Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Nov 29, 2023
Commented where? I ain't seen it.
Posted for the 3rd time, information courtesy of A Freeman. Let us know if you still can't see it.

Excerpt below from the excellent research paper "The Trump Shooting was of course Staged", written by Miles Matthis. Please find it at:

Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.


They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let's say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1.

The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags. He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged. So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of—Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc.—Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.

Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them, or into their neighbors. They sit and stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. Some are filming on their cellphones. Most just continue to watch, as if it is on TV. That's because they know the bangs are just blanks. One of the guys interviewed afterwards (the big guy in a red shirt) admitted it sounded like fireworks behind the stage, not an AR15 more than 100 yards in front of the stage. Whoops! He is being paid to sell the hits on the crowd, but he goes off script badly, as these crisis actors always do. I think you could tell the difference between pops behind or under the stage and a high-powered rifle 500 feet away. We should also hear the bullets whizzing, and as in the Las Vegas fake, we don't. Even more ridiculous, perhaps, is that they paid these people on stage to stay there and cheer when he raised his fist. No one knows all shooters have been killed at that point, how could they, but not only have they not run or tried to hide, they sit there calmly and then stand up and cheer when Trump does his “fight” act. This is fake event staging at its worst.

You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn't add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn't mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.


Nice of him to comment on his own death, right? That's very helpful. You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike.



Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there. And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN. So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy. [Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.]

And this is really embarrassing:


His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.

Plus, I just watched the full film, and I don't see where Comperatore was allegedly sitting. He should be to the right of the stage behind Trump, in order to catch a bullet, but if you look over there, those people are all just sitting there calmly. If some guy is bleeding to death among them, you would never know it. I guess they were too busy taking pictures and cheering to notice the dead guy at their feet.


Nov 8, 2022
We found out that the attempted murder was staged. We found out why it was: for smoke and mirrors, without anything specific (because, you know, they are all the same; prolgbtQR and antiwhite left are the same with prowhite and antilgbtQR right, and all people like both, as well as, respectively, dislike both)

Now let's scatter this and that quickly and for the special war, without diligence (as it turned out, there is no need for diligence, since everything is clear)


Nov 8, 2022
neuronet: this, that, this, that and this, and that

the new russian wiki, "the state-run" wiki (only state-approved info, no western antiurussian propaganda) confirms:
Fourth stage (after 2040)
Neuronet covers the entire field of communications

special military operation Z for denazification putin's full-scale war multipolar putin good antigay protraditional values putler bad -
start 24.02.2022
national technology initiative, neuronet,
https ://nti2035 .ru/markets/mneuronet
one scroll down, the square to the left, looks like this:

«Дорожная карта» «Нейронет» одобрена протоколом №1 от 28.02.22 г. заочного голосования членов президиума Правительственной комиссии по модернизации экономики и инновационному развитию России.

The "Neuronet" "roadmap" was approved by Protocol №1 of 28.02.22 of absentee voting of members of the presidium of the Government commission for economic modernization and innovative development of Russia.

"When I was president, I told Putin "there is no way to invade Ukraine" (and to Hamas and Iran - "you will not touch Izrael") and everything was ok, but when the incompetent Biden replaced me, Putin and the others could not believe their luck and invaded Ukraine and made terrorism on Izrael. Now that I'm back, I'm stopping everything."

The NeuroNet industry is the most complex technical solutions created at the intersection of engineering and neurobiology. But they are the future, which in one way or another will affect all areas of our lives. The participants of the annual forum "Neurotechnologies of Russia 2023", which brought together all industry participants, expressed absolute confidence in this.
For the foreseeable future, Neurotechnologies will affect all areas of our lives. Everyone who is associated with the NeuroNet field has this understanding.
According to Andrey Vilensky, head of the expert group of the Agency for Technological Development, right now, in the context of sanctions pressure on Russia, a window of opportunity for the development of the neuroindustry has appeared in the country. ..Now is a great opportunity to implement their projects in the field of neurotechnology for everyone who has thought about it.
neurotechnologies are an end-to-end solution and unite many other industries. Therefore, in the future, they will unite all spheres of our lives, with rare exceptions.
there is an explosive growth of the NeuroNet market around the world, experts say. This is clearly visible in Russia, where in recent years the state and business have shown an increased interest in this area, investments and other cash injections, including from the commercial sector, are increasing.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered young scientists who are working on invasive interfaces at the forum.

invasive electronics, microchips and flexible structures that can be implanted

One of the areas in which neurotechnologies are used today is unmanned aircraft systems. Solutions based on NeuroNet technologies are already able to provide partial control automation, the use of computer vision and the development of autonomous decision-making systems, which will make drones more efficient and safer.

And in the future, the use of artificial intelligence and neurotechnologies will ensure full automation of UAVs and, at the same time, high-quality control over its operation by humans.

"Biofeedback technologies will work in much the same way as pagers used to work. That is, we will move to 100% automatic control based on AI, but we will receive feedback using neural interfaces.
In this way, operators will monitor compliance with AI algorithms, that is, not control, but only control the control of UAVs by artificial intelligence," said Natalia Galkina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, General Director of Neurotrend JSC.

Mike Adams, "all vaccinated will die the first winter", then the second, the third, strongly influencer for "the generals will come out of the bushes of Biden's inauguration and return the country to Donald and the people after the stolen election", and other rosy fables from the state qnon Aeschylus. Therefore, quite logically, I bet on it (he is a sure distributor of Q mythology and time is the time for the next stage of action):

Mike Adams
Now, this title may change by the time you see this, but that last phrase is really critical to understand: To keep America alive. And what I’m going to reveal to you today here in this analysis is that the reinstatement of Alex Jones on Twitter is no accident. And it has much larger implications than what most people imagine. Because it coincides with Elon Musk, the military, what I call deep intelligence networks, and how they are now supporting Elon Musk, and they are supporting Tucker Carlson. And they’re also preparing to put Trump back into office..

And even though it’s not obvious on the surface, the number one most astonishing failure that has taken place that has actually handed power over to the military intelligence faction is the defeat of NATO in Ukraine. This is sending shockwaves throughout the system, that the United States military could not defeat Russia..

So the the pro America military intelligence faction, which is pro Trump, and pro Elon Musk, I believe worked to get Alex Jones reinstated.

So, let me be clear about this because this is not a black and white scenario. And I’m trying not to insert my own opinions into this. I’m trying not to say that Trump is good or Trump is bad, but rather just tell you cause and effect here. So Trump supports Big Pharma, big war, big banks.

..This is why even Pfizer right now is reducing production of COVID vaccines, and actually laying off many people in certain divisions of the company, Big Pharma needs, you could say, a new shot in the arm. And Trump is exactly the person that they believe will enable them to do that, because Trump will be all in for fast tracking drugs, fast tracking vaccines, and responding to upcoming pandemics in a way that favors the bottom line profits of pharmaceutical companies at the same time.

Now you might ask, Why then is Alex Jones reinstated on Twitter? And what does Elon Musk have to do with all of this? Well, Elon Musk is deeply involved in research projects for the military. Many experimental projects, which are exotic weapons systems, exotic launch systems, exotic optical systems, and of course, neural link systems, which is human brain interface, both surveillance and active motor control systems. The United States military knows that the future of warfare is going to very heavily involve drones and automated systems. And we’ll talk about AI coming up here in a little bit. But part of the answer here is also going to be cyborg systems…But the real aim here is to build cyborg soldiers.

But secondly, soldiers, I’m sorry to say this, but the new recruits are not as smart as they used to be. The military services are having more and more difficulty recruiting young soldiers…And so for these less sophisticated soldiers, in order to be outfitted with cyborg systems, which is the ultimate goal, they need to have systems that are simply more intuitive and less technical.

So what does this have to do with Elon Musk, and Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump? Well, everything, it’s simple. In order for the United States to remain viable, in terms of its military projection around the world, it needs to develop more autonomous drone systems and cyborg systems. It needs to become a world leader in AI, and also neuro link implants as well as other key technologies, such as hypersonic missiles, which by the way, AI systems can help theoretically develop. Elon Musk is seen as a key gatekeeper in this quest for applied technology
So I believe a deal has been made between the deep military intelligence networks and Elon Musk. And this deal involves the reinstatement of Trump. And Tucker Carlson was activated on Twitter in order to help bring back Trump by going full tilt at the fascist Biden regime. And the loser leftists who are losing our wars in Ukraine, and potentially in the Middle East, and certainly coming soon in Taiwan. In other words, Elon Musk has been given a green light to activate anybody that he thinks is necessary to help turn the tide against the anti Trump rhetoric that’s out there. And to expose the truth about how much the Democrats have been destroying America on purpose, in order to reinstate Trump as president, which would require a massive flood of voter support for Trump, and for this reason, I believe Alex Jones has been reinstated.

So again, Elon Musk was given a green light to reinstate people like Alex Jones, and I believe that you’re going to see Alex talking very favorably about the defense of America, which is a very important concept. And I agree with that concept. We need to keep America alive. And the importance of shoring up America’s military might in order to protect our borders, and to make sure that we don’t lose wars overseas, which is what’s happening right now. Now, Alex Jones has sharply criticized Trump in the past, and I’ve been critical of Trump as well on several issues such as Operation warp speed. But when push comes to shove, most people who are aware of what’s going on if given a simple choice between Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump, if those are the only options, the choice is crystal clear. It’s Trump all the way. No person in their right mind would vote for Joe Biden.

Trump is in essence being brought in as a kind of combat field medic for the dollar, to patch it up, stop the bleed, and bring the dollar back into viability so that more money can be printed, to hand it over to the military industrial complex to work on more exotic weapon systems such as autonomous drones, Cyborg interface systems, human machine systems, hypersonic missiles, and also exotic space weapons through Space Force. So this is why Tucker Carlson was brought on to Twitter. This is why Alex Jones is being reinstated. This is probably why I was reinstated.

Although I probably haven’t followed the path that some of these people wanted me to follow. But I do admit that at the end of the day, if it comes down to Biden versus Trump, there’s no doubt I’m on Team Trump at that point, even though I have been extremely critical of some of Trump’s decisions, I would much rather live in a world where America still exists, rather than a world where we’re overrun by globalists, and we’re under UN control, and we’ve lost our Constitution. That’s why I say this is a very complex issue for all of us, including you listening to this, you’re not going to get a perfect candidate.”

The chance, after the eventual return of the already saved by god and anointed orange king, to become the dominant ideology with which accelerated technological development is dressed, is serious, even the greatest (otherwise Musk is there just like that, by accident).

The other option is that everything is simpler and as it seems: the well-known leftist option is chosen as the model of the future, the nominal left remains ("steals elections, makes plandemic, riots"), far-right fascism is defeated and our colored transgenders from the forum in victorious delirium of black supermacy will tear your white hetero patriarchal far-right asses with theit triple-vaxxed big black racial gender equality justice (put on at least one cork or petroleum jelly, so that it doesn't hurt too much)

(as we have seen so far and as it will be seen later: the first scenario is fully confirmed by the realities and plans in Russia, while the second scenario is not confirmed at all; without to be understand the Russian connection, the "real russiagate" (but not with Donny, but with Donny and the left together), you can think and say whatever you want - everything will be wrong.
If someone tells you anything about the development of things and the development plan, and does not include the so-called technological development, throw it in the trash - 100% wrong.)

continues later with + things
Last edited:
Mar 30, 2017
@Awoken2 and the handful of the conspiracy theorists left on these boards, I thought you might be interested in what Gavin has to say about the attempted "assassination":

Are they REALLY trying to Eliminate Donald Trump?? | Part II (12mins, 49 secs)

He does reference Part 1 so I'll add it as a hyperlink here should anyone be interested in watching it. In the part 2 video, Gavin also mentions he's creating some online classes which should be intriguing as he's extremely well informed and and knows exactly what's going on.


Nov 8, 2022
Since, from part of "the handful of the conspiracy theorists left on these boards", we saw a meme proving that "once you believed the fake assassination attempt, then you can be made to do anything" (given the source of the meme, I think it's safe to assume: "to participate in the coming (zio?)far-right fascism under the veil of theocratic despotism" or something like that),

and we saw a clip from an influencer who makes the brand new loud revelation that the fake messiah Trump is there to bring division (because, you know, otherwise there is no division in life and everyone likes/no likes lgbtQR, vaccines and is antiwhite, for example), and the influencer is - surprise - a prominent antizionist, so we immediately have the hidden statement about the existence of nonzionists who are in opposition to the Zionists (and very soon we will check who the nonZionists are and what else they support besides being oppose Israel); The influencer also has some very nice videos against psiop covid and vaccines, the same great reset covid and injections that are supported by the proisrael MSM (so very soon we will check who the nonzionists are and what else they support besides opposing Israel).. And so on.

And now let's continue with the simple investigations suitable for lower-ranking theorists and beginners in the conspiracy: why was the circus with the fake assassination attempt and what exactly is Trump and the right conservative wing for; What's next?
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
neuronet: this, that, this, that and this, and that

the new russian wiki, "the state-run" wiki (only state-approved info, no western antiurussian propaganda) confirms:
Fourth stage (after 2040)
Neuronet covers the entire field of communications

special military operation Z for denazification putin's full-scale war multipolar putin good antigay protraditional values putler bad -
start 24.02.2022
national technology initiative, neuronet,
https ://nti2035 .ru/markets/mneuronet
one scroll down, the square to the left, looks like this:

«Дорожная карта» «Нейронет» одобрена протоколом №1 от 28.02.22 г. заочного голосования членов президиума Правительственной комиссии по модернизации экономики и инновационному развитию России.

The "Neuronet" "roadmap" was approved by Protocol №1 of 28.02.22 of absentee voting of members of the presidium of the Government commission for economic modernization and innovative development of Russia.

"When I was president, I told Putin "there is no way to invade Ukraine" (and to Hamas and Iran - "you will not touch Izrael") and everything was ok, but when the incompetent Biden replaced me, Putin and the others could not believe their luck and invaded Ukraine and made terrorism on Izrael. Now that I'm back, I'm stopping everything."

The NeuroNet industry is the most complex technical solutions created at the intersection of engineering and neurobiology. But they are the future, which in one way or another will affect all areas of our lives. The participants of the annual forum "Neurotechnologies of Russia 2023", which brought together all industry participants, expressed absolute confidence in this.
For the foreseeable future, Neurotechnologies will affect all areas of our lives. Everyone who is associated with the NeuroNet field has this understanding.
According to Andrey Vilensky, head of the expert group of the Agency for Technological Development, right now, in the context of sanctions pressure on Russia, a window of opportunity for the development of the neuroindustry has appeared in the country. ..Now is a great opportunity to implement their projects in the field of neurotechnology for everyone who has thought about it.
neurotechnologies are an end-to-end solution and unite many other industries. Therefore, in the future, they will unite all spheres of our lives, with rare exceptions.
there is an explosive growth of the NeuroNet market around the world, experts say. This is clearly visible in Russia, where in recent years the state and business have shown an increased interest in this area, investments and other cash injections, including from the commercial sector, are increasing.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered young scientists who are working on invasive interfaces at the forum.

invasive electronics, microchips and flexible structures that can be implanted

One of the areas in which neurotechnologies are used today is unmanned aircraft systems. Solutions based on NeuroNet technologies are already able to provide partial control automation, the use of computer vision and the development of autonomous decision-making systems, which will make drones more efficient and safer.

And in the future, the use of artificial intelligence and neurotechnologies will ensure full automation of UAVs and, at the same time, high-quality control over its operation by humans.

"Biofeedback technologies will work in much the same way as pagers used to work. That is, we will move to 100% automatic control based on AI, but we will receive feedback using neural interfaces.
In this way, operators will monitor compliance with AI algorithms, that is, not control, but only control the control of UAVs by artificial intelligence," said Natalia Galkina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, General Director of Neurotrend JSC.

Mike Adams, "all vaccinated will die the first winter", then the second, the third, strongly influencer for "the generals will come out of the bushes of Biden's inauguration and return the country to Donald and the people after the stolen election", and other rosy fables from the state qnon Aeschylus. Therefore, quite logically, I bet on it (he is a sure distributor of Q mythology and time is the time for the next stage of action):

Mike Adams
Now, this title may change by the time you see this, but that last phrase is really critical to understand: To keep America alive. And what I’m going to reveal to you today here in this analysis is that the reinstatement of Alex Jones on Twitter is no accident. And it has much larger implications than what most people imagine. Because it coincides with Elon Musk, the military, what I call deep intelligence networks, and how they are now supporting Elon Musk, and they are supporting Tucker Carlson. And they’re also preparing to put Trump back into office..

And even though it’s not obvious on the surface, the number one most astonishing failure that has taken place that has actually handed power over to the military intelligence faction is the defeat of NATO in Ukraine. This is sending shockwaves throughout the system, that the United States military could not defeat Russia..

So the the pro America military intelligence faction, which is pro Trump, and pro Elon Musk, I believe worked to get Alex Jones reinstated.

So, let me be clear about this because this is not a black and white scenario. And I’m trying not to insert my own opinions into this. I’m trying not to say that Trump is good or Trump is bad, but rather just tell you cause and effect here. So Trump supports Big Pharma, big war, big banks.

..This is why even Pfizer right now is reducing production of COVID vaccines, and actually laying off many people in certain divisions of the company, Big Pharma needs, you could say, a new shot in the arm. And Trump is exactly the person that they believe will enable them to do that, because Trump will be all in for fast tracking drugs, fast tracking vaccines, and responding to upcoming pandemics in a way that favors the bottom line profits of pharmaceutical companies at the same time.

Now you might ask, Why then is Alex Jones reinstated on Twitter? And what does Elon Musk have to do with all of this? Well, Elon Musk is deeply involved in research projects for the military. Many experimental projects, which are exotic weapons systems, exotic launch systems, exotic optical systems, and of course, neural link systems, which is human brain interface, both surveillance and active motor control systems. The United States military knows that the future of warfare is going to very heavily involve drones and automated systems. And we’ll talk about AI coming up here in a little bit. But part of the answer here is also going to be cyborg systems…But the real aim here is to build cyborg soldiers.

But secondly, soldiers, I’m sorry to say this, but the new recruits are not as smart as they used to be. The military services are having more and more difficulty recruiting young soldiers…And so for these less sophisticated soldiers, in order to be outfitted with cyborg systems, which is the ultimate goal, they need to have systems that are simply more intuitive and less technical.

So what does this have to do with Elon Musk, and Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump? Well, everything, it’s simple. In order for the United States to remain viable, in terms of its military projection around the world, it needs to develop more autonomous drone systems and cyborg systems. It needs to become a world leader in AI, and also neuro link implants as well as other key technologies, such as hypersonic missiles, which by the way, AI systems can help theoretically develop. Elon Musk is seen as a key gatekeeper in this quest for applied technology
So I believe a deal has been made between the deep military intelligence networks and Elon Musk. And this deal involves the reinstatement of Trump. And Tucker Carlson was activated on Twitter in order to help bring back Trump by going full tilt at the fascist Biden regime. And the loser leftists who are losing our wars in Ukraine, and potentially in the Middle East, and certainly coming soon in Taiwan. In other words, Elon Musk has been given a green light to activate anybody that he thinks is necessary to help turn the tide against the anti Trump rhetoric that’s out there. And to expose the truth about how much the Democrats have been destroying America on purpose, in order to reinstate Trump as president, which would require a massive flood of voter support for Trump, and for this reason, I believe Alex Jones has been reinstated.

So again, Elon Musk was given a green light to reinstate people like Alex Jones, and I believe that you’re going to see Alex talking very favorably about the defense of America, which is a very important concept. And I agree with that concept. We need to keep America alive. And the importance of shoring up America’s military might in order to protect our borders, and to make sure that we don’t lose wars overseas, which is what’s happening right now. Now, Alex Jones has sharply criticized Trump in the past, and I’ve been critical of Trump as well on several issues such as Operation warp speed. But when push comes to shove, most people who are aware of what’s going on if given a simple choice between Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump, if those are the only options, the choice is crystal clear. It’s Trump all the way. No person in their right mind would vote for Joe Biden.

Trump is in essence being brought in as a kind of combat field medic for the dollar, to patch it up, stop the bleed, and bring the dollar back into viability so that more money can be printed, to hand it over to the military industrial complex to work on more exotic weapon systems such as autonomous drones, Cyborg interface systems, human machine systems, hypersonic missiles, and also exotic space weapons through Space Force. So this is why Tucker Carlson was brought on to Twitter. This is why Alex Jones is being reinstated. This is probably why I was reinstated.

Although I probably haven’t followed the path that some of these people wanted me to follow. But I do admit that at the end of the day, if it comes down to Biden versus Trump, there’s no doubt I’m on Team Trump at that point, even though I have been extremely critical of some of Trump’s decisions, I would much rather live in a world where America still exists, rather than a world where we’re overrun by globalists, and we’re under UN control, and we’ve lost our Constitution. That’s why I say this is a very complex issue for all of us, including you listening to this, you’re not going to get a perfect candidate.”

The chance, after the eventual return of the already saved by god and anointed orange king, to become the dominant ideology with which accelerated technological development is dressed, is serious, even the greatest (otherwise Musk is there just like that, by accident).

The other option is that everything is simpler and as it seems: the well-known leftist option is chosen as the model of the future, the nominal left remains ("steals elections, makes plandemic, riots"), far-right fascism is defeated and our colored transgenders from the forum in victorious delirium of black supermacy will tear your white hetero patriarchal far-right asses with theit triple-vaxxed big black racial gender equality justice (put on at least one cork or petroleum jelly, so that it doesn't hurt too much)

(as we have seen so far and as it will be seen later: the first scenario is fully confirmed by the realities and plans in Russia, while the second scenario is not confirmed at all; without to be understand the Russian connection, the "real russiagate" (but not with Donny, but with Donny and the left together), you can think and say whatever you want - everything will be wrong.
If someone tells you anything about the development of things and the development plan, and does not include the so-called technological development, throw it in the trash - 100% wrong.)

continues later with + things


Nov 8, 2022
So, above :rolleyes:

"right now, in the context of sanctions pressure on Russia, a window of opportunity for the development of the neuroindustry has appeared in the country. ..Now is a great opportunity to implement their projects in the field of neurotechnology for everyone who has thought about it.
It is no coincidence that we have gathered young scientists who are working on invasive interfaces at the forum."

- 29.12.2023, russian neuronet experts

and Q-Aeschylus Mike says:

"..Because it coincides with Elon Musk, the military, what I call deep intelligence networks, and how they are now supporting Elon Musk, and they are supporting Tucker Carlson. And they’re also preparing to put Trump back into office..

And even though it’s not obvious on the surface, the number one most astonishing failure that has taken place that has actually handed power over to the military intelligence faction is the defeat of NATO in Ukraine. This is sending shockwaves throughout the system, that the United States military could not defeat Russia..
So the the pro America military intelligence faction, which is pro Trump, and pro Elon Musk, I believe worked to get Alex Jones reinstated.
So what does this have to do with Elon Musk, and Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump? Well, everything, it’s simple. In order for the United States to remain viable, in terms of its military projection around the world, it needs to develop more autonomous drone systems and cyborg systems. It needs to become a world leader in AI, and also neuro link implants as well as other key technologies, such as hypersonic missiles, which by the way, AI systems can help theoretically develop. Elon Musk is seen as a key gatekeeper in this quest for applied technology
The United States military knows that the future of warfare is going to very heavily involve drones and automated systems. And we’ll talk about AI coming up here in a little bit. But part of the answer here is also going to be cyborg systems…But the real aim here is to build cyborg soldiers.
So I believe a deal has been made between the deep military intelligence networks and Elon Musk. And this deal involves the reinstatement of Trump. And Tucker Carlson was activated on Twitter in order to help bring back Trump by going full tilt at the fascist Biden regime. And the loser leftists who are losing our wars in Ukraine, and potentially in the Middle East, and certainly coming soon in Taiwan..

- 12 December, 2023, Mike Adams


January 30, 2024 - Neuralink Implants First Implant in Human Brain

Februay 8, 2024, My comment in response to Daze's comment:

"A good example of controlled opposition is Joe Rogan. Alex Jones, but he's obvious.

Max Igan is a good example for hidden co-op. David Icke too, but to a lesser degree.

I think Tucker is organic, time will reveal if he's a good guy or not."

Above the article there is an ad "Choose a psychologist"

, scroll down.

February 07, 2024
Millions of people are waiting for Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin

The whole world is now waiting for Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin.
America is divided into two camps. The first counts the minutes until the publication of an interview with Putin. But we are sure that Tucker is in danger upon his return to the United States. Against the backdrop of gossip, Elon Musk, a businessman and owner of the social network X (formerly Twitter), called for the arrest of those who want to arrest Carlson. Tucker's opinion is listened to. And it goes against the picture of the TV channels controlled by the Democrats.

"He is shocked by how good Russia is, how good the people are. He said that he had never seen a single city in which it would be as good as in Russia. It just blew his mind. And after the interview with Putin, you will have even more information," said journalist Alex Jones.

Tucker Carlson mentioned that the Biden administration tried to disrupt this interview, spied on the journalist and his team. This was the case with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. He now faces 175 years in prison.

A long term was also prepared for Edward Snowden, a former employee of the American intelligence services, who told the world about the total surveillance of citizens of different countries by the United States. But Snowden managed to find refuge in Russia.
The West has isolated itself from Russia. Tucker's interview with President Putin is not even a breach in the information blockade, but a collapse.

Tucky in Moscow
"The conflict has been going on for two years, which is changing the whole world, and most Americans are in the dark. They have no idea what is happening in the region. Here in Russia or 600 miles away in Ukraine. But they need to know, because they're paying for a lot of what's going on, even if they don't realize it," Tucker Carlson said.

This is something Moscow has been saying for a long time: the conflict in Ukraine is constantly fueled by American money and weapons. Otherwise, peace would have been established long ago.

The post-World War II economic order, the very order that allowed Western countries to prosper for more than 80 years, is crumbling before our eyes, and with it the U.S. dollar. And yet, populations in English-speaking countries don't seem to understand these changes. They think it's business as usual," Carlson said.

But the second camp, the American establishment, is in a panic. In the comments, as if according to a manual, caricatures in the same style from different users, including Ukrainian ones, look like the work of a bot farm.

The mainstream media in the U.S. immediately pounced on Tucker, who has not even published an interview yet. For example, CNN was very offended: they dissect Tucker's announcement by the bones.

"Lies. CNN, of course, was talking about what Putin was saying and how he wanted to stop Nazism," the CNN host said.

One of the most popular Russian publications,, dedicated a whole special page to Tucker's epochal visit:
# Tucker Carlson in Moscow

From there:
February 07, 2024

Tucker Carlson drank coffee, ate a burger, bought some bread. And interviewed Putin

Host Jones said that Carlson's interview with Putin turned out to be epic

Russian President Vladimir Putin's interview with American TV host Tucker Carlson lasted two hours and will be released "soon," blogger Alex Jones said. The information was confirmed in the Kremlin. Dmitry Peskov said that Carlson and Putin spoke on February 6. This is the first interview of the President of the Russian Federation with a Western journalist since 2021. Carlson flew to Moscow for his sake. In the meantime, the Russian media are covering in detail all of the journalist's movements.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has already interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at a briefing.

He clarified that Carlson and Putin spoke yesterday, February 6. The journalist announced the interview on the evening of February 6 and promised that he would take it "soon."

Peskov did not say whether Carlson was in quarantine before the meeting with the president.

Carlson's position, in his [Peskov] opinion, differs "contrastingly" from others: "it is in no way pro-Russian, not pro-Ukrainian, it is rather pro-American."

Carlson's interview with Putin will run for two hours and will be released "soon," said American blogger, conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. According to him, he was informed about this by the ex-host himself, who called the interview "amazing".

"It's already making Western censors nervous, keeping Americans in the dark," Jones said, calling the interview "epic."

"No one carries more weight in Republican and conservative politics than Tucker Carlson. He doesn't react to the agenda, he manages the agenda. He's the gold standard of Republican philosophy," said Republican strategist Jeff Rowe.

The journalist is known for his radical statements. These include not only far-right political ideas, but also overtly sexist and racist remarks. Carlson, for example, described women as "extremely primitive" and "dog-like." Tucker also said that migrants are making the U.S. "poorer and dirtier."

On his show, he liked to lament that "everybody is ashamed to be a white man" because whites deserve praise for "creating civilization and all that." Among other things, the host called Iraq "a lousy place filled with a bunch of semi-literate primitive monkeys" who "don't use toilet paper and forks." In general, he considered Muslims to be "crazy" and "behaving like animals."

On Ukraine, Carlson said back in 2019 that the United States "should side with Russia if we have to choose" between Moscow and Kyiv.

Since the beginning of hostilities, Carlson has been heavily critical of the United States for helping Ukraine and promoted the Russian position, explaining the conflict by saying that "the Russians do not want American missiles on their border."

In the summer of 2023, Tucker was added to the database of the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets. As a justification, it is said that he is a "pro-Russian propagandist" who "manipulated socially significant information."

In April 2023, Fox News fired the host, even though his show was the most-watched on cable news. The reason was a lawsuit against the channel for $787.5 million due to the statements of the lawyers of former US President Donald Trump on the air of Carlson's show."

"Dmitry Peskov said that Carlson and Putin spoke on February 6. ...He clarified that Carlson and Putin spoke yesterday, February 6. The journalist announced the interview on the evening of February 6 and promised that he would take it "soon."
February 9, 2024
"Tucker Carlson: So when does the AI empire start do you think?

Vladimir Putin: (Laughing.) You are asking increasingly more complicated questions. To answer them, you need to be an expert in big numbers, big data and AI.

Mankind is currently facing many threats. Due to genetic research, it is now possible to create a superhuman, a specialized human being – a genetically engineered athlete, scientist, military man.

There are reports that Elon Musk has already had a chip implanted in the human brain in the USA.

Tucker Carlson: What do you think of that?

Vladimir Putin: Well, I think there’s no stopping Elon Musk, he will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you need to find some common ground with him, search for ways to persuade him. I think he’s a smart person, I truly believe he is. So you need to reach an agreement with him because this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules.

Humanity has to consider what is going to happen due to the newest developments in genetics or in AI. One can make an approximate prediction of what will happen. Once mankind felt an existential threat coming from nuclear weapons, all nuclear nations began to come to terms with one another since they realized that negligent use of nuclear weaponry could drive humanity to extinction.

It is impossible to stop research in genetics or AI today, just as it was impossible to stop the use of gunpowder back in the day. But as soon as we realize that the threat comes from unbridled and uncontrolled development of AI, or genetics, or any other fields, the time will come to reach an international agreement on how to regulate these things."

"Dmitry Peskov said that Carlson and Putin spoke on February 6. ...He clarified that Carlson and Putin spoke yesterday, February 6. The journalist announced the interview on the evening of February 6 and promised that he would take it "soon."
And, against the background of this information-communication bomb (understand it not only metaphorically, but also most directly, as sending thought waves to the souls of the audience) - which continued from the news that Tucker was in Moscow, through the news that he had an interview with Putin (held on February 6), through the "most viewed" interview, and the subsequent reactions of MSM and leftists "Tucker - pro-Kremlin-pro-Putin!" plus (right/conservative trumpists, as well as a significant part of the non-right-wing independent anti-leftists, anti-establishment, anti-MSM) admiration for the well-read and reasonable Putin, who is extremely different from the "putler of the MSM", etc. -

on 06.02.2024 (February 6) , the program of the (Russian) Future Technologies Forum 2024 (in Moscow) was published.)

Vladimir Putin [in main message on the face of the site]:
"The Forum aims to provide an open platform for dialogue between representatives of the government, business and scientists in order to develop joint steps for research and technology in areas that
will shape global development and the future of mankind in the near term."

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Nov 8, 2022
I, of course, as the last fool, at the time did some serious "internet walks to raise awareness", on numerous websites and blogs, which I believe to be somewhat "keeping their eyes open" by engaging less in various deviant narratives.

I told them briefly, made a short summary, showed them. I gave them the links, etc.

As a result, no one mentioned anything.

James Corbett didn't mention anything (he only wrote an article about "the conditions that precede the war in Ukraine, which is hidden from the western msm), nor Iain Davis (who otherwise makes long dissections of the multipolarity hoax), to I mention only two of those who think there is something more, some kind of behind-the-scenes plan with the war *

(* But there is still a war that is proven only by the evidence of sources who in what way have proven the reality of the war? Well, they just started writing about the war, which replaced the plandemic, as real from the beginning, without discussion. For those of them who point to the reality of the plandemic, it no longer mattered that Putin had fulfilled everything plandemic. But these are only a part, the rest - significant part of antizio, antiimperialists and antiwar - just at first said that there is a pandemic and vaccines help, but dirty western capitalists want to make money from vaccines, instead of sharing them with the rest of the world, with poor countries, and save them from covid.) ;)

David Icke's website wrote an article (and a video) about TUCKER HAVING A RED KABALLAH THREAD, and this is a ZIONIST HOAX. But at the same time, they also reflected how vile and hypocritical the western msm are, for their criticism of Tucker and Putin. (They didn't respond to my messages and banned me from their forum after three of my posts there.)

And so on.

Super funny and incredibly truncated coverage in the entire global media space (both msm and alternative, and not only the Western ones, but everywhere), with literally a few mentions and above all that "Putin announced that Russia is developing a vaccine against cancer" (I'm not sure, they may have made additions later, but then I didn't see anyone mention that it is mRNA "vaccine". And where did the increase in cancer come from?).

(* The only "correspondent from Moscow" who shows the "truth about the plandemic in Russia" (he really does it to a large extent, more or less so, he gives links; but there are many more), but he shows a miniature part of the whole intertwined Russian great reset (the info for which has been discovered and Russian alt-blogs in Russia regularly show it) - Riley Waggaman/Edward Slavsquat - mentioned this forum (without making any connection with Tucker, neither with a more deep great reset) in literally two lines as part of his weekly review of Russia.

He mentioned the news that "Russia is developing a vaccine against cancer."

Do the math.
(Think about why, how come there is only one who reflects the great reset in Russia? And also: what do the others who write in non-Russian languages about Russia do?)

As an even bigger fool, I even took a walk through various large and small, known and unknown right-wing conservative websites and blogs. In response: silent darkness. They are fully prepared for the conservative transhumanist future, of which Musk is the main influencer (the conservative-"Christian" anti-woke packaging of Donald perfectly suits them.. but they have no other choice - this is offered to them as an alternative to the leftist darkness). "If it's not Trump, it's going to be Kamala," and the darkness continues.

Let's hope that there are more "average conservative" real "neither leftists nor rightists" who are satisfied with nothing less than open-eyed living in the path of truth;

And not like our antiwhite anti-far-right antiimperialist antizionists, supposedly neither left nor right (I will clarify and repeat this again - to myself, of course - later).

They are not dishonest that they have such an anti-white stance (if they are non-white, probably, or white anti-whites - which is common among whites, but extremely rare or none among nonwhites (this they to fight for white rights) - is completely normal, even the opposite would be strange), but they claim to be anti-elites, but only the Western, anti-their plans. (Of course, just like all these antizionist antigenocide websites and NGOs claim, which fight for the rights of all... except for the whites.) If they had been more open and direct, they would not have had as much success in stirring up antigenocide discontent and protests among western whites.)
;) ;) ;) (<- triple kabbalistic wink with a subtle Illuminati smile)
Straight up say "white hetero trash, your time is up, bend your knee and kiss my triple-vaccinated racial gender justice".
However, everything about reality and development boils down to a few basic questions, including:

What do leftist organizations that fight for rights and now stand firmly behind the antigenocide atizio position support (and by encouraging and organizing the protests)? What else do they support? What is their vision and plan for the future?

Are they really separate from the right-wing circles?

What is the vision and plan of right-wing circles for the future?

What are the preferences of the so-called transhumanists??

And so on. And then a lot of the fog clears up (for those who think there is fog instead of clarity where everything is shown on the table and, for example, we are talking about zio-usa against the rest of humanity)

More about the program and the forum here and there; short excerpts in next comment
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Jan 22, 2018
@Awoken2 and the handful of the conspiracy theorists left on these boards, I thought you might be interested in what Gavin has to say about the attempted "assassination":

Are they REALLY trying to Eliminate Donald Trump?? | Part II (12mins, 49 secs)

He does reference Part 1 so I'll add it as a hyperlink here should anyone be interested in watching it. In the part 2 video, Gavin also mentions he's creating some online classes which should be intriguing as he's extremely well informed and and knows exactly what's going on.
Thanks OM, it's quite refreshing to hear somebody talk about the event with such clarity as he does. As you intimated there were just a small handful of people here who were prepared to call it out as a staged event. It's events like this that your average critical thinker should be all over but the censorship apparatus being utilised to silence these people is becoming more and more efficient.

Let's be fair, virtually everything surrounding Trump is fake, from his sham marriage, his perceived wealth to his political why this assassination attempt can be seen as genuine is quite perplexing to me.


Jan 22, 2018
But you’re extremely misinformed, and appear to have no idea what’s going on, so what does that say about “Gavin?”
I'll ask you once more. You never got back to me. It's a very very simple question.

What evidence do you have that proves it was a genuine assassination attempt?


Nov 8, 2022
"Dmitry Peskov said that Carlson and Putin spoke on February 6. ...He clarified that Carlson and Putin spoke yesterday, February 6. The journalist announced the interview on the evening of February 6 and promised that he would take it "soon."
And, against the background of this information-communication bomb (understand it not only metaphorically, but also most directly, as sending thought waves to the souls of the audience) - which continued from the news that Tucker was in Moscow, through the news that he had an interview with Putin (held on February 6), through the "most viewed" interview, and the subsequent reactions of MSM and leftists "Tucker - pro-Kremlin-pro-Putin!" plus (right/conservative trumpists, as well as a significant part of the non-right-wing independent anti-leftists, anti-establishment, anti-MSM) admiration for the well-read and reasonable Putin, who is extremely different from the "putler of the MSM", etc. -

on 06.02.2024 (February 6) , the program of the (Russian) Future Technologies Forum 2024 (in Moscow) was published.)
More about the program and the forum here and there; short excerpts in next comment
Clarification: the site that is at the same address has already been changed (something that sometimes happens with some Russian sites), and the addresses of the articles/news from the forum have already been changed. There used to be an English version (some of which I have copied), but now in the English version of the updated site there are exactly two news:
For example, the one of them:
Vladimir Putin Approves List of Orders Following Future Technologies Forum

It ends like this:
"The Future Technologies Forum is an annual flagship event that presents key promising technologies and innovative scientific developments that determine the trajectory of Russia’s future development. The Forum was held as part of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia, which was announced by a decree from the Russian president starting from 2022."

* So, as you understand, as of 2022 we are in the decade of science and technology, which coincides with the recently popular beginning of the decade of Russian struggle for traditional values and for the denazification of ukrainian nazis who wanted to genocide Donbass, as well as with the subsequent terrorist act of Hamas, after which Israel began to commit open genocide, which (as a continuation of the awakening of huge masses of the world against the dirty US-Zio proxy war against Russia) awakened the largest 24/7 communication-information blast wave in the world population, awakened their morality and conscience and led to - according to the general opinion, including the Soros Foundation, which fights for the rights of the oppressed - the largest waves of protests in the West in modern times that oppose the zionist genocidal imperialists, while at the same time Making Israel Great Again and equating it with the antileft struggle for a conservative future of the right-wing)

While in the Russian version there are all:
For example, the last:
31 August 2024 - Indian and American materials scientists received batteries for miniature robots
Scientists and engineers from all over the world are working on the development of miniature robots today. Such robots are in great demand in medicine — they can be used for targeted drug delivery, and in the future, for more complex manipulations... A version of the battery for miniature robots was proposed by Indian and American materials scientists led by Michel Stranot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The corresponding article was published in the journal Science Robotics.

21 August 2024 - Artificial vessels were printed on a 3D printer
3D printing methods have already proven themselves in medicine, but so far mainly in the creation of prostheses. Printing living organs and tissues is many times more difficult, but there are already successes in these areas. For example, last week we talked about 3D printing lung tissue. Today it is the turn to print blood vessels. It was told by American scientists led by Jennifer Lewis from Harvard University. The corresponding article was published in the journal Advanced Materials.

01 August 2024 - Smart implant with anti-tumor activity
Scientists from the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk) under the leadership of Ekaterina Komarova have found out how to combine two methods of treatment in one. They have developed an implant that not only replaces lost bone tissue, but also delivers drugs directly to the bone. The results of the study are published in the journal Materials Today Communications.

09 August 2024 - Nanorobot taught to wade through slime materials
Scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology of Barcelona, led by Samuel Sánchez, have produced porous nanorobots that have managed to effectively overcome the mucus layer. The results of the study are published in the journal ACS Nano.

20 August 2024 Russian scientists have tested a prosthetic hand with sensory feedback
Scientists from Skoltech, the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and Motorica have been working together on prosthetic limbs for more than three years. This week, they completed the fourth stage of testing prostheses with a new sensing system. The results of the tests were reported by the portal "Science.rf". Creating a modern prosthesis and evaluating its performance is a complex and interdisciplinary task. Doctors, engineers, materials scientists and experts in 3D printing, artificial intelligence specialists and even designers are working side by side on it.

The electrodes from the prosthesis are implanted directly into the peripheral nerve and spinal cord of patients, and all parameters for creating the ideal prosthesis are selected individually.

But, let's be serious people who ask themselves the serious questions: what prostheses that are implanted directly into the peripheral nerve and spinal cord, after the UKRONAZIS, USING AMERICAN (DEMONOCRATS) WEAPONS, INVADED KURSK AND WILL SET FIRE TO THE THIRD WORLD WAR?!?!
If it were Trump, this would not have happened!
On the contrary, it would have happened, and he would have supported the UkroAnalNazis because he is also a ZIO and also wants the skin of an Orthodox ANTIZIO Russia!
And what if prostheses are implanted in the nervous system? What does this have to do with the WW3 between the ZIO-USADEMONOCRATSCONSERVATIVE-AMERICANS and racial justice free pandemic Multipolar?! And what does it have to do with attempted murder and false attempt?
The archive of the forum program (2024), as well as of the sessions, is not there and is at another address (here the English version is the same as the Russian one):
The same as here and there (<- detail), but with a changed address. Few:
From Day 1
Panellists (include):
Josefina Campos — Senior Technical Advisor for the International Pathogen Surveillance Network (IPSN), World Health Organisation Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence
The aim of the programme is to provide an effective approach to the problems of accelerating the development of genome editing and other genetic technologies, laying the necessary scientific and technological groundwork, improving measures in place to prevent biological emergencies, and ensuring national security.
Scientists are especially focused on personalized approaches towards curing cancer. Biotechnological developments are underway in the field of oncology. This includes cell therapy, mRNA vaccine therapy, therapy with oncolytic viral strains, as well as developments in gene editing and gene therapy.

From Day 2:
Neural interface technologies (brain-computer interfaces) have gained serious and large-scale development over the past decade. Which neuro-technologies are the most promising in the present and in the near future? What lies ahead for us when various neuro-technologies reach critical mass and inevitably begin to hybridize with one another? What will the neural interface of the future look like? Will we move from the correction of neuro-pathologies to the augmentation of human capabilities? Will neural interfaces connect individuals into an ‘Internet of Brains’?

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are devices that read signals directly from (or transmit them to) the brain, bypassing our senses. The number of areas in which BCIs can be applied is truly vast: in the early diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions and brain diseases (including Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, depression, and hypertension); in mental health monitoring; in the restoration of lost cognitive abilities and motor functions; in the ability to transform thought and intention into speech; and in areas where objects can be controlled by the power of thought. In addition to medicine and healthcare, such technologies can also be used in smart homes. In one form or another, neural interfaces are one of the recent technological trends that cannot help but develop further. Today, humanity has already approached the dividing line between science fiction and real everyday life, and it will be very interesting to explore what advantages lie ahead for people when this line is crossed. What sets apart the current state of world technologies in the field of neural interfaces? Domestic versus foreign markets of neuro-technologies: what are their difference and what is the interest of large businesses? What are the most common applications of BCIs known today? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of BCIs today? What is preventing the widespread adoption of BCIs?

Session topics :
Digitalization and AI Technologies
In partnership with Gazprombank
Dmitry Zauers — Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Gazprombank
Nikita Bukreev — General Director, SensoryLAB
Sergey Ivanov — Executive Director, Member of the Board of Directors, EFKO Management Company
Mikhail Lebedev — Chief Researcher, I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Maxim Ostras — Director of Strategic Development, LIFT Center; Head, QLU
Vasily Popkov — Head of the Scientific Group "Invasive Neural Interfaces", Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
Alexey Khalezov — Lead Architect, Neiry

*Mikhail Lebedev — Chief Researcher, I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
So by chance:
"On October 16, 2014 at the office of the Russian Venture Company (RVC), an expert seminar "The Neuronet Roadmap" was held with the participation of Stephen Dunn, director of Starlab Neuroscience Research; Karen Casey, creator of the Global Mind Project; Randal A. Kuhne, CEO of the Science Foundation and the founder of NeuraLink Co.; Mikhail Lebedev, Senior Researcher An employee at the Neuroengineering Center of the Department of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center (M. Nicolelis Laboratory); Evgeny Kuznetsov, Deputy General Director of RVC. The seminar was conducted by the co-founders of the Russian Neuronet Group Pavel Luksha and Timur Shchukin, as well as the head of the RVC Innovation Ecosystem Development Service Georgy Gogolev..
Neuronet: a Forward Look at Bringing Humans and Computers Together


Neuronet, the next-generation of Artificial Intelligence, will utilize neurointerfaces to create types of communication between humans and machines that purport to change the landscape of human-computer interaction. This technology, further enabled by mobile devices, and major international projects on modeling the brain and artificial intelligence, could lead to technological possibilities for the development of products on a mass market scale.

Moderator: Timur Shchukin, Co-founder, Russian Neuronet
Karen Casey, Artist / Director, Global Mind Project; Stephen Dunne, Director, Neuroscience Research Starlab; Dr. Randal A. Koene, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Science Foundation, Neural Interfaces Company NeuraLink Co.

Mikhail Lebedev, Senior Research Scientist, Center for Neuroengineering, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center
Expert: Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management; Member of Expert Council, Agency for Strategic Initiatives"

One slide from the same link:

You see in the center in the right row: Strategic Social Initiative 2045
or also Strategic Public Movement "Russia 2045"

Global Future 2045 Congress: Towards a New Strategy for Human Evolution / New York City, 2013 (

Roundtable on Life-extension of the Brain in a Full-body Prosthesis with Biological Blood Substitutes and Brain-Computer Interfaces with Optional Neuroprostheses

With Dr. Mikhail Lebedev


From the history of Neuronet:
"In 2011, the well—known creator of neurocomputer interfaces, Brazilian Miguel Nicolelis, in his book Beyond boundaries: the new neuroscience of connecting brains with machines - and how it will change our lives, proposed the word "Brainet" for the name of the future brain network. The term "neuronet" was originally used to refer to artificial neural networks."

"Mikhail Lebedev is a leader in the development of bidirectional brain-device communication systems on primates. He coordinates research on monkeys at Duke University's Center for Neuroengineering with neural interface pioneer M. Nicolelis. He actively cooperates with Russian scientists in the development and implementation of neural interfaces."

I recently read an old interview with Lebedev, where he says that the founder of Neuralink was his student in the Nicolelis laboratory. "Very inquisitive young man."

Of course, there is no such fairytale story about Neuralink, which was founded by an enterprising student (just as there is no such thing for Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and all the other big ones companies). These are the influencers and pupets of DARPA and the rest of the serious "deep research projects".

Back to "Why Does the Brain Need to Connect to a Computer?"
Broadcast (a recording with English translation by a lady from Rosscongress; not the coolest translation, but it's exotic)

Two of the news from the session that the number one state media outlet, which will soon turn 120 years old, TASS, offered to its readers (as many other respected Russian media did):
The expert named the main task for Russian and foreign neurophysiologists

According to Vasily Popkov, Head of the Invasive Neural Interfaces Development Group at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, this will be a solution to the problem of updating various neural implants and augmentation systems

TASS, February 14, 2024. Solving the problem of updating various neural implants and augmentation systems will soon become the next big task for Russian and foreign neurophysiologists after the creation of electrodes that are fully compatible with the brain. This was reported to TASS by Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, at the Moscow Forum of Future Technologies.

"Me personally and our laboratory as a whole are now actively working on solving issues related to the biocompatibility of neural implants with brain tissue. In the near future, when this problem is finally solved, our next big challenge will be the problem of updating neural interfaces. This is a very painful issue, since it is extremely difficult to remove the implant without destroying connections and neurons," Popkov explained.

As the researcher noted, a possible solution to this problem lies in the fact that experimental scientists and practitioners will implant into the brain not a complete neural interface, but a special connector for a neural implant, which will allow connecting updated versions of augmentation systems without destroying the already established connections between nerve cells and electrodes. Solving this problem is crucial for the practical use of brain augmentation systems.

The expert predicted a "race of neural implants" due to the loss of technological unipolarity

Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, noted that the United States had a monopoly on technological innovations, which allowed Washington to slow down the development of potentially dangerous areas, such as cloning

MOSCOW, February 14, 2024. The loss of the monopoly on technological innovation by the United States will lead to the beginning of a kind of "race of neural implants" between the West, China, Russia, Brazil, the countries of the Arab world and other centers of power and science in the world. This was stated by Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, at the Moscow Forum of Future Technologies.

Three decades ago, the U.S. had a monopoly on technological innovation, which allowed Washington to inhibit the development of potentially dangerous technologies, such as cloning, and related markets through regulatory restrictions. Now the world has at least two technological poles, the role of which is played by the United States and China, which does not allow technological leaders to artificially slow down the development of neural implant technologies for fear of hopelessly lagging behind," Popkov said.

According to the scientist, this fear will lead in the near future to the relaxation of regulatory norms related to the development of implants to restore the normal functions of the human body, and in one or two decades, similar processes will take place in the field of creating augmentation systems, neural interfaces that improve cognitive and other human abilities.

"All ethical issues related to the development of neural interfaces will fade into the background, and an analogue of the "space race" of the last century will begin, which this time will be aimed at expanding human capabilities. Unlike microelectronics and many other technologies, we are not hopelessly behind in this area, and with proper investment of funds and efforts, we will be able to reduce this gap and compete in this regard with the leading participants in this race
," Popkov summed up."

"due to the loss of technological unipolarity", which why and when did it start? Because of the "proxy war of the American (demonocrats, neocons) proxy JUUKRAINA JUUlensky with Russia!!!" :D

Before that, what was there for two years? How was it?
"Vladimir Putin spoke at the session of the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF) / January 27, 2021 / The main focus of the forum is the discussion of the new global situation arising from the novel coronavirus pandemic.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Schwab, dear Klaus, Colleagues, ..
Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation."

Make your calculation based on what is shown (i.e., include what is shown in the bills you have already made and judge for yourself).
how such things are reflected in the Western mainstream and especially in the alt-media, and how are reflected this here (not at all);
And instead, what do we watch, read, and listen to all the time? About the war/wars and the global crisis and rivalry because of the usa-zio insatiable imperials. (now they are the demonocrats)
how Tucker's visit coincided with the forum;
why Elon Musk is there;
Who is the target audience;

- "to mention just a few".

On February 12, a week after the interview of the year and one day before the forum on future technologies on 13 and Valentine's Day, February 14, "Musk made bombshell claims on the Russia-Ukraine War and President Putin. The tech mogul shut down possibilities of Russia losing the war with Ukraine. He also asserted that Putin ‘Would be assassinated, if he backs off’...."

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Oct 20, 2021
It's incredible isn't it? When a real conspiracy comes along, see what happens to the threads dedicated to it? You have to go though the tiresome exercise of highlighting the holes in the narrative, painting by numbers style, to people who just appear blind to the glaringly obvious.

It's a pretty odd set up for a conspiracy forum isn't it? The same thing happened with all the 9/11 threads, the Vegas thread and every other false flag event thread. The thread just gets visited by the Internet equivalent of Fraggle Rock, who's sole intention it is, is to apply the mainstream narrative over the actual conspiracy.

For somebody like yourself, who is just pointing out the obvious flaws in the official narrative, it all gets a bit frustrating in the end. You end up asking yourself why these people can't see what's staring them straight in the face.

I've observed this happening here since I joined over 6 years ago. Taking into account the article the VC team, because there is a team, put out about the event it would indicate that the conspiracy element of this forum is fighting a losing battle.

Just FYI, at one point last night there was 715 visitors to this site, about twice the stated average. Curiously I clicked on the whose online list to find that virtually every member was having their personal profile checked by a guest.

The workings of this forum, and the "types" of people who seem to frequent here is a very cyclical thing.

....but I get the feeling you are aware of this already, you don't come across as a newbie.
I didn't know there was a Vegas thread. For some reason I find the Vegas shooting more interesting.
Oct 20, 2021
More timewasting, question avoidance and thread derailment.
It should be more than obvious at this point that you're not the harmless troll that you pretend to be. Anyone can profess their love for Christ. Enoch does it every couple of minutes.
I would be willing to buy Enoch a one way ticket to Gaza immediately.
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Nov 8, 2022
"The Battle of Kursk was a major World War II Eastern Front battle between the forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union near Kursk in southwestern Russia during the summer of 1943, resulting in a Soviet victory. The Battle of Kursk was the single largest battle in the history of warfare."
*Read more in your preferred reliable source instead of pedopedia.
Around August 6, Ukraine invaded Kursk.
The President held a meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council.

August 16 2024

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues.

Today we will talk about new technical solutions used during a special military operation.

Defence Minister Andrei Belousov is at one of the command posts, he will work via videoconference.

You are welcome.

<… >

Defence Minister Andrei Belousov:

On 12 May 2024, President Putin appointed Belousov Minister of Defense, replacing Sergei Shoigu, effective 14 May 2024.
Belousov is not a military man and did not even serve conscription.
Andrey Belousov's father, Rem Belousov. Rem is an abbreviation for "Revolution. Engels. Marx." Quite a common name for the post-revolutionary years.
In 1986, Andrey Belousov was offered to head a laboratory at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Belousov went through a "very serious school" of the head of federal structures - at different periods of his career, he served as head of the Ministry of Economic Development, and also during the COVID-19 pandemic he temporarily served as prime minister.
He was one of the godfathers of the Kazan city of the future - Innopolis.
The candidate for the post of Minister of Defense noted the need to create new types of weapons.

"The creation of new types of weapons, not new ones [i.e. - not more than the old types], requires very clear, synchronous planning and implementation of the creation of infrastructure," he said.
Belousov also touched upon the issue of warfare. Here, according to him, it is necessary to learn to apply new methods, since the enemy learns quickly, and "the situation related to the use of new technologies changes weekly." Here it is necessary not just to catch up, but to preempt the enemy, the candidate for minister pointed out.
Human resources, according to Belousov, are the advantage that the Ministry of Defense has today. And it can contribute to the achievement of such tasks as, for example, the introduction of innovations.

"This applies not only to new technologies, but also to personnel training, as well as new forms and methods of management. In particular, we are talking about the implementation of the advantages that modern digital technologies give," Belousov said.
May 17, 2024

Putin explained the purpose of Belousov's appointment as Minister of Defense

Belousov, according to the president, should open the Ministry of Defense for constructive work with scientific centers, with participants in economic activity, as well as with manufacturers of military products. "He should open the Ministry of Defense to innovation," the head of state added.

With his participation, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives was created and the so-called "National Entrepreneurial Initiative" was launched on its basis, aimed at improving the conditions for doing business in Russia.
As of May 2023, the members of the Agency for Strategic's Supervisory Board are: President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov...
National Technology Initiative (NTI)
The development of the NTI began in accordance with the instructions of the President of Russia V.V. Putin on the implementation of the address to the Federal Assembly of December 4, 2014. According to the instruction, the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI), the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), leading universities and business associations of entrepreneurs, was to prepare a report on the development and implementation of the NTI by July 1, 2015, then once every six months.
In addition, a special interdepartmental working group headed by Deputy Prime Minister Ar.V. Dvorkovich and Presidential Aide A.R. Belousov was created under the Presidium of the Council for Modernization; O. L. Khorokhordin, an employee of the Government of the Russian Federation, was appointed executive secretary of the group.
Key NTI markets
NTI focuses on markets emerging on the basis of "a new technological order, the transition to which developed countries plan to carry out in the next 10-20 years." Today, these markets are either absent in the world or are not yet sufficiently developed.
List of markets.. Market Name: 4. NeuroNet

Recently: "Ukraine attacked Moscow in one of the largest drone strikes ever against the Russian capital"

The Rise of Science
Most of the achievements of science came to human life from the military industry. One of the most famous international examples is the state order for the creation of radars, which led to the emergence of microwaves, household appliances, without which most people can no longer imagine their lives. This year, for the second time in the history of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Krasnikov joined it. At the current stage of the country's history, expectations from Russian science are very high, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev explained this decision in May. Perhaps Russia is waiting for another flowering of science, which will surprise not only the military-industrial industry, but also each of us.

Trump, for example, promises to "negotiate" with Russia. But to a large extent, his activities as president in 2017-2021 brought relations between Russia and the United States to a dead end from which they cannot get out.

It not only continued to destroy the legal mechanisms of the two countries (the rejection of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the withdrawal from the 1992 Open Skies Treaty, the threat not to extend the 2011 New START Treaty), but also increased tensions in Ukraine. His rhetoric sometimes seemed more moderate than that of Barack Obama (2009-2017), but his actions were more escalatory. For example, it was Trump who was the first US president to approve the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine. In addition, if military aid to Ukraine in the last year of the Obama presidency amounted to $306.8 million, then in the final year of Trump's presidency it reached $504.6 million, according to a CRS report published in May 2024, citing data from the State Department and the Pentagon.
Now all polls show that Trump is ahead of Biden and almost all Democrats who can run instead of the current president. Let's imagine that he won. He has repeatedly said that he will resolve the conflict in Ukraine in almost 24 hours even before the inauguration. But Russia should hardly expect anything from him except ultimatums.
Now relations between Russia and the United States are at a historic low. In the current circumstances, and even in the midst of the election campaign, it is very bold to say that nothing will change. Such a view not only discourages us from illusions, it convinces us that everything will be about the same as it is today, which is also an illusion. After all, it can be worse.

The White House admitted to the discussion about increasing the depth of strikes against the Russian Federation with American weapons As Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov emphasized in a call with reporters on Thursday evening, commenting on these and other statements by officials from the Biden administration, Washington is preparing the ground for "at a certain point simply removing all restrictions that exist" on the use of American weapons by Kyiv.

Before the invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region, Putin proposed conditions for resolving the conflict in Ukraine, including the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from new regions of Russia. Kiev rejected the initiative. After the start of fighting in the region, Russia's First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, said that the voiced peace proposal was no longer relevant. At the same time, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov later clarified that these conditions have not been canceled, but taking into account what happened in the Kursk region, Moscow does not yet intend to conduct a dialogue with Kiev.

On August 23, Russia remembers the day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet army in the Battle of Kursk. This event is one of the key battles of the Great Patriotic War and World War II. It turned the tide of hostilities - the strategic initiative finally passed to the side of the Red Army. This year, the 81st anniversary of the victory in that battle is taking place against the backdrop of hostilities that have been going on since August 6 in the Kursk region, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) broke through.

Speakers from among the representatives of the state authorities are unanimous in their opinion: the enemy who penetrated the territory of Russia will be defeated in the same way as it happened in the XX century. At the same time, we mean not only the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also their Western allies.


22 August
The second brain chip patient from the neurotechnology company Neuralink named Alex successfully mastered the implant. He improved his skills in video games and began studying design programs for creating 3D objects, the company's press service said.

Neuralink also posted a video of the game's character, controlled by Alex, moving around the map and targeting enemies.

22 August / Technology

Musk intends to implant Neuralink chips in millions of people within 10 years

American entrepreneur and founder of Neuralink Elon Musk said that he plans to implant brain chips in millions of people within 10 years. He wrote about this on the social network X.

"If all goes well, in a few years there will be hundreds of people with Neuralink, maybe tens of thousands within five years, millions within 10 years," he said.

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