Christian viewpoints and "supporting israel"


Mar 15, 2017
What’s he rabbiting on about? Post your evidence, no one mentioned Mohammed. You’re clearly a Zionist, just be open about it. You aren’t the only one on here, it’s not a groundbreaking revelation.


May 17, 2020
What’s he rabbiting on about? Post your evidence, no one mentioned Mohammed. You’re clearly a Zionist, just be open about it. You aren’t the only one on here, it’s not a groundbreaking revelation.
Maybe his name is Neil. He deffo sounds like a Neil


Apr 26, 2017
What’s he rabbiting on about? Post your evidence, no one mentioned Mohammed. You’re clearly a Zionist, just be open about it. You aren’t the only one on here, it’s not a groundbreaking revelation.
Uh, what do “Zionists” have to do with what we are talking about? (Do you just call everyone you disagree with a “Zionist” like it is the worst insult ever? I never really know what you’re meaning by it lol).

Look into the ancient past of Mecca and the site upon which stands the Kaaba.

A healthy understanding of the past pagan mystery religions endemic to the region and the parallels with past and current Islamic practices and beliefs are evidence.

(Interestingly, a history very similar to how Catholicism did it: wipe out all paganism, while replacing with their own version that combines the most significant of pagan practices in a unified theme of destruction. In the case of Islam, by the time Mohammed came around, he had the example of the Catholic Church off of which to springboard into the stratosphere.

However, those pesky Christians and Jews are the still around to blow the whistle on Islam: It is a political ideology wrapped in religious phraseology.)

Unfortunately, few have the time, fewer still have the inclination, to wade through the endless amount of information, attempting to verify what research is legitimate or credible, taking years of layering belief systems, noting differences and similarities, and searching for The Truth. Few want to do the work. Fewer still have the time.

I admit, I may oversimplify things at times (Allah=Moon God), however, I’m simply sharing my perspective.
Jun 26, 2022
It is called being passive-aggressive.

Your modus operandi.
Truth is, you have a problem with me or the things i say for whatever reason and keep showing up in various threads to argue with me. Since i don't give you an overtly rude, profane or emotional response, you're resorting to calling my form of interaction "passive-aggressive"

You're free to think what you want.

For the purposes of this thread, the topic is whether Christians are required to support Israel.
We're not.
Not supporting something does not mean "hating it".
Not elevating a groups status over everyone else's does not mean "hating it".
Posting excerpts of other's work showing what some members of said group believe in is not "hate"

And so on.


Sep 4, 2023
Yeah we know hardcore jews hate Christians, but whoever wrote this should remember tanks fire shells, not rockets..;)
tank rockets.jpg


Jul 16, 2023
Uh, what do “Zionists” have to do with what we are talking about? (Do you just call everyone you disagree with a “Zionist” like it is the worst insult ever? I never really know what you’re meaning by it lol).

Look into the ancient past of Mecca and the site upon which stands the Kaaba.

A healthy understanding of the past pagan mystery religions endemic to the region and the parallels with past and current Islamic practices and beliefs are evidence.

(Interestingly, a history very similar to how Catholicism did it: wipe out all paganism, while replacing with their own version that combines the most significant of pagan practices in a unified theme of destruction. In the case of Islam, by the time Mohammed came around, he had the example of the Catholic Church off of which to springboard into the stratosphere.

However, those pesky Christians and Jews are the still around to blow the whistle on Islam: It is a political ideology wrapped in religious phraseology.)

Unfortunately, few have the time, fewer still have the inclination, to wade through the endless amount of information, attempting to verify what research is legitimate or credible, taking years of layering belief systems, noting differences and similarities, and searching for The Truth. Few want to do the work. Fewer still have the time.

I admit, I may oversimplify things at times (Allah=Moon God), however, I’m simply sharing my perspective.
As a Muslim, I strongly advise you to properly research into Islam. To claim that we believe in a moon god or anything else shows that you know nothing about our religion. I just wish that you would look into it more before spreading around such claims.

1. Respectfully, claiming Islam to be pagan or have any relation to paganism goes against the main premise of our religion. The first phrase of our Shahadah (the sentence we use to profess our faith) reads (in english), "There is no god but God".

2. Allah is the ARABIC word for God. It does not mean 'moon god' nor do we claim so. Arab Christians also use the word Allah to refer to God as that is simply what the word means.

If you have any questions, I will try my best to help you and answer them. You seem to be on a long journey searching for the "Truth", and inshallah Allah will guide you to the right path and help you find it in Islam. :)


Sep 4, 2023
As a Muslim....If you have any questions, I will try my best to help you and answer them. You seem to be on a long journey searching for the "Truth", and inshallah Allah will guide you to the right path and help you find it in Islam. :)
Thanks mate, as a Christian i'd like to ask why muslims follow Mohammed instead of Jesus?..:)


Apr 26, 2017
Allah is the ARABIC word for God. It does not mean 'moon god' nor do we claim so. Arab Christians also use the word Allah to refer to God as that is simply what the word means.
What is the Arabic word for the Hebrew name of God, YHVH? Do you have a translation of that name (hint: not Allah)?

What it appears like to me, is that Mohammed ripped off Judaism and Christianity to make his own version of a political ideology wrapped in religious phraseology, plagiarizing that phraseology from Judaism and Christianity. However, like Catholicism, the ancient pagan practices are still a part of everyday Islam, past down from its pagan history.

elsbet's cat ^. .^

Mar 18, 2023
As Christians who truly read and understand the scriptures, we already know how these things would play out. It does not really matter if one supports Israel or not, or if Israel get support from others or not...God is always in control and nothing happens to Israel without His permission, in fact, nothing happens in this world without His permission.
As for the Elect (true believers/true Christians), they could be pagans, muslims, atheists or satanists today (or yesterday) but once God calls them at the appointed time, they will hear His voice, and will truly repent, and will worship Him while awaiting the return of Jesus Christ...for they belong to Him from the beginning.
I love this post.
I agree.

And that promise to Abram affects everyone.
We seem to ignore the last part of the exchange between Abram and God.

Now Yahweh said to Abram...
“I will make of you a great nation,
and I will bless you & make your name
great, so that you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you
and curse those who curse you;
and all the families of the earth
will be blessed through you
Gen. 12 | See also: GEN. 22:18

Literally-- "And blessed in thee shall be all the families of the ground."

The significance -> the ground was cursed for the sake of Adam, who fell by transgression. But now shall the ground again participate in the blessing. Barnes

Further exposition calls this another step in removing the curse (which also affects everyone) -- that is, the revelation of Mercy.
* See link above.
-- revelation of mercy
(He) designed that this step should be the means of effectually recalling the sin-enthralled world to the knowledge and love of himself... another step in the great process of removing the curse of sin, dispensing the blessing of pardon, and eventually drawing all the nations to accept of his mercy.

The special call of Abram contemplates the calling of the Gentiles as its final issue, and is therefore to be regarded as one link in a series... by which the legal obstacles to the divine mercy are to be taken out of the way, and the Spirit of the Lord is to prevail with still more and more of men to return to God.
. . .


Jun 28, 2020
When Israel is routinely openly evil. Why do so many defend it?

Imagine your family member dying, their body disappears, and it's returned later missing organs. Stolen because the body of your loved one is worth a couple of dollars to someone else.

Desecration of the dead is a war crime, but it's insanely obvious Israel is above the law. Always has been. Atrocity after atrocity after atrocity and those who claim to follow Jesus are right there to defend it.

Do you think God will not hold you accountable?

Why do you people support satan incarnate?

I seek refuge with God from being amongst the ignorant.




Sep 4, 2023
When Israel is routinely openly evil. Why do so many defend it?..

Because they mistakenly think jews are God's "Chosen People" and feel obliged to support them.
That may have been true in ancient times, but then they went and murdered his son in contravention of Commandment 6, and stole Palestine in contravention of Commandments and 8 and 10, so if they're still his 'chosen people' I'm the Queen of Sheba..:)


Last edited:


Jun 28, 2020
Israel is openly satanic, but so many Christians here put their heads on the ground for them.

Why is that?

Any Israel supporters want to tell us how you sleep at night when you give support to these monsters?


15-second video of a chosenite telling you they are looking for babies to kill.


Sep 4, 2023
We could even speculate that God is using Hamas to punish the jews for murdering his son-
"Raise a banner on a bare hilltop, I have summoned my warriors to carry out my destroy the whole country...and destroy the sinners within it" (Isaiah ch 13)


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

Who are the Jewish people of today related to? What does DNA science reveal about who are the ancestors of the Jews?
The answer to these questions about the history of the Jewish Ashkenazi or Khazar Jews empire will shock you, and will no doubt cause you to question everything you know about modern day Jews and the state of Israel.

We need to pray for the true Jews to accept Jesus as their Messiah, but we also need to discern the truth about the leaders of Israel, the Ashkenazi Jews.

Here’s the list of Jewish witnesses that testify about the Ashkenazi people:

So how can there be millions of people called Jews in a state called Israel?

Let’s start with the understanding that a person can convert to the religion of Judaism and call themselves a ‘Jew’, even though they’re not an actual descendent of Abraham.

With that in mind, you will be shocked to learn that the newest DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have confirmed that:

97% of the 17 million of the world’s Jews ARE NOT descendants of Abraham.

Today they’re called Ashkenazi Jews, but they are a Jew by religion, not by blood.
Most of them have Turkish-Mongol DNA.

Tay-Sachs disease affects Ashkenazi Jews, but not semitic Jews.

Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic disorder caused by a missing enzyme that results in the accumulation of a fatty substance in the nervous system; which affects chiefly Ashkenazic Jews.

Ashkenaz descend from Japheth and Gomer, not from Shem; so that are not semites. Abram (Abraham) descended from Shem, the Ashekenaz did not.

The Khazar heritage of Ashkenazi Jews is a historical fact, and hence forfeits their Biblical Right to Palestine, which is often cited by Israeli leaders and fundamental Christian supporters

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

Notice the brief mention of ukraine... could ukraine be a plan b? Would explain why the zionist controlled US govt has been funneling money there.

So who are the Jewish Khazars?
From 652-1016 A.D., there was a medieval kingdom of Khazaria that included part of modern day Russia, Ukraine, and a sliver of what is now Kazakhstan.


They were warriors who worshiped many false gods, making them ripe for invasion.

They were being pressured by the Holy Roman Empire in the West, Russian Orthodox Christians in the North, and from the Islamic Caliphate in the East.

Russian Prince Vladimir would force people to become Christians, or cut off their head.

In the 8th Century, under the reign of King Bulan, they adopted Judaism as their religion. And when the king converts, everyone converts.

This was not a spiritual choice, just a way to avoid conflict with other countries.

Talmudic Rabbi’s were brought in from Babylon, to teach the people Jewish traditions.

After a few hundred years, the people were fully converted to their beliefs.

They were steeped in Judaism rituals, and became “self-styled” Jews with their clothing, beards, long hair on the side, etc…

The Khazarian Empire was a war-like people, who used to be hired out by other countries for battles, so they were already very domineering.

The Jewish Babylonian Talmud told them they could rule the world and have all of the wealth, so they embraced the global domination view of the Talmud.

Prince Vladimer of Russia did attack Khazaria, causing the Khazar Jews to flee. Then Genghis Khan conquered the land and the rest of them fled.

The Khazar Jews settled in Russia (they pretended to be Christian to hide there), Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

The history of the Jewish Ashkenazi people is one of domination.
They would infiltrate government and financial institutions to take control through unethical actions, causing countries to pass laws to kick them out.

Here is a partial list of all the countries (and corresponding years) from which the Jews have been legally banished from, over the last thousand years:

France(1182, 1306, 1322, 1394); Upper Bavaria(1276, 1442); England(1276); Saxony(1349); Hungary(1360, 1582); Belgium(1370); Slovakia(1380); Austria(1420); Cologne(1424); Augsburg(1438); Netherlands(1444); Brandenburg(1446, 1510); Warsaw(1483); Spain(1492); Italy(1492, 1540); Lithuania(1495); Portugal(1496); Naples(1496, 1533, 1541); Prussia(1510); Bavaria(1551); Prague(1541, 1557); Hamburg(1649); Vienna(1669); Slovakia(1744); Bohemia(1774); Moscow(1891).

Then due to persecution in Germany and other countries, they were pressed into migrating to Palestine, which became the modern state of Israel.

Not to diminish the tragedy of so many people dying at the hands of the Germans, but since the Ashkenazi Jews aren’t the descendents of Abraham, a homeland should have been created for them in their old land of Khazaria, not in Palestine.


Knowing who are Jews and who aren’t the Jewish people of the Bible, should be common knowledge.
Why has this ground-breaking news not been revealed to the world?

The Jesuit-controlled Ashkenazi Jews are able to suppress the research books and DNA findings, because they own and control:

  • Associated Press and Reuters, which delivers the news to the world’s media.
  • Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSN, and every other major news channel.
  • Most radio stations, major newspapers and the top magazines.
Just as they invaded countries throughout history; they have infiltrated the U.S. government, financial institutions, and businesses, to take control. This topic will be covered in more detail in another study.

“Controlled opposition” figures like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc., are censored by them. The Jesuits allow them to give you some of the truth (to make you think that they’re defending you), but they never give you the whole truth.

Rabbinical Torah Jews believe that the Zionist state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent Jews or Judaism.
Torah Jews study God’s Torah only, not the Satanic Egyptian Kaballah or the Babylonian Talmud, that the Ashkenazi Jewish leader study and revere.

They believe that the world must know that the Ashkenazi Jews have illegitimately seized the name “Israel” and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!

They believe that contemporary sovereignty over the Holy Land belongs to those who have lived there for centuries, the Palestinians. They desire to live in peace and harmony with their Muslim Brethren, as their ancestors did.

What are the implications of these DNA findings on their control of Israel?
Since they are not of the ancestry of Abraham, they have no right to the land of Israel, or to persecute the Palestinians, whom they kicked off of the land.

In another study, we’ll focus on how the state of Israel was created by the Jesuits via the Rothchild family, and what their end-times plans are for it.

For now, just realize that all three of the major religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) look to Jerusalem as their holy place, so as the Jesuits move us towards a New World Order, they will use Jerusalem as their world headquarters.

In order to do that, they had to take control of the land.

This also helps them deceive Christians about end-times prophecy, as they have conditioned us to look to the state of Israel.

Now that you know that 97% of Jewish people are Khazar Jews, what will you do?

Or will you return to the programming of the Jesuits?

Friend, we’ve been lied to about the Jews. And Christians have blindly accepted what we’ve been taught, instead of searching out truth for ourselves.

I’m not saying that all Christian Pastors have intentionally done this, but there are many pro-Israel pastors who aren’t teaching you the truth.

This end-times deception about the Jews and Israel changes everything!

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth about who are the Jewish people.
Repent of your former beliefs.

Pray for the true Israelites and Palestinians, that they would come to accept Jesus as their Messiah.

Pray for the true Israelites and Palestinians as they face persecution from the Ashkenazi Jews.


Nov 29, 2023
Israel is openly satanic, but so many Christians here put their heads on the ground for them.

Why is that?

Any Israel supporters want to tell us how you sleep at night when you give support to these monsters?

View attachment 98983

15-second video of a chosenite telling you they are looking for babies to kill.
An enormous number of them must now know that they've been conned hook-line and sinker by Satan. My guess is that it's easier for them to Bury their heads in the sand and Hope that at some point this genocide makes sense as to God's plan.

It's confusing though for sure, because by this way of thinking, does this carnage then give way to a peaceful period of time where the Jesus haters realise how wrong they've been and then (what was once Gaza ((Palestine)), now gets turned into a peaceful place?

To any sane minded person none of this makes any sense at all.


Sep 4, 2023
God works in mysterious ways-
So we could speculate that he engineered Hamas into attacking Israel so that the world would see Israel's murderous over-the-top response and hate Israel?