All-purpose, off-topic religious responses thread


Aug 8, 2023
The more i read about francoist spain the more it sounds horrific
I think the mistake is believing what you read about Francoist Spain. Democracy has been a disaster for that country.

Anyways, we over here talk about the Freemasons- if we even get to the point where we figure out it's them. As for Franco- Franco went to war with the Freemasons and won. Of course they are going to paint him as this mustache-twirling supervillain and gloss over the many Spaniards who lived during that time and miss it. And some of that stuff, like the "stolen babies" thing... I think it's fake. I could go into all sorts of evidence but I'm not really here to promote Franco.

Why did General Franco hate the freemasons so much?
Spain’s Grand Lodge is aiming to recover its reputation after it was almost wiped out by the dictatorship

yes, of course the media is going to hate this guy.

and I assume that what you read very likely didn't mention how the reds he fought were raping and killing nuns, how they were genociding Christians and how the followers of your religion in red-controlled Spain were mass-murdered just for being Christians.

side-note: did people know Franco used to finance sending Muslims on hajj?

When Franco was considered "a good Muslim"

It was December 1936, the Civil War had just broken out and Radio Tetuan announced to the entire Spanish protectorate in Morocco that General Francisco Franco had prepared a military steamship to take three hundred Muslims from Ceuta to Jeddah, the Saudi port where the war begins. pilgrimage to Mecca. From then until 1951, the Franco regime organized and financed the hajj , the visit that every Muslim has to make, at least once in their lives, to the most important sanctuary in Islam.



Aug 8, 2023
you just said that you knew the NWO was pushing the degeneracy in the west. now you want to give them the right to combat immorality?
it's pushing degeneracy everywhere, some of the societies just have the backbone to put a stop to it.
Jun 26, 2022
This low quality, poorly drawn comic strip i found is a great example of what i mean when i say that "some are allowed to be against the degeneracy"


Christians are simply not allowed to be against the agenda.

I see it all the time, we get mocked if we choose to dress modestly and the same person turns around and praises Muslims who do.

We get told to not "judge" and to be "accepting" and the same person turns around and says that the reason Muslims are anti-lgbwhatever is because of their religion and that's fine.

I hate to come across as though i'm wishing ill upon anyone, but once the agenda believes they're done destroying Christianity they will come after you next...
Jun 26, 2022
and I assume that what you read very likely didn't mention how the reds he fought were raping and killing nuns, how they were genociding Christians and how the followers of your religion in red-controlled Spain were mass-murdered just for being Christians
I sound like a broken record, but once again, do you mean Christians or catholics?

It's terrible if anyone was being r*ped or murdered. But even if we disregard the missing children (which i think there's some truth to, but we'll agree to disagree on that one), there are plenty of other things wrong which i listed in the other posts.


Aug 8, 2023
I sound like a broken record, but once again, do you mean Christians or catholics?

It's terrible if anyone was being r*ped or murdered. But even if we disregard the missing children (which i think there's some truth to, but we'll agree to disagree on that one), there are plenty of other things wrong which i listed in the other posts.
I wouldn't trust the other things either unless they were verified. and mere claims by the msm do not constitute verification in my book.
Jun 26, 2022
I wouldn't trust the other things either unless they were verified. and mere claims by the msm do not constitute verification in my book.
But who is going to verify them?

As you said, msm will be pro agenda.

But catholic sources will be pro catholic.

Where are these impartial unbiased sources?


Aug 8, 2023
This low quality, poorly drawn comic strip i found is a great example of what i mean when i say that "some are allowed to be against the degeneracy"

Christians are simply not allowed to be against the agenda.
pure falsehood.... some lefties say some mean things against you.... Muslims had the US military and NATO sent to bomb them... it is wild to see Christians try to talk like this... the Muslims were having the bombs dropped on them but Christians are the real persecuted ones according to these false claims...

Muslims stand up to it in a way that Christians don't because modern Christians aren't cut from the same cloth as modern Muslims or pre-modern Christians.... you don't know about the struggles Muslims face but Muslims stand up regardless... it isn't the fault of Muslims that modern Christians just.... I don't want know how to put it without sounding insulting... they just don't have the sort of seriousness when it comes to opposing degeneracy... Muslims get opposed just like anyone but the Muslims stand up to the degeneracy regardless... I can see why Christians would want to downplay the difference, it doesn't reflect well on their character so they'd rather put all the blame on external forces rather than admit that they just aren't cut from the same cloth

We get told to not "judge" and to be "accepting" and the same person turns around and says that the reason Muslims are anti-lgbwhatever is because of their religion and that's fine.
that's it? that's the big persecution feeding you Christians to the lions? you get told you're judgemental?? Muslims don't get celebrated for being anti-homo, the pro-degenerate elements just can't win because Muslims refuse to bend unlike many of the Christian churches. what you're saying is dissociated from the facts and just cope for Christians not having the kind of spines we have. look at all the pressure that was directed against Qatar. they were trying super hard to push lgbt on Qatar and they want to push lgbt on Muslims but they're not able to because of Muslims refusing to cave.

part of the underlying truth that you want to cover for being inconvenient it is that they can only carry an agenda as far as the population allows them to. if they ("they" being the conspiratorial forces) could have homo parades in Afghanistan, they would love to. but they can't get away with it because the population won't go along with it.
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Aug 8, 2023
a lot of the issue I think is.... modern Christians don't have the deep roots Muslims have. any Muslim with a proper understanding of Islam has a deep connection with his pre-modern counterparts. but modern Christians are not connected with their premodern counterparts. Catholicism of today is nothing like Catholicism of pre-modern times. and Protestantism... we can see here how Protestants excommunicate non-Protestant Christians and so since their sect didn't originate until Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation... they don't even see pre-modern Christians as Christians. they can't go back to ways of thinking prior to classical liberalism that was pushed by Freemasonry. so masonic, classical liberal ideology is built into their thinking so they can't possibly break with the Masonic system.


Aug 8, 2023
is this not a conspiracy forum? are you not conspiracy theorists?

if you are conspiracy theorists, how are you not aware that George Washington and them were freemasons? the United States was created by freemasons. it was built on Freemasonry. the French Revolution also was Masonic.

these classical liberal principles that "conservative Christians" mix in with their Christianity- these principles were brought to you by the Freemasons. it was the Freemasons that brought you these principles and you willingly ingest these masonic principles.

and then you get mad at me because in spite of the efforts of the conspiratorial forces- I as of yet am still not adulterated with masonic principles and refuse to be. your Christianity is not the Christianity of the early Christians and I do not believe that they would recognize your modern, innovated form of Christianity.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
is this not a conspiracy forum? are you not conspiracy theorists?

if you are conspiracy theorists, how are you not aware that George Washington and them were freemasons? the United States was created by freemasons. it was built on Freemasonry. the French Revolution also was Masonic.

these classical liberal principles that "conservative Christians" mix in with their Christianity- these principles were brought to you by the Freemasons. it was the Freemasons that brought you these principles and you willingly ingest these masonic principles.

and then you get mad at me because in spite of the efforts of the conspiratorial forces- I as of yet am still not adulterated with masonic principles and refuse to be. your Christianity is not the Christianity of the early Christians and I do not believe that they would recognize your modern, innovated form of Christianity.
With respect, the above two posts are more polemical than historical. Many Christians today read the writings of Polycarp, Irenaeus and other early “Church fathers” and discern the true message of the gospel in their writings. “Catholicism” as a representation of Christianity did not start off as the thing it became. It was only as it departed by degrees over the centuries from a true representation of the gospel that the fracture point of the Reformation was reached.
Jun 26, 2022
pure falsehood.... some lefties say some mean things against you.... Muslims had the US military and NATO sent to bomb them... it is wild to see Christians try to talk like this... the Muslims were having the bombs dropped on them but Christians are the real persecuted ones according to these false claims...

Muslims stand up to it in a way that Christians don't because modern Christians aren't cut from the same cloth as modern Muslims or pre-modern Christians.... you don't know about the struggles Muslims face but Muslims stand up regardless... it isn't the fault of Muslims that modern Christians just.... I don't want know how to put it without sounding insulting... they just don't have the sort of seriousness when it comes to opposing degeneracy... Muslims get opposed just like anyone but the Muslims stand up to the degeneracy regardless... I can see why Christians would want to downplay the difference, it doesn't reflect well on their character so they'd rather put all the blame on external forces rather than admit that they just aren't cut from the same cloth
I was speaking about american Christians and american Muslims here, not which countries are bombing which...

The culture war, not actual wars. In this country.

And you lumping in all Christians as the same is inaccurate, but whatever.
Jun 26, 2022
a lot of the issue I think is.... modern Christians don't have the deep roots Muslims have. any Muslim with a proper understanding of Islam has a deep connection with his pre-modern counterparts. but modern Christians are not connected with their premodern counterparts. Catholicism of today is nothing like Catholicism of pre-modern times. and Protestantism... we can see here how Protestants excommunicate non-Protestant Christians and so since their sect didn't originate until Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation... they don't even see pre-modern Christians as Christians. they can't go back to ways of thinking prior to classical liberalism that was pushed by Freemasonry. so masonic, classical liberal ideology is built into their thinking so they can't possibly break with the Masonic system.
Catholicism is not synonymous with Christianity.

But i think i know what's going on : you consider Christians idolaters because we believe in Jesus Christ so you figure since we're willing to "worship a man" we won't have a problem worshipping His mother and whatever else the catholic church imposes.

That's why no matter what you insist on equating catholic with Christian despite the catholic church's many unbiblical errors. It doesn't matter to you because muslims believe the Bible is fake anyway.


Aug 8, 2023
With respect, the above two posts are more polemical than historical. Many Christians today read the writings of Polycarp, Irenaeus and other early “Church fathers” and discern the true message of the gospel in their writings. “Catholicism” as a representation of Christianity did not start off as the thing it became. It was only as it departed by degrees over the centuries from a true representation of the gospel that the fracture point of the Reformation was reached.
More polemical than historical? Let's forget polemical vs historical and cut to the core- true vs not true.

I haven't read the early Church fathers so you would have to enlighten me. Did the early church fathers teach "you can't legislate morality"? Were they in favor of a secular state? Of liberal democracy?

I seriously doubt they had the same version of Christianity where you Christians are "kinda sorta" opposed to immorality... you're against in words... but you cannot possibly conceive of using state power to suppress immorality. For example, where would they have stood on outlawing witchcraft? Would any of them have opposed outlawing witchcraft? I'm pretty sure they would all have been unanimously in favor of it being outlawed. And the secular state? I'm pretty not one of them would have supported it. The Bible itself is opposed to secularism, it is unbiblical.

I suppose I am "authoritarian" according to the views of Christians here but I believe every one of those church fathers would have been "authoritarians" as well.


Aug 8, 2023
I was speaking about american Christians and american Muslims here, not which countries are bombing which...

The culture war, not actual wars. In this country.

And you lumping in all Christians as the same is inaccurate, but whatever.
So... the globalist forces that are the same ones behind bombing and invading Muslim countries... are pro Islam??? this is just a fake narrative. they are trying desperately to Westernize us. some Muslims are going along with it but we are resisting the cultural Marxist agenda harder than any other group on earth.


Aug 8, 2023
Catholicism is not synonymous with Christianity.

But i think i know what's going on : you consider Christians idolaters because we believe in Jesus Christ so you figure since we're willing to "worship a man" we won't have a problem worshipping His mother and whatever else the catholic church imposes.

That's why no matter what you insist on equating catholic with Christian despite the catholic church's many unbiblical errors. It doesn't matter to you because muslims believe the Bible is fake anyway.
I get that you excommunicate the Catholics but I consider Protestants and Catholics both to be Christians. From the Muslim viewpoint, they are both Christians. It would be strange for me to adopt a Protestant viewpoint that only the Protestants are Christians. You can't expect me to adopt that view. Yes I don't really care much what's in the Bible and plus even from the Bible viewpoint Martin Luther removed books from the Bible and so the Protestants have less books on their Bibles than the Catholics do. Martin Luther taking books out of the Bible doesn't seem very "sola scriptura" to me.


Aug 8, 2023
It is BECAUSE im a conspiracy theorist that i have researched into it and know the catholic church is incorrect.

That the US was founded by masons does not change that fact.
Yup, Catholic Church is incorrect. Plus the Pope Francis is just a mouthpiece of the conspiratorial forces.
Jun 26, 2022
The Bible itself is opposed to secularism, it is unbiblical.
Chapter and verse, please.

I asked you about this on the thread you made about this topic and your response was that you dont have time to read the Bible because you're focusing on your own religion.

That's fine, but to turn around and claim to know the Bible better than people who read it daily makes no sense.
Jun 26, 2022
So... the globalist forces that are the same ones behind bombing and invading Muslim countries... are pro Islam??? this is just a fake narrative. they are trying desperately to Westernize us. some Muslims are going along with it but we are resisting the cultural Marxist agenda harder than any other group on earth.
Lol no, i never said they are pro islam.

I said first they work on destroying Christianity, then when theyre done with that they'll come for you. That's the overview.

How it works on the ground level is nonstop harassment of Christians, while Muslims get left alone in the ways i mentioned before. Then when all that's left are the "affirming" churches, they will come at the muslims full strength.

And yes, while you resist in your home countries, what do you think is happening in the US? I've met plenty of muslims in school and they had no problems adopting any of the secular western behaviors that were the norm. And that was a decade ago, i can only imagine now.

I get that you excommunicate the Catholics but I consider Protestants and Catholics both to be Christians. From the Muslim viewpoint, they are both Christians. It would be strange for me to adopt a Protestant viewpoint that only the Protestants are Christians
Yeah, because we're all "idolaters" to you...

, Catholic Church is incorrect. Plus the Pope Francis is just a mouthpiece of the conspiratorial forces
At least we can agree on something...