All-purpose, off-topic religious responses thread


Dec 27, 2017
The pastor who i mostly listened to and read is very anti jesuit and anti papacy, but yeah, a focus on the future as far as THE antichrist, as opposed to antichrists plural. But i think he says the catholic church is the whore, not the antichrist. That may be correct, since the catholic church went wrong when they accepted and enforced the worship of diana/ishtar/the whore.
In the Bible the whore, the antichrist, the little horn in the book of Daniel, the first beast are all the same power which is the papacy.

The whore part is the church because a woman in prophecy represents a church. If the woman is a whore, then she is an impure, or fallen, church that is unfaithful to Jesus. Jesus is written of as the husband to woman/the church in the Bible.

The First beast on Revelation 13 is written of in mainly a political way though there are some religious aspects too.

The antichrist is against Christ which the papacy is.

I personally don't tend to think of the whole Catholic church as the whore, the antichrist or first beast. I think of the hierarchy in the church as those things. Most Catholics don't know what really goes on in their church at the top and has been for centuries.

The fact that "mainstream" Christianity dislikes him and has tried to hide his work and teachings gave me the idea that perhaps he could be trusted, but being objective i have to say that he is probably just controlled opposition... some lies mixed in with truths...
What is his name? I always pray that I can be able to discern controlled opposition from the truth of God. The Jesuits and illuminists are good at and are always controlling both sides of the narrative.
Jun 26, 2022
What is his name? I always pray that I can be able to discern controlled opposition from the truth of God. The Jesuits and illuminists are good at and are always controlling both sides of the narrative.
It's peter ruckman.

He was very anti mason, papacy, jesuits, catholic, etc. Seemed to know a lot about conspiracy theories. Even now, when i listen to pastors who studied under him they will discuss things that the majority of Christians will not. These same critics will also attack "comspiracy theorists", so if anything that just gives him more credibility. Is that the intended purpose as controlled opposition? Who knows...

Mainstream Christianity seems to be almost ashamed of him.
There was a wiki type site for Christianity and there was no entry for him, even though he wrote dozens, if not over a hundred, books and Bible commentaries. Kind of weird that he gets an actual wikipedia entry but not on the Christian site.

I've read, on this forum i think, that he was controlled opposition to discredit the KJV, since he was an unapologetic King James onlyist. Could be...

A troubling fact was that he claimed in the past to have been possesed in his youth when he studied eastern religions while stationed in asia during his time in the army. A critic of his claimed that ruckman refers to the possesion as an ongoing thing, it was in this book.

Ruckman became so involved in Zen Buddhism in Japan that it consumed much of his time and thought. Concerning this time, he says, "I lived like the devil."7 He talked Buddhism with the Japanese, studied Zen, yoga, and meditated until he attained a state of samadhi (nirvana). His soul flew out of his body and floated around the room.8 This out-of-body experience was interpreted by him as enlightenment. However, after his soul flew out of his body and floated around the room, Ruckman sank deeper into immorality. Thoughts of suicide constantly filled his mind.9 Ruckman himself now states that he had let in demons during the passive state of samadhi (nirvana), when his soul flew out of his body.10

Coming back from Japan, Ruckman wanted to stay in the Army. But since he had gone AWOL in Hawaii, he didn't re-enlist. Instead, he returned to the United States. Here is his own description of himself at this time, "I came back uneasled(sic), uneasy, unsettled, full of demons, intense, emotional, disturbed, philosophical, brooding, frustrated." 11 Describing the method by which he became demonized, Ruckman says:

I'd sit at night crosslegged with the Japanese around the stove. I want to talk music. They'd say, don’t talk music, Lieutenant. Talk Buddha. And I'd talk Buddha. I was ahead of some of them. I studied Zen. I studied the Sutras, studied yoga; sat cross- legged, concentrated on the object until all was blank. One night in the hotel room I had the experience of nirvana, which the Zen call samadhi, the dislocation of the spirit from the body, temporarily. When that happened I thought I'd attained what I was looking for. I had found the enlightenment. I had found the answer. It was an unforgettable experience. And yet, looking at my moral life following that experience, and my desire at times to commit suicide, I realize I had produced a passive state, which was an entrance for spirits. And the spirits that entered are not the spirits described in the Bible in speaking of the Holy Ghost and the Lord Jesus Christ.12

Thus, Ruckman plainly tells us that demons came into him, spirits that were "not the spirits described in the Bible in speaking of the Holy Ghost and the Lord Jesus Christ." He came back from the war "full of demons." During this period, Ruckman got fired from a job he held at a Pensacola, Florida radio station. He was drinking heavily. He got his wife a job in a dance band. He himself was a disc jockey in the daytime and played drums at night. Ruckman got so depressed that he got a gun to kill himself.13

It was at this point, on the verge of suicide, that Ruckman began to hear a series of voices. He himself interprets the voices as being the voice of God, for the most part. He thinks that he learned to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of demons through yoga. Concerning this experience,

Ruckman said:

I guess if you were as stupid and as superstitious as a psychiatrist, you might say I was hearing voices. But you don't pull that one on me, because in yoga and samadhi and nirvana you get rid of the voices before you contact. And you get to the place where you can discern the subconscious voice from the subliminal level coming through.14

After stealing the Bible, reading it briefly and tossing aside, Ruckman went to see a Catholic priest and began studying to join the Catholic church.



Getting drunk again, Ruckman heard a voice, which he thought, was the voice of God when he got back to his room. The voice said, "If you don't get saved tonight you're going to Hell." Ruckman interprets this as the voice of God, but he did not get saved that night. He is not in Hell. Therefore, the voice lied to him. I think that most Bible-believing Christians will agree that the voice, which spoke to him on this occasion, as well as the other occasions, was demonic. At the end of hearing this series of voices Ruckman says that he felt that he was losing his mind.15

But his critic also seems to make some false claims throughout his book, so it's hard to tell...

Also, from reading his material, he had a style that was the opposite of humble, lots of ego. In a way i could understand his frustrations, seeing Christianity falling to secularism and infiltrations, but it seems as though he was "puffed up with knowledge". His defenders have tried to claim his demeanor is reminiscent of Old Testament prophets, but i know with many that's one of the biggest issues with him.

And then i've caught a few contradictions or inconsistencies... seems as though some of the claims are made hoping people will not check his work.

Then, this is just circumstantial, but i tend to think that people who have wikipedia pages AND have ancestors or relatives who also have wikipedia pages are insiders/elite. His grandfather had a fort named after him, and his father was a chief engineer who worked on the manhattan project. So i don't think he was exactly one of the "common folk".

Theres this website dedicated to refuting his teachings. I've gone through it before but its been a couple years and i hadn't studied the Bible as much then as i have now.
