BTS discussion thread

Apr 16, 2020
I’m still in the process, but I was able to quit their most blatantly anti-God songs after I finally figured out the MV and lyric meaning for their song ON. I don’t know why I let so many other songs slide, but that one slapped me awake. I’m slowly deleting their songs from my life. I can now go weeks without listening to their songs, but I find that I still miss my illusion of them. It’s made worse because 2 of my daughters are ARMY, (thank goodness they are multi-stans, so they’re not freaking out too much), and I am slowly trying to steer the household away from kpop altogether, or at least have them verify that the video, group and lyrics do not have demonic content.

If you want to cold turkey this, do try. If you fall off the wagon occasionally, forgive yourself and try again. If you need to wean yourself off like I have to, that’s ok too. Our individual methods may vary, but we can all get through this.

I also recommend that, with your now clearer eyes, you really look back and appreciate that we were all groomed to accept anything from them, because they go to great lengths to convince us that we “know” them, and to keep us too busy with the cuteness, laughs, and yes, talent to see what was really going “on”.

Hellooo what is the real anti God meaning behind ON????
Apr 16, 2020
That was a nice post, thank you for sharing and it should be taken as a reference because you have pointed out exactly to the issue/s !

The pseudo mental illnesses, with no regards, respect or even some sort of empathy towards people suffering from mental illnesses. People suffering from mental illnesses, not only are not eager to talk about it, but IF they rarely do, it never sounds like people from industry trying to get more fans out of it. See the "emo kids" going wild for Halsey, or/and especially Billie Eilish. The perfect industry plant targeting this certain demographic romanticizing "mental illnesses". See BTS with their lyrics and videos always emphasizing on "pain", "suffering", "mental illnesses" . All to make people, especially young ones, wanting to "suffer" from some sort of "mental illness" to make them depended on pills and easier to manipulate.

- past life with a BTS member?? Are you kidding?!?

You mentioned morals and values. Those are the only ones who in the end make us, our decisions, our action, to be who we are, and what protects us.

This entire agenda is only meant to destroy morals and values. The left side, "democrats" , are making the right side, the "republicans" the villains, just because the right side is based largely on people who hold onto their morals and values, who see right from wrong.
Having instintincts, attractions and acting on it are two different things.

No gender, or 100+ genders, no religion, no age too young for sex, no respect towards matrimony man/woman, alcohol abuse, drug dependency, controlling the minds (Bill Gates wanting to inject chips into people to track them), no separate bathrooms for woman, the "cancel" culture - God forbids you point out to the truth, you will loose your job and worse, no good or bad, just one notion - freedom to do whatever you "want", meaning opening Pandora's box for sexual abuse of any kind.

The same association in America, the APA (American Psychiatric Association) who pressured about 40 years ago (almost same timeline as the gay mafia in Hollywood, so no coincidence) to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders (it was never removed based on medical reasons, but by pressuring the members into voting for the removal), is now minimizing p***philia to a disorder rather than child abuse, to allow creeps to get away with those crimes. APA calls p***philia a "sexual orientation" !!


"The problem with the law and society being a follower of psychology, is that what is categorized as a "psychological illness" depends on psychiatry's view of the good life, and of human nature. And today, there is grave disagreement on those subjects.

So when psychiatry decided to redefine homosexuality as normal, it moved the condition from one category labeled "undesirable" to another category labeled "desirable." (4) It did so based on a study showing that a selected group of homosexual individuals evidenced no obvious psychological abnormality (5), and also as a result of listening to personal testimony from a number of gay people who were happy with their homosexuality. In essence, these individuals said, "We aren't psychologically unbalanced or distressed, and we're happy being gay ...So psychiatry has no right to label us disordered."

Homosexuality is still a mental disorder, a reaction to abnormal upbringings. One will never solve childhood issues if they assume that homosexuality is normal.
There are deeper issues involved which are especially obvious in men. The weird behavior, talking, mannerism, infatuation with children (p***philia), the hate towards woman, the fear towards woman body. Many homosexual even r*pe women out of the same feelings of hate. Hating women instead of dealing with their mental issue.

Much of the evil today comes from pushing homosexuality. It started small, with removing it as a mental disorder, it got worse with the gay mafia in Hollywood, then they were allowed to marry, by claiming - where is the harm if we allow them to get marry - now people are being sued if religious institutions refuse to cater for them, or refuse to hold a religious ceremony, the government making a mockery out of the institution of marriage, religion and evolution.
Gay people are allowed to adopt, which should have never happen.

After that they introduced "transsexuality" which is gender dysphoria, but they didn't want to use the word, to not make it obvious that we are talking about a mental disease.
Now we have women being abused, beaten up my men pretending to be woman, men who go to beauty saloons and request to have their balls (sorry) shaved, failure to comply would result in the government either giving you a fine or even arresting you for transphobia. It goes so far that you are forced to address a man with "her" or "she" - failure to comply in Canada is considered to be a "hate crime", women shelters having their funds cut because they would not accept MEN who pretend to be women in their homes, the list is endless.

You have gay people who are simply living their lives not bothering anyone.
Still, there is evolution, religion, psychology.
One must at least have some doubts about this entire agenda and to see that the only purpose of it, is to destroy morals and values, in order to make everyone part of their sick agenda.

Oh my Goodness thank u for this post honestly! Something nobody wants to say

But id like to add something. What ppl dont actually also know is how sodomy(which is anal sex but nobody refers to it as such anymore because we know how that sounds) it has a very deep meaning in the occult. Now I just recently learned that in my religion, the Qur'an says stay away from sodomy lest u open the doors to evil. Well what the hell does that mean.

Then I found out sodomy is one of the tools used In creating an mk ultra child slave, to sodomize a child at the age of 2 is so traumatic it causes the splitting off of the mind

Sodomy also has a direct pathway to opening up the third eye(a new age satanic belief system pushed on ppl as something good), opening up the third eye to the unseen world. In satanic practices satanists use sodomy to crack the spirit and in heavy occult rituals summon demons to live in those cracks where the mind splits off

I was shook its also considered unnatural I mean ur stick ur pee pee in a hole filled with poop surely that isnt good even just on a hygiene factor. I had a couple of managers talk about how with anal sex u always get shit on the sheets, I was like WTF. Again many ppl also dont know that sodomy causes this splitting off of the mind hence many kids wont remember any abuse but theirI minds have been altered technically, and now are gay. Even maybe in just non occultic abuse
Apr 16, 2020
You said it! 100% right on the money. Yes, thank you to the people on this thread so much for shedding light on this subject. On this Kpop group. In my case, I don't care about cuteness, sexiness, whatever dancing, no. I mean, they're very cute and they're great dancers, lovely personalities, loved them a lot, through their videos I got to know them at least superficially. They appear to be wonderful individuals apart from the demonic they're under.

But their music – now let's talk. Their songs hooked me in like a fish. There's something amazing about their songs unlike any other songs I've ever heard. I don't know what it is but that is why I'm here. I don't listen to their songs anymore. I was never obsessed with a band or group or music until this group. I don't want to be obsessed with anything, especially with the unGodly. There's some kind of ju-ju going on here and I found out what when I found this thread. So absolutely, thank you again to everybody, especially the regular posters. The time you have taken to explain things has been priceless for some of us.

The juju is super strong, because even if I didnt like a song, if I heard a few seconds of it again I LOVED IT, I was like wow genius. Ironically my favourite favourite songs by them were the rap songs and I dont even like rap I mean seriously not my fave. Outra TEAR, ddaeng, shadow, amongst others were just my fave, baepsae was also one of my faves but this is not music I would normally listen to. Ah I still miss listening to Ddaeng so much
Apr 16, 2020
oh my goodness I agree with you both wholeheartedly.
I’ve already wondered why BTS is SO addicting. Because all artists are still part of the satanic industry but I’ve never experienced this type of “addiction” to an artist before and neither have anyone I’ve seen who likes them. They have this strange ability to make you seriously obsessed and I never understood why¿ like you said... possibly some spells or powerful entities that they put in their music to put you under some sort of hypnosis?
It actually scares me. I’ve done some research on the occult and just everything satanic that goes on in the world basically lol for a while and when I started to get into BTS I noticed symbolism that I just couldn’t ignore anymore. Also they started to take over my life. Like I actually feel obsessed with them and I hate it.
I’m still trying to get myself away from them. It’s tough because I feel for them and want their souls to be okay but I also know that what they do.. there’s no excuse for it.

Even if ur not religious pray that evil shit away to me BTS has truly shown me the meaning of deception, when they say the devil comes to u looking pretty but bearing everything that is evil and nasty underneath. So bad! Now when I look at them still I sometimes think how messed up it is. If I look at j-hope I just wouldn't be able to tell anything sinister. Iv had to come to these forums and do research on the information I find, because its like all incriminating evidence gets deleted off youtube besides some like theoretical videos
Apr 16, 2020
That was some BADA$$ information, thank you for sharing.

I doubt Bang Si-Hyuk would let anybody taking over and Jin+his family don't have the typical homosexual appeal as well as the connections that comes with it.
Obvious that he got into BTS because his father gave money.
As to why he's chosen to stay in the band since he gets little exposure, a simple idea that goes through my mind - maybe he's just the typical child coming from a rich family who doesn't want to put much effort into his life.
Taking over his father business would require a lot of study, work, sacrifice. He is almost 28. It would be definitely too late for a serious profession.
Just because he finished some acting school or had an appearance doesn't equal the profession of being actor.
Being in BTS doesn't require much.
As far as him not getting much exposure - I believe he gets enough for what he deserves. He is not a dancer, nor singer. Yet, he is getting exposure and solo songs.

For some odd reason I always felt Jin seemed like the odd one out, just seemingly ill placed and much older but I brushed it aside because I was blinded.


Mar 6, 2020
I dont know how

A - people like this music it reminds me of the simpsons, where they create that boyband.

B - women find these guys attractive, me thinks there may be a little lesbian in you if you do.
Hey, no. Their music is good to excellent depending on the song. If it were not, they wouldn't have the fan base they have. There are a lot of boy bands and they're all cute, all talented, but very few of them have BTS's song-writing ability (along with that of their producers). As to "B" ... lol. They're beautiful, true enough. I don't know if we look at them more for make-up tips or if people actually find them attractive in that way. J-Hope dancing would be the closest I could get but even there, still too pretty.


Mar 6, 2020
Interesting article related to nth room, BTS and “online grooming”. Reasonable explanation as to why BTS gets away with their sexually inappropriate behavior on stage, during shows and v-live-streams.


However, due to the low understanding of 'online grooming' in Korean culture and that it isn't a crime in Korea. Seo explained that if online grooming is not criminalized, the risk of sexual exploitation and victim-blaming would increase. Seo revealed that many of the sexually exploited victims would meet with lawyers and the lawyers would state it is the victim's fault for letting this happen. There are also cases of misunderstandings from online grooming where the perpetrators trick the victim into thinking that they're in a one-to-one relationship to obtain nude photos and videos that they will share in the Telegram chatrooms. Without proper legislation regarding online grooming, Seo insists it will be hard to fix the wrong misconceptions of sexual assault victims.

The UN Committee on Child Rights has strongly recommended that South Korea take action in regard to the issue of online grooming last October after monitoring the seriousness of the situation. Seo hopes that a positive effect will take place due to new legislation and action taken against the perpetrators of sexual crimes, saying that there needs to be reflection on how women are treated in a wrong manner in order to address the continued sexual exploitation of children and females.
I just read an article about the Nth Telegram Room. I didn't know what the torture was that they put the victims through until now. It's just disgusting and I feel so sorry for them and for all victims elsewhere. It's truly terrible. I think the whole thing is going to get blown wide open worldwide. Not just crimes in SK but everywhere. You mentioned Jeffery Epstein and Gates' involvement with him – I think that's all going to come out. Podesta, maybe even Hillary's involvement, the whole ball of wax. Somehow, some way.
Apr 16, 2020
(Hi I’m new here. I fell into BTS a year ago and for a few months now I started to really take notice that something about them didn't sit right. I confronted it and found so many people who felt the same.)

However I knew Taehyung and Jimin’s creepy relationship was off long before I recognized the entire band was off. Both Jimin’s creations...very odd.
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I avoid interacting with their relationship at all costs. Something is not right. Most people know Taehyung is one of the members who is typically comfortable with skinship, yet why is he uncomfortable with Jimin’s touch so often...I don’t think this has anything to do with just sexual orientation. Something happened.

Whoah what awful drawing is that


Apr 19, 2020
Oh my Goodness thank u for this post honestly! Something nobody wants to say

But id like to add something. What ppl dont actually also know is how sodomy(which is anal sex but nobody refers to it as such anymore because we know how that sounds) it has a very deep meaning in the occult. Now I just recently learned that in my religion, the Qur'an says stay away from sodomy lest u open the doors to evil. Well what the hell does that mean.

Then I found out sodomy is one of the tools used In creating an mk ultra child slave, to sodomize a child at the age of 2 is so traumatic it causes the splitting off of the mind

Sodomy also has a direct pathway to opening up the third eye(a new age satanic belief system pushed on ppl as something good), opening up the third eye to the unseen world. In satanic practices satanists use sodomy to crack the spirit and in heavy occult rituals summon demons to live in those cracks where the mind splits off

I was shook its also considered unnatural I mean ur stick ur pee pee in a hole filled with poop surely that isnt good even just on a hygiene factor. I had a couple of managers talk about how with anal sex u always get shit on the sheets, I was like WTF. Again many ppl also dont know that sodomy causes this splitting off of the mind hence many kids wont remember any abuse but theirI minds have been altered technically, and now are gay. Even maybe in just non occultic abuse
can u please tell us where did u read that? which book/article?


Apr 23, 2018
Salaam. Wow my experience was way worse than im even explaining!
I started to get more and more obsessed, I started watching other kpop too though it got real bad, first I felt super inspired, then I felt really resentful that ill never meet the guys from BTS, I started looking at all men as being pathetic compared to them and their story, I felt depressed ill never know them, I felt intense love for them like I loved them more than my own family, I couldn't stop watching their videos even when I didnt want to, I was like WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE.

I think I could do that because I believe in God. And many ppl who it happened to could pull themselves out because they could feel something super fishy is up lol

I do watch some videoes also but it has nowhere near the same appeal, id make salaah and be like ALLAH PLS MAKE THIS STOP, this isnt right. Only to go digging and find out these ppl do witch craft and other weird shit
Walaikumasalam....Oh my god, it was exactly the same for me! They felt inspiring at first, I thought wow they're so nice and they made me feel like working hard for what I want...but it turned into me wanting to work hard so I can meet them. I didn't even have a problem paying for hundreds of albums just to meet them for a min. I was justifying it thinking they love us too and I wanted them to be in my life. I was upset too that no other men were like them. All I wanted to do was watch them and find out more about them. They were all I thought about all day, it made me feel crazy, thats when I knew something was definitely wrong. It felt like I was breaking up with someone when I started to leave...I was so sad that I had to leave them.

All of Kpop uses witch craft because the addictive obsession happens with every group. Their music does something to your head, I felt it, but I didn't want to stop it coz I loved the songs so much. I don't listen to them now but I thought their songs were masterpieces, I have to fight the urge to listen. On top of that they lie and make you feel like you're a part of them using their many tricks. I too still watch a few clips, now though I can see the deception and it's sad. They've subconsciously created this love thay is so intense that it's hard to leave. I've loved a band before but it's never felt this insane. I was able to get over them so quick once I decided.

I believe Allah is the reason the urge to constantly check on them is gone. Keep praying to him and asking him for help sincerely and it'll be okay InshaAllah. You know what's strange? I was listening to the Quran and Allah was talking about the idol worshippers and it got me thinking that idol worshipping these days can also mean kpop idols and celebrities. People put them above everything essentially worship them in a way. I got so scared lol I was like nope I am not an idol worshipper. If you feel like you're putting them above everyone just think about it that way. Allah is the only one worthy of worship. This might help Christians also who feel the same way.

Sorry that was long.
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Mar 6, 2020
(Hi I’m new here. I fell into BTS a year ago and for a few months now I started to really take notice that something about them didn't sit right. I confronted it and found so many people who felt the same.)

However I knew Taehyung and Jimin’s creepy relationship was off long before I recognized the entire band was off. Both Jimin’s creations...very odd.
View attachment 35461
View attachment 35462
I avoid interacting with their relationship at all costs. Something is not right. Most people know Taehyung is one of the members who is typically comfortable with skinship, yet why is he uncomfortable with Jimin’s touch so often...I don’t think this has anything to do with just sexual orientation. Something happened.
That drawing is quite sickening.


Mar 6, 2020
Truth truth truth!!!!! However can u tell me what is the nth room and what ur talking about???
Here's an article that explains it somewhat:
About 4 paragraphs up from the end of the article, there's a brief description of what happened but it might make you feel sick.


Mar 6, 2020
I had to pull myself out of it quickly because every waking minute I was spending on BTS. I was like wtf. I prayed for this bizarre obsession to end, thankfully im over it by a large degree but I still read this forum lol
Me, too! I'm almost out of it. Every waking minute, every waking SECOND. Going to sleep, they were my last thought. Every minute of sleep dreaming about them. Waking up in the morning – they were my first thought. WTF is right. Yay for this forum. Yay for Boti! And every awesome commenter here.


Mar 6, 2020
Salaam. Wow my experience was way worse than im even explaining!
I started to get more and more obsessed, I started watching other kpop too though it got real bad, first I felt super inspired, then I felt really resentful that ill never meet the guys from BTS, I started looking at all men as being pathetic compared to them and their story, I felt depressed ill never know them, I felt intense love for them like I loved them more than my own family, I couldn't stop watching their videos even when I didnt want to, I was like WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE.

I think I could do that because I believe in God. And many ppl who it happened to could pull themselves out because they could feel something super fishy is up lol

I do watch some videoes also but it has nowhere near the same appeal, id make salaah and be like ALLAH PLS MAKE THIS STOP, this isnt right. Only to go digging and find out these ppl do witch craft and other weird shit
I would walk past my Bible on the table and think hey, I haven't read this in days. Praying was hard. But I HAD watched a thousand BTS videos, listened to their music 24/7 (I work from home) and thought about nothing but them. I loved them so much but at the same time I was fully aware I would never actually know them in my lifetime. Their music is magic to me. If I even hear a snippet of one of their songs, I'm right back in love so I avoid them entirely. Almost entirely. Except for this one little song ...

Apr 16, 2020
can u please tell us where did u read that? which book/article?
U can look up marion knox a psychological deprogrammer, also look Into occult practices. I have so much information but id have to go through EVERYTHING to find it again, also videos on Youtube explaining what sodomy means in thr occult. I think its marion knox just type in marion deprogrammer mk ultra
Apr 16, 2020
Walaikumasalam....Oh my god, it was exactly the same for me! They felt inspiring at first, I thought wow they're so nice and they made me feel like working hard for what I want...but it turned into me wanting to work hard so I can meet them. I didn't even have a problem paying for hundreds of albums just to meet them for a min. I was justifying it thinking they love us too and I wanted them to be in my life. I was upset too that no other men were like them. All I wanted to do was watch them and find out more about them. They were all I thought about all day, it made me feel crazy, thats when I knew something was definitely wrong. It felt like I was breaking up with someone when I started to leave...I was so sad that I had to leave them.

All of Kpop uses witch craft because the addictive obsession happens with every group. Their music does something to your head, I felt it, but I didn't want to stop it coz I loved the songs so much. I don't listen to them now but I thought their songs were masterpieces, I have to fight the urge to listen. On top of that they lie and make you feel like you're a part of them using their many tricks. I too still watch a few clips, now though I can see the deception and it's sad. They've subconsciously created this love thay is so intense that it's hard to leave. I've loved a band before but it's never felt this insane. I was able to get over them so quick once I decided.

I believe Allah is the reason the urge to constantly check on them is gone. Keep praying to him and asking him for help sincerely and it'll be okay InshaAllah. You know what's strange? I was listening to the Quran and Allah was talking about the idol worshippers and it got me thinking that idol worshipping these days can also mean kpop idols and celebrities. People put them above everything essentially worship them in a way. I got so scared lol I was like nope I am not an idol worshipper. If you feel like you're putting them above everyone just think about it that way. Allah is the only one worthy of worship. This might help Christians also who feel the same way.

Sorry that was long.

Oh my word same for me, honestly!!!! They call kpop idols for a reason. God hates idolatry.

I even began to agree with homosexuality, (I dont judge or discriminate against gay ppl but the act I always saw as being wrong) I was like how are myyou values changing instantly

Also nct u has a song called 7th song and it hypnotizes me big time I actually feel my legs ands and feet tingle and the blood in my head rush every single time


Mar 6, 2020
Walaikumasalam....Oh my god, it was exactly the same for me! They felt inspiring at first, I thought wow they're so nice and they made me feel like working hard for what I want...but it turned into me wanting to work hard so I can meet them. I didn't even have a problem paying for hundreds of albums just to meet them for a min. I was justifying it thinking they love us too and I wanted them to be in my life. I was upset too that no other men were like them. All I wanted to do was watch them and find out more about them. They were all I thought about all day, it made me feel crazy, thats when I knew something was definitely wrong. It felt like I was breaking up with someone when I started to leave...I was so sad that I had to leave them.

All of Kpop uses witch craft because the addictive obsession happens with every group. Their music does something to your head, I felt it, but I didn't want to stop it coz I loved the songs so much. I don't listen to them now but I thought their songs were masterpieces, I have to fight the urge to listen. On top of that they lie and make you feel like you're a part of them using their many tricks. I too still watch a few clips, now though I can see the deception and it's sad. They've subconsciously created this love thay is so intense that it's hard to leave. I've loved a band before but it's never felt this insane. I was able to get over them so quick once I decided.

I believe Allah is the reason the urge to constantly check on them is gone. Keep praying to him and asking him for help sincerely and it'll be okay InshaAllah. You know what's strange? I was listening to the Quran and Allah was talking about the idol worshippers and it got me thinking that idol worshipping these days can also mean kpop idols and celebrities. People put them above everything essentially worship them in a way. I got so scared lol I was like nope I am not an idol worshipper. If you feel like you're putting them above everyone just think about it that way. Allah is the only one worthy of worship. This might help Christians also who feel the same way.

Sorry that was long.
It does help this Christian. It is idol worship absolutely.
Apr 16, 2020
I would walk past my Bible on the table and think hey, I haven't read this in days. Praying was hard. But I HAD watched a thousand BTS videos, listened to their music 24/7 (I work from home) and thought about nothing but them. I loved them so much but at the same time I was fully aware I would never actually know them in my lifetime. Their music is magic to me. If I even hear a snippet of one of their songs, I'm right back in love so I avoid them entirely. Almost entirely. Except for this one little song ...

Oh wow I feel u! I would look at the Qur'an and be like naaaa ima binge BTS. lol. I am so scared to listen to their music again but I havnt deleted it aaaah