All-purpose, off-topic religious responses thread


Jun 17, 2017
Clearly you are one of them. Have i been shy in pointing this out?
yes. you made at least two (maybe 3) insinuations of it. here, on the white supremacy thread, and on the sharia law thread. if you have a problem, why not confront me directly?

I do believe you've actually used the N word before.
i believe not.
even if i had, what does that prove? that i hate black people? by extension, then, most black people hate themselves.
this thread is about islam, anyway. what does religion have to do with race at all?

The irony of an American Indian as your avatar when you've already stated America is white country.
LOL. this reminds me of a few years ago when thundarians avatar (paul newman, of course) was spotted somewhere on facebook by another member and was accused of having that FB account.
before you go and make an assumption like you did (what american indian tribe wore bones in their nose?), always do a little research. posting a false claim puts a hole in your argument and destroys credibility. (if it makes you feel better...for the record, i think youre the 3rd person to accuse me of this. the last one being etagloc.)

Kid From Borneo

its a good thing i didnt use chubbie as my avatar from my second favorite episode, 'the new teacher'. you would assume i was morbidly obese.

Oct 20, 2021
Clearly you are one of them. Have i been shy in pointing this out? I do believe you've actually used the N word before.

The irony of an American Indian as your avatar when you've already stated America is white country.
Joggers going to jog. I learned that one on the zero hedge comments lol.
Oct 20, 2021
yes. you made at least two (maybe 3) insinuations of it. here, on the white supremacy thread, and on the sharia law thread. if you have a problem, why not confront me directly?

i believe not.
even if i had, what does that prove? that i hate black people? by extension, then, most black people hate themselves.
this thread is about islam, anyway. what does religion have to do with race at all?

LOL. this reminds me of a few years ago when thundarians avatar (paul newman, of course) was spotted somewhere on facebook by another member and was accused of having that FB account.
before you go and make an assumption like you did (what american indian tribe wore bones in their nose?), always do a little research. posting a false claim puts a hole in your argument and destroys credibility. (if it makes you feel better...for the record, i think youre the 3rd person to accuse me of this. the last one being etagloc.)

Kid From Borneo

its a good thing i didnt use chubbie as my avatar from my second favorite episode, 'the new teacher'. you would assume i was morbidly obese.

I always liked Buckwheat. I guess now I is rayciss.


Jun 17, 2017
My guess is probably because they're being bombed by Israel as @DesertRose stated the now removed YT videos:
israel has nothing to do with this (not that theyre innocent of anything). these are african male muslims in their 20s and early 30s. there is no war going on there-- its simply a NWO tactic to destabilize europe and the UK. if you are from that part of the world and used to seeing women covered up (burka or just the hijab), understanding that these women are not to be bothered since they are, for lack of a better word, 'pious', and then coming to, say, sweden, where women lying topless on the beach, these migrants get the idea that they are ''loose'' because of the way they dress and should be treated as whores.
that would be the mentality from their country. whether thats right or wrong isnt the point- they dont understand western culture. western women can do that or dress provocatively (should they wish) and have the right to not be molested.
imagine LGBTQ people migrating en masse to pakistan. right away, that absolutely wouldnt work out.
in the west, the people (christians) are more forgiving and non-violent, but there is a limit to what they will tolerate.

I see the woman also woman mentioned Saudi Arabia. DR also made a thread about them being 2-faced. They're not "Muslim" as they would have some people believe.
yes, i remember her saying that. i think haich said the same.
Mar 30, 2017
israel has nothing to do with this (not that theyre innocent of anything). these are african male muslims in their 20s and early 30s. there is no war going on there-- its simply a NWO tactic to destabilize europe and the UK. if you are from that part of the world and used to seeing women covered up (burka or just the hijab), understanding that these women are not to be bothered since they are, for lack of a better word, 'pious', and then coming to, say, sweden, where women lying topless on the beach, these migrants get the idea that they are ''loose'' because of the way they dress and should be treated as whores.
that would be the mentality from their country. whether thats right or wrong isnt the point- they dont understand western culture. western women can do that or dress provocatively (should they wish) and have the right to not be molested.
imagine LGBTQ people migrating en masse to pakistan. right away, that absolutely wouldnt work out.
in the west, the people (christians) are more forgiving and non-violent, but there is a limit to what they will tolerate.

yes, i remember her saying that. i think haich said the same.
Hrmmm, I think you need to do more research on what's destabilizing those countries.

As well, you seem to be conflating culture with religion. There is a difference. I've worked with some of these "young African males" who are refugees and some of them are great people who want to contribute to society and grateful for my help, while others are misogynist. Religion has nothing to do with it. That said, this is also the argument you made six years ago so I don't think you're open to taking in any new information on the matter.


Jun 17, 2017
Idk how many times i have highlighted this is not a Christian country. From the streets in DC forming occultic symbols to something like 700 MILLION abortions. Literally like 20% of our current population eviscerated. But we hear what we want to, don't we Poly?
the US is a christian country. presumably founded on christian principles. thats the general gist of it (if it was founded on muslim principles, it could be a country under sharia law, there would be state regulations on the poll tax for non-muslims, hijab... maybe the haram police, etc.).
of course when anyone digs deeper, of course the US is tainted by satanism/NWO. of course it has been subverted. so has every country and government. where are you going with this argument?
in the CONTEXT of the title, "christian country" means white christian european values and mores. freedom of expression for women, freedom of speech, etc. "westernized". whether the country is ADHERING to original christian values is a different discussion.

lets go with your assertion, though-- why would muslims flee their land to head over to "the land of satan", with all of our depravity and abortions?


Jun 17, 2017
As well, you seem to be conflating culture with religion.
islam is part of a political ideology as well. they are not easy to disentangle.

That said, this is also the argument you made six years ago so I don't think you're open to taking in any new information on the matter.
you probably wont change my opinion, but im always willing to read/listen to your side of the argument.
additionally, stating your viewpoint of the argument might incidentally open someone elses mind who is reading this thread.
Oct 20, 2021
israel has nothing to do with this (not that theyre innocent of anything). these are african male muslims in their 20s and early 30s. there is no war going on there-- its simply a NWO tactic to destabilize europe and the UK. if you are from that part of the world and used to seeing women covered up (burka or just the hijab), understanding that these women are not to be bothered since they are, for lack of a better word, 'pious', and then coming to, say, sweden, where women lying topless on the beach, these migrants get the idea that they are ''loose'' because of the way they dress and should be treated as whores.
that would be the mentality from their country. whether thats right or wrong isnt the point- they dont understand western culture. western women can do that or dress provocatively (should they wish) and have the right to not be molested.
imagine LGBTQ people migrating en masse to pakistan. right away, that absolutely wouldnt work out.
in the west, the people (christians) are more forgiving and non-violent, but there is a limit to what they will tolerate.

yes, i remember her saying that. i think haich said the same.
Those who are slow to anger are the ones to fear. Could have something to do with IQ.
Oct 20, 2021
the US is a christian country. presumably founded on christian principles. thats the general gist of it (if it was founded on muslim principles, it could be a country under sharia law, there would be state regulations on the poll tax for non-muslims, hijab... maybe the haram police, etc.).
of course when anyone digs deeper, of course the US is tainted by satanism/NWO. of course it has been subverted. so has every country and government. where are you going with this argument?
in the CONTEXT of the title, "christian country" means white christian european values and mores. freedom of expression for women, freedom of speech, etc. "westernized". whether the country is ADHERING to original christian values is a different discussion.

lets go with your assertion, though-- why would muslims flee their land to head over to "the land of satan", with all of our depravity and abortions?
It's called a land grab. They tired of living in the desert.
Jun 26, 2022
I've heard a similar statement before from a priest on YT after I was researching how to deal with grief. However, it could be "argued" that they're one of the same. Redqueen posted a video in her profile that reads like an essay from the elites that I reposted here:

The line that always struck with me is "We will always hide the divine truth from them that we are all one". It's fascinating how they know this. If one truly does follow the 1st commandment and loves God, with the realization that we are here because of Him, that we are Imago Dei, then life on earth would be a better place and the elites would ultimately lose their battle they're constantly waging against us. However, there many who choose to be separate from Him, use their egos as their guides (just like Aleister Crowley did), and it evidently gives the elites the upper hand.
I've read that video transcript before years ago, and there is much truth in it when it comes to the elite's plan.

I have to admit that the phrase "we are all one" triggers me, as it is difficult for me to see past the new age movement when it comes to that phrase.

As far as what i mentioned in my previous post (loving God over loving our neighbor), when i mentioned a conflict of interest i was referring to loving those who are actively going against God's will, using their egos as their guide as you put it.
Jun 26, 2022
I merely quoted that verse because i see alot of hate on these boards, the majority of it from those who claim to represent Jesus. The irony in Seek22 liking your post while she's made threads attacking 2 billion people.

I do not agree with your closing statement, the one who hates Gods creation and the one who loves God go together like oil and water.

How many people here hate someone because of their color? I know at least 3 actives.
How many here hate someone because of their religion? I can probably name a dozen here.

View attachment 89933

Clearly this verse is dependent on what side of the line you fall on.. and what color your skin is.

Even though every one of us come from Adam and Eve.

View attachment 89934
What my closing statement was referring to was the many, many times i have seen Christians be bullied into accepting behaviors that are against God, because of quoting the commandment to love our neighbor without mentioning loving God. Which gets twisted into having to love the sinner AND the sin.

I wasn't thinking in a racial context (being of a different race is not a sin), more along the lines of " you're supposed to be pro sodomy because you're supposed to love your neighbor" or "love is love". This is the kind of nonsense Christians get told all the time.

If anyone out there is lurking i just want to say that the new testament does not support racism. There is a mention of nations having borders, acts 17: 26, but that line got crossed thousands of years ago...

Acts 17:26
26And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Also a quick question: do muslims believe Noah existed? I've seen multiple references of us all being descended from Adam and Eve, but it would be more accurate to say we are all descended from the 3 sons of Noah, as everyone else died in the flood. Both are correct, i was just curious.
Jun 26, 2022
Idk how many times i have highlighted this is not a Christian country. From the streets in DC forming occultic symbols to something like 700 MILLION abortions.
For better or worse this is not, nor has ever been, a Christian country.

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
According to Frank Lambert, Professor of History at Purdue University, the assurances in Article 11 were "intended to allay the fears of the Muslim state by insisting that religion would not govern how the treaty was interpreted and enforced. John Adams and the Senate made clear that the pact was between two sovereign states, not between two religious powers." Lambert writes,

By their actions, the Founding Fathers made clear that their primary concern was religious freedom, not the advancement of a state religion. Individuals, not the government, would define religious faith and practice in the United States. Thus the Founders ensured that in no official sense would America be a Christian Republic. Ten years after the Constitutional Convention ended its work, the country assured the world that the United States was a secular state, and that its negotiations would adhere to the rule of law, not the dictates of the Christian faith.
Jun 26, 2022
Also the Christian Work Ethic is famous around the world
I think the protestant work ethic is a result of calvinism. If people believe that God makes some people have a bad life because theyre not one of the elect, and He blesses those he likes, it tends to have the effect of people working their butts off to make sure they're not perceived as one of the unfortunate non-elect poors.

Incidentally then making money their idol.