How Do You Stay Healthy?


Jul 27, 2017
I think I'm addicted to sugar.
Lol. Moderation. It's ok to satisfy a sweet tooth. I had a big thing for oreos for the longest time.

Right now, just trying to detox and get my health on point :)


Mar 13, 2017
i thought you were addicted to vegans.
Just because I made a logical argument that veganism can be sustainable as demonstrated by the living vegans in the world, doesn't mean I'm addicted to them.


Aug 18, 2017
Staying healthy is a choice. I eat only organic food. I buy my salmon from other states and have them shipped to me. I don't trust local salmon. I cook every day and if I do have left overs, I warm it up on the stove in cast iron pans. I don't use microwave. I only drink water, get daily sunshine.


Jun 5, 2017
I think I'm addicted to sugar.
Sugar is a bit addicting for me as well - but I think it's more the sweetness of it, because I am just as happy having something sweetened by Stevia or other natural sources. Or even with cane sugar, my body does much better with it. With white sugar too many days in a row (it can vary, 2 days can do it or 5, it's likely hormonal and/or I wonder of the GMO aspect nowadays), I can get an intense 3-4 day headache and nausea. And related, it helps me to eat darker chocolate because it is richer and so I eat less of it, hence less sugar; I prefer the darker version anyway most of the time :)


Mar 20, 2017
i think if you make your own organic whole foods version of whatever u are craving then your good


Jul 27, 2017
So I did squats today.
255lbs for 3 sets 8 reps

I weigh 190lbs. I am very sore right now.
I ate a pb & blackberry jam sandwich on whole wheat bread with a glass of milk.

I feel satisfied at the moment


Jun 5, 2017
For dowsing or muscle-testing, though I’m not familiar with the author (link below).

I use a pendulum myself and it took me about 6 months initially to feel comfortable in just testing supplements [which answers would get confirmed by my chiropractor or someone else trained well in muscle-testing]. Muscle-testing btw, helped find a cause of higher blood pressure I had years ago, and the answer was in taking a probiotic. Within a week, I was feeling much better and continued to take it for awhile after, as for some reason, coffee seemed to be a culprit in wiping out good bacteria.

Some of her self-methods in a related link I’m unfamiliar with; I’ve heard of the ring finger; also where you hold onto a particular supplement and feel a tendency to move forward (meaning a yes for you) or backward (meaning a no). It’s important to remember that no doesn’t always mean negative, but that it’s a no for you (the one who is doing the testing) at the moment. Important also - be well hydrated.

This type of testing can be used to ask other types of questions in your life (it’s important to be very specific though, clear of mind, be appropriate [ask God], and make them as statements so you can get a yes or no) – what I always found wise until I got more comfortable with it, was to make a question list, and have a practitioner to muscle-test those questions randomly so I didn’t know what they had in mind when they tested; it’s a good confirmation that way. If ever my pendulum goes "wonky", I will take a moment to relax and then test again. Sometimes, leaving it [as a methodology] for awhile is best too and just trust Life.

Practice, practice :)


Jul 13, 2017
I really want to share two sites with you, if they already been posted then I'm sorry) didn't read every page yet cause I'm tired.

The first site tells you about the ingredients in food products you should avoid or that are safe.

Now for example, i chose "sorbitol" aka E-420 and few other names.. - Accidentally found these sites looking for product containing sorbitol...

Now i go to this site
Now i can actually see most of market products with the ingredient "sorbitol"
You can do same with Aspartame, xylitol, mannitol or what ever))
Though the site is a bit confusing with the navigation.

The site has a problem with ingredients section under "world", so either choose you country
or just manually type your required ingredient: <----- input your ingredient there and hit enter))

p.s if you know of a better site pls do share))


Mar 16, 2017
Probably shouldnt answer this since I'm sick as fuck but mineral water without fluoride and the brand with the least chemicals in it, no alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and I work out whenever energy level allows me to. I also keep my surrounding clean and fresh which makes me feel better and sometimes I sit by a pound and just breathe.


Mar 16, 2017
Lmfao! I'm not that crazy
Oh wth, one more or less! Besides, you can just make (or buy) a new one! Why not get one of those asian ones? They're supposed to be good workers to so you can put it to work around the house at 4 or 5. And if its annoying, well just drown that one to or give it a neckshot out back. Of course you film it and sell it as snuff so you make some money of it aswell. Have to make use of the little bastards. Yeah! :D


Jul 27, 2017
Oh wth, one more or less! Besides, you can just make (or buy) a new one! Why not get one of those asian ones? They're supposed to be good workers to so you can put it to work around the house at 4 or 5. And if its annoying, well just drown that one to or give it a neckshot out back. Of course you film it and sell it as snuff so you make some money of it aswell. Have to make use of the little bastards. Yeah! :D

I sure could use an adidas shoe sweatshop. I seem to go through shoes like crazy.

Maes17 - opens up adidas sweatshop on the work of his own kids! Lol ;)


Sep 18, 2017
Hi Everyone!

Since we don't have a sub-forum for this topic yet, at least we could have a thread. How do you keep yourself and your family healthy? Better yet, how do you avoid/reduce the toxic overload that seems to have permeated many aspects of our daily life? Have some tips? Please share them!

For general wellness and well-being, I rely on herbs, spices, oils and essential oils. I'm not an expert and most of what I know about using them for health is self-taught and through trial and error. I would recommend these to anyone though before asking the doctor to write a prescription!

Breathing deep and correctly as many times possible [ clean air of course - if you are in the bathroom don't ]

Minimizing the exposure to damaging chemicals - if someone smokes near you get away or ask them to stop smoking near you

Eat true organic food - 60% of the produce sold in the organic supermarkets is overpriced half crap, read labels and understand them, ask where the produce comes from and what kind of fertilizers and pesticide they are using on it.

Exercise 3 time s a week

Meditate - the body needs that time to connect and heal.

Most important of all - sleep 8 hours in a dark place - no night lights - try not staying awake after 23:00 - keep your phone at least 2 meters away and shut down the WI-FI.
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