Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Nov 8, 2022
I, of course, as the last fool, at the time did some serious "internet walks to raise awareness", on numerous websites and blogs, which I believe to be somewhat "keeping their eyes open" by engaging less in various deviant narratives.

I told them briefly, made a short summary, showed them. I gave them the links, etc.

As a result, no one mentioned anything.

James Corbett didn't mention anything (he only wrote an article about "the conditions that precede the war in Ukraine, which is hidden from the western msm), nor Iain Davis (who otherwise makes long dissections of the multipolarity hoax), to I mention only two of those who think there is something more, some kind of behind-the-scenes plan with the war *

(* But there is still a war that is proven only by the evidence of sources who in what way have proven the reality of the war? Well, they just started writing about the war, which replaced the plandemic, as real from the beginning, without discussion. For those of them who point to the reality of the plandemic, it no longer mattered that Putin had fulfilled everything plandemic. But these are only a part, the rest - significant part of antizio, antiimperialists and antiwar - just at first said that there is a pandemic and vaccines help, but dirty western capitalists want to make money from vaccines, instead of sharing them with the rest of the world, with poor countries, and save them from covid.) ;)

David Icke's website wrote an article (and a video) about TUCKER HAVING A RED KABALLAH THREAD, and this is a ZIONIST HOAX. But at the same time, they also reflected how vile and hypocritical the western msm are, for their criticism of Tucker and Putin. (They didn't respond to my messages and banned me from their forum after three of my posts there.)

And so on.

Super funny and incredibly truncated coverage in the entire global media space (both msm and alternative, and not only the Western ones, but everywhere), with literally a few mentions and above all that "Putin announced that Russia is developing a vaccine against cancer" (I'm not sure, they may have made additions later, but then I didn't see anyone mention that it is mRNA "vaccine". And where did the increase in cancer come from?).

(* The only "correspondent from Moscow" who shows the "truth about the plandemic in Russia" (he really does it to a large extent, more or less so, he gives links; but there are many more), but he shows a miniature part of the whole intertwined Russian great reset (the info for which has been discovered and Russian alt-blogs in Russia regularly show it) - Riley Waggaman/Edward Slavsquat - mentioned this forum (without making any connection with Tucker, neither with a more deep great reset) in literally two lines as part of his weekly review of Russia.

He mentioned the news that "Russia is developing a vaccine against cancer."

Do the math.
(Think about why, how come there is only one who reflects the great reset in Russia? And also: what do the others who write in non-Russian languages about Russia do?)

As an even bigger fool, I even took a walk through various large and small, known and unknown right-wing conservative websites and blogs. In response: silent darkness. They are fully prepared for the conservative transhumanist future, of which Musk is the main influencer (the conservative-"Christian" anti-woke packaging of Donald perfectly suits them.. but they have no other choice - this is offered to them as an alternative to the leftist darkness). "If it's not Trump, it's going to be Kamala," and the darkness continues.

Let's hope that there are more "average conservative" real "neither leftists nor rightists" who are satisfied with nothing less than open-eyed living in the path of truth;

And not like our antiwhite anti-far-right antiimperialist antizionists, supposedly neither left nor right (I will clarify and repeat this again - to myself, of course - later).

They are not dishonest that they have such an anti-white stance (if they are non-white, probably, or white anti-whites - which is common among whites, but extremely rare or none among nonwhites (this they to fight for white rights) - is completely normal, even the opposite would be strange), but they claim to be anti-elites, but only the Western, anti-their plans. (Of course, just like all these antizionist antigenocide websites and NGOs claim, which fight for the rights of all... except for the whites.) If they had been more open and direct, they would not have had as much success in stirring up antigenocide discontent and protests among western whites.)
;) ;) ;) (<- triple kabbalistic wink with a subtle Illuminati smile)
Straight up say "white hetero trash, your time is up, bend your knee and kiss my triple-vaccinated racial gender justice".
However, everything about reality and development boils down to a few basic questions, including:

What do leftist organizations that fight for rights and now stand firmly behind the antigenocide atizio position support (and by encouraging and organizing the protests)? What else do they support? What is their vision and plan for the future?

Are they really separate from the right-wing circles?

What is the vision and plan of right-wing circles for the future?

What are the preferences of the so-called transhumanists??

And so on. And then a lot of the fog clears up (for those who think there is fog instead of clarity where everything is shown on the table and, for example, we are talking about zio-usa against the rest of humanity)

More about the program and the forum here and there; short excerpts in next comment
However, everything about reality and development boils down to a few basic questions, including:

What do leftist organizations that fight for rights and now stand firmly behind the antigenocide atizio position support (and by encouraging and organizing the protests)? What else do they support? What is their vision and plan for the future?

Are they really separate from the right-wing circles?

What is the vision and plan of right-wing circles for the future?

What are the preferences of the so-called transhumanists??

And so on. And then a lot of the fog clears up (for those who think there is fog instead of clarity where everything is shown on the table and, for example, we are talking about zio-usa against the rest of humanity)


“Worth reading…. We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes”—Elon Musk

—Elon Musk


Two options:
  • This is what those who are obviously building the future of the world judge.
  • It was done on purpose, with the opposite goal: the inclusion of everyone in the future. (after a ostentatious "break with the dark past of transhumanism", which we know what is).

The trump card in the answer deck is: to which people is civilization due?


Nov 8, 2022
I think this will be from me for the thread, girls and boys. And now calmly unravel everything else about the fake assassination attempt. (For now, I think this. :D )
Oct 20, 2021
I trust Musk about as much as I trust Timothy Leary. Neuro Link or whatever this is sounds like potentially the worst trip of all time. Take LSD and NeuroLink at the same time with a side order of mushrooms and you could possibly enter a Hell that is worse than this one.


Nov 8, 2022
I trust Musk about as much as I trust Timothy Leary. Neuro Link or whatever this is sounds like potentially the worst trip of all time. Take LSD and NeuroLink at the same time with a side order of mushrooms and you could possibly enter a Hell that is worse than this one.
Just take the chip, king, it is safe and effective. Don't be such an antivaxer.


Apr 26, 2024
This post belongs in entertainment. Because that's all it is.

When will people learn on here that doesn't matter their name, title or job they are all deciving you!

It's a big soap opera and your minds are being thoroughly washed, if you buy this shit. It means you buy 9/11, 7/7, jfk was assassinated, Diana died in a car crash. Yada yada yada.

These luciferians only want one thing from you, your attention. So you burn with them.

They HATE you, yet you admire.

It's so pathetic it's not worth mocking.


Apr 26, 2024
So one thing I find suspicious is how within seconds of getting shot he had a fist bump up and continued to do so.
I would think he would be a little in shock with feeling his ear being shot and bloodView attachment 107331
You know what happens with you get hit with a decent sized calibre?
You get your body part that's attached, unattaches from your body.

What did he shoot him with? An air rifle?
Also that's moulage, probably from his WWF days.

Know your enemy. Don't be decived.
Last edited:


Apr 26, 2024
They all benefit.

He benefits, because he garners sympathy.

All sides of the equation are run by Masons who practice Kabbalah basically. They see themselves as real Jews as much as the Khazarians. That’s the deal.
It’s not just the tribe. I know everybody on VC claims it’s just the fake Jews, but the only thing all the high rollers have in common is that they are all Masons.

The main purpose of masonry is bringing order out of chaos.

Attempted assassination brings chaos.

The fake Jews are just some of Satan’s pieces. They don’t control Jesuits like Fauci. The Vatican is always in play. The British Royal family is in play. What ties them to WEF? Masonry and Kabbalah.

Babylonian mystery religion.
The fake Jews are converts and most of them are not involved in day to day operations of evil.

Ahhhhhhh a man who sees.

Much love to you.


Nov 29, 2023
Posted for the 3rd time, information courtesy of A Freeman. Let us know if you still can't see it.

Excerpt below from the excellent research paper "The Trump Shooting was of course Staged", written by Miles Matthis. Please find it at:

Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.

View attachment 109434

They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let's say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1.

The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags. He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged. So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of—Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc.—Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.

Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them, or into their neighbors. They sit and stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. Some are filming on their cellphones. Most just continue to watch, as if it is on TV. That's because they know the bangs are just blanks. One of the guys interviewed afterwards (the big guy in a red shirt) admitted it sounded like fireworks behind the stage, not an AR15 more than 100 yards in front of the stage. Whoops! He is being paid to sell the hits on the crowd, but he goes off script badly, as these crisis actors always do. I think you could tell the difference between pops behind or under the stage and a high-powered rifle 500 feet away. We should also hear the bullets whizzing, and as in the Las Vegas fake, we don't. Even more ridiculous, perhaps, is that they paid these people on stage to stay there and cheer when he raised his fist. No one knows all shooters have been killed at that point, how could they, but not only have they not run or tried to hide, they sit there calmly and then stand up and cheer when Trump does his “fight” act. This is fake event staging at its worst.

You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn't add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn't mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.

View attachment 109435

Nice of him to comment on his own death, right? That's very helpful. You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike.

View attachment 109436

View attachment 109437

Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there. And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN. So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy. [Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.]

And this is really embarrassing:

View attachment 109438

His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.

Plus, I just watched the full film, and I don't see where Comperatore was allegedly sitting. He should be to the right of the stage behind Trump, in order to catch a bullet, but if you look over there, those people are all just sitting there calmly. If some guy is bleeding to death among them, you would never know it. I guess they were too busy taking pictures and cheering to notice the dead guy at their feet.
Any response to the above, @Clout ?


Nov 8, 2022
Vladonald Trumputin is the top.
I will vote for him for (the only antitrasngeder) president of the world.


Nov 8, 2022

..and all the other (my) comments below. skip the comments of the others here, off topic spam-flood garbage