Comparison of JAHtruth's "The way home or face the Fire" to the bible (part 2)

May 18, 2018
I made a general statement directed at no one. Red rebutted it so i gave him a "counter statement". Then lyfe pops up and now you?
Do you expect me to answer everyone here?

Look, I'm happy to repeat it. I don't care why Christians throw away the old testament. You yourself have even said "ignore the old testament". Have you not?

I merely highlighted the fact that you all do. The why is irrelevant.

Ignoring what the book says is the same as throwing it out, pretending it doesn't matter.

I'll restate this basic concept as much as i need to. Christians freely ignore verses whenever it doesn't suit them.
Show me any verse in the Quran, find the most hateful one, and i will agree with it 100% Guaranteed.

Any law in the world is interpreted by a judge. Christ appears as the great judge in Revelation, and he said God gave all judgement to the Son. The Law is properly interpreted through the teachings of Christ, not on its own. He made gave many teachings that changed how people relate to the law, as lyfe quoted to you. So you're characterization is simplified to the point of being wrong, doesn't matter that you just want to make statements and not have them challenged.


Mar 15, 2017
Back to "the way home or face the fire":

3:80 The Torah, New Testament and Koran are NOT religious Books: they are a guide to going home.

Opinion does not outrank facts!

Britannica: religion definiton

religion, human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. .....

In many religions, texts are deemed to have scriptural status, and people are esteemed to be invested with spiritual or moral authority.

Torah: in Judaism, in the broadest sense, the substance of divine revelation to Israel, the Jewish people: God’s revealed teaching or guidance for humankind. The meaning of “Torah” is often restricted to signify the first five books of the Hebrew Bible

Bible: the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.

Quran: Qurʾān, (Arabic: “Recitation”) also spelled Quran and Koran, the sacred scripture of Islam.

3:81 Many people think that if they live, what they consider to be a good life, then God will, or should help them.
3:82 It does not work that way, because only God knows what is good. You are bad, or you would not be here, and so is your judgement.

That is true.

Proverbs 21: 2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.

3:83 If you do what you think is good, it is usually wrong, not only for yourself, but for those around you, and the good of ALL. God, being unselfish, always does what is best for all concerned, and not just for one individual. What you think is good, may be good for your body, but not for your soul, which is actually the REAL you, and the only thing of real importance. Why do you think God went to all this trouble, to try to save your soul, instead of just executing you, if you are only a human-animal, that has to die anyway?

Does AJH really think God is human-animal?!!!!


3:84 The Lord sent you here, and He is the only one who knows EXACTLY what each soul has to learn, on an individual basis, and therefore, He is the ONLY one who can teach you.

That sounds promising....


THAT is why organized-religions are totally wrong, because they build a wall between you and God, preventing your direct-contact, and your free thinking and reasoning process. This is exactly what Satan wants, and that is why he invented organized-religions.

Another half-compliment: AJH sure is good at filling in the blanks creatively....



Mar 15, 2017
If you.made a statement and have no response to the counter statement, you are wrong. No copping out with "we all know" or "I don't even care". You cared enough to make a statement and lyfe proved you wrong. It's not throwing out half the book at all. You don't just get to restate that as if the point stands


Jun 28, 2020
Any law in the world is interpreted by a judge. Christ appears as the great judge in Revelation, and he said God gave all judgement to the Son. The Law is properly interpreted through the teachings of Christ, not on its own. He made gave many teachings that changed how people relate to the law, as lyfe quoted to you. So you're characterization is simplified to the point of being wrong, doesn't matter that you just want to make statements and not have them challenged.


Mar 15, 2017
Following on from above entry, it is extremely frustrating at reading a relatively bright man's ebook that relies on "patchwork quilting" opposing religions, concepts and viewpoints to make his new religion palatable to an unsuspecting individual.

3:85-87 sounds quite reasonable, with religious concepts added.

3:85 If you do what you want to do, you are running in circles, doing yourself and no-one else any good, being lost and confused; going nowhere; continually hurting yourself and others; suffering; and Satan will lead you astray and into “The Fire.”

3:86 The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and, if you do God’s Will, and let Him teach you and help you, you will then be going in a straight line. You will also no longer be trying to swim against the flow, and arrive “home”; in the shortest possible time; with the least possible waste of effort. He will even supply, directly, the energy “Force”, for you to do what He wants you to do, to make it even easier for you, and He will cheer you on to victory.

3:87 God does not want you to be here, He wants you to learn to be good and come home, as soon as possible. That is all that He has always wanted of you. God is very sad, because He misses you and wants you to come home, but He can not let you come home, until He is CERTAIN that you will be good, and not cause any more trouble, or hurt anyone (Micah 6:8).

Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

for context:
Bible hub Micah 6:8 commentaries

The Sojourner

Sep 23, 2022
Do you believe God will clothe you in a new resurrected body, or, as the gnostics believe is the body a bad thing?
I think it is bad if you are not in control of it, because then Satan can use it to manipulate you into doing evil.

But if we follow Christ's Teaching of crucifying the "self" part of the body, unto completion, so that that can no longer happen, then it becomes your body, that you then use.


Mar 15, 2017
That's funny, so pointing out facts is trolling?

Why am i even in this thread where Christians are arguing with Christians?.. ya ya, "Freeman is not a Christian" and I'm sure he has the same sentiments towards you.

Must be hard dealing with 40,000 sects.

Let me know whose holy ghost wins.
I welcome interesting comments that are relevant to the thread. :)


Mar 15, 2017
3:88 Home has many names here, like: Heaven; Nirvana; Valhalla; Utopia; Zion; The Happy Hunting Ground; Paradise; etc., but it is not an ideological, abstract place, it is the Morning Star, which is a real, physical planet.

People who are interested in comparing religions will already know that you cannot possibly claims those places are the same "home".

3:89 How can you do God’s Will, unless you tell Him that you want to do His Will, and ask Him to tell you exactly what He wants you to do, second by second?
3:90 Ask Him privately, with thoughts, not words, and listen for His reply in your mind. Also ask Him to revitalize your Holy-Spirit, and reinforce it. Ask Him to come inside you, and give you the strength, to be able to do His Will and overcome Satan, by teaching you how to use “The Force”.

That is paraphrasing of earlier statements in the chapter.
These appear to be core doctrines:
*Telepathic communication with God is expected
* obey what comes into your mind
* passively receiving "the force" you trust is from God...
* believe you have been empowered to do God's will/ fight Satan as a result.

3:91 No human Prophet can be with you all of the time, to teach you, only God can do that, and He will, if you ask Him to. He is waiting patiently, for you to ask. You are NEVER alone, you just can not see your guardian angels, but they can see you, and they know exactly what you are doing; thinking or saying, every second of your life (Job 42:2).

Angels can read your thoughts as well as GOD?!!!

3:92 Amongst Lucifer’s followers, there were many weak-willed souls, who were misled by him and deceived, by his lies, into fighting against God. There were others, who were really his friends and accomplices, who had helped him plan and organize the rebellion, and who fought eagerly with him, for their own selfish reasons.

Here AJH rewords earlier claims in the ebook.


Jun 28, 2020
I welcome interesting comments that are relevant to the thread. :)
I just noticed this was your thread. In that case i do apologize . But "interesting" is clearly subjective.

What is interesting to me is how most Christians will say the Bible is the word of God verbatim, but have no problems ignoring whatever they find in it that's distasteful. Its like saying what God says is sometimes irrelevant.

Is this not the case? Because this is what people see. Saying i am trolling your thread is dismissive.


Mar 15, 2017
I just noticed this was your thread. In that case i do apologize . But "interesting" is clearly subjective.

What is interesting to me is how most Christians will say the Bible is the word of God verbatim, but have no problems ignoring whatever they find in it that's distasteful. Its like saying what God says is sometimes irrelevant.

Is this not the case? Because this is what people see. Saying i am trolling your thread is dismissive.
Fair enough.
My intent of doing this thread is that I got fed up with @A Freeman giving links to the ebook I already knew was a shocker.
Other extremist cults started off like JAHtruth, looking eccentric but harmless UNTIL you saw what they really teach to the inner circle. The New Age/ conspiracy side is not good at all.


Mar 15, 2017
Last entry for today:
The following "verses" made me smile because I thought of how every extremist feminist I have read/ known would froth at the mouth if they ever saw it!!!

He takes the traditional bible's viewpoint of the woman to an extreme.

3:93 Here in prison, God wanted good to overcome evil, so He used the natural-supremacy of the male-species, and locked Satan’s friends into female human-animals, and the less evil souls into male human-animals, so that the males, being stronger, could control the females, and teach them to be less evil and selfish (1st. Corinthians 11:3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-12).

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

That sounds nothing like the survival of the fittest!

1 Timothy chapter 2 is in the context of church. @A Freeman pretends it extends to EVERY facet of woman's life, including online.

1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

3:94 Before we go any further, and some of you WRONGLY decide that I must be a woman-hater, let me state the true fact, i.e. that I LOVE women, more than any man that has ever lived. I will explain the illogicality of your wrong-assumption to you (if you make it), at the end of this chapter, so, for now, please just allow me the benefit of the doubt, accept what I say, and continue reading; for your own good.

3:95 A soul (the real you) has no sex! It is the body, that the soul is temporarily using, that has a sex, so you - the soul - are neither male nor female, nor even human.

3:96 If and when, a soul, locked-inside a female-body, learns to be a perfect woman; in God’s eyes, not yours; it has then earned promotion, and the right to be locked-inside a male-body, in its next human-lifetime (see the Gospel of Thomas, log 114:20-26 / King of kings’ Bible, Thomas ch.16).

AJH has come to that conclusion solely because he likes the Gospel of Thomas.

(114) Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary go forth from among us, for women are not worthy of the life. Jesus said: Behold, I shall lead her, that I may make her male, in order that she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who makes herself male shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
That's funny, so pointing out facts is trolling?

Why am i even in this thread where Christians are arguing with Christians?.. ya ya, "Freeman is not a Christian" and I'm sure he has the same sentiments towards you.

Must be hard dealing with 40,000 sects.

Let me know whose holy ghost wins.
With that one comment I sadly realise you are a trollish if not a technical troll. If you knew anything about Christianity, you would quickly recognise that @A Freeman promotes a message based on a deliberate distortion of Christianity.

Do you think people who are Christians read your comments and think “he has a point, you know…”

Far better to engage honestly and provide answers that have at least some respect for those you reply to, otherwise what’s the point in discussion?


Jun 28, 2020
With that one comment I sadly realise you are a trollish if not a technical troll. If you knew anything about Christianity, you would quickly recognise that @A Freeman promotes a message based on a deliberate distortion of Christianity.

Do you think people who are Christians read your comments and think “he has a point, you know…”

Far better to engage honestly and provide answers that have at least some respect for those you reply to, otherwise what’s the point in discussion?
"Honesty" he says.,
"have some respect" he says...

Thats funny coming from you. Incase you haven't figured it out yet Red respect is a 2 way street. You can't expect what you don't give.

Your opinion might be relevant to me if you haven't tried to attack my religion every time i turned around. Shall we quote some of the threads you've made on these boards? Pretty much all of them unprovoked at that.

Honestly it doesn't surprise me knowing Israel is literally your god. Least to the point you'll completely ignore the suffering of Christians to protect them.

Seeing you post 1 eye videos here, your sources of info on Islam is very clear. To be perfectly honest I'm surprised you don't quote Robert Spencer or Pamela Gellar here. But if memory serves you have sourced Jay Smith and David Wood, who are hate preachers as well.

I'm sure most of the trinny Christians here would be happy to see me gone because I'm not shy in highlighting the problems with man worship.
But we can discuss this on judgement day when the truth can no longer be denied. Indeed it is God who guides and none find the truth until he wills it.

Till then, look forward to your rapture.

Every soul shall taste death (3:185 Quran)
Mar 29, 2023
Yes, that is taught consistently as well as the importance thereof, and am glad you can see that.

The Bible does teach that God says to call on Him. Like when He said to Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Thank-you Sojourner. I don't know much but I do believe in a Creator who is the Only God of Everything. The God I follow is oft Forgiving, Most Merciful, and Loving. I have read TWHOFTF, and many of the JAH website materials posted along with this thread. Personally I am fascinated by men who claim they are The Christ and their followers.

Here are some of my thoughts and questions. I will use the words, "feels like", "my opinion" and "sense" lest I be accused of judging anyone. I'm only offering my point of view based on what I have read.

AJH has been around since 1948. My understanding is there are to be at least 144,000 plus a multitude [according to Revelation]. Is that correct? I notice TWHOFTF was published in the late 1980's. That is 30 years to grow a substantial following... particularly if it is Divinely inspired by the Creator of the entire Universe. Can anyone tell me how many followers are currently in the JAH Truth movement or is this a secret?

The entire world cannot be evil and insane because there has to be at least 144,000 who apparently aren't criminally insane. According to @afreeman, nobody has ascended to heaven yet. Is that correct? That means the 144,000 good souls have to be here on earth right now. Is that correct? Why doesn't AJH talk about these 144,000 good souls that should be on the earth right now in the last days? I agree with many of the things I've read in TWHOFTF, but unless I agree with everything in TWHOFTF I am satanic. Is that correct? Does a person have to accept AJH as their lord and savior in order to become one of the 144,000? Does AJH speak for God? When you hear the voices in your head, do you sometimes have to ask AJH to clarify [in your mind] which voice is from God and which voice is from satan? Am I understanding this correctly?

According to scripture, Jesus left behind 11 disciples. Those 11 disciples converted hundreds and those hundreds converted thousands, etc., etc., If memory serves, only one disciple [Judas] broke ranks with Jesus, the rest remained fiercely loyal [according to scripture]. I have noticed a pattern with men claiming to be Christ. False christs are never able to keep disciples, as their disciples come and go. Also, many cult leaders will insist their followers be celibate while the leader justifies having female companionship for themselves. I never understood why men in cults are okay with that. I am not suggesting this is the case with AJH, I am only looking for patterns and asking if this may be the case in the JAH Truth movement?

How many disciples has AJH had over the past 30 years? Has AJH managed to find all of his reincarnated disciples and vice versa? Have all 11 of AJH's reincarnated disciples been loyal like the original 11 or has AJH had multiple defectors over the years? AJH should be 74 by my math. He should be getting close to the 144,000 by now. I don't know if these questions are even relevant, AJH would probably dismiss anything that questions him as satanic but I am seeking Truth and the Bible says at least 144,000.

From everything I have read so far, @afreeman sound exactly like a pharisee. Someone else made that comment in a post and I agree. In my opinion, I am not sensing any Love or Compassion in any of @freeman's posts... only what appears to be judgement upon the entire world and everyone who disagrees with him, what appears to be self righteous arrogance. Correct me if I am wrong but, @afreeman is basically saying everyone who doesn't follow JAH is evil, insane, sinful, wrong, and listening to satan. @afreeman actually implied he was perfect or as close to perfect via his obedience to The Law. I also recall reading in one of these posts that @freeman stated he knows AJH is Christ because @afreeman worked with Christ 2000 years ago. Is this really true?

I am not using the word babble as a pejorative in this context. I genuinely wonder if @afreeman babbles in real life like he posts on these sites... it is a spirit and I am sensing the spirit of babble, the spirit of self righteous arrogance, the spirit of the know it all, and the spirit of the judgmental pharisees from this @afreeman. None of these qualities come from my God.

Jesus said to call no man Christ and not to believe anyone if they say Christ is physically here or there in the last day. I do not agree with @afreeman that this quote from Jesus is warning about future "Christians" who falsely claim to follow the true Christ. I believe Jesus is talking specifically about men coming in the last days claiming to be The Christ Himself. That is, if you take the words of Jesus literally [which in this case I am going to do]. Worst case, on judgment day I can tell The Christ I took His words literally and obeyed them.


Jun 28, 2020
Thank-you Sojourner. I don't know much but I do believe in a Creator who is the Only God of Everything. The God I follow is oft Forgiving, Most Merciful, and Loving. I have read TWHOFTF, and many of the JAH website materials posted along with this thread. Personally I am fascinated by men who claim they are The Christ and their followers.

Here are some of my thoughts and questions. I will use the words, "feels like", "my opinion" and "sense" lest I be accused of judging anyone. I'm only offering my point of view based on what I have read.

AJH has been around since 1948. My understanding is there are to be at least 144,000 plus a multitude [according to Revelation]. Is that correct? I notice TWHOFTF was published in the late 1980's. That is 30 years to grow a substantial following... particularly if it is Divinely inspired by the Creator of the entire Universe. Can anyone tell me how many followers are currently in the JAH Truth movement or is this a secret?

The entire world cannot be evil and insane because there has to be at least 144,000 who apparently aren't criminally insane. According to @afreeman, nobody has ascended to heaven yet. Is that correct? That means the 144,000 good souls have to be here on earth right now. Is that correct? Why doesn't AJH talk about these 144,000 good souls that should be on the earth right now in the last days? I agree with many of the things I've read in TWHOFTF, but unless I agree with everything in TWHOFTF I am satanic. Is that correct? Does a person have to accept AJH as their lord and savior in order to become one of the 144,000? Does AJH speak for God? When you hear the voices in your head, do you sometimes have to ask AJH to clarify [in your mind] which voice is from God and which voice is from satan? Am I understanding this correctly?

According to scripture, Jesus left behind 11 disciples. Those 11 disciples converted hundreds and those hundreds converted thousands, etc., etc., If memory serves, only one disciple [Judas] broke ranks with Jesus, the rest remained fiercely loyal [according to scripture]. I have noticed a pattern with men claiming to be Christ. False christs are never able to keep disciples, as their disciples come and go. Also, many cult leaders will insist their followers be celibate while the leader justifies having female companionship for themselves. I never understood why men in cults are okay with that. I am not suggesting this is the case with AJH, I am only looking for patterns and asking if this may be the case in the JAH Truth movement?

How many disciples has AJH had over the past 30 years? Has AJH managed to find all of his reincarnated disciples and vice versa? Have all 11 of AJH's reincarnated disciples been loyal like the original 11 or has AJH had multiple defectors over the years? AJH should be 74 by my math. He should be getting close to the 144,000 by now. I don't know if these questions are even relevant, AJH would probably dismiss anything that questions him as satanic but I am seeking Truth and the Bible says at least 144,000.

From everything I have read so far, @afreeman sound exactly like a pharisee. Someone else made that comment in a post and I agree. In my opinion, I am not sensing any Love or Compassion in any of @freeman's posts... only what appears to be judgement upon the entire world and everyone who disagrees with him, what appears to be self righteous arrogance. Correct me if I am wrong but, @afreeman is basically saying everyone who doesn't follow JAH is evil, insane, sinful, wrong, and listening to satan. @afreeman actually implied he was perfect or as close to perfect via his obedience to The Law. I also recall reading in one of these posts that @freeman stated he knows AJH is Christ because @afreeman worked with Christ 2000 years ago. Is this really true?

I am not using the word babble as a pejorative in this context. I genuinely wonder if @afreeman babbles in real life like he posts on these sites... it is a spirit and I am sensing the spirit of babble, the spirit of self righteous arrogance, the spirit of the know it all, and the spirit of the judgmental pharisees from this @afreeman. None of these qualities come from my God.

Jesus said to call no man Christ and not to believe anyone if they say Christ is physically here or there in the last day. I do not agree with @afreeman that this quote from Jesus is warning about future "Christians" who falsely claim to follow the true Christ. I believe Jesus is talking specifically about men coming in the last days claiming to be The Christ Himself. That is, if you take the words of Jesus literally [which in this case I am going to do]. Worst case, on judgment day I can tell The Christ I took His words literally and obeyed them.
Welcome to forums GMS. Pretty long post for a new user. Kinda like you've been here all along.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
"Honesty" he says.,
"have some respect" he says...

Thats funny coming from you. Incase you haven't figured it out yet Red respect is a 2 way street. You can't expect what you don't give.

Your opinion might be relevant to me if you haven't tried to attack my religion every time i turned around. Shall we quote some of the threads you've made on these boards? Pretty much all of them unprovoked at that.

Honestly it doesn't surprise me knowing Israel is literally your god. Least to the point you'll completely ignore the suffering of Christians to protect them.

Seeing you post 1 eye videos here, your sources of info on Islam is very clear. To be perfectly honest I'm surprised you don't quote Robert Spencer or Pamela Gellar here. But if memory serves you have sourced Jay Smith and David Wood, who are hate preachers as well.

I'm sure most of the trinny Christians here would be happy to see me gone because I'm not shy in highlighting the problems with man worship.
But we can discuss this on judgement day when the truth can no longer be denied. Indeed it is God who guides and none find the truth until he wills it.

Till then, look forward to your rapture.

Every soul shall taste death (3:185 Quran)
I think the issue is that the Bible is true (or it is not) and the Qur’an is true (or it is not), but as they teach different things about the central claims of Christianity, they cannot both be true.

Jesus died for the sins of the world (or he didn’t).

Jesus is Lord and a co-equal member of the Godhead (or He is not)

Salvation is by faith in the completed work of Jesus, by grace, and not of works (or it is not).

To illustrate with a point relevant to this thread and @A Freeman ‘s material, Charles III is the rightful heir to the throne of England (or he is not).


Imagine that in order to be a naturalised British citizen, you had to acknowledge Charles III as being the King of England to the immigration panel. In this circumstance, if I were to say he was an “important member of the Royal Family” and a “respected public servant”, would that be enough to convince them?

In the same way, while the Islamic position on Jesus would appear respectful, it misses the mark -

Philippians 2:10-11 - King James Version

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Without being personal, I can hold this position with no offence directed toward you.

Regarding Israel, I cannot help being aware That there are many prophecies relations to them that have been fulfilled in the last century, and that many more remain. Do I applaud them for “strong arm” tactics any more than I applaud their continued rejection of Jesus as Messiah? No! Can I curse them and call their whole nation a “Satanic State”? To that I defer to the words of Baalam:

Numbers 23

7And he took up his parable, and said, Balak the king of Moab hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel.

8How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Last entry for today:
The following "verses" made me smile because I thought of how every extremist feminist I have read/ known would froth at the mouth if they ever saw it!!!

He takes the traditional bible's viewpoint of the woman to an extreme.

3:93 Here in prison, God wanted good to overcome evil, so He used the natural-supremacy of the male-species, and locked Satan’s friends into female human-animals, and the less evil souls into male human-animals, so that the males, being stronger, could control the females, and teach them to be less evil and selfish (1st. Corinthians 11:3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-12).

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

That sounds nothing like the survival of the fittest!

1 Timothy chapter 2 is in the context of church. @A Freeman pretends it extends to EVERY facet of woman's life, including online.

1 Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

3:94 Before we go any further, and some of you WRONGLY decide that I must be a woman-hater, let me state the true fact, i.e. that I LOVE women, more than any man that has ever lived. I will explain the illogicality of your wrong-assumption to you (if you make it), at the end of this chapter, so, for now, please just allow me the benefit of the doubt, accept what I say, and continue reading; for your own good.

3:95 A soul (the real you) has no sex! It is the body, that the soul is temporarily using, that has a sex, so you - the soul - are neither male nor female, nor even human.

3:96 If and when, a soul, locked-inside a female-body, learns to be a perfect woman; in God’s eyes, not yours; it has then earned promotion, and the right to be locked-inside a male-body, in its next human-lifetime (see the Gospel of Thomas, log 114:20-26 / King of kings’ Bible, Thomas ch.16).

AJH has come to that conclusion solely because he likes the Gospel of Thomas.

(114) Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary go forth from among us, for women are not worthy of the life. Jesus said: Behold, I shall lead her, that I may make her male, in order that she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who makes herself male shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The “Male-Species”??? Where did AJH go to school??


Jun 28, 2020
I think the issue is that the Bible is true (or it is not) and the Qur’an is true (or it is not), but as they teach different things about the central claims of Christianity, they cannot both be true.

Jesus died for the sins of the world (or he didn’t).

Jesus is Lord and a co-equal member of the Godhead (or He is not)

Salvation is by faith in the completed work of Jesus, by grace, and not of works (or it is not).

To illustrate with a point relevant to this thread and @A Freeman ‘s material, Charles III is the rightful heir to the throne of England (or he is not).

View attachment 87019

Imagine that in order to be a naturalised British citizen, you had to acknowledge Charles III as being the King of England to the immigration panel. In this circumstance, if I were to say he was an “important member of the Royal Family” and a “respected public servant”, would that be enough to convince them?

In the same way, while the Islamic position on Jesus would appear respectful, it misses the mark -

Philippians 2:10-11 - King James Version

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Without being personal, I can hold this position with no offence directed toward you.

Regarding Israel, I cannot help being aware That there are many prophecies relations to them that have been fulfilled in the last century, and that many more remain. Do I applaud them for “strong arm” tactics any more than I applaud their continued rejection of Jesus as Messiah? No! Can I curse them and call their whole nation a “Satanic State”? To that I defer to the words of Baalam:

Numbers 23

7And he took up his parable, and said, Balak the king of Moab hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel.

8How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied?
Red, that fact that you don't see a problem with "god" dying and being killed by his own creation at that, is an issue.

If Jesus is Lord why does he not have knowledge of the hour? Why did he cry to the actual God to save him?

A better question is how many times do we need to beat this dead horse? I am perfectly happy to take my beliefs to the grave, why aren't you?

How long do you plan to derail Jo's thread? I mean its because of you that I've made like 10 posts in this thread completely derailing it myself all because you felt the need to challenge a basic fact i shared like 4 pages ago.

Do you think i didn't notice you ignoring my Deuteronomy quote? Why did you do that? To prove me right to begin with, in that the old testament is absolutely ignored.

You literally ignore alot of what i say thats directed to you and cherry pick what to reply on. Whats the point?