How Do You Stay Healthy?

Mar 22, 2017
Hi Everyone!

Since we don't have a sub-forum for this topic yet, at least we could have a thread. How do you keep yourself and your family healthy? Better yet, how do you avoid/reduce the toxic overload that seems to have permeated many aspects of our daily life? Have some tips? Please share them!

For general wellness and well-being, I rely on herbs, spices, oils and essential oils. I'm not an expert and most of what I know about using them for health is self-taught and through trial and error. I would recommend these to anyone though before asking the doctor to write a prescription!

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
Peace be upon you brother,

This is a great thread and many could benefit from this.

As to how I stay healthy it's through the consumption of REAL food.

I also love adding coconut oil, black seed oil, and fish oil into my shakes and solid foods.


Mar 13, 2017
After a tedious process of checking labels there are very little products that I can buy from the shops as they are all ladled with Preservatives, colourants and flavourants. I buy most of my foods from the farmers market, and I buy from farmers that I know uses ethical practises and organic farming. There are a few websites that sell organic and safe products, so I buy mostly from them!


Mar 18, 2017
I love coffee, but there is a lot of junk that gets put in coffee that I don't like. So when I make coffee at home, I roast my own beans in a cast iron skillet. I read that coffee loses it antioxidants within a week after roasting, so if you roast it yourself, you can get all the antioxidants that are in the coffee beans. I have to order them online because most of the stores don't sell green coffee beans, but then you can support smaller companies selling green coffee beans too.

I add MCT oil and butter to my coffee. There are youtube videos you can watch about it, but the butter and MCT oil is supposed to help prevent a caffeine crash. I believe it does this. I don't feel as wired or get tired several hours later. They recommend using grass fed butter. That is how I make coffee healthier these days.

I also have found that using tinctures is better than taking a lot of pills whenever possible. I have a bunch of herbs in tincture form and I can just put them in drinks that will hide the flavor a bit and then I don't feel like my stomach is full of pills. It is way easier to digest. Anything I can find in tincture form I will get instead. I have been taking holy basil leaf, milk thistle, valerian, etc, but they have turmeric in tincture form that I would like to get when my turmeric supplement runs out. I just hate the feeling of digesting supplements in pill form.


Mar 14, 2017
I avoid processed foods, use superfoods like cilantro and chlorella and exercise a lot (though not as much as I used to and want to do again). I'm a marathon runner and if NWO doesn't kill me beforehand maybe I'll attempt an ironman.

I enjoy really hard physical exercise and pushing to the limit. I feel like this helps purify and strengthen the spirit and bring into better contact with nature.


Mar 15, 2017
First thing in the morning, before stuffing your face with breakfast, drink a cup of hot water with a splash of lemon. It really cleans your insides and you tend to feel more full and satisfied during the day.

For weight loss especially I found this to be quite helpful or for general wellness in case you're someone struggling to balance their appetite


Mar 13, 2017
First thing in the morning, before stuffing your face with breakfast, drink a cup of hot water with a splash of lemon. It really cleans your insides and you tend to feel more full and satisfied during the day.

For weight loss especially I found this to be quite helpful or for general wellness in case you're someone struggling to balance their appetite
Would tea work?
Mar 22, 2017
Lemon and warm water first thing in the morning - great tip! You may also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar - the real stuff like Braggs.

If lemon and vinegar aren't your thing, try drinking spoon of honey with pinch of cinnamon stirred in warm water first thing in the morning. Similar benefits. I don't know about tea --- maybe green tea or herbal tea like ginger or chamomile though?

I love cilantro - great for detoxifying mercury... I love to cook with it and juice it too. It's such a lovely herb ....


Mar 14, 2017
I'm a big time coffee addict! Yet, I try to drink a room temperature glass of water with a lemon wedge first thing in the morning. Hot beverages like coffee and tea can be dehydrating to the body. And for me, I usually already wake up dehydrated as it is. [I think I read somewhere online that your body dehydrates while you sleep.] Breakfast is key to fueling your body for the day! Then I proceed with my daily routine by hitting the gym. I'm also big on skin care! Don't get me started on that! lol

Tiny Leaf

Mar 15, 2017
Nice thread!
I'm a bit rubbish with trying to stay healthy. But the winter did teach me some real lessons lol.
I lost count the number of times I was eating raw garlic and was necking ginger, honey, lemon, turmeric teas.
Also the amazing benefits of herbs like sage! And rosemary!
All this stuff costs us next to nothing, but seriously, nature has the best cures.

I'm also a huge tea drinker, all sorts of wonderful herbal teas from across the world, and might I add, fresh mint in tea is like the best thing ever! Fresh mint in anything is like the best of the best, full stop! Haha ^__^


Mar 13, 2017
A lot of iced coffee. Nos energy drinks, and junk food. I try to eat a lot of protein though, low carbs for sure. Foods that are high in some carbs just make me feel bad. Sometimes I go into a fasting mode and don't eat much at all.

I also tend to believe that the mind and spirit can fix the body of any problem. And a lot of the worlds health problems are really mental, or spiritual. We should be able indulge ourselves however we want. But people develop addictions and tolerance, and overdo it.


Mar 15, 2017
I don't gain weight even though i eat whatever i feel like eating and alot of it so yea
i don't remain healthy but it just happens lol