Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Mar 18, 2017
the second assassination attempt was missing a few slam-dunk FF hoax details:

- televised event for all the public to see
You have to consider that the internet tore part the footage from the last attempt with scrutiny. Whoever is running this operation probably doesn't want to go through the hustle of using the cloud to secretly edit/scrub peoples' cell phone footage before upload. Now, we just have to take the agencies word for what happened. There can only be so many near misses/attempts, at some point something's bound to happen...

The emotional roller coaster is exhausting. I wish they'd just say it out right...that there won't be an election or that Vance will be the next president.

Rowe said the agency would rethink some aspects of its approach.
“We need to look at what our protective methodology is. We need to get out of a reactive model and get to a readiness model,” he said, adding that the agency should prepare for “another geopolitical event” that could throw the U.S. into conflict.


George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
I wish Biden would just order the CIA to take care of the evil fuck.
If they wanted him gone they would do it.

this is just some nutcase his detail allowed on the course so Trump could change the narrative from his failing campaign and his syphilis riddled performance at the debate

Complete hoax, fascists always use these tactics and Trump is a huge one


Nov 29, 2023
View attachment 110663View attachment 110664
Wow, these guys really have no shame.....I'm not talking about the alleged assassins, I'm talking about the turkeys that dreamt up the narrative.

Good grief, we really are now at 'peak' general public stupidity. Shame on anyone that falls for any of this horse shit.


Nov 8, 2022
The only deep state killer currently available was the one that had the most anti-Trump "kill Trump" and the most open and unremoved posts in support of Ukraine, protests for Ukraine in Ukraine and recruiting soldiers for Ukraine, and advertising for Black Rock. There was no other.


Nov 8, 2022
Coincidentally, this was exactly the image that best solidified the belief of pro-Trump conservatives that deep state-blackrock-stand ukraine is trying to kill Trump, and therefore there is no Uniparty behind the scenes. And the war is real.


Nov 8, 2022
The interesting thing is whether the people (99% here) who are not pro-Russian/pro-Putin/pro-government on Russia, but simply - quite rightly - are against the Deep State, American elites, etc., repeatedly supporting articles from sources who are obviously against the same American elites, are now asking themselves: "What the hell are they talking about farcical assassination attempts, the same excellent sources who tell us all the truths about the war, which the deep state MSM lies and hides from us?!"

I don't know if this was understood. (Just another paraphrase of what I keep saying, and which you will see, if you are lucky, in the near or distant future, that it is the very truth. I'm not lying.)


Nov 8, 2022
View attachment 110663View attachment 110664
This is because God Himself saved Don, and, as we know, the presence and seeing with own eyes of a divine miracle is within the power of pure souls, and the unclean experience mysterious eye damage.

In addition, the very sight of God's anointed one causes a similar effect.

"For the one who looks at the Sun, the Sun turns black"

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Nov 8, 2022
You have to consider that the internet tore part the footage from the last attempt with scrutiny. Whoever is running this operation probably doesn't want to go through the hustle of using the cloud to secretly edit/scrub peoples' cell phone footage before upload. Now, we just have to take the agencies word for what happened. There can only be so many near misses/attempts, at some point something's bound to happen...

The emotional roller coaster is exhausting. I wish they'd just say it out right...that there won't be an election or that Vance will be the next president.

Rowe said the agency would rethink some aspects of its approach.
“We need to look at what our protective methodology is. We need to get out of a reactive model and get to a readiness model,” he said, adding that the agency should prepare for “another geopolitical event” that could throw the U.S. into conflict.

The division of the states is the most peaceful method of separating conservatives from leftists. It is not certain that there will be Mad Max events. There may be, but then comes the good, think about it, about the Goal. Musk chips, connecting people in collectiveconsciousness and so on futuristic goodies. ..Eeh, again the best thing is for the Americans!

ELON MUSK: Yeah, well, you know, maybe like I think part of what, you know, people in America want to, you know, people in America want to feel excited and inspired about the future. We want to feel like the future is going to be better than the past. And that America is going to do things that are greater than we’ve done in the past, reach new heights that make you proud to be an American and excited about the future.

DONALD TRUMP: They want the American dream back. You know, they want the American dream back more important than anything else. It’s like, you don’t have that today because the people — they’ve been just sucked. They see incompetent people running our, you know, the Biden thing is very interesting. People just found them to be incompetent. And when I debated him, I was like, is this for real?

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
This is because God Himself saved Don, and, as we know, the presence and seeing with own eyes of a divine miracle is within the power of pure souls, and the unclean experience mysterious eye damage.

In addition, the very sight of God's anointed one causes a similar effect.

"For the one who looks at the Sun, the Sun turns black"

You a fan of black suns buddy?


Jun 17, 2017
Absolutely, Trump will be the catalyst that either transforms America into a new Nazi reich or throw it into the worst civil war in world history.

I don’t want either of those buddy
you think that if kamala gets in that there wont be any rioting?
if trump gets in, the inner cities will burn down by the dumbasses who live there, but inner cities are trashed all the time for stupid reasons, like a superbowl win. if kamala gets in, the right will protest and theyll be armed. they (hopefully) will not put up with another rigged election. expect another jan 6th type event.

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
you think that if kamala gets in that there wont be any rioting?
if trump gets in, the inner cities will burn down by the dumbasses who live there, but inner cities are trashed all the time for stupid reasons, like a superbowl win. if kamala gets in, the right will protest and theyll be armed. they (hopefully) will not put up with another rigged election. expect another jan 6th type event.
Majority of the military and the populace will turn against you and put you down quick, Clinton should have finished the job instead of listening to whiners after Ruby Ridge and Waco

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
The neocon warhawk establishment in the US loves them in Ukraine. Vote Kamala and they'll send another 100+ billion of US tax payer dollars their way.
There is an element there to be sure, I Hope ( ((Zelensky ))) keeps sending them to the frontline. It’s a problem worldwide to be sure but if it was the problem you and Russia say it was you’d be on their side. You’re not. Wagner had all them symbols too and Putin is a white army throwback, in other words proto-Nazi