Bible verses contrasted with false teacher/s' doctrines


May 11, 2020
God's word tells us to test everything. We must examine whether or not the message someone promotes is truly of God. There are many wolves in sheep's clothing. The media and hollywood are notorious for their promotion of anti Christ themes. The love of God was manifested in Christ to bring healing and truth to the world, but this love does not encourage people to continue in their rebellion and disregard for the call to repentance.

For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. Matthew 24:5

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. 2 Corinthians 11:4



May 11, 2020
People should not expect God to answer prayer when they consistently cast all his words behind their back and until there is sincere and heartfelt repentance. I always hear, "How can God allow all these bad things?" The truth is we kicked God out of schools, out of government, out of sports gatherings, out of homes and family time, out of entertainment, out of public hearing, and even out of the majority of churches. Nobody cares or wants to know what God has said. God is just merely giving people over to what they have been begging for which is a society and public conscience without him. We repeatedly told God to leave and take his words with him and I believe he has done exactly that.

He is giving people over to what they have wanted all along which is a "Romans 1" society. What is a Romans 1 society? It's basically a culture that has become terminally sick and self destructs as a result from this spiritual sickness and booting God out. There are many people out there who are beyond repentance , because they have heard and rejected the gospel so many times that their heart has become completely numb to the very perversions God says to turn away from. People didnt want God so he just merely gives us over to what we want and leaves people to their own self destructive ways. We must seek him and look to Christ before the time comes when it's too late.

Isaiah 55:6-7
King James Version
6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.


Oct 23, 2018
Isaiah 55:6-7
King James Version
6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
I try not to put too much stock in numbers or coincidence, but it is confirmation to me when I see a scripture passage like this particular one more than once in a row. I think that is not so woo-woo as I used to be. :)


May 11, 2020
I try not to put too much stock in numbers or coincidence, but it is confirmation to me when I see a scripture passage like this particular one more than once in a row. I think that is not so woo-woo as I used to be. :)
The Father is always working righteousness and things out for your good.


May 11, 2020


Mar 23, 2021
View attachment 84623

So did they invite anthony hill the jah guy? If not then not much of a one world religion.... ;)


May 10, 2022
How can anyone dishonor our heavenly Father's name like this? This is vile. I don't think the King of Kings is busying Himself chasing women. Jesus plainly says in Matthew 24:26 "wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold he is in the desert go not forth: behold he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
May 18, 2018
Pure evil:confused: I'm sorry this happened to you. Someone tried to manipulate and take advantage of your trusting nature and good will.

you’re not alone, good people don’t tend to believe psychopaths are lying continuously. We think other people are good natured like us and psychopaths take advantage of that.That takes a lot of courage to speak up.

you’ll find a lot of other people who went through similar things to what you did online to help. Your experience sounds very horrible as this man was trying to s*xually assault you. Seeing a councillor will help too because this sounds very traumatic. Thank you for sharing your story with others

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Pure evil:confused: I'm sorry this happened to you. Someone tried to manipulate and take advantage of your trusting nature and good will.

you’re not alone, good people don’t tend to believe psychopaths are lying continuously. We think other people are good natured like us and psychopaths take advantage of that.That takes a lot of courage to speak up.

you’ll find a lot of other people who went through similar things to what you did online to help. Your experience sounds very horrible as this man was trying to s*xually assault you. Seeing a councillor will help too because this sounds very traumatic. Thank you for sharing your story with others
What seems to have been conveniently left out of this malicious defamation attempt is that the woman unlawfully posting all of this information has a lengthy and unstable history of drug and alcohol abuse and sleeping around, which resulted in her recently becoming pregnant by an attorney and former follower of JAH.

She sought JAH’s Counsel about the unborn child, and was told that the best thing she could do for all involved under those circumstances would be to give the child up for adoption. She decided she could not do that, but that she could instead have an abortion, which has left her suffering both spiritually and physically, including bleeding profusely from the abortion procedure.

Although JAH didn’t want to meet with her again after all of that, He agreed to do so, at which time she had a complete breakdown, personally confessed to the mess she had again made of her life, and asked for both forgiveness and to be healed. Despite everything she had done to wreck her life, JAH/Christ agreed to help her, if she was sincere about changing her selfish and destructive ways.

This woman then, either out of respect or to entrap Him, offered her bed to JAH so that He could get a night’s rest in a heated home, with bathroom facilities nearby. Knowing that she was going have to go up a questionable set of stairs to spend the night in a cold bedroom where there was no heat nor bathroom, JAH offered to share the bed with her instead, so she could remain both warm and close to the bathroom, as she was still bleeding profusely at the time.

There was no sexual advance, nor could there have been, both for very obvious spiritual and physical reasons. But that hasn’t stopped this extremely unstable woman from attempting to pretend that there was, perhaps to hide her own shame after murdering her own unborn child.

I have known JAH for almost 18 years, and can say with absolutely certainty that He would NEVER take advantage of another individual, much less of a literally bloody woman whom He was striving to help care for and heal. The same bloody woman who has now allowed herself to be used by Satan yet again to harass and spread all of these lies and false accusations, even though no physical advance of any kind was ever made, and even specifically ruled out in writing (NO “hanky-panky”).

From: The Way home or face The Fire:-

13:91 Today everything is sex. What ever happened to LOVE, and tender loving care? You can keep sex. I will choose tender loving care, every time.

It is very sad to see someone so easily manipulated by Satan that they would launch such a vicious and baseless attack, exposing themselves not only to a defamation suit and breach of privacy, but to eternal damnation as well.

How any rationally-minded individual could believe that a fornicator and unborn child murderer could somehow be aptly characterized as having a "trusting nature and good will", while at the same time condemning someone genuinely striving to help her overcome her guilt and sense of failure as a "pure evil" and "a psychopath" is further proof of how upside down and backwards this world REALLY is (Isa. 5:20-21).

And yes, Matthew 12:37 is in the King of kings' Bible, as is John 15:23-25

15:23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
15:24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and HATED both me and my Father.
15:25 But [this cometh to pass], that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their Law, They HATED me without a cause.
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May 11, 2020
JAH is not Christ everyone knows that. This is just silly and an insult to everyone's intelligence at this point. He's just an old man with a long beard(who also happens to look like Gandaalf from LOTR) and a lawbreaker that will go into the dust soon.
May 18, 2018
So Anthony John Hill saw someone in a vulnerable state and made sexual advances toward her because he thought she would be easy to manipulate. Truly dispicable, typical of a psychopathic megalomaniac. Psychopaths are human preditors who prey on weakness and vulnerability through lies. Thankfully this lady was intelligent and strong enough to see through his manipulation, first asking herself, how could he be Christ if I know he is telling lies? Those are the types of questions met with hatred by Cult members such as yourself.

You’ve know him for 18 years, I don’t even want to know how many other people you’ve seen being abused and written it off that it’s their own fault like you are doing here.


May 11, 2020
So Anthony John Hill saw someone in a vulnerable state and made sexual advances toward her because he thought she would be easy to manipulate. Truly dispicable, typical of a psychopathic megalomaniac. Psychopaths are human preditors who prey on weakness and vulnerability through lies. Thankfully this lady was intelligent and strong enough to see through his manipulation, first asking herself, how could he be Christ if I know he is telling lies? Those are the types of questions met with hatred by Cult members such as yourself.

You’ve know him for 18 years, I don’t even want to know how many other people you’ve seen being abused and written it off that it’s their own fault like you are doing here.
I'm starting to wonder if A Freeman isnt really just a troll account. It's hard to believe one could be this convinced that an 80 year old man is Christ living among us and about to take the British throne.
May 18, 2018
I'm starting to wonder if A Freeman isnt really just a troll account. It's hard to believe one could be this convinced that an 80 year old man is Christ living among us and about to take the British throne.
I’ve also wondered if it’s a bot account due to its mechanical nature of posting although cults are very real and the iron grip over members psyche is real too. Psychopaths have started cults like this all around the world. They always come to strife because the leader is a sexual psychopath manipulating multiple women into relations under false pretenses like he is in those emails. “don’t you want to have sex with Jesus? It will heal you, it’s not wrong because it’s love making” and usually the other men are banned from sex in the group, only the leader has all the women. The men rationalize it because they believe the leader is special. This is just a Cult scenario that has been played out over and over whenever a psychopath manages to gain influence.


Mar 15, 2017
I'm starting to wonder if A Freeman isnt really just a troll account. It's hard to believe one could be this convinced that an 80 year old man is Christ living among us and about to take the British throne.
I wish you really are right.
Unfortunately even if A.Freeman is just a troll some undiscerning person might get deceived somehow.


Mar 15, 2017
Answering via mobile phone is hard!

A.Freeman, you are blinder than blind. And how dare you share what personal details unnecessarily! Shame on you and your false teacher. :mad:

Distraction tactics on what circumstances the woman happened to be in is totally irrelevant.
You are revealing even more how AJH is un-Christlike.
Jesus would have healed her.
Jesus would not have tricked her into staying at her house.
Jesus would not be sending dodgy personal messages *translation* GROOMING her into inappropriate relationships with Him.
A con artist and wannabe cult leader like Anthony John Hill certainly would though!
He has a seducing spirit, full of empty words and preys on the extremely vulnerable. What a creep!
Followers copy their teacher. You are pretending to be moral as long as it suits you personally.

What seems to have been conveniently left out of this malicious defamation attempt is that the woman unlawfully posting all of this information has a lengthy and unstable history of drug and alcohol abuse and sleeping around, which resulted in her recently becoming pregnant by an attorney and former follower of JAH.

She sought JAH’s Counsel about the unborn child, and was told that the best thing she could do for all involved under those circumstances would be to give the child up for adoption. She decided she could not do that, but that she could instead have an abortion, which has left her suffering both spiritually and physically, including bleeding profusely from the abortion procedure.

Although JAH didn’t want to meet with her again after all of that, He agreed to do so, at which time she had a complete breakdown, personally confessed to the mess she had again made of her life, and asked for both forgiveness and to be healed. Despite everything she had done to wreck her life, JAH/Christ agreed to help her, if she was sincere about changing her selfish and destructive ways.

This woman then, either out of respect or to entrap Him, offered her bed to JAH so that He could get a night’s rest in a heated home, with bathroom facilities nearby. Knowing that she was going have to go up a questionable set of stairs to spend the night in a cold bedroom where there was no heat nor bathroom, JAH offered to share the bed with her instead, so she could remain both warm and close to the bathroom, as she was still bleeding profusely at the time.

There was no sexual advance, nor could there have been, both for very obvious spiritual and physical reasons. But that hasn’t stopped this extremely unstable woman from attempting to pretend that there was, perhaps to hide her own shame after murdering her own unborn child.

I have known JAH for almost 18 years, and can say with absolutely certainty that He would NEVER take advantage of another individual, much less of a literally bloody woman whom He was striving to help care for and heal. The same bloody woman who has now allowed herself to be used by Satan yet again to harass and spread all of these lies and false accusations, even though no physical advance of any kind was ever made, and even specifically ruled out in writing (NO “hanky-panky”).

From: The Way home or face The Fire:-

13:91 Today everything is sex. What ever happened to LOVE, and tender loving care? You can keep sex. I will choose tender loving care, every time.

It is very sad to see someone so easily manipulated by Satan that they would launch such a vicious and baseless attack, exposing themselves not only to a defamation suit and breach of privacy, but to eternal damnation as well.

How any rationally-minded individual could believe that a fornicator and unborn child murderer could somehow be aptly characterized as having a "trusting nature and good will", while at the same time condemning someone genuinely striving to help her overcome her guilt and sense of failure as a "pure evil" and "a psychopath" is further proof of how upside down and backwards this world REALLY is (Isa. 5:20-21).

And yes, Matthew 12:37 is in the King of kings' Bible, as is John 15:23-25

15:23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
15:24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and HATED both me and my Father.
15:25 But [this cometh to pass], that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their Law, They HATED me without a cause.