How Do You Stay Healthy?


Apr 22, 2017

Increasing insulin sensitivity, eating in a caloric deficit with high amounts of protein and vegetables will do more for weight loss than lifting or cardio ever will.

I personally think lifting is the best way to basically look like anything besides a pencil once you lose the weight because after a certain point 200 squats won't do what it did and body weight becomes easy to adapt to and you end up with, if you want to be your best self, assessing resistance and weight so it is no longer calisthenics but weight training lol. Plus it's limiting and forces most people to do direct ab work when compound lifts will do more than sit ups and crunches will ever do.

But if you just want to run and eat right do HIIT.

Find a hill or track and sprint at max effort for 10 seconds then walk for 20 seconds and do that for 10 sets. When it gets easier reduce rest time and or increase sprint time. Then just eat right while doing that 3-5 days a week, you won't even have to lift and it only takes 5 minutes but make to inhale and exhale with your mouth.


A former fat fuck :)


Mar 15, 2017
haich how old is your baby again?
i think "working out" is stupid reminds me of lab rats on spinning wheels in front of screen. housework, gardening, walking in the woods (sometimes referred to as "hiking" haha)that's what i do
He's 1, sprinting all over the house and jumping on sofas

I don't have a garden, we live in a new apartment but with a baby you can't really walk far. Pre baby my husband and I would walk for hours, it was so exhilarating

Housework is a form of exercise I guess but my place isn't big so I get it done relatively fast


Mar 15, 2017

Increasing insulin sensitivity, eating in a caloric deficit with high amounts of protein and vegetables will do more for weight loss than lifting or cardio ever will.

I personally think lifting is the best way to basically look like anything besides a pencil once you lose the weight because after a certain point 200 squats won't do what it did and body weight becomes easy to adapt to and you end up with, if you want to be your best self, assessing resistance and weight so it is no longer calisthenics but weight training lol. Plus it's limiting and forces most people to do direct ab work when compound lifts will do more than sit ups and crunches will ever do.

But if you just want to run and eat right do HIIT.

Find a hill or track and sprint at max effort for 10 seconds then walk for 20 seconds and do that for 10 sets. When it gets easier reduce rest time and or increase sprint time. Then just eat right while doing that 3-5 days a week, you won't even have to lift and it only takes 5 minutes but make to inhale and exhale with your mouth.


A former fat fuck :)
Lol how much did you used to weigh?

So running is best? Thanks for the advice, it's hard to find a hill or a track in London I'd have to travel but I live on the 5th floor so I could just run up and down stairs?

Yh I've been told to start with my diet. I don't eat an awful amount of crap, but rice and pasta are a staple piece of my diet and it's hard for me live on meat and pure veg, i don't find it filling at all and making separate meals would be a nuisance

I'll start prepping my own meals and I'll see how that goes. I have an awful sweet tooth, my current weakness is dark chocolate croissants


Mar 15, 2017
@Haich- Simply eliminating unnecessary salts and sugars help with belly fat. I was a big junk food, soda drinking, cake eating something.

Just eliminating those things and plenty of water helps with belly fat and overall body fat.
I don't drink soda or juice, I drink water, coffee and juice my own smoothies. If I'm feeling naughty I'll have a nakd smoothie

Yh it's pretty hard habit to kick, I haven't had soda in years and when I sip it now I'm so overwhelmed by the sugar and synthetic taste. Fast food again I don't eat that, I cook myself or eat out at clean establishments

Sugar is my hurdle, snacking on biscuits (cookies) and chocolate


Apr 22, 2017
Lol how much did you used to weigh?

So running is best? Thanks for the advice, it's hard to find a hill or a track in London I'd have to travel but I live on the 5th floor so I could just run up and down stairs?

Yh I've been told to start with my diet. I don't eat an awful amount of crap, but rice and pasta are a staple piece of my diet and it's hard for me live on meat and pure veg, i don't find it filling at all and making separate meals would be a nuisance

I'll start prepping my own meals and I'll see how that goes. I have an awful sweet tooth, my current weakness is dark chocolate croissants
In 5'9 and I hit 225lbs. I'm down to 180lbs.

Sprinting to be precise. In a high to low intensity format is breast.

The stairs might work but you can sprint in the sidewalk.

Take your rice and pasta and cook them some days before then chill in the fridge. It reduces carb content by 50% and is healthier. I do it and I eat like the average American but I'm steadily losing body fat.


Mar 20, 2017
i was going to mention sugar and carbs. if you want to lose weight (or rather inches) FAST, without exercise, especially around your middle, cut out ALL carbs and sugar for awhile. its super hard for two weeks i used to chew up bread and spit it out haha but it works.
0 carbs 0 sugar is the only rule check labels for instance no milk but you can have a splash of heavy cream in coffee as that has 0 sugar.
also if you eat sugar or carbs do it later in the day as you form an instant like addiction to them that will last the rest of the day, but it resets every night you sleep. of course better to not eat anything after 6 pm and definitely make sure you have 12 hours between last food of the night and breakfast.
also, if you are going to eat carbs you are better off to take them with some good fat example if bread, have olive oil or butter to slow down the release of the sugar in the bread.
but i wanted to tell you, i was a size 14 before i got pregnant. in the year my baby went from 1 to 2 years old i got so active and busy with him that i now wear a size 8!
happened without even trying which i say was the 2nd best thing that ever happened to me :) after babe of course :)


Mar 20, 2017
remember in the 80's they thought the way to lose weight was high carb low fat and now we know the opposite is true. but we still have all these "low fat" high sugar trash foods people are attached to


Apr 22, 2017
remember in the 80's they thought the way to lose weight was high carb low fat and now we know the opposite is true. but we still have all these "low fat" high sugar trash foods people are attached to
HFLC diets still aren't optimal in themselves because of the lack of carbs and that to do it really right you have to have refeed days where you spike your glycogen. I think they are great for diabetics but not truly optimal when a lot of the dietary issues stem from food preparation and total intake.

I did the keto for three months and dropped 50lbs but I looked and felt like shit the entire time. I was flab and looked like a deflated balloon at 170lbs. Plus there isn't enough variety with me to to really keep it sustainable. It takes so much food to hit caloric maintenance levels that it is hard to do long term. People do do it long term but they still look like shit lol.


Mar 20, 2017
yes it is not healthy lifestyle diet but to do for a couple weeks breaks that sugar addiction and gives you the self confidence boost of instant results. but you are right i believe grains are important


Jun 17, 2017
rice and pasta are a staple piece of my diet and it's hard for me live on meat and pure veg, i don't find it filling at all and making separate meals would be a nuisance
I'll start prepping my own meals and I'll see how that goes. I have an awful sweet tooth, my current weakness is dark chocolate croissants
damiens suggestion was good-- the pasta and rice are pulling you down. could you find sprouted wheat pasta or quinoa pasta? its a step up.


Mar 15, 2017
damiens suggestion was good-- the pasta and rice are pulling you down. could you find sprouted wheat pasta or quinoa pasta? its a step up.
I'll have to change my diet, yh local health food stores sell them


Jul 27, 2017
Damien, thanks for the advice on the rice and pasta. I did not know that.

Good luck to Haich, chase after your baby. That should provide some calorie burning. Along with house chores, gardening. Walks around the park etc.

As for muscle building. You can suffice quite well with push ups, feet elevated push ups, squats and jump squats and body weight lunges if you're short on time


Jun 5, 2017
How I stay healthy:

-fermented cod liver oil daily
-butter, butter oil, cheese or natural vitamin K2 supplement daily
-desiccated liver
-grass-fed raw milk
-grass-fed yogurt
-bone broth (homemade)
-raw egg yolks (from my hens) in smoothies, plus lots of cooked eggs
-grass-fed beef
-sunlight (no sunscreen unless I'm going to be out in the sun for extended periods of time - then I use zinc oxide baby sunscreen)
-vegetables from my garden
-kelp flakes
-himalayan salt (I used to use Celtic sea salt too, but found out that it's contaminated with microplastics from the ocean!)
-trace mineral drops
-magnesium glycinate
-running around or playing on the trampoline with my son
-I use cannabis in place of OTC and prescription drugs - the only thing I ever take is the occasional aspirin if a headache gets really bad
-epsom salt baths
-I don't wear makeup
-I don't shave (people probably think I'm a total hippy, and they're right, but I'm a conservative hippie ;))
-I am constantly researching and learning new things - important for brain health
-I try to get enough sleep - failing at this one right now, lol
-If I'm really stuck with something I ask the Creator for guidance and blessings
Hi Umphreak,

Quick question if I may, which brand of Celtic sea salt were you referring to? We had carried one from Natures Cargo, and they had said that over time it had accumulation of lead, so they switched to salt from El Salvador (if I remember), but packaged in the States; they had a tropical version as well but we had found the original or the El Salvador ones as best for the client (if not Himilayan Salt sometimes).


Jun 17, 2017
rock salt
the best salt is the himalayan salt, then any mined salt (like the indian black salt).
ok, sea salt has the minerals, iodine, etc. but its also got the lead mercury, and other contaminants floating in the ocean. dont assume its been purified, because it wasnt.
i suppose if one is not really into their health, then sea salt is fine. at least its not iodized or fluoridated.


May 23, 2017
Hi Umphreak,

Quick question if I may, which brand of Celtic sea salt were you referring to? We had carried one from Natures Cargo, and they had said that over time it had accumulation of lead, so they switched to salt from El Salvador (if I remember), but packaged in the States; they had a tropical version as well but we had found the original or the El Salvador ones as best for the client (if not Himilayan Salt sometimes).
I was actually referring to a study of sea salts from around the world, which found that nearly all of them contained microplastics, as well as pigments and other unidentified foreign material. I believe there was only one sample that was completely clean. The study did not mention actual brands, but I guess the point I took away from it is that the sea is pretty contaminated with plastic and that's going to show up in sea salts to varying degrees. Here's the study:


May 23, 2017
Take your rice and pasta and cook them some days before then chill in the fridge. It reduces carb content by 50% and is healthier. I do it and I eat like the average American but I'm steadily losing body fat.
This is true. Cooking and then cooling pasta, rice, and potatoes creates resistant starch. You can even reheat these foods after they've been cooled in the fridge overnight, and the resistant starch remains! It resists digestion, so like Damien said, you don't absorb resistant starch as calories. Instead it becomes food for the beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, which has other health benefits. Pretty cool!