Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Feb 7, 2022
Well don't forget that in Canada doctors are encouraging people with relatively treatable conditions to get assisted suicide - payed for my their generous government.
I heard about that!

This is coming to the US, and other developed countries, too, if it ain't there already. Ultimately, as we hopefully know by now, everything comes down to depopulation. Toxic feminism, MGTOW, LGBTQ+, MANDATORY vaccines, abortion... you name it, they all lead to a less humans.
I agree


May 10, 2022
One of the songs, “Eve, ps….” I actually “like” but I can’t and won’t sing it and try to not listen to it anymore bc I can’t confess what their confessing especially the beginning and the wanting to do what’s forbidden w apple biting choreo w that lyric I think

I haven’t seen English translation but I was like why does it have to be the songs that are against my faith the ones I “like” the most and the choreos too but I definitely am staying away from unforgiving ‍♀
there's nothing really special about them
Mar 27, 2023
Yeah... everyone here needs to read this if they think I'm just making this up, lol. It's actually fairly well documented by mainstream sources that Canadians and soon US are trying to euthanize people for any condition you can think of (yes, including anxiety and depression); and little fact I learned: once you sign that consent form the most evil part is there's no going back if you're older and unvalued..

There was one older lady who consented to assisted suicide, but even after she changed her mind, her family and doctors held her down and killed her because she already signed her life away...


May 10, 2022
i posted a while back a video i saw about this family and how they were giving their youngest son (who is 6) growth injection hormones in order to grow taller because of korea's obsession with height
now their oldest is allegedly training under hyb3. i repeat parents who allow their children to become idols and throw them into that industry do not love their children. it baffles me.


Sep 21, 2021
Well don't forget that in Canada doctors are encouraging people with relatively treatable conditions to get assisted suicide - payed for my their generous government.

This is coming to the US, and other developed countries, too, if it ain't there already. Ultimately, as we hopefully know by now, everything comes down to depopulation. Toxic feminism, MGTOW, LGBTQ+(sterilization essentially), MANDATORY vaccines, abortion... you name it, they all lead to less humans.
The devil absolutely hates all of God Almighty's creations, especially humans...and wants their total destruction...

BUT, we can rejoice at the fact that GOD, The Creator has redeemed mankind through JESUS CHRIST, The Lord and Savior! The devil has been judged and is defeated.


Sep 21, 2021
so it was revealed Seventeen recently broke a record and sold 4 million albums in a week
the thing is.....most fans are throwing away the albums in the trash


so they just buy the albums to break records. then they throw it away......kpop fans have such a weird mentality
They've lost their sanity... Literally, they've developed a "garbage mentality..."


Sep 21, 2021
Yeah... everyone here needs to read this if they think I'm just making this up, lol. It's actually fairly well documented by mainstream sources that Canadians and soon US are trying to euthanize people for any condition you can think of (yes, including anxiety and depression); and little fact I learned: once you sign that consent form the most evil part is there's no going back if you're older and unvalued..

There was one older lady who consented to assisted suicide, but even after she changed her mind, her family and doctors held her down and killed her because she already signed her life away...
And... this "Sarco Pod" (Suicide Machine) that Switzerland has created...allegedly makes suicide "painless..."



Sep 21, 2021
its crazy, they obviously only care about breaking records

thats why nobody takes kpop seriously, because they know those "record breaking numbers" are all fake

who cares if you sell 4 million albums, if half of them are going to the trash?
They are really out of their minds...I hope more advocates for environmental protection call them out for causing more pollution and harm to the environment...

Also, the authorities in the government and leaders in the music industry must NOT recognize in the charts, those numbers of albums/records found in the trash, as "prima facie evidence," that purchases of such records were bought for "fraudulent" purposes...

Overall, this industry has basically zero integrity...
Feb 12, 2022
Yeah... everyone here needs to read this if they think I'm just making this up, lol. It's actually fairly well documented by mainstream sources that Canadians and soon US are trying to euthanize people for any condition you can think of (yes, including anxiety and depression); and little fact I learned: once you sign that consent form the most evil part is there's no going back if you're older and unvalued..

There was one older lady who consented to assisted suicide, but even after she changed her mind, her family and doctors held her down and killed her because she already signed her life away...
That's crazy so people who are bipolar or have extreme mood disorders are at higher risk. Its like you signed your own death warrant.

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
$EVENTEEN's comeback is just filled with more satanic garbage! Who would've thought. Even their choreography, with fire on the ground.

View attachment 86413

LE-$$SELLOUTS (Le-$$erafim) also had a comeback with more satanic garbage. In their latest album, there's a song called 'Burn the Br!dge'. Check out the lyrics.

The darkness drives me into a corner and forces me to choose
Either give up, or give in
Either give up, or give in
That I can go forward but only within the limit

My answer? "I wish for what is forbidden to me"

They are in DEEP. No wonder there are so many witches in the music industry. They can praise satan and even place hexes/curses on you, without anyone asking themselves 'why? huh? what are they actually saying?'. It'll just be swept under the rug as 'art', or my favourite 'a theory for the group'. Their whole comeback is about being unforgiven (of sin), being okay with that, and 'never turning back'. Guess they've been tempted and never going back to a 'normal' life after the money, looks, and fame the industry has given them. But all the songs in this album are heavily satanic guys, please be careful. If a song you like is constantly saying 'I wish for what is forbidden to me' (in this case, 'Unforgiven' by LE-$$SELLOUTS), it will plague your spirit and subconscious. Before you know it, you will be committing many sins, never take accountability, and go straight to hell.

View attachment 86415

How can so many people be okay with being in a concert hall full of fire/hell imagery? Where is their spirit? Are they seriously that blinded by attractive girls/women singing:

Come to that faraway land with me, my unforgiven girls
Come and cross the line with me, my unforgiven boys

They're telling their listeners/audience to go to hell with them. It's part of their deal with the devil to take people to hell, and to place hexes/curses on them so they continue to commit sins. Linked to their 'Burn the Bri!dge' song, they're telling their audience to follow them and also 'never turn back' by crossing the line with them. It's obvious they're talking about hell, which other 'faraway place' would they want unforgiven girls and boys to go to with them? I know I am not perfect, and that's why I want to be forgiven by God. I accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father. I want everyone single person here to go to heaven, so brothers and sisters, let's open our eyes and cleanse the spirit. I want to spread the word, and I want everyone to know that every single day is a spiritual war.

One last take:
It's so funny how, in this realm, celebrities are given status and are seen as 'above human', but in the spiritual realm (the only realm that matters after death), celebrities (if they don't repent) are beneath us. Keep this in mind, always.

Stay blessed, and stay vigilant!
The last will be first and the first will be last, as Jesus said. This is why I always follow the Bible verses about "guarding your heart" and I've dropped many groups just for taking God's name in vain or doing something I don't agree with. It is surprising the influence that music actually has on our brains and how even the slightest words can actually break into our minds and tempt us to rebel against God's Holy Spirit. I'm praying for you guys daily and I know you will properly guard your hearts. I always use my favorite verse of scripture Philippians 4:8 when looking at a new group/song. If it contradicts that verse in any way, I never look at the group again. I also have many friends who dropped K-Pop completely just because of how empty it feels now. I'm tempted to drop out of it myself after seeing what happened at a fanmeet to my ult bias Miu. She is from Japan and this photo looks like they treated her like she was just a product that was shipped to Korea from there. Everyone teased her like "Awww what a cute puppy!" She's 21 years old so that's very creepy to me and that's one of the things that bothers me is how kpop artists are pampered and babied like merchandise at a store. It just shows the reality of their lives because that's how the company and many fans see them.

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
One of the songs, “Eve, ps….” I actually “like” but I can’t and won’t sing it and try to not listen to it anymore bc I can’t confess what their confessing especially the beginning and the wanting to do what’s forbidden w apple biting choreo w that lyric I think

I haven’t seen English translation but I was like why does it have to be the songs that are against my faith the ones I “like” the most and the choreos too but I definitely am staying away from unforgiving ‍♀
It's the flesh being attracted to the darkness and evil. James 1:24-16 it is the flesh being enticed.


Sep 21, 2021
The last will be first and the first will be last, as Jesus said. This is why I always follow the Bible verses about "guarding your heart" and I've dropped many groups just for taking God's name in vain or doing something I don't agree with. It is surprising the influence that music actually has on our brains and how even the slightest words can actually break into our minds and tempt us to rebel against God's Holy Spirit. I'm praying for you guys daily and I know you will properly guard your hearts. I always use my favorite verse of scripture Philippians 4:8 when looking at a new group/song. If it contradicts that verse in any way, I never look at the group again. I also have many friends who dropped K-Pop completely just because of how empty it feels now. I'm tempted to drop out of it myself after seeing what happened at a fanmeet to my ult bias Miu. She is from Japan and this photo looks like they treated her like she was just a product that was shipped to Korea from there. Everyone teased her like "Awww what a cute puppy!" She's 21 years old so that's very creepy to me and that's one of the things that bothers me is how kpop artists are pampered and babied like merchandise at a store. It just shows the reality of their lives because that's how the company and many fans see them.
Philippians 4:8
New International Version

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.