BTS discussion thread


May 7, 2020
it is possible celebrities or idols might be secretly p*dophiles/have perverted attraction to children or underaged peopls, and it can be because of being abused at a young age and that caused the demonic perversed spirits to attach to them or it even developed cuz of their agenda they have to promote subtly. Obviously it becomes serious when p*dophilia is in the conversation and to accuse someone of it is serious, and i of course still am iffy on this whole p*do thing, they definely can be perverts lol, but remember the 'incident' rumor with jimin and taehyung and somi during BS&T era? When they would sexually harrass her despite her being underaged at that time and she was always scared to see jimin? Or the way txt and new groups are way younger and are being sexualized?? Kpop aint innocent at all, kpop idols arent strangers to each other, you can bet theyve all secretly hooked up, went out on dates, etc. Now when it comes to p*dophilia, it is like in the movies, the seniors pick on the rookie groups and try to get with them. I swear i forgot where i read it, but i remember reading how rookie groups and girls (underaged and/or barely legal) are harrassed by older groups.
the point is p*dophilia exists in the elite/occult world and they have NO mercy or care for them, whether the child is even 17 or few months old. If they want to harm and abuse and sacrifice at any moment, THEY WILL. in fact the occultists enjoy terrorizing them before they are killed or sacrificed cuz their blood is more richer and powerful for them, and they are manipulated and tortured to do as their handlers and masters say. Plus all of the young trainees that are hidden who have no identity, you think those poor girls and boys dont ever have to shamelessly deal with abuse and sexual harassment by their managers/companies?
Yes we have established that we all agree p*** exists every where and more dominantly in the entertainment industry. I'm not contradicting that. I'm against calling people p*** with no evidence or accounts. People who have deep hatred or prejudice against other could make up stuff to harm them, right?
Example: "remember the 'incident' rumor with jimin and taehyung and somi during BS&T era? When they would sexually harrass her despite her being underaged at that time and she was always scared to see jimin?"

I researched this claim everywhere and found nothing. The only interactions these guys had with this somi's group is either they danced to each other's songs or the two groups watching each other's performances and some fans of course go oh they saw each other, they must be dating.

"Or the way txt and new groups are way younger and are being sexualized?? "

I looked them up as well they are all between 18 and still adults, no? I don't know about being sexualized, i'm not going to go down that hole lol


May 7, 2020
Okay I'm too lazy to find the person who wrote the comment here about feminity so....I'm just gonna write it here.

Please don't generalize Asian men/women and African men/females. We(Africans) are one continent but with different races of people. This whole thing of Asian women are more feminine compared to African women who are more masculine.

Its booboo.

The reason why black women are seen as masculine is simply because of Mr Media. The darker skinned women are shown as the overweight,oversexualised ones trying to trap men since their insecure while the man falls in love with the lighter skinned one who is thick or slim.

Yet darker skinned black women who are healthy are barely showcased. Therefore bringing forth the stereotypes of us being rough and masculine.

We aren't. The whole concept is based on the lighter your skin is the prettier and nicer you are.

And if you don't believe me then go compare the actress Ryan destiny with Scarlett Johansson or a tanner Asian actress.

African women and Asian women have similarities when it comes to their mothers. Honestly you are taught from a young age to get education and take care of your looks so you could find a man to marry, quit your job and have babies.

In that order.

Being more curvier and having lighter skin(yellow) is what they perceive as something that will benefit you in your life. Which is true because look at how the media replaces black women with mixed women.

Like Asian media, picking the lightest of Asians to represent them.

Asian men are showcased as feminine in the media. That doesn't mean they are its what is shown. The Asian men in my country don't look feminine(from what I've seen) majority of what 'I've seen' but the media portays them as feminine pale men same way as light skinned black men are seen as more feminine compared to darker skinned men.

So my overall point is you can't say that a particular race is more feminine then others just from your point of view and research done by doctors who have only met a minority of that race.

There are above 7.6 billion people in the world with different looks, morals and behaviors.

The media only showcases what they want to show you.
I agree with you. Actually what I said was Asian women are "perceived" as more feminine than African women but does that mean one is more woman than the other? lol You just proved my point, media shapes our perception of the other races and genders.

There are some people here who keep pointing out that kpop is g*y ladyboy (which I have already conceded is what most people in the west sees them) but it is not the reason why their are "evil, demonic" or degenerate and somehow their appearance is a reflection of their immorality (p***) and go as far as sit down and actually write speculation on their sex lives lol.

They say the Asian men they see in real live in their countries don't look like this lol as if all Asian are the same, even the ones born and raised outside of Asia in the west. These people don't seem to distinguish reality from a fantasy sold by media nor that culture influence our behaviour/appearance.

1. They are selling a fantasy of fresh flower boys who could be the boyfriends of for younger women. They aren't meant to look like you average everyday man.These guys are picked specifically because of their God-given looks. Koreans even have a popular term for this appearance called "jal saeng beum" which translate roughly as pretty but handsom. You might find it hard to believe but East Asian women (whom these guys were innitially marketed towards) find these guys attractive and they are the sold on the look :p of course this is then exagerated by make up and fashion. That's why there is also Cpop, Jpop and Jrock.

2. Asians, specifically East Asians don't get old or mature as fast as other races. They retain a youthful look because of their physics, smaller, leaner builds and softer features , sharp structure. Add to that these are entertainers who take extra care of skin, hair, body, diet
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May 6, 2020
Have you guys seen big hit's new video, the one about BELIFT PROJECT

Are you talking about this one?

It is speculated that Belift is a new boy group that they will debut soon in this year, but they need a last member for some reason, so they’ll hold a global audition. It’s Mnet and Bigshit’s project together, I guess it will be a TV show. There’s appearently a BELIFT LAB Inc. named company that is established by CJ ENM Entertainment and Bigshit.

’’Belift Lab presents a new perspective to the entertainment industry and plans for innovation.’’ This is what is written on their website []. They are trying so hard to stand out from other companies it’s laughable. I bet there’ll be nothing innovative about the group, neither the show.

Bigshit is really out there connecting with every label and company there is, they are incredibly hungry for money. Why are they debuting a different group when TXT hasn’t started their career yet? :rolleyes:


Apr 23, 2018
There are some people here who keep pointing out that kpop is g*y ladyboy (which I have already conceded is what most people in the west sees them) but it is not the reason why their are "evil, demonic" or degenerate and somehow their appearance is a reflection of their immorality (p***) and go as far as sit down and actually write speculation on their sex lives lol.
I agree. The two topics have been mixed up. Looking feminine doesn't mean someone is gay and demonic. But turning someone feminine on purpose and making them act gay is a problem. This thread is all speculation though, if someone believes a group is used to push the gay agenda and they think they've seen something that proves it, they share it. You can chose to believe it or not. It's not about speculating their sex lives.


Jan 1, 2020
I am really curious to how big hit is going to stay afloat , one main group that they rely on is very shaky , The description on the belift page of big hit ent is quite funny since it is true, it was planned and the menbers are just simply picked . There strategy was unique to having years of content so that fans feel they know them or are dating them . But I feel like now big hit needs BTS , also ngl Bighit is very smart , to collab with mnet to make a tv show whatever it is if it works out , they may use bts to make the other groups more famous . Anyways even though the members said that they are nothing without bighit or bang pd , Now it’s like the other way around. Eventualy military wil come and disbanding wil come . And maybe stuff that has been hidden wil come out . I am just super curious to see how they are going to handle it . I mean they have a name for themselves now and very loyal fans . I really wonder what they wil do with it.


Oct 26, 2019
Your Eyes Tell’ gives me a very weird/demonic energy just even reading the title, probably will contain a lot of subliminal messages and magic,
Yeah and jungkook is the one who produced it, they even said it will be a balladdude
I could make up a rumour and say you are a paedophile. . I could post it all over the internet and say it has to be true, because she said this or did this. Would that make it true? How would you feel?
You’re all so immature!
In England, there were rumours that a paedophilic had been released from jail and moved into a residential area. Some idiots identified him and a man was killed. He wasn’t a paedophile. He was a paediatrician. He died because some idiots didn’t know the difference between a doctor and a child abuser!
That’s the kind of things that can happen as a result of labelling people incorrectly.
Oh and by the way - if you have sexual activity with a 17 yr old? It’s not paedophilia!! You people are throwing around words like paedophilia and you don’t even know what it means. Paedophilia is nothing to do with the age of consent. Paedophilia is sexual feelings towards a pre-pubescent child. You know, before they hit puberty?
As for abuse and sexual harassment of young trainees. You do know that companies like SM have to abide by employment laws? You do know that trainees have contracts, which I’m certain their parents have to sign. No, most parents don’t sign the lives of their kids away to be abused! Yes there may be occasions when individuals are guilty of mistreating trainees - do I think they sexual harassment them? Maybe it happens, sometimes. Is it endemic? I dont think it is.
All of this how’s how little you understand about the world. Take companies like SM. I’ve said before how they work with Capitol Records. A company like that has a reputation going back decades. If they go into partnership with another label, they’re going to check them out. They don’t want to work with a company with a bad reputation.
Don’t you understand how many people companies like those, employ? It’s not even statistically possible, that every single employee is corrupt?
Do you know what would happen in the West if people thought Kpop idols were undergoing systematic abuse? They would boycott the industry. They wouldn’t support it.
Why are you still here talking about it, if you believe all this? If you don’t like the endemic abuse that you think exists, stop wasting time here and take all your evidence to a news agency or the SK government and kick up a fuss. Oh wait, sorry you can’t, because they are all corrupt as well!
Dude NO ONE is claiming anyone as 100% a p*do, nobody saying that right now tae is in his house grooming a child, what we are saying that it does exist within the industry, especially when many idols and celebrities has started off as children, it IS being promoted through symbolism and imagery through music videos, clothes, jewelry, etc and how the repetitive target and interaction with fans who are mainy in the younger ages(teens) is causing them to grow more and more attached/desperate for tae/bts, emotionally and in some cases even sexually. Obviously You just simply have the mindset that because nobody is calling them out or showing signs of anything fishy or sinister going on on the outside, then that means nothing is happening. You are just adding more confusion to the thread, just like you have in the kpop satanic influence thread, and making people feel bad. The difference is that you dont want to question anything, and many of us here didnt struggle and went through a whole journey of discovering the truth about how the world and music industries are truly working through satanic influence just to be scolded by people who are still blind. Do you seriously think it is a joke when God said Satan is the god of this world?? that satan is just a pesky spirit who just casually attacks us when we are sad or angry or depressed? You just got to search up authentic exposing videos and see how everything is being controlled by the elites and how p*dophelia is a big part of their sinister acts and intentions. I get its hard to understand the spiritual aspect, but if you cant even get yourself to think it is possible that things are not as they really seem and cant see how brainwashed people have become, then you are just blind according to God. Music is one of the biggest and effective ways to perform magic through and brainwash people. You just cannot see what we are seeing. Truth will always be foolish and ridiculous to the blind, i infact would gladly be considered foolish and immature to everyone if thats what it takes to simply not follow the crowd. Everything will be exposed in the end and then we will see who was right, and the veil between the physical and spiritual realm will be more and more thinner.


Oct 26, 2019
Yes we have established that we all agree p*** exists every where and more dominantly in the entertainment industry. I'm not contradicting that. I'm against calling people p*** with no evidence or accounts. People who have deep hatred or prejudice against other could make up stuff to harm them, right?
Example: "remember the 'incident' rumor with jimin and taehyung and somi during BS&T era? When they would sexually harrass her despite her being underaged at that time and she was always scared to see jimin?"

I researched this claim everywhere and found nothing. The only interactions these guys had with this somi's group is either they danced to each other's songs or the two groups watching each other's performances and some fans of course go oh they saw each other, they must be dating.

"Or the way txt and new groups are way younger and are being sexualized?? "

I looked them up as well they are all between 18 and still adults, no? I don't know about being sexualized, i'm not going to go down that hole lol
When txt debuted, the youngest was 15, hes literally still 17 right now....even fans can see how younger idols are sexualized


Jan 5, 2020
Yeah and jungkook is the one who produced it, they even said it will be a balladdude

Dude NO ONE is claiming anyone as 100% a p*do, nobody saying that right now tae is in his house grooming a child, what we are saying that it does exist within the industry, especially when many idols and celebrities has started off as children, it IS being promoted through symbolism and imagery through music videos, clothes, jewelry, etc and how the repetitive target and interaction with fans who are mainy in the younger ages(teens) is causing them to grow more and more attached/desperate for tae/bts, emotionally and in some cases even sexually. Obviously You just simply have the mindset that because nobody is calling them out or showing signs of anything fishy or sinister going on on the outside, then that means nothing is happening. You are just adding more confusion to the thread, just like you have in the kpop satanic influence thread, and making people feel bad. The difference is that you dont want to question anything, and many of us here didnt struggle and went through a whole journey of discovering ttruth about how the world and music industries are truly working through satanic influence just to be scolded by people who are still blind. Do you seriously think it is a joke when God said Satan is the god of this world?? that satan is just a pesky spirit who just casually attacks us when we are sad or angry or depressed? You just got to search up authentic exposing videos and see how everything is being controlled by the elites and how p*dophelia is a big part of their sinister acts and intentions. I get its hard to understand the spiritual aspect, but if you cant even get yourself to think it is possible that things are not as they really seem and cant see how brainwashed people have become, then you are just blind according to God. Music is one of the biggest and effective ways to perform magic through and brainwash people. You just cannot see what we are seeing. Truth will always be foolish and ridiculous to the blind, i infact would gladly be considered foolish and immature to everyone if thats what it takes to simply not follow the crowd. Everything will be exposed in the end and then we will see who was right, and the veil between the physical and spiritual realm will be more and more thinner.
But you are following a crowd - a dangerous crowd.
I dont think Satan is the god of this world. From the beginning of time, God was established as THE God of this world. No matter what happens, I have no doubt whatsoever about that. He is working slowly and steadily towards his end goal and when he’s ready he will come back and inhabit his world.
Don’t you understand that every time you open your mouth and give voice to your thoughts on the occult, Satanism, spiritualism etc that youre giving satan power? Your giving him time and space in your life that he shouldn’t be occupying. Every time you open your mouth and speculate that someone is a paedophile without proof, you give Satan power. Do you think God wants you to make up theories about cannibalism and satanic rituals and paedophilia and accuse people who aren’t guilty of those things of being involved in them?
If the conviction of your faith is anywhere near as strong as you say it is, you wouldn’t do that.
Sweetie, I’m not blind to anything. I don’t need to watch videos about the entertainment industry to see that Satan and evil exists. I see it around me every day. We all do.
You know the most worrying thing about it? It’s not the entertainment industry we really have to worry about. It could be the guy next door or the girl across the road. Evil people don’t walk around with a large E on their forehead. Paedophiles don’t walk around with a huge P on their foreheads. They exist everywhere.
Yes there may be paedophiles in Kpop. They have certainly existed in western music, in governments, in churches, among school teachers or any other group you wish to name.
If you think coming on here and saying the things you do, is doing good then think again. If I’m making people feel bad because I’ve called them out for judging someone on their sexuality or their gender or for accusing someone of being a paedophile, then so be it. You shouldn’t be doing that.
In my country, it’s illegal to say things like that on an online forum. As I said before, freedom of speech is only free as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.


Jan 5, 2020
This was taken in the Broad Museum LA.
This exhibit is a work by artist Kara Walker, an American artist. It references race relations in pre-civil war America. It’s called Danse de la Nubienne Nouveaux. It looks at first glance like a fairy tale like scene but it’s actually a depiction of slavery and racism in America in 19th century.
Some aspects of it might seem unpleasant to look at it but it depicts the reality of slavery.


Apr 23, 2018
Don’t you understand that every time you open your mouth and give voice to your thoughts on the occult, Satanism, spiritualism etc that youre giving satan power? Your giving him time and space in your life that he shouldn’t be occupying. Every time you open your mouth and speculate that someone is a paedophile without proof, you give Satan power. Do you think God wants you to make up theories about cannibalism and satanic rituals and paedophilia and accuse people who aren’t guilty of those things of being involved in them?
If the conviction of your faith is anywhere near as strong as you say it is, you wouldn’t do that.
Sweetie, I’m not blind to anything. I don’t need to watch videos about the entertainment industry to see that Satan and evil exists. I see it around me every day. We all do.
You keep arguing about the same thing.
No one is making up theories. These are all things people on the inside of governments and entertainment have disclosed over the years.
People here have told you over and over again that this forum is for speculation on those theories. Yeah, it's wrong to label someone a p***phile without proof - you can bring your facts on why you think someone is not a paedophile, but you can't keep trying to stop people who do the opposite. Again, you're in a forum that's about speculating evil.
I don't know what you believe in, but you're actually giving Satan power by ignoring the evil he's doing. You're enabling him by telling people to stop talking about it.
We can see the evil he's trying to manipulate us with and we can fight against it.

You know the most worrying thing about it? It’s not the entertainment industry we really have to worry about. It could be the guy next door or the girl across the road. Evil people don’t walk around with a large E on their forehead. Paedophiles don’t walk around with a huge P on their foreheads. They exist everywhere.
Yes there may be paedophiles in Kpop. They have certainly existed in western music, in governments, in churches, among school teachers or any other group you wish to name.
You're in an entertainment/kpop section of a forum that's why it's about Paedophiles in entertainment ?
You wouldn't have known about paedophiles in Kpop unless someone exposed them, would you...


Oct 26, 2019
But you are following a crowd - a dangerous crowd.
I dont think Satan is the god of this world. From the beginning of time, God was established as THE God of this world. No matter what happens, I have no doubt whatsoever about that. He is working slowly and steadily towards his end goal and when he’s ready he will come back and inhabit his world.
Don’t you understand that every time you open your mouth and give voice to your thoughts on the occult, Satanism, spiritualism etc that youre giving satan power? Your giving him time and space in your life that he shouldn’t be occupying. Every time you open your mouth and speculate that someone is a paedophile without proof, you give Satan power. Do you think God wants you to make up theories about cannibalism and satanic rituals and paedophilia and accuse people who aren’t guilty of those things of being involved in them?
If the conviction of your faith is anywhere near as strong as you say it is, you wouldn’t do that.
Sweetie, I’m not blind to anything. I don’t need to watch videos about the entertainment industry to see that Satan and evil exists. I see it around me every day. We all do.
You know the most worrying thing about it? It’s not the entertainment industry we really have to worry about. It could be the guy next door or the girl across the road. Evil people don’t walk around with a large E on their forehead. Paedophiles don’t walk around with a huge P on their foreheads. They exist everywhere.
Yes there may be paedophiles in Kpop. They have certainly existed in western music, in governments, in churches, among school teachers or any other group you wish to name.
If you think coming on here and saying the things you do, is doing good then think again. If I’m making people feel bad because I’ve called them out for judging someone on their sexuality or their gender or for accusing someone of being a paedophile, then so be it. You shouldn’t be doing that.
In my country, it’s illegal to say things like that on an online forum. As I said before, freedom of speech is only free as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.
It does not matter what you think. Im in america so i CAN say these things. and it isnt harming anyone because huh- no one is accussing anyone of being a p*dophile :eek: , regardless of how some people have worded things. Dont be "sweety"-ing me or any of us. Obviously God created the world and established it and will defeat satan in the end. But the bible literally says satan is the god (of this world in 2 corinthians 4:4 and have blinded people who dont believe. People are worshipping satan and and giving into wordliness, doing things that opem doors to demonic influence, spirits, etc in their life whether literally or without them even being aware. Most of the world is deceived.
Every time you open your mouth and speculate that someone is a paedophile without proof,
Obviously p*dophiles exist anywhere, the problem is that there are also p*dophiles who arw elites and trying to NORMALIZE IT. This whole "your speculating someone is a p*dophile without proof" thing is getting repetitive and annoying. For the billionth time nobody is trying to cause harm or accuse anyone of anything. But anyone can be sure that there is satanic influence in all the industries, specifically the entertainment industry, they specifically choose who will be useful for their plans and agendas and services. Its just the literal plain fact and truth. Now please leave us alone with the p*dophile thing, you are starting to look bad yourself by accusing others that they suspect specific idols as pedophiles


Sep 27, 2019
This is for people that Christian/non-Christian faith that have a hard time believing conspiracy theories. This is Truthunedited, one of the Christian YT channels I watch. He is one of the best out there for discussing NWO and validity of conspiracy theories discussed in this thread.

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Oct 26, 2019


Jan 5, 2020
It does not matter what you think. Im in america so i CAN say these things. and it isnt harming anyone because huh- no one is accussing anyone of being a p*dophile :eek:, regardless of how some people have worded things. Dont be "sweety"-ing me or any of us. Obviously God created the world and established it and will defeat satan in the end. But the bible literally says satan is the god (of this world in 2 corinthians 4:4 and have blinded people who dont believe. People are worshipping satan and and giving into wordliness, doing things that opem doors to demonic influence, spirits, etc in their life whether literally or without them even being aware. Most of the world is deceived.

Obviously p*dophiles exist anywhere, the problem is that there are also p*dophiles who arw elites and trying to NORMALIZE IT. This whole "your speculating someone is a p*dophile without proof" thing is getting repetitive and annoying. For the billionth time nobody is trying to cause harm or accuse anyone of anything. But anyone can be sure that there is satanic influence in all the industries, specifically the entertainment industry, they specifically choose who will be useful for their plans and agendas and services. Its just the literal plain fact and truth. Now please leave us alone with the p*dophile thing, you are starting to look bad yourself by accusing others that they suspect specific idols as pedophiles
I’m starting to look bad?
As far as I can see, I’m not the only one who is pointing out that you keep accusing people of being paedophiles!
Are you actually serious?
Oh and in 2 Corinthians 4:4, it says:
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
I’m thinking maybe you don’t actually really understand what it is saying.
1Timothy 1:17 says this:
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God,be honor and glory for ever and ever.”
The only people on this thread who look bad are those specifically accusing people of being involved with paedophilia without proof. If you think no one is doing that, then you clearly need to re-read the thread.


Jan 5, 2020
You keep arguing about the same thing.
No one is making up theories. These are all things people on the inside of governments and entertainment have disclosed over the years.
People here have told you over and over again that this forum is for speculation on those theories. Yeah, it's wrong to label someone a p***phile without proof - you can bring your facts on why you think someone is not a paedophile, but you can't keep trying to stop people who do the opposite. Again, you're in a forum that's about speculating evil.
I don't know what you believe in, but you're actually giving Satan power by ignoring the evil he's doing. You're enabling him by telling people to stop talking about it.
We can see the evil he's trying to manipulate us with and we can fight against it.

You're in an entertainment/kpop section of a forum that's why it's about Paedophiles in entertainment ?
You wouldn't have known about paedophiles in Kpop unless someone exposed them, would you...
I’m nit saying stop talking about it. I’m saying stop speculating about it.
If you want to talk about people who have been proven to be involved in these things. Fine.
However, whether you like it or not, it is wrong to defame someone’s character and accuse them of the things people here accuse them of, when you have no proof.
It doesn’t matter what the legal position is. Morally? It’s wrong,
The fact none of you can see that, is beyond me!
I’m in an “entertainment/Kpop section of a forum and that’s why it’s about Paedophiles in entertainment?” Explain the logic of that?

I wouldn’t have “known about paedophiles in Kpop in Kpop unless someone exposed them...?” I still know nothing about paedophiles in Kpop because you haven’t exposed anything. You’ve speculated and you’ve dragged people’s reputations through the mud, with absolutely no proof to support any of it.
For the last time, what you consider to be proof, is not. In criminal law the general burden of proof is beyond reasonable doubt. Do is have reasonable doubt that what you are saying about BTS is true? Yes, I do.
Meanwhile people like the charming Boti, are walking all over the cultural history of an Afro-American artist who feels so strongly about what her ancestors endured during the American Civil War that she bases her artwork on it by accusing her of depicting paedophilia. In reality she just lacks the insight and intelligence to understand any of it.
Yea, you guys are teaching me so much. You are all so tolerant, open- minded, accepting of other people’s’ culture etc, etc. You think I look bad?


Jan 5, 2020
Well. Now they’ve moved from misogyny to the other perverted side.
Middle line, boys. Middle line.

Oh, yeah. One more thing - the lady/painter is known to depict sodomy and p***philia in her stuff/paintings. That specific painting was one of those.

Once again..
Do you know anything about the treatment of Afro-american slaves and what she is depicting?
Yes, it depicts disturbing images but that’s because that is what black slaves were forced to endure at the hands of white people who thought they had the right to take what they wanted, and did.
The problem here is not what the artist is depicting! The problem here is that white people - mostly males, but not only males - did in the first place. Those scenes are sickening to look at, but that’s the harsh reality of what happened. The artist is telling a story about what happened in America, that never, ever should have had to be told - more evidence really, that evil existed long before Kpop.
White men and women perpetrated violent, sexual crimes against slaves just because they could to humiliate and degrade them. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. Personally, it makes me ashamed to be white!