Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
I think you're right. Who has time left on their contract?
T@emin is signed as Superm as well so probably he doesn't have to resign rn. For the others they resigned for 3 years in 2018 and if we add their military hiatus period to M1nho and K3y's should be expiring in April-May 2023. 0new should have expired in Feb-March 2023.
Mar 27, 2023
Yes. I wish I could find the page in that book. He talked about wanting people to act like that.
Another thing that proves it's Satanic is how frequently they refer to magic and how they can put you "under their spell" almost as if they are actually capable of doing that. Music directly affects the brain and can cause people to have a more positive outlook, or be more depressed. Also, I don't like how more recently a lot of kpop songs are taking Gods name in vain and showing rainbows in their MVs.
How many albums and songs, are named after Lucifer, Devil, demons, "eyes," shapes, numbers; like 666, 7, 999, etc. I shouldn't even have to mention that though, because there are very few groups that avoid Satanist content.

And to think that a lot of South Koreans think the US is more 'woke.' We used to be, but South Korea has an even lower birth rate, not to mention your k-pop MV's containing rainbows and taking God's name in in vain... or countless songs glorifying hate, and creating a disordered understanding of 'love.' K-pop was literally just based off Western rap music from Hollywood. I believe it used to be written by the same people, too. Asians have an unhealthy desire to take everything bad about Western norms and adopt it in the name of looking cool. Utterly childish mentality there.

But k-pop has perhaps become even worse than western music. At least with rap and metal, everyone knows the message is absolute garbage and they just listen to it in spite of that. K-pop is more advanced with how it manipulates people, that's why it's being pushed so much globally. Feminists and LGBTQ's love K-Pop, for example, because they're the target audience and the powers-at-be want that audience to grow.

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023
Regarding the black goo often shown in MVs, ADs i found this snippet slightly explanatory

View attachment 86396View attachment 86397
There was a human-pig hybrid created in a lab. The "experts" and "scientists" say that humans share many things with pigs, including our organs so they speculate pigs can be used as organ donors in the we have ANY IDEA what that is going to do to children?? The antichrist most certainly will be a hybrid of a demon and a human, much like the Nephilim were. True science is what is written in God's Word!!
Feb 20, 2020
There was a human-pig hybrid created in a lab. The "experts" and "scientists" say that humans share many things with pigs, including our organs so they speculate pigs can be used as organ donors in the we have ANY IDEA what that is going to do to children?? The antichrist most certainly will be a hybrid of a demon and a human, much like the Nephilim were. True science is what is written in God's Word!!

they are actually preparing people for the raise of hybrids and just like u have ppl storming the streets protesting for rights for the lgbtq etc you will see ppl stomring the streets demanding rights for hybrids robots fallen angels demons aliens etc when they appear and satan comes down to dwell with humanity among humanity without having to hide anymore for ppl will be very accepting and happy to dwell with such cursed forbidden beings for whom no place was found in heaven so they were thrown down to the earth as a form of judgment from YAH. i will give you example for predictive programming about the coming of hybrids first color pink(pale red / red and white) red agenda is related to hybridism. the amount of times they use the word beast(beast system) in mvs.. like i wasn’t expecting to see it that much also there are altered ways to use the same word or just it in another language so it wont appear as a repeated pattern to the unaware masses/fans. the melanie martinez comeback with that pink being w four eyes four ears etc
... it's all over the place and with think knowledge now you will start noticing it more. YAH Bless and Keep you and your entire household ♡

if interested i have done analysis on the barbie movie and it has to do with this theme strangers/foreigners/giants comings to the earth and it's all in pink. you can read more about it here if interested ^^
more on barbie and ken here nad how it's associated with awa and ken = awaken

Miu's Yukhoe

Apr 19, 2023

they are actually preparing people for the raise of hybrids and just like u have ppl storming the streets protesting for rights for the lgbtq etc you will see ppl stomring the streets demanding rights for hybrids robots fallen angels demons aliens etc when they appear and satan comes down to dwell with humanity among humanity without having to hide anymore for ppl will be very accepting and happy to dwell with such cursed forbidden beings for whom no place was found in heaven so they were thrown down to the earth as a form of judgment from YAH. i will give you example for predictive programming about the coming of hybrids first color pink(pale red / red and white) red agenda is related to hybridism. the amount of times they use the word beast(beast system) in mvs.. like i wasn’t expecting to see it that much also there are altered ways to use the same word or just it in another language so it wont appear as a repeated pattern to the unaware masses/fans. the melanie martinez comeback with that pink being w four eyes four ears etc
... it's all over the place and with think knowledge now you will start noticing it more. YAH Bless and Keep you and your entire household ♡

if interested i have done analysis on the barbie movie and it has to do with this theme strangers/foreigners/giants comings to the earth and it's all in pink. you can read more about it here if interested ^^
more on barbie and ken here nad how it's associated with awa and ken = awaken
Thanks a lot friend! I'm not well versed in Western culture but I'm always excited to learn new things!


Jul 18, 2022
That's true about all stories in general, lol. And you have to remember, always assume the worst with these people. The people running k-pop studios are absolutely crazy, and SK people I hate to say it but they're a lot more naive than we are here in the West, so the "official" news reports are more likely to fly with them.
I have seen that worst so I know that damn well.

No, that's not true. Mostly an attempt is made to hide the truth of those stories behind which the actual reality is more worse, deeper and darker than our imagination which can destroy everything and badly expose/destroy the people involved in those stories if the actual truth comes out. That's why especially a lot of effort is made to hide the truth of those stories so that the truth never comes to the fore and for this people do not hesitate to go to even extreme levels. Besides, there are many worst things happen behind the scenes in the entertainment industry beyond our imagination.

The truth doesn't come out. That's why we do not able to know what's the actual truth behind those stories. And South Korea has a history of hiding the truth under the guise of suicide and unknown reasons. No?

Yes, the people running k-pop studios are absolutely crazy. But as far as South Korean citizens are concerned, so they are not naive, they are simply silent. Because they know how their country is and how corrupt their country is. In particular, they know that it is not difficult to kill and make someone disappear in their country, especially to shut one's mouth, turn any murder into suicide, make a murder appear like a suicide by making a fake suicide note and to hide the actual truth under the guise of suicide and unknown reasons (Interestingly, this has been featured several times in several K-dramas and most recently in a new K-drama "QM". But the sad thing is that still no one is paying attention to this which everyone should pay attention to. Instead of being ignorant and a sheep). And in South Korea, corrupt and powerful people always have a way to getting the laws they want and get out of any situation easily. So they are not naive, they are simply silent because they are aware of the reality of their country.

Moreover, I'm not too sure about the West. But here in the North many are naive and here too the "official" news reports fly with many. And not only in the North but everywhere. Because remember that not everyone everywhere can see the truth and not everyone can speak up for the truth. But those who can see the truth and speak up for the truth are always accused and criticized too in the name of spreading "conspiracy theories". So.


Jun 2, 2021
This looks like a cult meeting. He looks thinner than usual and he aged 10 years in 4 months. I pray for him and his health.
Japanese Shavols were calling him out for the same reason. Yoga is associated with evil cults in Japan. He looks like a man in his 40s now. Suju and TVXQ men look better than him. I laugh so hard when I see fangirls having melt downs over his pictures. K-pop Stans really need to get therapy.