Christian viewpoints and "supporting israel"


Mar 18, 2017
Important articles from 2019 and 2017. The enforcement of this, post-Reset (when we start using CBDCs), i leave to the imagination.

Long and detailed read
As the world has witnessed the oppression and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, many people have risen in protest. In response, the Israeli government and certain of its advocates have conducted a campaign to crack down on this activism, running roughshod over civil liberties (and the English language) in the process.

The mechanism of this crackdown is the redefinition of “antisemitism”[1] to include criticism of Israel, and the insertion of this definition into the bodies of law of various countries.

Where most people would consider “antisemitism” to mean bigotry against Jewish people (and rightly consider it abhorrent), for two decades a campaign has been underway to replace that definition with an Israel-centric definition. That definition can then be used to block speech and activism in support of Palestinian human rights as “hate.” Various groups are applying this definition in law enforcement evaluations of possible crimes.

Proponents of this Israel-centric definition have promoted it step by step in various arenas, from the U.S. State Department and European governments to local governments around the U.S. and universities.
Oct 20, 2021
Jimmy Swaggart always pushing for Israel. Evangelicals are just lambs being led to the slaughter.


Jan 15, 2024
Hamas is 85% orphans. Due to Israels 75 year on going brutal occupation.

Hamas is the people. The people are Hamas.
Hamas is owned and operated by the elite, the same people who own and operate Israel and the world. The purpose of the Hamas attack was to give Israel justification to completely level and destroy Palestine. Don't be fooled by their lies; HAMAS was not made to save Palestine but to help destroy it. Pay close attention to who is benefiting from the attack. It's called a false flag - just as CIA orchestrated 911 to justify an attack on the middle east.



Apr 26, 2017
Hamas is owned and operated by the elite, the same people who own and operate Israel and the world. The purpose of the Hamas attack was to give Israel justification to completely level and destroy Palestine. Don't be fooled by their lies; HAMAS was not made to save Palestine but to help destroy it. Pay close attention to who is benefiting from the attack. It's called a false flag - just as CIA orchestrated 911 to justify an attack on the middle east.

Some people swallow the propaganda, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Then regurgitate it (“Hamas are the people…”), which, unfortunately, makes everyone who believes it, dumber.


Jan 15, 2024
Some people swallow the propaganda, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Then regurgitate it (“Hamas are the people…”), which, unfortunately, makes everyone who believes it, dumber.
They're not dumb, they're misled and deceived. We're all on the same side here. No point being at each other's throats. Those of us who know the Truth need to be patient and continue to expose the lies. So many people who have finally woke up to the corruption still believe in the left/right paradigm. So many people still believe groups like CIA, KKK, Hamas, Black Lives Matter etc were independently formed and are acting on their own. They're all controlled by the elite and used to divide the people, sew chaos, and obtain their objectives.


Jun 28, 2020
Hamas is owned and operated by the elite, the same people who own and operate Israel and the world. The purpose of the Hamas attack was to give Israel justification to completely level and destroy Palestine. Don't be fooled by their lies; HAMAS was not made to save Palestine but to help destroy it. Pay close attention to who is benefiting from the attack. It's called a false flag - just as CIA orchestrated 911 to justify an attack on the middle east.

Do corrupt leaders make for a corrupt people?

I'm American. Does this mean Joe Biden speaks for me?

If you actually paid attention to middle eastern media you'd see the people support Hamas. In fact I've shared numerous articles on this myself. From Palestinians offering prayers for them to the children dressing up like Abu Ubaida

Like i said above, 85% of them are orphans who've lost loved ones because of Israel's constant brutality. History did not begin on Oct 7th.

If you can only speak / read english then you'll only know a Zionist narrative. Even AJ+ English is putting out propaganda.

Like i said. Hamas are the people. The people are Hamas.

This is a group of people who have been living behind a 26 ft concrete wall watching thier kids imprisoned for no reason and their women raped for decades.

Settlers taking thier land. Stealing / killing thier animals. All of this happens while the IOF are there to support / protect it.

They have been destroying Palestinian olive trees for decades and these take 20 years to grow!

I can give many more reasons why the people are sick of living in an open air concentration camp but ill leave you too western media.

Welcome to the age of the dajjal, an age of deciet.


Apr 26, 2017
Do corrupt leaders make for a corrupt people?

I'm American. Does this mean Joe Biden speaks for me?

If you actually paid attention to middle eastern media you'd see the people support Hamas. In fact I've shared numerous articles on this myself. From Palestinians offering prayers for them to the children dressing up like Abu Ubaida

Like i said above, 85% of them are orphans who've lost loved ones because of Israel's constant brutality. History did not begin on Oct 7th.

If you can only speak / read english then you'll only know a Zionist narrative. Even AJ+ English is putting out propaganda.

Like i said. Hamas are the people. The people are Hamas.

This is a group of people who have been living behind a 26 ft concrete wall watching thier kids imprisoned for no reason and their women raped for decades.

Settlers taking thier land. Stealing / killing thier animals. All of this happens while the IOF are there to support / protect it.

They have been destroying Palestinian olive trees for decades and these take 20 years to grow!

I can give many more reasons why the people are sick of living in an open air concentration camp but ill leave you too western media.

Welcome to the age of the dajjal, an age of deciet.
(So much propaganda, tho…)

Congratulations, everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. You are awarded no points, and may God (or for you, Allah) have mercy on your soul.


Dec 27, 2017
Hamas is owned and operated by the elite, the same people who own and operate Israel and the world. The purpose of the Hamas attack was to give Israel justification to completely level and destroy Palestine. Don't be fooled by their lies; HAMAS was not made to save Palestine but to help destroy it. Pay close attention to who is benefiting from the attack. It's called a false flag - just as CIA orchestrated 911 to justify an attack on the middle east.

I think Hamas is like many of the groups controlled by the elite. At the top of the triangle they are all secret societies but at the bottom they are not part of the elite and do not know what is really going on. Hamas soldiers at the bottom believe they are fighting for the freedom of Palestine but at the top they know they started the war for the elite and why.
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Jun 28, 2020
Wasn't sure where to put this one. Here or in E-bots Israel thread...

Guess I'll put it here. Seeing E-bot posts 20 videos a day, it would quickly be buried over there.

I've shared this info here before, but people are forgetful. It's about the addition sign ( + ) being changed in Hebrew due to hate for Christians.




Mar 18, 2017
The sight of Cronos devouring his own should be a wake up call for everyone



Mar 18, 2017
Many academics have had their careers threatened for criticizing Israel. We are incessantly reminded by pastors that this is literally a fight against God....Attacks on Israel are "akin to challenging God". The logical conclusion to all this, is silencing criticism on religious grounds.

Western capitals no longer treat Israel like a state, a political actor capable of slaughtering children, but rather as a sacred cause. So any opposition has to be a blasphemy


Mar 18, 2017
God said in the bible that because of sins His people would be deported from His land... and that after 2 days
a remnant would be restored back in His land.

U must understand that fighting jews in israel is tantamount to fighting God.

And that is a fight u will not win.
I can't find an old post of mine where i said that criticism of Israel is eventually going to become a sin....meaning a crime against God.

You'll soon get trapped by your own logic when whatever it is that TPTB have planned for Israel cannot be criticized....on pain of death. Blasphemy tends to carry a capital punishment. Religious arguments used to justify the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 are going to collapse under their own weight.

"God is good to Israel. To those who are pure in heart"- Psalm 73:1
We'll slowly get there.....article is from 2022

In a discussion about renowned German Theologian Karl Barth, Littell says:

“Karl Barth was quite right in criticizing the Confessing church in 1936 for having shown no sympathy for the millions suffering injustice…the theologian who condemned the church’s seeking to gain her own soul also sensed and defined, though not as strong as he later wished, the fatal error: ‘The question of the Jews (said Barth) is the question of Christ.’ Antisemitism is sin against the Holy Ghost.’

And here is Franklin Littell’s perspective of Barth’s imposing statement – the line (the headline, actually) I had missed years ago:

“Right! For Christians, Antisemitism is not just a peculiarly nasty form of race prejudice; Antisemitism is blasphemy – a much more serious matter!”

Though I could not comprehend the meaning (either by ignorance or choice) of Littell’s statement when I read it 20 years ago, I comprehend it now. After years of confronting Christian arrogance, pride, and indifference toward the Jewish people – peppered with a willful delegitimization of the Jews being chosen by the God of Abraham, I realize now that to reject the Jews is to rebel against that very choice and ultimately is a rebellion against God.

David Patterson explains Littell’s position that Christian Antisemitism is blasphemy on pages 197-199 of Legacy of an Impassioned Plea:

“…blasphemy is a very strong word, and Littell does not use the word lightly. If Christian Antisemitism is Blasphemy, then it opposes the very foundations of Christianity itself: where there is Antisemitism, there can be no Christianity. And yet, over the centuries, everywhere that there has been Christianity, there has been Antisemitism of the most virulent kind…But what makes Antisemitism ‘the sin against the Holy Ghost?’ Littell correctly maintains that, from a Christian standpoint, Antisemitism cannot be viewed as merely one among the many sins of racism, bigotry, prejudice, and the like, nor does it lie in xenophobia, scapegoating, or envy of the Jewish people. No, says Littell, Antisemitism is blasphemy, the ‘sin against the Holy Ghost,’ which, according to the Gospel, cannot be forgiven (Matthew 12:31).”

An essay that conveniently appeared in the Harvard Law Review at the end of 2021....that i thought was prepping us for the times ahead.
