All-purpose, off-topic religious responses thread


Jun 28, 2020
Also a quick question: do muslims believe Noah existed? I've seen multiple references of us all being descended from Adam and Eve, but it would be more accurate to say we are all descended from the 3 sons of Noah, as everyone else died in the flood. Both are correct, i was just curious.
Of course. Like Jesus name is Isa in Arabic and Davids is Dawood, Noah is known as Nuh. Feel free to look him up if you want an Islamic perspective.

Interesting you should mention the great flood. There are people who say it wasn't global and others who say it was. In all honestly i never looked into it and I have no opinion.

Much like the nation of Prophet Lot in the Bible, God created several nations and wiped them out. I've mentioned the people of Aad before. They were a nation of giants who were wiped out because of disbelief. If you look into Petra, homes carved into the mountains, there are people who say this was the home of Aad and God knows best.

I guess you could say we all come from Noah's offspring, but who did Noah come from? Our books agree that mankind originated from Adam and Eve.

As I've mentioned before, all of your prophets (all of them) are our prophets as well. Peace and blessings of God be upon all of them.
Jun 26, 2022
western women can do that or dress provocatively (should they wish) and have the right to not be molested.
Now if only western women would realize en masse that by dressing provocatively they are effectively committing sexual harrassment on any unwitting onlookers. Even if western men know better than to act on their urges for the most part, it doesn't change the fact that the urges occur.

I've heard the rebuttal "then look down/look away". Not good enough. Life's not meant to be lived staring at the floor.

And nowhere am i saying they don't have the right to, i am saying that it is a shame that the west has lost all semblance of decency and respect of others.
Mar 30, 2017
I've read that video transcript before years ago, and there is much truth in it when it comes to the elite's plan.

I have to admit that the phrase "we are all one" triggers me, as it is difficult for me to see past the new age movement when it comes to that phrase.

As far as what i mentioned in my previous post (loving God over loving our neighbor), when i mentioned a conflict of interest i was referring to loving those who are actively going against God's will, using their egos as their guide as you put it.
I appreciate your apprehension with the "we are all one" phase. I think the New Agers high jacked it to confuse people, which is no surprise. From my perspective, I see it from this standpoint as Lee Strobel indicates in the documentary "The Case for the Creator":

LEE STROBEL The Case for a Creator Full documentary (59 mins, 47 secs)

You might've already watched it, but they describe that all humans have the same base for DNA, which is ACTG. It's from that mindset that I think "we're all one".


Jun 28, 2020
It is a country created by a christian population who chose to have their government separated from religious matters.
It is a country that systematically murdered millions of native Indians in the name of the church.


Is this not the reality of it?


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Which is ironic as we currently fund another genocidal, sadistic, colonizing state over in the middle east.

Interesting how they also believe they have a God given right to kill others.
May 18, 2018
It is a country that systematically murdered millions of native Indians in the name of the church.

View attachment 89973

Is this not the reality of it?

View attachment 89974

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Which is ironic as we currently fund another genocidal, sadistic, colonizing state over in the middle east.

Interesting how they also believe they have a God given right to kill others.
Completely tangential to my point. I was just reading about a monument to a family who was travelling by wagon, and an Indian tribe murdered them all, including over a dozen children and 7 women. History had conquests, your religion advocates for them probably stronger than any other documents in the world. The Quran led to bloody conquests and occupied lands and drove out native customs with a “God given right to kill others”. Iran is a native Zoroastrian country, why don’t Muslims leave and let the native zoroastrians practice in peace? Same with Pakistan, a traditionally Hindu country conquested through bloody violence, etc, so don’t throw stones in glass houses


Jun 28, 2020
Completely tangential to my point. I was just reading about a monument to a family who was travelling by wagon, and an Indian tribe murdered them all, including over a dozen children and 7 women. History had conquests, your religion advocates for them probably stronger than any other documents in the world. The Quran led to bloody conquests and occupied lands and drove out native customs with a “God given right to kill others”. Iran is a native Zoroastrian country, why don’t Muslims leave and let the native zoroastrians practice in peace? Same with Pakistan, a traditionally Hindu country conquested through bloody violence, etc, so don’t throw stones in glass houses
Ya, i figured you'd argue this.

Gee, i wonder why an Indian would kill non-Indians? Depending on what you read we killed 12 million to 60 million Indians. How many of us have to die to even the score?

Speaking of personal religions, who has the most bloodshed on their hands? If i had to guess it would be the one involved in the 30 years war. Remember that one? Where Christians in Europe tried to wipe out Christians in Europe?

Smile 2 Jannah - FAZE APEX GETS HATE AFTER POSTING THIS [dcfugcciQjo - 880x495 - 0m24s].png

The Quran led to bloody conquests
Indeed, Islam is not a pacifist religion. Rome and Persia were both conquered by the sword, least I'm honest about it, unlike others here.
What was it Jesus said again? Something about coming with a sword?

Iran, Pakistan. Don't you know I'm American? There is not a single Muslim in my bloodline to my knowledge. Why won't you recognize our history? Am i not white enough for you?

Remember the times you have trolled me? Like the one post with the cartoon, where you asked why i didn't post the entire thing and other times? Ya, that's why I"m here, shining a light on your hypocrisy. Tit for tat as they say.

As i watch them hang the trans flag on the White house and see the elite gather around Moloch in Bohemian grove for their regular child sacrifice, you can keep calling this a Christian nation. I mean we all have dreams.


Jun 17, 2017
Now if only western women would realize en masse that by dressing provocatively they are effectively committing sexual harrassment on any unwitting onlookers. Even if western men know better than to act on their urges for the most part, it doesn't change the fact that the urges occur.
this goes back to the discussion on whether civilized society has become hypersexualized in the first place. any jungle natives in south america are barely dressed, but i would think that male urges arent a problem. nudity is natural and normal and really shouldnt elicit a sexual response. bundling up our bodies over centuries (in temperate zones) has created this.

And nowhere am i saying they don't have the right to, i am saying that it is a shame that the west has lost all semblance of decency and respect of others.
in any event, topless women on a beach should be free to lie out there like the guys without being harrassed by others who find their lack of clothing blasphemous.
May 18, 2018
Indeed, Islam is not a pacifist religion. Rome and Persia were both conquered by the sword, least I'm honest about it, unlike others here.
So you believe in killing and conquest in the name of God, what’s all the commotion about then?
Remember the times you have trolled me? Like the one post with the cartoon, where you asked why i didn't post the entire thing and other times? Ya, that's why I"m here, shining a light on your hypocrisy. Tit for tat as they say
How is that a troll? You posted half a cartoon so I posted the whole thing. You are way too touchy man.

you can keep calling this a Christian nation. I mean we all have dreams.
Again as I said, it is a nation that was created by a Christian population, that stands unrefuted if you were trying to do that here.


Jun 28, 2020
So you believe in killing and conquest in the name of God, what’s all the commotion about then?
I'm not the one saying that a nation literally built on innocent blood is a nation that fears God.

Were some Indians bloodthirsty savages? No doubt, but not no 12 million. We literally wiped them out, exactly like Israel is trying to do to Palestinians today.

Israel will fall because prophecy speaks of it, but imagine if they stood, and won against their victims. 200 years from now they would be telling their children exactly what we tell ours. How we were "heroes". Indeed the winner tells his-story.

How is that a troll? You posted half a cartoon so I posted the whole thing. You are way too touchy man.
Nah, you did it to undermine the point i was trying to make. As i said, my point was the same whether i used the entire cartoon or not.

Why i bothered to edit it, idk. Think was because it took up too much space, idr. Most images here i have to edit because i use a 4k monitor and you can only upload 2mb files here. So pretty much every screenshot for me needs to be reduced. Annoying but in most cases worth it.

As they say an image is worth 1000 words. Gimp is free and i can make edits, like blurring excessive skin on woman.
Probably not a western thing but if you looked into it, you'd be surprised to find there are Christians out there that cover like Muslims.

1692589222832.png 1692589253636.png 1692589366993.png

Again as I said, it is a nation that was created by a Christian population, that stands unrefuted if you were trying to do that here.
Seems the devil is in the details. So my bad on that front as i misread it. Still, a Christian nation it does not make.
Jun 26, 2022
this goes back to the discussion on whether civilized society has become hypersexualized in the first place. any jungle natives in south america are barely dressed, but i would think that male urges arent a problem. nudity is natural and normal and really shouldnt elicit a sexual response. bundling up our bodies over centuries (in temperate zones) has created this.
In my religious opinion, i respectfully disagree that people of either sex should be walking around naked, or in clothes so small they may as well be naked. (Beaches may be a different story, and if so i'll be sure to stay away)

Also in my religious opinion i think people should consider how they affect others.

Morality cannot be legislated of course, but as i mentioned in the previous post i would be nice if women would voluntarily choose to stop this downward slide into visual promiscuity. A revival of sorts.
Jun 26, 2022
On the topic of Christians covering up...

You can look at images from about 200 years ago to see most Americans wore "hijab." As it was shameful for a woman to show her hair, mainly due to the Bible condemning it. (1 Corinthians 11:6)
I did some research on this and found out that as recent as the mid 1900s women were expected to wear a head covering at least to church. The reason they stopped is because of feminism, and finding it "oppressive". This is not even kept a secret, it appears to be almost common knowledge.
May 18, 2018
I'm not the one saying that a nation literally built on innocent blood is a nation that fears God.

Were some Indians bloodthirsty savages? No doubt, but not no 12 million. We literally wiped them out, exactly like Israel is trying to do to Palestinians today.

Israel will fall because prophecy speaks of it, but imagine if they stood, and won against their victims. 200 years from now they would be telling their children exactly what we tell ours. How we were "heroes". Indeed the winner tells his-story.
Ok but again, you believe in the validity of violet conquest in the name of God so it’s basic hypocracy to condemn it. Rules for thee and not for me


Jun 17, 2017
In my religious opinion, i respectfully disagree that people of either sex should be walking around naked, or in clothes so small they may as well be naked. (Beaches may be a different story, and if so i'll be sure to stay away)
i was mainly thinking of the beach. there would sanitary issues in public.
we will have to disagree on this. and thats OK!

Morality cannot be legislated of course, but as i mentioned in the previous post i would be nice if women would voluntarily choose to stop this downward slide into visual promiscuity. A revival of sorts.
i think this will problem will correct itself in the short term, with a growing conservative wave.
Mar 30, 2017
Somewhat coincidental that these two messages should derive from different sources:

"8 Ways Satan Tries to Stop You from Worshiping
1. He makes the world look beautiful, attractive and desirable.
Many people profess Christ and see him as desirable for a time. For a while they enjoy private and public worship and do it all with enthusiasm. But before long Satan presents to them worldly things and makes those look more beautiful and desirable than Christ, and many souls are drawn away.
“Where one thousand are destroyed by the world’s frowns, ten thousand are destroyed by the world’s smiles.”
2. He makes you aware of the fact that those who worship the Lord have often faced danger, loss and suffering.
There are many men who would obey the Lord and worship him, except that they fear the consequences. Satan loves to present the high cost of obedience. This was the case for many in Jesus day: “Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue” (John 12:42).
3. He gives you an awareness of the difficulty of worshipping well.
Satan will whisper, “It is difficult to pray well, it is hard to spend time with the Lord and to persevere until he speaks to you through his Word, it isn’t worth the effort of going to church and being warm and friendly and engaging with other Christians.”
Whatever God tells you to do, Satan will present it to you as a great burden or as something you do poorly, and in this way he will keep you from it.
4. He leads you to wrongly understand the implications of the gospel.
Christ has done everything for you and given everything you need in his death and resurrection. There is nothing left for you to do but rejoice in Christ and to serve him out of the joy of salvation.
But Satan will lead you to make wrong inferences from what Christ has done, encouraging you, for example, to believe Christ has freed you from the need or desire to spend time with him or to gather with other Christians.
He will allow you to see the gospel, but do all he can to make you understand it all wrong.
5. He shows you how many of those who follow Christ with obedience are poor and despised.
Satan will ensure you see that those who are most interested in worshipping God are the poorest and most despised of all. You can see echoes of this in John 7: “The Pharisees answered them, ‘Have you also been deceived? Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed’.”
6. He shows you that the majority of the people in the world, along with the great and mighty of the world, do not worship the Lord.
Satan will ask, “Don’t you see that the great, the rich, the honorable, the intellectual elite, the wise, the most honored, and the sheer majority of people do not trouble themselves with worshipping the Lord? You would be much better off to be like them.
After all, why would you think that you, of all people, have this figured out?” To have success here he will intentionally draw your attention away from Exodus 23:2 and many similar passages: “You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice.”
7. He fills your mind with unimportant and distracting thoughts while you are attempting to worship.
He afflicts you with so much distraction and futility that you are tempted to say, “I have no desire to hear from the Lord in his Word, no desire to speak to him in prayer, no desire to spend time with other Christians in worship services.”
He crowds out the very thought of worship by the sheer weight of lesser concerns.
8. He encourages you to take comfort in past performances of your religious duties and in that way he convinces you to stop trying.
He reminds you that in the past you read so much and prayed so much and spent so much time in worship. And having reminded you, he convinces you that you have earned the right to coast for a while. “You already know this. You’ve already done this. You’ve already prayed this. You’ve been to better worship services than this.” And through it all he inclines you to rest from worship."


I enjoyed Hugo's analysis, especially when referencing Huey Lewis and the News lyrics:

"It don't take money and it don't take fame
Don't need no credit card to ride this train"

The Power Of Love / Hugo Talks


Aug 8, 2023
Now if only western women would realize en masse that by dressing provocatively they are effectively committing sexual harrassment on any unwitting onlookers. Even if western men know better than to act on their urges for the most part, it doesn't change the fact that the urges occur.
I think this shows you have innate Muslim tendencies.

However, "if only western women would realize"- if only they would realize... oh- but they do realize! they know very well what they are doing.

many people men and women will do anti-social things if no mechanism is in place to castigate their behavior. therefore the bounds of what is acceptable must be made clear and there must be the will and the practice to combat immorality and indecency. fighting these cancers is necesary.

Islam is really vast and I don't think it should be reduced to the issues that some refer to as "culture war" issues. Islam is primarily about tawheed. but when you look at how the west or many socities are turning into a cesspool, you can choose a stance of passively accepting the society turning into Sodom and Gomorrah and utterly sell out the next generations and be a failure in not doing anything to combat the tide of immorality..... or you can go for an option that is opposed to the wave of immorality and is effective. the option that is opposed and that is effective is Islam. Islam is the only solution that effectively deals with the moral degeneration of society. Christianity is probably second. With Christianity, you can sort of philosophize as to how the society is immoral and you can complain. But modern Christians have some strange philosophy that Christianity doesn't allow them to do anything actually effective and so they should just accept their kids being turned into harlots and homos. I have a feeling their witch-burning predeccessors interpreted Christianity a bit differently. Anyways, Islam is the only solution. It is the only solution by which we can go beyond recognizing the immorality and lamenting- and actually effectively clean up the society. of course Muslims don't really have power in the West- but where Muslims do have power, it can be seen that Muslims get results. all the other viewpoints that are counter to liberalism have apparently been stripped of their spine in a way that is very convenient to the pro-degeneracy forces.


Aug 8, 2023
i think this will problem will correct itself in the short term, with a growing conservative wave.
I believe this is pure QAnon cope on the part of conservatives. the pendulum... the pendulum.... "two more weeks".... the West has been moving in the same decadent direction since around the 40's or 50's, the movement has been consistently in the same direction and the pendulum has never arrived to save the day. waiting for the pendulum is like waiting for Trump to "lock up the deep state," or Putin to save the day.... the pendulum is just a variation of "trust the plan".

expecting this alleged pendulum to jump in... it's like not going to work and expecting the pendulum to put in the hours and earn the paycheck for you. or not going to the grocery store and expecting the pendulum to deliver your groceries.

in fact, the pendulum already showed up in the 20's and 30's and was destroyed by the allied powers in WW2.


Mar 23, 2021
yes. you made at least two (maybe 3) insinuations of it. here, on the white supremacy thread, and on the sharia law thread. if you have a problem, why not confront me directly?

i believe not.
even if i had, what does that prove? that i hate black people? by extension, then, most black people hate themselves.
this thread is about islam, anyway. what does religion have to do with race at all?

LOL. this reminds me of a few years ago when thundarians avatar (paul newman, of course) was spotted somewhere on facebook by another member and was accused of having that FB account.
before you go and make an assumption like you did (what american indian tribe wore bones in their nose?), always do a little research. posting a false claim puts a hole in your argument and destroys credibility. (if it makes you feel better...for the record, i think youre the 3rd person to accuse me of this. the last one being etagloc.)

Kid From Borneo

its a good thing i didnt use chubbie as my avatar from my second favorite episode, 'the new teacher'. you would assume i was morbidly obese.

He won't he is an actual coward. Bully personality is very present with @Daze. He claims if you don't agree 100% with islam then you hate muslims...very assumptive imho but to each their own i guess. Division starts with the likes of him
Oct 20, 2021
On the topic of Christians covering up...

I did some research on this and found out that as recent as the mid 1900s women were expected to wear a head covering at least to church. The reason they stopped is because of feminism, and finding it "oppressive". This is not even kept a secret, it appears to be almost common knowledge.
People complain about wearing a mask including me but aren't burkas the original face mask. I can't think of a worse hell than to have to wear one of those especially in the extremely hot climates that they wear them in.