Russia through the hidden eye (continuation)


Nov 8, 2022
To make a long story short Russia won Ukraine war.
And even more briefly: you are an idiot and all that remains is to be depopulated, chipped and/or genetically modified. I hope Putin does it, not Biden or Trump (but I don't think my hope will come true).

Go to the other threads, Californian moron. ;) :)

Thanks for changing my page, though.
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Nov 8, 2022
Putin was presented with advanced projects in the field of medicine

February 14, 2024

On Wednesday, February 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited a special exhibition of the II Future Technologies Forum in Moscow, where he was presented with advanced Russian medical technologies and developments.

The President inspected the projects at thematic stands of the Ministry of Healthcare, Rosatom, Gazprombank, and the Roscongress Foundation.

Rosatom State Corporation demonstrated innovative developments in the field of additive technologies, radiopharmaceuticals and quantum computing.

"Today, Rosatom enterprises are engaged in developments in the interests of healthcare in such areas as additive technologies, radiopharmaceuticals and quantum computing. All the research we are engaged in in this area is aimed at significantly expanding the capabilities of doctors in providing care to patients," Alexey Likhachev, Head of the State Corporation.

He drew attention to the fact that implants are already being created from artificial biosimilar materials, and specialists are beginning to grow human organs from the patient's own cells.

"In the field of nuclear medicine, we are developing innovative radiopharmaceuticals and in the near future we will establish the production of the entire range of radiopharmaceuticals that are used in world medical practice. To this end, we are building Europe's largest plant for the production of radiopharmaceutical products in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga Region," he continued, noting that the goal remains to achieve a completely different standard of living for people.

The exposition of the Ministry of Health was presented to Putin by the head of the department, Mikhail Murashko. It included stands in five key areas, including genetic technologies, including such a development as the Nanofor-SPS sequencer, a completely domestic analogue of the high-performance sequencer MiSeq (Illumina) with a Russian reagent base, which has entered mass production.

The device ensures the technological independence of genetic technologies.

The Ministry of Health presented products in the field of regenerative medicine together with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The president saw a "cloth gun" and biological prostheses.

Murashko also told the president about the vision restoration device, which implants a chip in the root of the brain.

Gazprombank specialists demonstrated exhibits and systems in the technological areas of in vitro molecular diagnostics based on quantum dots, neural implants, additive technologies and a mobile genetic diagnostics system. These projects are part of the Lift Center, which was created last year with the support of Gazprombank.

"The Healthy Life Ecosystem is a project of the Roscongress Foundation that has become an effective platform for solving two problems: launching social initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens, as well as supporting and promoting promising medical technologies both in Russia and abroad. Last year, we held events aimed at developing cooperation in the field of healthcare with the participation of representatives of countries from different regions of the world, including African, Arab and CIS countries," said Anastasia Stolkova, First Deputy Director for Development and Head of the Healthcare Directorate of the Roscongress Foundation.

The Roscongress Foundation systematically selects healthcare projects for further promotion. This year, support was given to a project to calculate the sustainability index of healthcare systems, a technology for processing medical products with a flow of accelerated electrons, as well as a social project — the Diabetes Metaverse service integrator.

The Healthy Life Ecosystem is the Roscongress Foundation's healthcare expert platform that brings together representatives of government authorities, the scientific community, healthcare organizers, and developers of medical technologies to promote the achievements of Russian healthcare and technology in Russia and abroad. The ecosystem implements socially significant initiatives, as well as supports promising medical technologies.

The II Forum of Future Technologies began its work on February 13. During the event, doctors, scientists and experts will discuss innovations in the field of medicine and health.

On the same day, the President of the Russian Federation said in his greetings to the participants, organizers and guests of the forum about Russia's openness to cooperation and joint projects with foreign partners in the field of innovative medical technologies. At the same time, the state will develop all levels of domestic healthcare, from primary care to large federal centers, on an advanced technological basis, Vladimir Putin stressed.
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Nov 8, 2022

February 14, 2024. Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to the Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow City Health Department.

Putin called for improving medical test systems

Putin: We need to make medical tests more effective

February 14, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin called for improving medical test systems, which are currently not effective enough in diagnosing diseases. His statement was made on February 14 during a speech at the II Forum of Future Technologies.

The head of state noted that these tools are necessary to identify infections and pathogens and should make it possible to make a correct diagnosis, on which the quality and timing of treatment depend.

"What is still happening in practice is that our test systems are being used. A person has a fever, and clearly he has caught some kind of infection, and the test systems do not show a thing. Why do we need such test systems?" added Putin.

At the same time, he pointed out that the existing tools identify only the most dangerous names from a large list of known infections.

"It is necessary to improve these test systems if there are more than a hundred of these infections. It is necessary to somehow work in this direction to help the attending doctor, especially in primary health care in a remote area or somewhere in the village," the head of state concluded.

Earlier in the day, Putin stressed that Russia has to seriously change the principles of the healthcare system, it should be centered on people and their health. He also said that the government has been instructed to launch a national project for the development of modern technologies for preserving health by the end of the year. He promised that funding for these purposes would be found.

On February 14, Moscow hosted the central event of the Future Technologies Forum — the plenary session "Modern Medical Technologies. Challenges of Tomorrow: Ahead of Time" with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The unique large-scale session was moderated by Academician Grigory Trubnikov, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
Academician Vasily Gennadievich Akimkin, Director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, who represented the field of epidemiology at the session, spoke about the rapid development of unique systems for diagnosing viral, autoimmune, oncological and other diseases, as well as the extensive National Database of Genomes of Infectious Disease Agents.

"We have a sufficient number of test systems for all infections," the scientist said in a conversation with the president.

Academician Alexander A. Makarov, Scientific Director of the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Expert Council on Scientific Projects of the Russian Science Foundation, listed unique scientific results in the field of genetic technologies. The world's first antibody against autoimmune ankylosing spondylitis, which helps victims of the disease to return to normal life and even go in for sports, an antibody against diabetes mellitus, special viruses that specifically kill cancer cells are just a few of the outstanding achievements of Russian experts.

Vsevolod Belousov, Director General of the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about how neurotechnologies help to overcome the consequences of strokes and Parkinson's disease.
The bionic prostheses already being created by scientists are just the beginning: there are plans for implants that patients will be able to feel as if they were alive!

"We have set ourselves an ambitious goal to make bionic prostheses with feedback and integrate them directly with the nervous system

said V.V. Belousov.

Impressive achievements of regenerative medicine were presented at the meeting by the Deputy Director of the Russian Scientific Center of Surgery. B.V. Petrovsky on the scientific work of Ilya Igorevich Eremin. The regeneration of joints destroyed by arthrosis, the healing of wounds, the restoration of various vital organs and tissues, from the stomach to the cornea of the eye, is no longer a fantasy, but a reality created by many years of work by Russian researchers.

Quantum Technologies for Medicine:
New Approaches in Computing, Data Protection, and Sensorics

The Roscongress Foundation has published the analytical report 'Quantum Technologies for Medicine: New Approaches in Computing, Data Protection, and Sensorics', timed to coincide with the Future Technologies Forum 2024, which opened today in Moscow. It presents the areas of application of quantum technologies for biomedicine in the field of cloud quantum computing, software and hardware solutions for quantum-resistant information protection, and quantum sensors. This information will be useful to representatives of public and private medical organizations, specialized development institutions and the scientific and technological community.

Quantum technologies today are one of the most promising and rapidly developing scientific and technological areas. In this area, the development of high-power quantum computers, secure communications using quantum cryptography and high-precision quantum sensors is underway.

One of the most promising areas of application of quantum technologies is biomedicine. For example, the applications of quantum computers can be very diverse: from accelerating the analysis of medical images to full-fledged modeling of new drugs. Quantum-resistant information security technologies are relevant due to the ever-increasing volume of digital communications in the medical field. Finally, quantum sensors are a tool for creating both new diagnostic and treatment technologies. With their help, it is possible to measure and visualize biomagnetic fields, which in the future will make it possible to diagnose brain tumors, epilepsy and Alzheimer's syndrome non-invasively and with greater accuracy.

The second Forum of Future Technologies presents the most significant technologies of medicine of the future. The key tracks of the event are: "Genetic Technologies as a Part of Medicine of the Future", "Neurotechnologies in Healthcare", "Regenerative Medicine as a Way to Restore Lost Health", "Biotechnologies in Personalized Healthcare, Including Technologies for Active Ageing and Preventive Medicine", "Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Technologies", "Ecosystem of Future Technologies" and "Technological Sovereignty in the Field of Biosafety". An online broadcast of all sessions will be available on the official website of the Future Technologies Forum.

The full text of the analytical report is published on the Roscongress Foundation website.

Rosscongress photobank
From the life of the forum
Date and time: 14.02.2024 15:26

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Nov 8, 2022
The expert named the main task for Russian and foreign neurophysiologists

According to Vasily Popkov, Head of the Invasive Neural Interfaces Development Group at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, this will be a solution to the problem of updating various neural implants and augmentation systems

TASS, February 14, 2024. Solving the problem of updating various neural implants and augmentation systems will soon become the next big task for Russian and foreign neurophysiologists after the creation of electrodes that are fully compatible with the brain. This was reported to TASS by Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, at the Moscow Forum of Future Technologies.

"Me personally and our laboratory as a whole are now actively working on solving issues related to the biocompatibility of neural implants with brain tissue. In the near future, when this problem is finally solved, our next big challenge will be the problem of updating neural interfaces. This is a very painful issue, since it is extremely difficult to remove the implant without destroying connections and neurons," Popkov explained.

As the researcher noted, a possible solution to this problem lies in the fact that experimental scientists and practitioners will implant into the brain not a complete neural interface, but a special connector for a neural implant, which will allow connecting updated versions of augmentation systems without destroying the already established connections between nerve cells and electrodes. Solving this problem is crucial for the practical use of brain augmentation systems.

The expert predicted a "race of neural implants" due to the loss of technological unipolarity

Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, noted that the United States had a monopoly on technological innovations, which allowed Washington to slow down the development of potentially dangerous areas, such as cloning

MOSCOW, February 14, 2024. The loss of the monopoly on technological innovation by the United States will lead to the beginning of a kind of "race of neural implants" between the West, China, Russia, Brazil, the countries of the Arab world and other centers of power and science in the world. This was stated by Vasily Popkov, head of the group for the development of invasive neural interfaces at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Moscow State University, at the Moscow Forum of Future Technologies.

Three decades ago, the U.S. had a monopoly on technological innovation, which allowed Washington to inhibit the development of potentially dangerous technologies, such as cloning, and related markets through regulatory restrictions. Now the world has at least two technological poles, the role of which is played by the United States and China, which does not allow technological leaders to artificially slow down the development of neural implant technologies for fear of hopelessly lagging behind," Popkov said.

According to the scientist, this fear will lead in the near future to the relaxation of regulatory norms related to the development of implants to restore the normal functions of the human body, and in one or two decades, similar processes will take place in the field of creating augmentation systems, neural interfaces that improve cognitive and other human abilities.

"All ethical issues related to the development of neural interfaces will fade into the background, and an analogue of the "space race" of the last century will begin, which this time will be aimed at expanding human capabilities. Unlike microelectronics and many other technologies, we are not hopelessly behind in this area, and with proper investment of funds and efforts, we will be able to reduce this gap and compete in this regard with the leading participants in this race
," Popkov summed up.
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Nov 8, 2022
I'm tired, but tomorrow I will recall (again) some key moments from the background pre-story on the basis of which we came to the planned here.
In connection with the above,

let us recall how continuous and grading line this consistent plan follows:

...Etc., in brief
Shill/Operative Riley is silent like a ***** :D:D:D
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Nov 8, 2022
A metaphorical situation for the entire sequel to Great Reset. As I read this news:
Putin announced the need to create a legal framework for advanced medical technologies
Certain legislative decisions have already been made, the President of Russia noted

MOSCOW, February 14. 2024. The authorities of the Russian Federation intend to create legislative conditions for the creation, testing and use of advanced medical technologies in the country. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In general, we need to form modern law, a legal framework for the creation and testing, the use of the most advanced medical technologies. Certain legislative decisions have already been made, including the use of personalized medicines developed for a specific patient, as well as the development of such a new direction as regenerative medicine," Putin said at a plenary session of the Forum for Future Technologies."

So, while I reading the news that Putin said that it is necessary to create modern legislation, a legal framework for creating and testing, using the most advanced medical technologies (including, as you can see in the publications back, gene therapy, genome editing and brain implants, brain-computer interfaces, which, according to the expert, will soon become a multipolar race for human augmentation), the bot-idiot of TASS becomes a red light, this:
And the idiot says:
15 February, 06:27
Two explosions reported in Kyiv

Two powerful explosions were heard in Kyiv - eyewitnesses.

The news is being updated."

After two minutes, the news is updated, without red and lightning. ...Until the next lightning-red war news.

Watch the WAR, that's the PROBLEM, not in the brain chips and genetic mods (there is no red alarm in the news about them). ;)


Nov 8, 2022
Why would the brain connect to a computer?
February 14, 2024

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device that reads signals directly from (or transmits to) the brain, bypassing the senses. The applications of BCIs are wide-ranging: early diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions and brain diseases (including Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, depression and hypertension); mental health monitoring; restoration of lost cognitive abilities and motor functions; the ability to transform thought and intention into speech; Controlling objects with the power of thought. In addition to medicine and healthcare, the technology can also be used in the smart home segment. One way or another, neural interfaces are one of the recent technological trends that will definitely only develop. Today, humanity has already come close to the border where science fiction is moving into our everyday lives, and it is very interesting to see what advantages people will have beyond this line. What distinguishes the current state of world technologies in the field of neural interfaces? What are the differences and what is the interest of large Russian and foreign businesses? What are the most common applications of BCIs known today? What are the prospects for the use of brain-computer interfaces in the near future? What is preventing the widespread adoption of the brain-computer interface?

Why would the brain connect to a computer?


Dmitriy Zauers
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Gazprombank

Speakers & Experts

Nikita Bukreev
Chief Executive Officer, Sensorilab

Sergey Ivanov
Executive Director, Member of the Board of Directors, EFKO Management Company

Maxim Ostras
Director of Strategic Development, LIFT Center; Manager, QLU

Maxim Ostras, quotes
Can Quantum Technology Give Us Immortality? (*All other quotes are from there)

Certain types of quantum sensors can be extremely small. The typical size of such sensors is several hundred nanometers or even several tens of nanometers. Such sensors can be placed inside a living cell without disrupting its vital functions, and see what processes take place there
The greatest potential of quantum sensors is unleashed in the field of medicine
We're learning that we can take one cell that's aging and bring it back and change its identity. We can turn a skin cell into a liver cell, and we can also change the age of the cell without changing its function... The core of this problem is the epigenome. This is a complexity that can be understood with the help of quantum technologies
If we can solve the problem of aging, I don't want to say that you will become immortal, but if we can control aging, we can potentially cure all diseases
Neural interfaces are now actively developing. Here, too, non-invasive tools can play a key role. It is a tool for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. These are neurorehabilitation, neuroprostheses, and exoskeleton management. Such things can also be used for the mass market. For entertainment, for remote control of devices, and even for communication

Alexei Khalezov
Lead Architect, Neiry

Vasily Popkov
Head of the Invasive Neural Interfaces Research Group, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Lomonosov Moscow State University

3 Events
Why would the brain connect to a computer? February 14, 2024

28 November 2023, 16:00
Medical Neurotechnologies: Synthesis of Expertise to Respond to the Challenges of the Time

III Congress of Young Scientists
Medical Neurotechnologies: Synthesis of Expertise to Respond to the Challenges of the Time
November 28, 2023

The brain, as well as the human nervous system as a whole, is an extremely complex device that coordinates the vital activity of the body and regulates its behavior. Humanity does not give up trying to understand the principles of operation of this device and to influence its functioning. These attempts have led to the emergence of neurotechnology, a set of methods for reading information from the nervous system and controlling it. Some of the neurotechnologies are already being used in medicine to correct diseases of the nervous system, while others are just making their way from the laboratory to the clinic. But one thing is for sure: they work, they are an exclusively interdisciplinary field, and they are an extremely attractive area of science, technology, medicine and business, where any young scientist/engineer/doctor/entrepreneur can realize himself. What inspires young scientists who have chosen neurotechnology as a field of implementation? What difficulties are they experiencing? How do they see the future of neurotechnology? Can Russia compete in the world in this area? What advice can young scientists give to young scientists who are just choosing their path in science and technology?

III Congress of Young Scientists
Russia's Science and Technology Scene in Search of New Heroes
November 28, 2023

Today, in Russia, diverse projects to popularize science are becoming part of a single ecosystem, increasing audience coverage and the quality of content. However, there is a weak personification of Russian science and technology, and there is no clear image of the hero – a scientist, an engineer, a technology entrepreneur. In this regard, it is especially important to determine how the existing and planned media projects contribute to solving the problem of filling the information space with the names of those who are the drivers of our country's innovative development and whose achievements any Russian can be proud of. The participants of the session will exchange experiences and opinions on the steps and media techniques necessary for the emergence of Russian heroes who inspire Russian youth to new scientific and technological breakthroughs...

Mikhail Lebedev
Chief Researcher, I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

5 Events
one of them:
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2021

A Pill for Everything: Connecting the Brain to the Computer
June 3, 2021

Neuroengineering is one of the most exciting interdisciplinary technologies, influencing neurophysiology and computer science, computing and robotics, and in the near future, a whole layer of humanities and social sciences: ethics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, law, and finance. A better understanding of how the brain works, more specifically how it is structured and how it is formed, how it learns and how it interacts with other body systems, has a huge impact on the development of neural interfaces and artificial neural networks. The global brain-computer interface market size was valued at USD 1.2 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.5% during the forecast period. According to Grand View Research, the global computer interface market will reach USD 1.72 billion by 2022. What is the brain-computer interface and how can it be useful to a person, society, and science? What strategic tasks do IT for brain-computer interfaces need to solve? What are the needs of neurophysiologists in IT development? How is the global economy (and the world in general, including its social structure) transforming during the period of large-scale spread of brain-computer interfaces?

Mikhail Lebedev, Quotes - 1
SPIEF 2021

2021 is the year of the creative economy in the world. How soon will human capital replace oil?

There is a lot of creativity in neuroscience, which has a relatively short history of development. That is, some discoveries in neuroscience began to be made only at the beginning of the last century. But since then, neuroscience has been booming, and now it's developing very fast, and we're learning more, more, more and more. Here I would like to mention such a creative area – this is the field of neural interfaces. <... > A neural interface is an attempt to connect a person's brain to some external device"

Roscongress Photobank. Why would the brain connect to a computer? Date: February 14, 2024

Future Technologies Forum
Why would the brain connect to a computer?
February 14, 2024

Video recording
(1 hour and 40 minutes (in Russian)
*A short quote from the discussion (which sums it up): "Neurointerfaces will undoubtedly increase a person's quality of life and solve many problems.." ..But this is very complicated and many problems need to be solved in order to we have the interfaces.

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Oct 20, 2021
Is there anyone on this forum who reads whatever this is ? Who in their right mind cares about things that they can't do anything about. Also why all the Russian links in Russian language. Are we supposed to learn Russian to understand them. I'm all for Russia winning Ukraine war but I have no desire to speak Russian. Am I supposed to learn Yiddish too so I can understand Israel? Am I supposed to speak Mongolian to understand the China situation? Am I supposed to learn Spanish so I can live in California? I am not bilingual so English is my preference. If I am not allowed to speak English in my native country then why should I even care about what language others are speaking in. The founders of our country all spoke English. Why should we not continue to speak English? This is not biblical days tower of Babble. This is why the United Nations Building should be closed. If Russia likes the United Nations so much let them build one in Stalingrad or Moscow.


Nov 8, 2022
Is there anyone on this forum who reads whatever this is ? Who in their right mind cares about things that they can't do anything about. Also why all the Russian links in Russian language. Are we supposed to learn Russian to understand them. I'm all for Russia winning Ukraine war but I have no desire to speak Russian. Am I supposed to learn Yiddish too so I can understand Israel? Am I supposed to speak Mongolian to understand the China situation? Am I supposed to learn Spanish so I can live in California? I am not bilingual so English is my preference. If I am not allowed to speak English in my native country then why should I even care about what language others are speaking in. The founders of our country all spoke English. Why should we not continue to speak English? This is not biblical days tower of Babble. This is why the United Nations Building should be closed. If Russia likes the United Nations so much let them build one in Stalingrad or Moscow.

I don't want to hear any more complaints from Americans about the depopulation.
Obviously, it's even extremely late. But better late than never, as they say.
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Nov 8, 2022
Hey Lalas and thank you for your effort.

Was it you in substack "noosfera" who got banned? He was writing similar stuff and got deleted.

Substack seems to be somewhat free speech atleast more than twitter etc.

So the censorship was very interesting for such niche topic.
Truuuman and he/she, as well as almost everyone else who dares to start some communication with me, was not satisfied. What to do; I have no idea what kind of answer people expect.

Just set at least some sample parameters to the expected answer and then I could handle it, at least try; otherwise I relax and everything goes to hell..


(... But this for Riley and the rest of the off-Guardian cheerful company (including Corbet) is true, not the result of some my personal dislike, you know. I have informed them all about basic things, a year and a half ago or 2. And these things are happening little by little. They are silent all the time. Maybe I'm confused and these things are unimportant and not worth mentioning? They are all long-standing, experienced and supposedly honest journalists. Maybe they're right? Is it?

A little clarification: Riley knows from before, because he read in media that and I followed before the war (and then "war" and they became outrageous and Riley continues to share about their materials and even refer to them sometimes in her materials). And what he didn't know before, then he knows, because I told him. But he's a former RT. Here we have one such thing: "There is no former cop" (in this case "of thought" :D

The question is - no matter what I say - the following: about these things, for example, about Neuronet, there are literally millions of articles on Russian alt-sites. neuronet->

Riley has zero (0) mentions. Neuronet is exactly something of the essence of the only drastic change that comes and that WEF has announced: the fusion of the biological with the digital, of man and technology. Everything else in some form has always been there (it's not like what's coming, but in lighter forms it exists). Riley has zero (0) mentions. But, on the other hand, there are things like "no stopping these things" in relation to Great Reset in general. Isn't that interesting?

A million mentions in Russia of this:

And zero mentions from Riley and all the rest of the off-Guardian company that knows because I told them. (And... Perhaps the biggest, or most famous, or "one of the most", Russian alt-media, after writing about it a big article that spread a lot, then they just shut up and "forget about it"... until it develops perfectly. Interesting things..

I know I'm annoying. So I'm going to rest to gain strength and come back rested and even more annoying. Well, we chatted well. Bye for now. :D
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Nov 8, 2022
The second flagship Forum of Future Technologies in the Field of Medicine has completed its work in Russia

February 16, 2024
The second Forum of Future Technologies, an annual flagship event that presents technologies and innovative scientific developments that determine the vector of development of economic sectors in the coming years, has completed its work in Moscow. This year's event was dedicated to the technologies of the future in the field of medicine.

More than 1800 people from 19 countries, including media representatives, took part in the Forum. More than 200 speakers spoke at 31 sessions of the business program in 7 thematic blocks. Experts discussed genetic technologies, neurotechnologies, regenerative medicine, biotechnologies in personalized healthcare, the use of digital technologies and AI, ensuring technological sovereignty, as well as the ecosystem of future technologies.

The technologies presented at the Forum made it possible to literally look into the future of medicine, geneticists, immunologists, oncologists, and epidemiologists presented their unique developments. Most of the technologies and developments are ready for use in clinical practice in the coming years. As part of the expert discussions, much attention was also paid to increasing the availability of innovations for all citizens of the country.

Among the important topics of the Forum are the expansion of measures to support science, the creation of conditions for achieving technological sovereignty in the medical industry. The event also presented the results of scientific and practical cooperation between government organizations and business on the development of new advanced domestic drugs, including those based on monoclonal antibodies.

The key event of FBT-2024 was the plenary session "Modern Medical Technologies. Challenges of Tomorrow – Ahead of Time", which was attended by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. He announced that by the end of the year, a national project for the development of modern technologies for preserving health should be launched:

"In key technological areas, we are working in the format of national projects. Their mechanisms make it possible to build the entire technological chain – from the creation of fundamental groundwork and applied solutions to the means of production and the training of highly qualified personnel. In this regard, I consider it possible and I ask the Government to form and ensure the launch of another national project to ensure technological sovereignty and the development of modern technologies for preserving health. It is imperative to determine the sources of funding, the necessary amounts of financial resources for its implementation."
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Nov 8, 2022
The forum software (not my browser) is shiting again. Again two hours cutting oncomment adjust. Nooo, I'm falling...


Nov 8, 2022
The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited a special exhibition of the Future Technologies Forum 2024, where he was presented with advanced Russian medical technologies and developments at a joint thematic stand of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the FMBA of Russia, and Rospotrebnadzor. The exposition also included stands of Rosatom State Corporation, Gazprombank, and the Roscongress Foundation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin Got Acquainted with Rosatom's Latest Developments in the Healthcare Sector

The Head of State got acquainted with advanced developments and solutions in the field of additive technologies, radiopharmaceuticals and quantum computing of Rosatom State Corporation. At the Rosatom stand, Russian President Vladimir Putin was presented with additive technologies, which are extremely effective in situations where it is impossible to do without the use of artificial and biological materials when treating a patient. In particular, a model of a magnetoacoustic bioprinter, which is used to "grow" tubular tissues under the influence of physical fields, as well as a bioreactor, where a vessel "learns" to work correctly, is demonstrated. This device allows you to solve the problem of growing functional blood vessels of small diameter from the patient's biological material. A blood vessel grown from the patient's own cells will not be rejected by the body, it will develop and grow. This is especially important in pediatric transplantation.

"Today, Rosatom enterprises are developing in the interests of healthcare in such areas as additive technologies, radiopharmaceuticals and quantum computing. All the research we are engaged in in this area is aimed at significantly expanding the ability of doctors to provide care to patients. For example, in the field of additive technologies, we are already creating implants from artificial biosimilar materials and are starting to grow human organs from the patient's own cells. In the field of nuclear medicine, we are developing innovative radiopharmaceuticals and in the near future we will establish the production of the entire range of radiopharmaceuticals that are used in world medical practice. To this end, we are building Europe's largest plant for the production of radiopharmaceutical products in Obninsk, Kaluga Region. We are already working on the practical application of quantum computing in the medicine of the future, in particular, for detecting diseases at the earliest stages. Our developments are designed to bring healthcare to a completely new level and achieve a completely different quality of life for people," said Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation.

At present, Rosatom scientists have grown the equivalent of a 2 cm long blood vessel, and by the end of the year they plan to obtain equivalents up to 10 cm long.

Other unique developments presented to President Vladimir Putin at the Forum include biosimilar implants with a special coating equivalent to bone tissue, which increases compatibility with the patient's tissues. Rosatom scientists were the first in the country to receive registration certificates for the developed special software, which makes it possible to create uniquely shaped implants in accordance with the patient's CT and MRI data, and finished products. The use of digital technologies reduces the time to receive a finished implant from 60 to 7 days and speeds up the recovery of patients by 2-3 times.

Innovative technologies in the field of genetics, biological protection, neurotechnology, regenerative medicine, as well as digital technologies and AI were highlighted at the exposition by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency and Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists from Gazprombank spoke about the projects of the Lift Center on in vitro molecular diagnostics based on quantum dots, neural implants, additive technologies and a mobile genetic diagnostics system. Anastasia Stolkova, First Deputy Director for Development and Head of the Healthcare Directorate of the Roscongress Foundation, briefed Vladimir Putin on Russia's cutting-edge healthcare projects, including the Roscongress Medicine initiative and the Healthy Life ecosystem.

Today, scientists are shaping the image of medicine of the future, genetic technologies make it possible to detect complex diseases and carry out their effective therapy, thanks to tissue engineering, it is possible to grow new cells and replace damaged ones with them, brain-computer interfaces and neuroprostheses are able to restore lost body functions. These and other scientific achievements are designed to significantly improve the quality and duration of people's lives.

"The Forum of Future Technologies has once again clearly demonstrated that our science is a driver of change in the country. It is especially gratifying to see the development of medical science, where each project is aimed at helping people, improving the quality of life, and ensuring active longevity. The technologies presented at the Forum are ahead of their time and set the vector for the further development of medicine not only in Russia, but also in the world," said Maxim Oreshkin, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum.

As part of the event, an open meeting of the Council for the Implementation of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019–2030 was held. The meeting was moderated by Tatiana Golikova, Co-Chair of the Council and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation:

"By the end of the 20th century, we had serious scientific schools and scientific developments that led us to the need to single out genetic science as an absolute priority. There is no need to tell you how important this is for the development of medicine, agriculture, industry and biosecurity. But we have gone in exactly these four directions, creating this program, implementing it and presenting concrete results to society."

The business programme of FBT-2024 also included a meeting of the Working Group on Regulatory Framework in the Field of Genetic Technologies, including Genome Editing, and Bioethics "Prevention of Hereditary Diseases and Reproductive and Genetic Well-Being" and a meeting of the BRICS Working Group on Nuclear Medicine.

"A wide range of breakthrough technologies in the field of medicine was presented at the Future Technologies Forum. The state, business, and the scientific community are working in close cooperation. Joint efforts are aimed at ensuring that the technologies of the future are used today, at their early introduction into production and real clinical practice, and we see amazing results of this interaction in practice. In addition, we see the great expert potential of Russian scientific developments," said Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.
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Nov 8, 2022
Plenary session of the Future Technologies Forum

Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the second Future Technologies Forum titled “Modern Medical Technologies. The Challenge of Tomorrow: Getting the Jump on Time”.

February 14, 2024
Before the plenary session, the President, accompanied by Healthcare Minister Mikhail Murashko, visited a thematic exhibition organised on the forum’s sidelines, where he was told about innovative solutions in digital, genetic, bio- and neurotechnology, AI-assisted software, and projects in regenerative and nuclear medicine. Rosatom and Gazprombank are among the companies presenting their latest innovations.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends,
To reiterate, we have achieved major breakthroughs, but we must keep moving forward nonetheless and continue this work on a qualitatively different level, increase our self-sufficiency, and become global leaders in key medical technologies and be prepared to take up any challenge, including threats of new pandemics.
Fundamental and applied science represented by our outstanding researchers, whose names we remember from school years, such as Pavlov, Mechnikov, Vavilov, Koltsov, Engelgardt, Chumakov, and Gamaleya, provides a robust foundation for addressing these challenges. Our research institutes and applied medical research centres bear their names, maintain continuity and work at the intersection of medicine, genetics, biology, chemistry, and mathematics. They attain success in the most advanced fields such as neuroscience, biomedical technology and exoprosthetics, cell technologies, and regeneration.

Things that I was shown here today on the first floor by our colleagues are nothing short of science fiction. Not long ago, you could read about such things only in works of fantasy, whereas today they have become reality. These studies are just gathering pace but are expected to revolutionise medicine soon.

Why did they cut the good material compared to the full version of (without en.)? They usually don't. So it continues from the original:
Grigory Trubnikov, Head of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna
In June last year, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center conducted a survey of the country's residents about their expectations and perception of future technologies. So, most of all, our citizens are interested in technologies in healthcare. The most interesting and exciting issues of our people are modern visual and auditory prostheses, modern methods of fighting cancer, 3D printing of tissues and joints. Today's exhibition at the forum demonstrates a large number of unique developments, and I am sure that very soon we will all see them in practical life.
I think it is important to note today from this rostrum that Russia is one of the few countries in the world that has most successfully fought the coronavirus pandemic. Today it is a routine infection, it has entered our lives. But, of course, we must not relax our attention to the risk of new epidemics. New viruses appear, old ones emerge and return, and new infections emerge.

Vasily Gennadyevich, you are the head of a centre that successfully organises surveillance of infectious diseases using molecular genetic methods and digital technologies. Please tell us how you strengthen the country's sanitary shield.

Vasily Akimkin: Mr President, Dear colleagues!

The COVID-19 pandemic has given a powerful impetus to the development of genetic technologies, and today the term "PCR test" is well known to any citizen of the Russian Federation.

We must remember the first stages of the pandemic, when the duration of such testing was at its maximum, and in 2021 you, Mr President, set the task of reducing the time for such testing as much as possible. Already in 2021, just a few months later, the specialists of our institute created a domestic enzyme base, which made it possible to create T-systems that carried out such testing in 30 minutes, which significantly - by four to five times - made it possible to reduce the time for testing the population and thereby accelerated the time for such testing.

The domestic enzyme base was not inferior in its parameters, and in a number of its positions it surpassed foreign analogues, and in terms of cost it turned out to be 50-70 times cheaper. It is the development of the domestic enzyme base, which continues today within the framework of the Sanitary Shield of Russia program, that allows us to talk about the technological independence of the Russian Federation in the field of creating diagnostic drugs for any pathogens, including unknown ones.

As part of the federal genetic technology program, we have developed a genome editing system based on CRISPR-Cas technologies. This is one of the modern technologies that make it possible to edit the genome, as well as to be the basis for the creation of high-tech test systems and diagnostic drugs that today can be used not only in the field of infectious diseases, but also for the diagnosis and study of hereditary, oncological, autoimmune diseases.

It should be emphasized that last year we received all the necessary proteins for genome editing of domestic production. At the moment, we are starting to start producing unique test systems that will be ten or more times more sensitive than existing ones, can capture single pathogen cells, and can also be used today not only in laboratories, but also at the patient's bedside.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,

The Russian school of epidemiology has always been proud of its monitoring system, especially in the last three years. It should be noted that it is thanks to genome study technologies in the Russian Federation that for the first time we can talk about a national database of genomes of infectious pathogens, which today already includes more than 330 thousand genomes, more than 20 different pathogens, including such pathogens and infections as HIV infection, coronavirus infection, acute respiratory, acute viral, intestinal infections, hepatitis. At the moment, we are actively developing this database.

What are the benefits of such a database? First of all, it is the basis of genomic epidemiological surveillance, which is the leading scientific direction in the world today, proposed by Russia. It allows us to quickly identify and respond to the epidemiological situation, give us the opportunity to create prompt actions, which is very important in the interests of the country, and also be the basis for the creation of high-tech diagnostic, medicinal and vaccine products.

Today, the epidemiological monitoring system is the basis of the country's biosecurity, and we continue to actively share this system and experience with other countries.

Thank you.

It continues (because of the great readers interest! :D)
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Nov 8, 2022
Hint: endless viruses from space and amazing cyborgs "that will soon acquire a positive connotation"
Vladimir Putin: The answer is very vague.

We need to improve these test systems.
Grigory Trubnikov: I am sure that the medical community will do its best after the head of state's call. Of course.

If I may, we will move on.

Vasily Gennadievich rightly said that the coronavirus infection has pushed the development of genetic technologies in the country as a whole, and not only in the field of biosafety. We do have real achievements in this area. Mr President, you have mentioned this, and you regularly say that the federal programme for the development of genetic technologies is showing very striking results.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Makarov actually coordinates the development of genetic technologies in medicine within the framework of this well-known federal program. Alexander Aleksandrovich, please share your successes.

Alexander Makarov: Thank you.
The next development I want to talk about concerns oncolytic viruses. During the pandemic, we were all very afraid of the word "virus": we believed that the virus was something bad and had to be fought. But oncolytic viruses are not pathogenic – they act directly only on cancer cells, and they act in a targeted way, and this action destroys cancer cells.

Since all tumors are different, they depend on the type of disease, on the person, and even within the tumor, the cells are also diverse, so we need to create a panel of these viruses, which is what we did. More than 30 viruses have been created, and in cases where one or two viruses need to be used, a cocktail of them can be used.

Now, as far as I understand, we don't have much time, I will just say a few words about the pre-clinic, which takes place in two places: at Biocad and at the Radiology Centre. The results are very good: some viruses were submitted to Biocad, and others to the Radiology Center. Tumors disappear, Biocad had breast cancer – the tumor disappears completely, and for the Radiology Center, they studied glioblastoma, that is, it is a brain tumor that practically means a very bad diagnosis for the patient. Here, the tumor shrank by four to five times, that is, the experience of using oncolytic viruses is very positive. Now the Radiology Center is preparing patients with solid brain tumors, who will be treated with these viruses.
We came up with a slightly different approach, which is to try to find out what defense mechanisms bacteria have for them to respond to antibiotics. And we found out that the main protective system is the production of hydrogen sulfide. Enzymes that are responsible for activating this system have been selected, substances have been selected, synthesized that can stop the action of these enzymes, and together with these substances, if antibiotics are used, there is no resistance. Bacteria perceive the effect of antibiotics – the old ones that exist, that is, there is no need to develop anything new.

I would probably like to end here. There's a lot to tell, but unfortunately, time is limited, as always. I want to say that genetic technologies have already penetrated our lives, and it is impossible to even imagine what will happen next, because the development is very fast and exponential. And it's good that it's happening, because almost everything now depends on genetics – in medicine and in other places, in agriculture, in the microbiological industry, everything is based on genetics.

Thank you for your attention.

Vladimir Putin: Who is your genetic partner? Rosneft?

Alexander Makarov: No, Biocad. Rosneft itself does not yet make medicines, but Biocad does.

Vladimir Putin: It makes money. Everything is from there. (Laughter.)

Alexander Makarov: I understand that by praising Biocad, I maybe...

Vladimir Putin: Where did the viruses come from, did they come from outer space?

Alexander Makarov: Yes, and there are some in space as well. In space, there are colossal problems with the ISS, because it is full of microorganisms, because where there are humans, there are microorganisms, and these microorganisms destroy the structural elements of the station, cause allergies among cosmonauts, in general, a huge problem. We are now also studying these microorganisms that were delivered to us from the ISS, and we find out that they are becoming even more antibiotic-resistant there, although there is a radiation background a hundred times greater than on Earth, but nevertheless, this does not affect them at all – they only become even stronger. Now we are finding out what the reasons for this process are and how we can deal with it, because this is a real problem.

Vladimir Putin: We can talk endlessly, just as space is infinite.

Thank you.

Grigory Trubnikov: Thank you, Aleksander Aleksandrovich.

Indeed, listening to you, you understand that a person strives for more and wants as many opportunities as possible in a short time.

We believe that neurotechnology should help us in such conditions. It is not for nothing that we say that the potential of our brain is still very, very unknown to us, and at the same time, of course, we want to learn as much as possible about ourselves. In general, it is extremely interesting to find out what is hidden in us. For me, as a person who is engaged in the study of the fundamental properties of matter, the study of the brain is like opening up new horizons in the universe.

The Center for Brain and Neurotechnologies of the FMBA of Russia has been operating in Russia for several years. It was opened several years ago, you visited it last year, Mr President, and now it is one of the world's leading centres.

I would like to ask Vsevolod Vadimovich, who heads this centre, to tell us how quickly these horizons open up to you and what people can expect from your research.

Vsevolod Belousov: Thank you.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dear colleagues and guests!

Slowly, of course, the mysteries of the brain are being revealed, but nevertheless we are working on it.

What is neurotechnology in general and what do we associate it with? Everyone probably knows the word "cyborg" – it is a cybernetic organism. It's usually found in science fiction and has a negative connotation: we imagine a robot that is controlled by a human brain, or a person who is controlled by some kind of code. But is it true?

In fact, neurotechnology is already helping us treat diseases that were previously thought to be incurable. And being a cyborg really means regaining lost functions. I'll give you three examples.

The first is a stroke. When a blockage of a vessel or vessels kills an area of the brain responsible for some function. And during my report, there will be from 50 to 100 new cases of stroke in the world.

Let's say a person has stopped moving their arm as a result of a stroke. It is necessary to understand that in this case the hand is healthy – the brain is sick. And neurotechnologies make it possible to retrain neighboring areas of the brain with the area of damage, and they will take over the lost function, they will learn, accordingly, to control the hand, and the patient will return to normal life.

What technologies help us with this? Virtual augmented reality technologies, biofeedback technologies, transcranial magnetic stimulation, brain-computer interface, and much, much more. As a result, the brain will learn to control this hand again. It's about the same as learning a foreign language: at first you don't understand a word, but at some point you are already fluent.

And the technologies I mentioned are not only available in large federal medical research and clinical centres, but are now being actively replicated in regional clinics across the country.

The second example is from the field of neurodegenerative diseases. It's the same arm, but it's not immobilized like in a stroke – it's in a state of tremor in a patient with Parkinson's disease. He can't drink, eat, or write on his own. He is forced to take strong drugs, but they do not always help. And in this case, a technology that came to medicine from physics and materials science comes to the rescue – focused ultrasound.

A patient with tremor undergoes surgery with focused ultrasound, without incisions and anesthesia. During the operation, a small area of the brain responsible for the generation of tremor is switched off precisely and precisely, and the patient returns to normal life during the operation. Currently, two clinical centers in Russia are proficient in this technique and treat patients, and in 2024 and 2025, several more clinics will join the treatment process with this technique.

The third example is when an arm is lost as a result of amputation or trauma, here we are talking about neuroprosthetics. Traditional prostheses used to perform a cosmetic function mainly, but thanks to the efforts of domestic developers, bionic prostheses were developed, which today were presented, including at the exhibition, which can already move.

They can perform operations to grab, carry, and hold items. They are controlled by electrodes that are attached above the level of the prosthetics. But that's still a long way from our real hand. Our hand is controlled by signals from the nervous system, and we always have feedback from sensory neurons that allow us to fine-tune our movements.

We have set ourselves an ambitious goal – to make bionic prostheses with feedback and integrate them directly with the nervous system, so that the patient will feel this prosthesis literally as a part of his body and use it just as freely. To do this, we combine the resources of several leading scientific clinical centers and high-tech companies, so that soon the word "cyborg" acquires a positive connotation.

Unfortunately, in my short report, I cannot talk about all the neurotechnologies – I can't tell you, I don't have time – about synthetic and cellular neurotechnologies, about bioprinting, about gene therapy drugs, about neurostimulation, and so on. But you can already see that neurotechnology has enormous potential to improve people's lives. All that is needed is a well-coordinated interaction and a balance between the technological capabilities of neurotechnologies and the timely resolution of emerging ethical issues.

We are confident that a truly well-developed state strategy to support neurotechnologies will bring together, on the one hand, scientists from various disciplines, and on the other hand, high-tech companies to solve applied medical problems.

Thank you for your attention.

Vladimir Putin: You said that a person cannot drink with trembling hands. But a Russian person can. (Laughter.)

Vsevolod Belousov: That's right.

Vladimir Putin: People's Artist Lebedev showed this very well at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theatre. He pulled it up through the towel with his other hand. Well, it's all a joke.

And not a joke – this is what you say: you can teach the brain to control the hand again. But in strokes, the part of the brain that controls the hand is affected. So how can you teach the affected part of the brain?

Vsevolod Belousov: The fact of the matter is that this area of the brain has been damaged, and sometimes it has been irretrievably lost. But after a stroke, the so-called plasticity window opens, when it is the areas of the brain around this tissue, the neighboring ones, that can be trained to control the hand. It is no coincidence that I mentioned the language.

Vladimir Putin: Is it possible to teach neurons to "run" nearby?

Vsevolod Belousov: Yes, it's just a kind of workaround. That is, we do a workaround for the same function.

Vladimir Putin: Curious. And, of course, it's fantastic that the feedback is that a person begins to feel a bionic prosthesis. It's just incredible, I can't even believe it.

Vsevolod Belousov: It will be done.

Vladimir Putin: Jokes aside, the Government and Tatyana Alexeevna should not reduce social support for people who receive such prostheses, citing the fact that it is like a real hand.

That's right, it's not a joke. The relevant postulates of the Ministry of Health stipulate that this should be done. I hope that all this has already been withdrawn? Confiscated, thank God. Let's give a round of applause.

Grigory Trubnikov: Thank you for a very lively discussion. You see, we are already talking about the decisions that have been made and what has been done.

Indeed, it all looks fantastic – what Vsevolod Vadimovich told us, and our unique Brain and Neurotechnology Centre...

Vladimir Putin: Unbelievable.

Grigory Trubnikov: Yes, absolutely. What our colleagues are doing is helping to fight, I would say, physiology – the treatment of diseases of the brain and nervous system. These studies are also about pre-clinic.
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Nov 8, 2022
“it is crucial today to strike a balance between the digital and physical. The principle of ‘phygital’ helps with that. It is not just about sports competitions but a new philosophy of life and personal development. …[The Games of the Future] once again demonstrate that a modern person, a person of the future, is a harmonious individual, fit both physically and intellectually. …harmonizing intellectual and physical perfection is one of the absolute priorities of the emerging multipolar world”

“National Cyberphysical Platform “Den” [Berloga] “an attempt for the first time in the world to combine the physical and virtual world in the individual logic of a child’s development.”

“The next technological revolution will be associated with neurotechnologies and a radical increase in the productivity of mental labor due to the integration of the human brain and computing machines.. The Neuronet Roadmap..Stages and terms of implementation, Second stage (2019-2025).. “Neuro-entertainment and sports”.. “The product of 2035 will be a large-scale gaming platform that constantly interacts with the user. The platform will continuously monitor functional, psycho-emotional states, assess the cognitive background of the user’s current activity. Based on the data obtained, non-invasive stimulation of users will be carried out to achieve the necessary conditions.”

Opening ceremony for Games of the Future international tournament

Kazan hosted the opening ceremony for the Games of the Future international tournament. Vladimir Putin addressed the participants of this mass participation event.

February 21, 2024

Remarks by the President of Russia at the opening ceremony for the Games of the Future

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Participants of the tournament, foreign guests and heads of delegations, ladies and gentlemen, friends,

I am glad to welcome to Russia the pioneers of phygital sports which is an innovative format that gave rise to the name to the competition. These are indeed the Games of the Future.

The blending of tradition and the modern age, the harmonising of physical fitness and high intellect, the integration of sports and technology, education and science – a person needs all that for well-rounded development and success in our era of rapid change, and the multifaceted, multipolar, free and competitive world that is taking shape before our eyes.

It makes perfect sense that the idea to merge conventional and e-sports was born in Russia.

Our country remains one of the leading sports powerhouses on the planet, the home of great athletes, victories and records. We have always championed sport and its lofty humanistic values.

The Games of the Future are our gift to the international sports family.

Russia is also a land of outstanding scientists, designers and engineers. Their achievements opened up new horizons of knowledge for humankind, and today our research teams and companies are scaling new heights in digital technologies and the use of artificial intelligence in areas that are at the leading edge of progress.

Since time immemorial, Russia has been known for its generosity and hospitality, and it is always ready to host friends and to entertain them with a big and memorable festival, including a festival of sports.

We take pride in our ability to organise massive, dazzling international sporting events at the very highest level, many of which have been held in Kazan.

Just like the rest of Tatarstan, this city is of a piece with the substance and spirit of the Games of the Future. Unique and multiethnic, boasting a wealth of cultures and ethnicities, it reverently preserves the legacy of its ancestors, but, at the same time, remains open to innovations and boldly takes on the most complex groundbreaking projects and then brilliantly carries them out.

The sports sphere is one such example. The sports complexes and arenas that were built in Tatarstan for the world championships are widely popular with the people of all ages. They are instrumental in promoting mass sports, which are a national priority in Russia.

I am certain that phygital sports will join the list of the most popular national recreational activities in Russia. Current, captivating, dynamic, it has the potential to generate interest in physical fitness and healthy living among people of all ages and, of course, among children and young adults.

This is the unique value of the Games of the Future for us along with the core principles of sport such as solidarity of countries and peoples, equality of all athletes, fair play and giving your all.

The Games of the Future is free from politics, as well as all discrimination and double standards. I am positive that the true spirit of sports will be on display at the Games venues

Two thousand athletes from more than 100 countries will showcase their virtuosity, perseverance and will to win. This competition among the best of the best certainly promises to be a captivating event and will win the hearts of spectators, and produce bright new stars.

The international phygital tournament is a unique event in the modern history of international sports – which begins right here and now in Russia.


Lukashenko attended the opening ceremony:
“Forward into the future, friends!” Aleksandr Lukashenko spoke in Belarusian. He was the first one to take the floor.”

"Russian Cyborgs – the winners of the Games of the Future!"
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Nov 8, 2022
Ginzburg said mRNA technology could be successful in fighting cancer

Bloomberg earlier, citing a study on the use of mRNA vaccines and their impact on the health of vaccinated patients, reported that vaccines that protect against COVID-19 provoke a higher risk of heart inflammation, blood clots in the brain after immunization, and also increase the likelihood of Guillain-Barré syndrome

MOSCOW, February 29, 2024. mRNA technology, which in some cases is used to create vaccines against covid, is more suitable for therapeutic purposes, in particular to fight incurable diseases such as cancer. This opinion was expressed to TASS by the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia Alexander Gintsburg.

"This technology [of mRNA vaccines], from my point of view, will be in great demand for therapeutic purposes, for incurable diseases, oncological diseases - such as pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer and many other types of cancer," the scientist said.

Ginzburg explained that mRNA technology makes it possible to create a very high concentration of a protein that is a marker for this type of tumor. "Thanks to this, the immune system begins to recognize the changes that lead to cancer. <... > On the other hand, since mRNA is expressed inside cells, this could theoretically lead to toxic cells that carry out immunological surveillance inside our bodies starting to recognize mRNA-based vaccine drugs. And here, from my point of view, it has very great prospects," he added.

Earlier, Bloomberg, citing a study on the use of mRNA vaccines and their impact on the health of vaccinated patients, reported that vaccines that protect against severe COVID-19 disease provoke a higher risk of heart inflammation, blood clots in the brain after immunization, and also increase the likelihood of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological disorder.

They want to create a digital profile of human health in the Russian Federation as part of a new national project

To do this, scientists plan to use artificial intelligence, said Alexander Sergeev, scientific director of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics

SAROV /Nizhny Novgorod region/, March 1, 2024. A digital profile of human health is planned to be created in Russia under the new national project "Long and Active Life". To do this, scientists want to use artificial intelligence, Alexander Sergeev, scientific director of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics, told reporters.

On February 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his address to the Federal Assembly, announced the launch of a new national project "Long and Active Life". According to him, the average life expectancy in the country has exceeded 73 years. At the same time, according to Putin, it is necessary to increase the duration of a healthy and active life.

"Now a project will be formed to < ... > to preserve health. <... > In the context of the emergence of new markers [of aging], [there are] a lot of data on the health of a particular person, here we need to learn how to use the modern opportunities that work with big data provides - this is artificial intelligence, so that we make a digital profile of everyone's health. This is a very serious modern scientific task, it will definitely be included in a strongly social project to preserve health," Sergeyev said.

He noted that the project is planned to be implemented jointly with the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, and such closed areas as Sarov are a suitable place for this.

"ZATO is an exceptionally right place to build this project of a digital health profile, because this is a long-term project, it is an observation of people's health, the health of a whole cohort of people," added the scientific director of the NCFM.

He explained that now there are more and more markers of aging, which inform about the state of human health, as well as at what pace he is moving towards a particular disease, to old age. "The task is to be able to control these markers, making sure that all human systems age harmoniously at the same pace, which will ensure both active longevity and the absence of any premature breakdowns," Sergeev explained.

Close to natural regimes: Neuroscientists measured the nervous system's response to electrical stimulation

March 1, 2024
An international research team has studied how electrical stimulation of cutaneous nerve fibers (afferents) affects signal processing in monkeys. The study found that electrical exposure disrupts sensorimotor neural networks in the spinal cord of monkeys. This proves the need to search for close to natural modes of electrical stimulation when working with various sensorimotor disorders. The study is published in the journal Cell Reports. The study was conducted by St. Petersburg State University together with the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Life Improvement by Future Technologies Center "LIFT", as well as foreign partners from the Universities of Pittsburgh and Belgrade.

The Kurchatov Institute is creating a self-learning system for neuroprosthetics of the spinal cord

Scientists from the Kurchatov Institute, together with colleagues from Kazan Federal University, have developed a model that can be used to create neuroprostheses for patients with spinal cord injury. A memristor-based circuit is capable of self-learning.

A group of scientists from the Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies is working on the creation of devices based on memristors, analog microelectronic components capable of imitating the synaptic plasticity possessed by neurons in the brain. This property lies in the fact that a synapse – the contact between neurons – transmits a signal from one cell to another with varying efficiency. For example, when memorizing information, the connections between neurons are strengthened, and the transmission of impulses between them is enhanced.