falls in place :D:

...Professor Ould-Mey revealed that the Zionist movement was not created by Jews in the 19th century: they were busy looking closer to home. These starry-eyed Jews once dreamt of forming a homeland inside Ukraine or Poland, to build there an independent state “just like Serbia”. It was the British who had a different idea, namely, to turn the Jews into English colonists in the Middle East. They “were looking for allies and well-wishers in this non-Protestant region. They simply couldn’t miss the Jews! They wanted the Jews to fill in the blank for the non-existing native Protestants in the Holy Land”.

Enter William Henry Hechler (1845- 1931), the British agent who actually fathered Zionism in Eastern Europe and Russia. Hechler is the man who turned Leo Pinsker into a Zionist; Pinsker later became author of the first and most influential pre-Zionist pamphlet, Auto-Emancipation. “This is when and how the British began to inject their Zionism into an otherwise local and normal emancipation movement of Eastern European Jewry in their own ancestral homeland” in Eastern Europe, writes Ould-Mey.

After winning over Pinsker and establishing the first Jewish movement for settlement in Palestine (Hibath Zion), Hechler went to Vienna to entice Theodor Herzl. At that time, Hechler was already described as an agent working for German and English interests and particularly as a ‘secret agent’ working for the Intelligence Service.

Hechler actively participated in the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland in August 1897. Hechler-Herzl relations (like the Hechler-Pinsker ones before them and the Balfour- Weizmann ones after them) would seem to resemble the tutor-tutored relations rather than prophet-prince relations as suggested by Zionist historiography. Beyond tutoring Herzl on what Zionism is all about, Hechler introduced both Herzl and Zionism to the German Emperor, the Russian Czar, the Ottoman Sultan, the Pope and other luminaries.

Herzl was essentially a British envoy to the Germans, the Russians, the Ottomans, and the Jews. It was said that Herzl was fitted to lead Zionism precisely because he knew neither the Jews nor Palestine or Turkey.

Ould-Mey concludes: “The British wanted Palestine for imperial and religious motives and used the Zionist Jews as willing surrogates and proxies who down the road became more active agents.”

This makes sense, for it solves the mystery: why was the Jewish Zionist movement such a Johnny-come-lately? Jewish Zionism was still in its infancy when Russians, French and Germans had been buying up lands and building houses all over the Holy Land for 40 years. Ould-Mey’s theory answers all the pertinent questions nicely. It was an English coup de grace.


Mar 18, 2017
People should be open to truthful content regardless of who publishes it. I almost never post info from Adam Green because I realize the controversial path he's continued on disassociating himself with ALL Abrahamic traditions. That said there's no debate to the serious effort Green has put into exposing the Trump/MAGA psyop on conservatives including Q, Kushner and Habad, Alex Jones, Evangelical Zionists, Blackrock and Wall Street secret societies, Noahyde laws, the so-called Holocaust, 3rd Temple, Palestinian genocide, Israeli lobbies, etc. etc. The guy is dedicated and it's been interesting to see his development after studying books such as the DSS and endless interviews with Biblical historians- the top Jesus mythicist Richard Carrier for example.

I have to acknowledge Brendan O'Connell as it just struck me who brought up the history of Mackinder's 1904 "Heartland" report which placed Jerusalem as the strategic center of what was labeled the World-Island (Europe, Africa, and Asia). At the advice of Matt Ehret I choose to continually consider the aims of the Round Table group and other forces of British imperialism, how they effected 20th century geopolitics into the present.

I feel lucky to have stumbled on this article by Israel Shamir- it's exactly what I was searching for. Not to take away from the many facets of the .1% controlled NWO but the British-American imperial hand in Palestine cannot be overlooked:

Why Palestine is Important

...Palestine is important because it is believed to be the linchpin of Empire, one of the key points necessary to control the world. Such was the conviction of the 19th century British Empire-builders of the Rhodes variety, and this conviction has been recently and continuously reformulated into the terms of modern geopolitics. Once an arcane theory developed by HJ Mackinder, it has grown up to become a driving force behind globalism.

Mackinder planned the subjugation of the whole planet to the Empire. He noted that the Arab world (a passage-land, in his terms) is central for this enterprise, and declared that “the hill citadel of Jerusalem has a strategic position with reference to world-realities not differing essentially from its ideal position in the perspective of the Middle Ages, or its strategic position between ancient Babylon and Egypt.” He believed that the “ideal position” of Jerusalem as the centre of the world of the medieval Crusader maps is no religious quirk, but an inspired understanding of the inherent quality of the place. In his exact words, “In a monkish map, contemporary with the Crusades, which still hangs in Hereford Cathedral, Jerusalem is marked as at the geometrical centre, the navel, of the world, and on the floor of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem they will show you to this day the precise spot which is the centre? The medieval ecclesiasts were not far wrong”.

A strategist-mystic, Mackinder was a great supporter of the Balfour declaration: “The Jewish national seat in Palestine will be one of the most important outcomes of the war. That is a subject on which we can now afford to speak the truth … a national home at the physical and historical centre of the world”.

"Naval of the world" is strong imagery!

The second part of the article proves the primary source of political Zionism is British imperialism. Thinking of the two most passionate vocal preachers at this forum the picture kind of falls in place :D:

...Professor Ould-Mey revealed that the Zionist movement was not created by Jews in the 19th century: they were busy looking closer to home. These starry-eyed Jews once dreamt of forming a homeland inside Ukraine or Poland, to build there an independent state “just like Serbia”. It was the British who had a different idea, namely, to turn the Jews into English colonists in the Middle East. They “were looking for allies and well-wishers in this non-Protestant region. They simply couldn’t miss the Jews! They wanted the Jews to fill in the blank for the non-existing native Protestants in the Holy Land”.

Enter William Henry Hechler (1845- 1931), the British agent who actually fathered Zionism in Eastern Europe and Russia. Hechler is the man who turned Leo Pinsker into a Zionist; Pinsker later became author of the first and most influential pre-Zionist pamphlet, Auto-Emancipation. “This is when and how the British began to inject their Zionism into an otherwise local and normal emancipation movement of Eastern European Jewry in their own ancestral homeland” in Eastern Europe, writes Ould-Mey.

After winning over Pinsker and establishing the first Jewish movement for settlement in Palestine (Hibath Zion), Hechler went to Vienna to entice Theodor Herzl. At that time, Hechler was already described as an agent working for German and English interests and particularly as a ‘secret agent’ working for the Intelligence Service.

Hechler actively participated in the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland in August 1897. Hechler-Herzl relations (like the Hechler-Pinsker ones before them and the Balfour- Weizmann ones after them) would seem to resemble the tutor-tutored relations rather than prophet-prince relations as suggested by Zionist historiography. Beyond tutoring Herzl on what Zionism is all about, Hechler introduced both Herzl and Zionism to the German Emperor, the Russian Czar, the Ottoman Sultan, the Pope and other luminaries.

Herzl was essentially a British envoy to the Germans, the Russians, the Ottomans, and the Jews. It was said that Herzl was fitted to lead Zionism precisely because he knew neither the Jews nor Palestine or Turkey.

Ould-Mey concludes: “The British wanted Palestine for imperial and religious motives and used the Zionist Jews as willing surrogates and proxies who down the road became more active agents.”

This makes sense, for it solves the mystery: why was the Jewish Zionist movement such a Johnny-come-lately? Jewish Zionism was still in its infancy when Russians, French and Germans had been buying up lands and building houses all over the Holy Land for 40 years. Ould-Mey’s theory answers all the pertinent questions nicely. It was an English coup de grace.
Interesting post! Thanx for sharing. I could respond to it from so many angles but iam super lazy right now :) so i'll only post just a little bit. The section in your article about the Anglo establishment elite having a vested interest in Palestine finds corroboration in this old Whitney Webb article on Christian Zionism (see the bolded parts) as well as Alison Weir's book (British empire was waning, so America as the ascendant world power was used to finish the job).

As with Russell’s letter to de Rothschild and von Hirsch, it is unknown exactly how influential the Blackstone Memorial was in influencing the views or policies of Harrison or Blaine. However, the Blackstone Memorial petition is highly significant because of its signatories, which included the most influential and wealthiest Americans of the era, the majority of whom were Christians.

Signatories of the Blackstone Memorial included J.D. Rockefeller, the country’s first billionaire; J.P. Morgan, the wealthy banker; William McKinley, future president of the United States; Thomas Brackett Reed, then speaker of the House; Melville Fuller, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; the mayors of New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston and Chicago; the editors of the Boston Globe, New York Times, Washington Post, and Chicago Tribune, among others; and numerous other members of Congress, as well as influential businessmen and clergymen. Though some rabbis were included as signatories, the petition’s content was opposed by most American Jewish communities. In other words, the primary goal of Zionism, before it even became a movement, was widely supported by the American Christian elite, but opposed by American Jews.

The Blackstone Memorial would later attract the attention of Louis Brandeis, one of the most prominent American Jewish Zionists, who would later refer to Blackstone as the real “founding father of Zionism,” according to Brandeis’ close friend Nathan Straus. Brandeis would eventually succeed in convincing an elderly Blackstone to petition then-President Woodrow Wilson with a second Blackstone Memorial in 1916 that was presented in private to Wilson nearly a year later.

Instead of gathering signatures from prominent members of America’s elite class, Blackstone this time focused on shoring up support from Protestant organizations, namely the Presbyterian Church, in keeping with Wilson’s Presbyterian faith. According to historian Jerry Klinger, president of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation, this change in focus had been Brandeis’, not Blackstone’s, idea.

Scofield’s membership in this exclusive club — as well as the club’s patronage of his activities, which granted him lodging and financing to produce what would become the Scofield Reference Bible — has been the subject of considerable speculation. Indeed, many have noted that the presence of a fundamentalist, dispensationalist small-town preacher with a disgraced political past in a club stuffed with some of the country’s most elite academics, writers and robber barons just doesn’t add up.

Joseph M. Canfield, in his book The Incredible Scofield and his Book, asserted that “the admission of Scofield to the Lotus Club, which could not have been sought by Scofield, strengthens the suspicion that has cropped up before, that someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield.”

Canfield puts forth the theory in his book that the person “directing” Scofield’s career was connected to New York lawyer and Zionist activist Samuel Untermeyer, who was on the club’s executive committee and was a close associate of Louis Brandeis and influential in the administration of Woodrow Wilson. He then notes that Scofield’s annotated bible was later “most helpful in getting Fundamentalist Christians to back the international interest in one of Untermeyer’s pet projects — the Zionist Movement.”

Stephen Gaghan, director of Syriana said that when he was doing research for the film, it's title was a real term in Washington's thinktanks.
"The film's title is suggested to derive from the hypothesized Pax Syriana, as an allusion to the necessary state of peace between Syria and the U.S. as it relates to the oil business. In a December 2005 interview, Baer told NPR that the title is a metaphor for foreign intervention in the Middle East, referring to post-World War I think tank strategic studies for the creation of an artificial state (such as Iraq, created from elements of the former Ottoman Empire) that ensured continued western access to crude oil.[15]

The movie's website states that "‘Syriana’ is a real term used by Washington think-tanks to describe a hypothetical reshaping of the Middle East."[16] Gaghan said he saw Syriana as "a great word that could stand for man's perpetual hope of remaking any geographic region to suit his own needs."[17] The word Syriana derives from Syria + the Latin suffix -ana; it means, roughly, "in the manner of Syria." Historically, Syria refers not to the state that since 1944 has borne the name, but to a more extensive land stretching from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the middle Euphrates River and the western edge of the desert steppe, and from the Tauric system of mountains in the north to the edge of the Sinai desert in the south. This land was part of the Fertile Crescent, and has historically been a geopolitically crucial junction for trade routes from the east, from Asia Minor and the Aegean, and from Egypt, and has long been a focus of great power conflicts."


Mar 18, 2017
^^On that note, many of us imagine that a world government will have some semblance of our current quasi-sovereign governments. Fortunately, we were given a glimpse into a terrifying full blown monarchy, along the path of which, Israel (as a so-called "only democracy in the ME) would cease to exist in it's current form.
"Like fundamentalism everywhere, the Jewish variety seeks to restore an ideal, imagined past. If it ever managed to do so, the Israel celebrated by the American “friends of Israel” as a “bastion of democracy in the Middle East” would, most assuredly, be no more. For, in its full and perfect form, the Jewish Kingdom that arose in its place would elevate a stern and wrathful God’s sovereignty over any new-fangled, heathen concepts such as the people’s will, civil liberties or human rights. It would be governed by the Halacha, or Jewish religious law, of which the rabbis would be the sole interpreters ... A monarch, chosen by the rabbis, would rule and the Knesset would be replaced by a Sanhedrin, or supreme judicial, ecclesiastic and administrative council ... All forms of “idolatry or idol-worship,” but especially Christian ones (for traditionally Muslims, who are not considered to be idolaters, are held in less contempt than Christians), would be “obliterated,” in the words of Shas party leader Rabbi Ovadia Yossef ... "**

"What we see, then, is not a Jewish conspiracy, but a peculiar alliance of evangelical Christians, foreign-policy hard-liners, lobbyists for the Israeli government and neoconservatives, a number of whom happen to be Jewish. But the Jews among them—Perle, Wolfowitz, William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, et al.—are more likely to speak about freedom and democracy than about Halakha (Jewish law).


Nov 8, 2022
I am not at all sure that by "Israel" (as the future home of the world government) they mean geographical Israel, rather than "the old and glory home of the historical aristocracy of those who (officially) historically are considered to be the old inhabitants of Israel." Because they (or at least some of them, more precisely than the elite) have a far, far more glorious (and also 'glorious', especially to their neighbors) historical kingdom that existed for many years in prosperity and played a central role in the region, and which is a little further north.

So, if this is the case, and the problems in the Middle East continue to deepen (and we have not yet seen the long-awaited and predicted religious escalation, on the occasion of the holy hill, for example), right now, in the mentioned more Northern place, there are prerequisites for the creation of an unusually strong false narrative of territory under pressure, attack and destruction, which has heroically resisted, has been supported by "the whole democratic world", by the world structures... and on this basis it can be restored to glory.

These days, important globalist figures like Kissinger and Lukashenko (who alone of all stood up to the globalist plandemic deception, and then... boasted that "Belarus did the best of the whole world with the pandemic", 72% vaccination coverage. Meanwhile, at the time when he stood up to the globalist plandemia, he signed decrees on digital development, with an emphasis on building all major Belarusian cities such as smart, biometrics decree and BISRS system "complex of information systems and resources designed to identify users (individuals and legal entities) using identification cards (ID cards) in order to provide them with electronic services "; naturally, the Sustainable Development Goals were signed to develop Belarus)... So, they said there could be "peace talks" soon. Xi Jinping is also for peace, as far as I know. Many people are for peace..

By the way, "In order to consolidate the Belarusian people, strengthen the ideas of peace and creative work in society as the main conditions for the development of the Belarusian state, the President of the Republic of Belarus declared 2023 the Year of Peace and Creation." :)

Well, with equal success, no "peace" may come, but there may be eternal "war." If it helps to accelerate towards World Government (which may be where they say it will be - in the territorial Israel).

But, no, really, just imagine the potential for history, right here in this place, with this exact name, which means "on the border," "on the edge". Which story smoothly and imperceptibly replaced the previous big and noisy global story, which, we were told, was the beginning of a fundamental social change that differs significantly from all others before it in that it "will change people themselves," "the perception of what a person is," by "merging digital, physical and biological identities." And the all global powers played and still play in this movie.

Interesting, anyway.
"Moscow, Russia, 13 October 2021 – Russia will take a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution..."
And she taked.

"The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022."
And February 2022.

In this place, historically super-significant for the historical aristocracy of those who are from Israel. Maybe it's a coincidence.

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Mar 18, 2017

If they didn't mean the the geographical spot in the Middle East, their own words and actions would lend weight to the Khazarian argument. Attali seems blunt when he broadcasts NWO plans. If it was Khazaria, he would have said so since he was on national television when he made the comments.
At the Jerusalem Summit, Richard Perle and fellow attendees invoked the Prophets in a quest for legitimacy. Again, if it was Khazaria, iam not so sure they can appeal to the Prophets in their own sacred text for legitimacy in regard the "kingdom in the north". They are pretty adamant about the territorial boundaries of..."from the Nile to the Euphrates".

The whole thing also speaks to the corruption and infiltration that has been wrought in Christendom in support of this NWO agenda. There are many Christians who believe that Christ is actually going to return and reign out of Jerusalem and that all the events that happened in the last century were a build up to that climatic event. The big and reputable theological seminaries teach this eschatological belief but it also raises questions about some of the Messianic Jews (like Sid Roth, Amir Tsarfarti, etc)who populate daytime Christian tv and subscribe to this end-time wonders whether they legitimately believe it all or they are just subversive agents.


Jun 28, 2020
Reminds one of the famous quote by Henry Kissinger, doesn't it?

When he said Israel wouldn't exist in 10 years, while Satanyahu has single handily split the occupiers.



Mar 18, 2017
Stephen Gaghan, director of Syriana said that when he was doing research for the film, it's title was a real term in Washington's thinktanks.
"The film's title is suggested to derive from the hypothesized Pax Syriana, as an allusion to the necessary state of peace between Syria and the U.S. as it relates to the oil business. In a December 2005 interview, Baer told NPR that the title is a metaphor for foreign intervention in the Middle East, referring to post-World War I think tank strategic studies for the creation of an artificial state (such as Iraq, created from elements of the former Ottoman Empire) that ensured continued western access to crude oil.[15]

The movie's website states that "‘Syriana’ is a real term used by Washington think-tanks to describe a hypothetical reshaping of the Middle East."[16] Gaghan said he saw Syriana as "a great word that could stand for man's perpetual hope of remaking any geographic region to suit his own needs."[17] The word Syriana derives from Syria + the Latin suffix -ana; it means, roughly, "in the manner of Syria." Historically, Syria refers not to the state that since 1944 has borne the name, but to a more extensive land stretching from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the middle Euphrates River and the western edge of the desert steppe, and from the Tauric system of mountains in the north to the edge of the Sinai desert in the south. This land was part of the Fertile Crescent, and has historically been a geopolitically crucial junction for trade routes from the east, from Asia Minor and the Aegean, and from Egypt, and has long been a focus of great power conflicts."
"The Original ending of Syriana was George Bush going into Congress and declaring war on Iran and i was going to use the actual footage from the Iraq war declaration....Okay 2003, this goes up the flag pole with the studio and the producers and everyone is like you're insane....Meanwhile my no.1 cohort and source for all this stuff is the ex-Iraq bureau all his pals are Iran hands. They all said to me, from the first moment of research on Syriana----Iraq is a sideshow." ~ Stephen Gaghan


(video is 31mins but the second half is a repetition with the camera focused on the host, so the interview is just 14mins)
"...It's a small world, like anything there's only a few guys pulling the strings. The power players in the world of oil, arms, Middle Eastern foreign's like less than 200 people and they all know each other."



Mar 18, 2017

The Jerusalem Summit[ is] an Israel-based advocacy outfit that has brought together Evangelical Christians, neoconservatives, and hardline pro-Israel figures from across the globe in an effort to shape the debate over the status of Palestine, radical Islam, and what its members view as the "relativism" of the West. “The ultimate goal of Jerusalem Summit,” according to a statement on the group’s website, “is to create an alliance of all individuals and organizations from different nations and faiths who realize the grave danger our democratic civilization faces from the new Totalitarianism, represented by radical Islam, and the moral relativism which erodes our resolve to fight and destroy these evil forces.” It adds, “We believe that the center of such an alliance has to be in Jerusalem. Not for nothing these forces of Evil chose Israel as the focus of their attack: here lies the front line of that new battle. If Jerusalem falls, so shall the entire free world.


Mar 18, 2017
Just 5 months after the invasion of Iraq a bunch of individuals were in attendance at the Jerusalem Summit. People like Richard Perle (the prince of darkness), Daniel Pipes, Meyrav Wurmser, Gary Bauer, Gen. Paul Vallely etc. Just look at the list yourselves. Meyrav Wurmser co-authored the Clean Break Report, the PNAC document and is also co-founder of MEMRI. This is a 5min clip that is part of a longer 2003 BBC Panorama episode: The War Party

"our job is to think"


Mar 18, 2017
The second Jerusalem Summit of 2004

Jerusalem Summit Calls for Alternative to UN

The three-day summit, which began November 27 at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, has focused on developing a “Humanitarian Solution to the Middle East Conflict.”

Sessions offered include topics such as, “Liberation of Moslem Women as Means of Changing the Totalitarian Regimes” and “The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Shifting the Paradigm from ‘Political’ to ‘Humanitarian’.”

The first Jerusalem Summit took place in October 2003. Among the featured participants in this year’s summit were Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, Mayor of Jerusalem Uri Lupolianski, Gen. (ret.) Eitan Ben-Eliyahu, former Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, former Foreign Minister of Spain Ana Palacio, Congressman (R-CO) Robert Beauprez, former Uruguayan President Luis Alberto La Calle, MK Benny Elon (National Union), Gen. (ret.) Yehuda Segev, Amb. Dr. Dore Gold, MK Dr. Yuri Shtern (National Union), and Lt.-Col. (ret. ) Dr. Yoram Kahati.

Also participating were Director of Palestinian Media Watch Itamar Marcus, author John Loftus, French filmmaker Pierre Rehov, Dr. Daniel Pipes, Dennis Prager, and Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post.

Rep. Robert Beauprez was one of those to address the Summit on Monday, with a topic entitled, “Assessing the UN: The Search for Alternative Approaches.”
The Congressman began by quoting Chapter 122 of Psalms, calling for “praying for peace in Jerusalem.” He expressed the American administration's hope that the new PA leaders will eradicate the teachings of fanaticism and hate from schools and will stop inculcating the PA youth to become “human weapons of war."

Beauprez spoke of the fabrication and untruths spread by Israel’s enemies, adding, “When truths go unchallenged, peace is a casualty; when untruths are tolerated, good people die." Beauprez added that some 3,400 years ago, the current day’s truths were established at Mount Sinai when G-d gave the Torah.

“If the United Nations continues to be dysfunctional," the Congressman said, "then other means must be sought” to bring an end to the ongoing conflict. Along these lines, the 2004 Jerusalem Summit features an innovative new concept called the Council of Civilizations – an international body intended to offer an alternative model to the United Nations.

Beauprez wasn’t the only Jerusalem Summit speaker to call for the establishment of a new international body of democratic states to implement the charter of the United Nations. Many speakers claimed that the UN has neglected its original mandate.

Isi Liebler, Senior Vice President of the World Jewish Congress opened the summit by declaring that the United Nations has become a “burden to global tranquility.” In its present form, he said, it would be best for the UN “to disappear." Liebler added that the international body “displays incompetence on the level of its predecessor, the League of Nations.”

Weaving together the themes of global Islamic terrorism and the plight of Muslim women was the screening of the documentary, “Submission." The film's Dutch director was murdered after receiving multiple death threats from Muslims who found the film insulting to Islam. The film was produced together with a female parliamentarian who had renounced her Islamic faith.

Former Mossad Intelligence Agency director Shabtai Shavit also addressed the forum. Considered to be an expert in the field of counter-terrorism, Shavit told the forum he sees terrorism as being divided into two categories: “classical” and “current.” He then elaborated on some of the distinctive characteristics of each.

The “classical” age of terrorism ended, Shavit explained, in the 1970s, making way for the “current” age of terrorism. He noted that in the past, terrorists operated more locally, followed by a transition to a global terrorist operating platform. He said that terror today is primarily motivated by “religious fanaticism,” and specifically, Islamic fundamentalism.

Shavit, a 32-year veteran of Israel’s intelligence community, also expressed the need for the establishment of an international body to fulfill the mandate of the United Nations.

Another speaker, Prof. Anne Bayefsky of the Hudson Institute, an internationally acclaimed expert on human rights law, labeled the UN the “leading global purveyor of anti-Semitism.” The professor pointed to the recent American national elections, in which both candidates concurred in pre-election debates that the UN is no longer an option. Prof. Bayefsky added that the shameful Durban Conference was yet another example of the UN’s blatant anti-Semitic agenda.

The Jerusalem Summit is sponsored by the Michael Cherney Foundation, the Israel Ministry of Tourism, the Jerusalem Municipality and the National Unity Coalition for Israel.

Due to the abundance of Christian leaders and politicians attending the Jerusalem Summit, the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus held a meeting today to coincide with the summit. The Caucus was formed in the wake of the First Jerusalem Summit last year.


Mar 18, 2017
I have to repost this declaration from the 1st Jerusalem Summit held just 5 months after the invasion of the Iraq.....and 11years after Bill Cooper's comments below. If you are a religiously-inclined die-hard supporter of Israel you have alot to think about because Klaus Schwab and his handlers are going to have the last laugh......watching you come to the painful realization that you helped them achieve their world government aspirations.

David Ben-Gurion, the “father of the nation”, was a firm believer in the ‘mission’ [of Greater Israel], declaring: “I believe in our moral and intellectual superiority; and in our capacity to serve as a model for the redemption of the human race”. At the 2003 ‘Jerusalem Summit’, whose participants comprised three acting Israeli ministers (and included Netanyahu, and Richard Perle from the USG), the group solemnly professed: “We believe that one of the objectives of Israel’s divinely-inspired rebirth, is to make it the center of the new unity of the nations, which will lead to an era of peace and prosperity, as foretold by the Prophets”.

Oct 20, 2021
I read somewhere that Ben Hur had JFK killed because JFK didn't want Synagogue of Satan to have nuclear bomb.


Mar 18, 2017
Israel was never created to be a democracy. When ben-Gurion and Netanyahu invoke the prophet Isaiah, this is what they are referring to:
Isaiah 2:1-4
This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:

2 In the last days

the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
and all nations will stream to it.

3 Many peoples will come and say,

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the temple of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us his ways,
so that we may walk in his paths.”
The law will go out from Zion,
the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4 He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.



Mar 18, 2017
The second Jerusalem Summit of 2004

Jerusalem Summit Calls for Alternative to UN

The three-day summit, which began November 27 at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, has focused on developing a “Humanitarian Solution to the Middle East Conflict.”

Sessions offered include topics such as, “Liberation of Moslem Women as Means of Changing the Totalitarian Regimes” and “The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Shifting the Paradigm from ‘Political’ to ‘Humanitarian’.”

The first Jerusalem Summit took place in October 2003. Among the featured participants in this year’s summit were Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, Mayor of Jerusalem Uri Lupolianski, Gen. (ret.) Eitan Ben-Eliyahu, former Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, former Foreign Minister of Spain Ana Palacio, Congressman (R-CO) Robert Beauprez, former Uruguayan President Luis Alberto La Calle, MK Benny Elon (National Union), Gen. (ret.) Yehuda Segev, Amb. Dr. Dore Gold, MK Dr. Yuri Shtern (National Union), and Lt.-Col. (ret. ) Dr. Yoram Kahati.

Also participating were Director of Palestinian Media Watch Itamar Marcus, author John Loftus, French filmmaker Pierre Rehov, Dr. Daniel Pipes, Dennis Prager, and Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post.

Rep. Robert Beauprez was one of those to address the Summit on Monday, with a topic entitled, “Assessing the UN: The Search for Alternative Approaches.”
The Congressman began by quoting Chapter 122 of Psalms, calling for “praying for peace in Jerusalem.” He expressed the American administration's hope that the new PA leaders will eradicate the teachings of fanaticism and hate from schools and will stop inculcating the PA youth to become “human weapons of war."

Beauprez spoke of the fabrication and untruths spread by Israel’s enemies, adding, “When truths go unchallenged, peace is a casualty; when untruths are tolerated, good people die." Beauprez added that some 3,400 years ago, the current day’s truths were established at Mount Sinai when G-d gave the Torah.

“If the United Nations continues to be dysfunctional," the Congressman said, "then other means must be sought” to bring an end to the ongoing conflict. Along these lines, the 2004 Jerusalem Summit features an innovative new concept called the Council of Civilizations – an international body intended to offer an alternative model to the United Nations.

Beauprez wasn’t the only Jerusalem Summit speaker to call for the establishment of a new international body of democratic states to implement the charter of the United Nations. Many speakers claimed that the UN has neglected its original mandate.

Isi Liebler, Senior Vice President of the World Jewish Congress opened the summit by declaring that the United Nations has become a “burden to global tranquility.” In its present form, he said, it would be best for the UN “to disappear." Liebler added that the international body “displays incompetence on the level of its predecessor, the League of Nations.”

Weaving together the themes of global Islamic terrorism and the plight of Muslim women was the screening of the documentary, “Submission." The film's Dutch director was murdered after receiving multiple death threats from Muslims who found the film insulting to Islam. The film was produced together with a female parliamentarian who had renounced her Islamic faith.

Former Mossad Intelligence Agency director Shabtai Shavit also addressed the forum. Considered to be an expert in the field of counter-terrorism, Shavit told the forum he sees terrorism as being divided into two categories: “classical” and “current.” He then elaborated on some of the distinctive characteristics of each.

The “classical” age of terrorism ended, Shavit explained, in the 1970s, making way for the “current” age of terrorism. He noted that in the past, terrorists operated more locally, followed by a transition to a global terrorist operating platform. He said that terror today is primarily motivated by “religious fanaticism,” and specifically, Islamic fundamentalism.

Shavit, a 32-year veteran of Israel’s intelligence community, also expressed the need for the establishment of an international body to fulfill the mandate of the United Nations.

Another speaker, Prof. Anne Bayefsky of the Hudson Institute, an internationally acclaimed expert on human rights law, labeled the UN the “leading global purveyor of anti-Semitism.” The professor pointed to the recent American national elections, in which both candidates concurred in pre-election debates that the UN is no longer an option. Prof. Bayefsky added that the shameful Durban Conference was yet another example of the UN’s blatant anti-Semitic agenda.

The Jerusalem Summit is sponsored by the Michael Cherney Foundation, the Israel Ministry of Tourism, the Jerusalem Municipality and the National Unity Coalition for Israel.

Due to the abundance of Christian leaders and politicians attending the Jerusalem Summit, the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus held a meeting today to coincide with the summit. The Caucus was formed in the wake of the First Jerusalem Summit last year.
20years later, the same publication hosts the now-ex Israeli ambassador to the UN who spouts talking points from decades ago. Video is courtesy of e-Enoch from his Israel thread

