Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49

Mar 14, 2017
Daniel's 70 sevens prophecy is a countdown to the Messiah and a prince who shall come... and the count begins with the word to restore and rebuild Jerusalem with the wall. Nehemiah wrote a book about it.

So the countdown begins on Nisan in king Artaxerxes 20th year.

Nisan 444 BC ---> 7x360 weeks + 62x360 weeks ---> Nisan 33 AD until the Messiah (who shall be cut off but not for Himself).

------------- Church age or age of grace etc etc ------------

June 7 1967 ---> 7x360 weeks ---> Sept 23 2015 Yom Kippur until the prince who shall come (and confirm a covenant with many).

So Daniel's 70 sevens prophecy is solved.

If i need to explain i will... Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on Nisan 33 AD and was cutt off or crucified... not for Himself but for the salvation of all who believe in Him. And after that the 62 sevens or 62x360 weeks were spent. And Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans (the people of the prince who shall come...) So only 7 sevens or 7x360 weeks + last seven or 360 weeks left of the countdown.

Word went out to restore control over Jerusalem during the Six Day War on June 7 1967... so count from that date 7 sevens or 7x360 weeks which completed on the Day of Atonement in Sept 23 2015. Two days later the pope of Rome confirmed Agenda 21 in the United Nations. He even began his speech by saying he came in his own name.

In the middle of the last seven or 360 weeks which began on Sept 23 2015 sacrifices ceased or churches closed in early 2020 because of corona.

On the wing of abominations come destructions... we're not there yet but is it the flying roll of Zechariah 5 which looks like a nuclear missile ?

Time will tell.

clutching at straws really.
islam's 1260 lunar years of rule is exactly what was written in Revelation 11 and again referenced in Revelation 12.
The nonsense you've written is just clutching at straws and stretching the imagination 'agendsa 21 united nations, pope, rome' etc. what the hell are you derping on about? that is insignificant in the grand scheme of things to an entire 1260 years of rule, only challenged by the Beast(rome/crusaders).

Zecheriah 5 is not about a nuclear missile. just another example of the utter crap you come out with. It's about the whore/adulteress/wicked woman being taken to babylon to learn usury aka 'the curse' against the theif and the one who swears falsely' ie the creditor and debtor.
you see the stones/trees theme on repeat, here, in Habakkuk 2, in Jeremiah 2&3 and likewise in islamic eschatology. Stones/trees in that judaic context refer to spiritual idolatory.

now you're saying 'no jews arent allowed to give us any interpretation because they dont believe in Jesus' now you're rewritten the meaning of 'mount zaphon'. No, it isnt a reference to the temple mount and yes it is a reference to Jebel Aqra
there were numerous mountains in history people believed to be 'the mount of assembley', but in this context it is referring to jebel aqra.
repeating yourself doesnt change this fact. You've desperately butchered the bible in such ways in order to try and present an argument against islam.

an example of how rubbish your views are
Revelation 11 and 12 reference that 1260 days and it's connected to the wilderness. The woman and her offspring ie the REAL jews of blood and spirit, came to islam...hence it says
'they believe in the testimony of Jesus AND they obey God's commandments'.
satan makes war against them only when the 1260 days are over.
this makes perfect sense when you look at what's happened.
post 1948 and the creation of a masonic, secular/athiest israel with gay parade, where they murder the palestinians.
the real jews of blood and spirit, the real remnant...are amongst the palestinians. That's because in luke 21 Jesus told his followers from the jews, to find shelter in the mountains, whilst the remaining jews would be punished and cut off.
This links to Zecheriah 13, where 2/3 are killed or cut off/exiles...and the 1/3 who survive, become the remnant.
That remnant, never left the holy land. They were christians, absorbed into a new identity, who became palestinian muslims.

So it makes perfect sense that the true remnant are connected with the wilderness and 1260 years of protection under islam ended with the creation of that masonic state. 'the city known as sodom and egypt'. Attacked by the serpent and the beast.
that is where we're at.
Yet you're trying to claim satan desired to rule the temple mount for 1260 years. Where's the biblical evidence for that? none. only a deliberate misinterpretation of isaiah 14. pathetic.
you kind of tried to just mish mash 1000 years and 1260 years together like it's the same thing. 1260 years of islamic rule is very very specific and connected to all the above contexts.

In isaiah 5, the temple mount is the VINEYARD and in the parable of tenants Jesus calls GOD, THE LANDLORD.
yet you're claiming Satan is the landlord!!!

Also he thinks angels don't have free will and so are incapable of falling from grace.
he is correct. The angels of light do not posess duality, gender, free will etc. They are extentions of God's light.
The seraph's on the otherhand, are serpents and beings of FIRE ie JINNNNNNNN!!!!
the fire, is the fire of desire. They are from the next phase of consciousness, the world of individual consciousness and self awareness..and hence the birth of the fire of desire.
Here, desire is both beneficial aswell as destructive...
and St Thomas Aquinas explained this one perfectly

Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae offers a description of the nature of seraphim:

The name "Seraphim" does not come from charity only, but from the excess of charity, expressed by the word ardor or fire. Hence Dionysius (Coel. Hier. vii) expounds the name "Seraphim" according to the properties of fire, containing an excess of heat. Now in fire we may consider three things.
First, the movement which is upwards and continuous. This signifies that they are borne inflexibly towards God.
Secondly, the active force which is "heat," which is not found in fire simply, but exists with a certain sharpness, as being of most penetrating action, and reaching even to the smallest things, and as it were, with superabundant fervor; whereby is signified the action of these angels, exercised powerfully upon those who are subject to them, rousing them to a like fervor, and cleansing them wholly by their heat.
Thirdly we consider in fire the quality of clarity, or brightness; which signifies that these angels have in themselves an inextinguishable light, and that they also perfectly enlighten others.
basically...the seraphs are jinns who's fire/desire, was towards the Absolute...became higher ranking than the angels of light. That is, for the reasons explained here about this fire
Certain sharpness, as being of most penetrating action, and reaching even to the smallest things, and as it were, with superabundant fervor; whereby is signified the action of these angels,

angel is a designation, a title, a messenger...we're seperating the 'angels of light' from other types of angels.
As soon as desire points downwards towards the material illusion, it becomes destructive..a burning/destroying pride, envy, hatred, greed, lust.
In the story of iblees, he was ranked amongst the angels, in islamic tradition he was ranked higher than all of them. However when his attention was turned to the physical form of Adam (a symbol of the material illusion), he lost the way and it became a destructive fire.

This concept is explained in Buddhism where you have destructive Desire, TANHA/CRAVING and it is the root of all human suffering.
The objective is to transform Tanha into Chandha, WHOLESOME DESIRE.

In this regard, this desire is our astral body. the fire is within us, it is the serpent within. We learn from new testament theology, that the serpent is not reliable eg trying to transform the serpent is a slipper slope..and it is better to kill the serpent via the cross.
this is all stuff i hold close...hence my username. However, im very much in a state of self acceptance as a sinner and a practical guy.
i searched for this cross btw...i didnt find it. i found a dead symbol only. The cross became a symbol of roman conquest/imperialism.

fire in it's proper form, is also light. angels of light', that is to say in this case, with the serpents...when their fire is upright it is light and they become light. However they have a dual nature which seperates them from the true genderless angels of light.
humans, also posess this nature.


Dec 13, 2017
islam's 1260 lunar years of rule is exactly what was written in Revelation 11 and again referenced in Revelation 12.
Revelation 11 1Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the number of worshipers there. 2But exclude the courtyard outside the temple. Do not measure it, because it has been given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for 42 months. 3And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

Above is during the 6th trumpet of the 7th seal. So it's still in the future... and as it states it is a period consisting of 42 months/1260 days.

Needless to say It has absolutely nothing to do with 1260 lunar years of islamic rule over Jerusalem.

Below is where Jesus warned that Jerusalem would be trampled by gentiles... and here is where you guys come in and trample around the Holy city with your filthy feet.L0L

Luke 21 20But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know that her desolation is near. 21Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country stay out of the city. 22For these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.

23How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! For there will be great distress upon the land and wrath against this people. 24They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations. And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Zecheriah 5 is not about a nuclear missile. just another example of the utter crap you come out with. It's about the whore/adulteress/wicked woman being taken to babylon to learn usury aka 'the curse' against the theif and the one who swears falsely' ie the creditor and debtor.
The flying roll has the same dimensions as a submarine launched ballistic missile. And it destroys stone and timber and leaves a residue...

It approaches as an ephah according to the angel that is the size of about half a barrel... not unlike this...

That's a W84 warhead.​

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Iran-Saudi deal boosts Tehran’s hopes of halting Israel-led regional front – analysts

In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, at right, shakes hands with Saudi national security adviser Musaad bin Mohammed al-Aiban, at left, as Wang Yi, China's most senior diplomat, looks on, at center, for a photo during a closed meeting held in Beijing, March 11, 2023. (photo: Luo Xiaoguang, Xinhua via AP)

Iran’s resumption of diplomatic ties with long-time rival Saudi Arabia has raised the Islamic Republic’s hopes for improved security, economic and trade cooperation with its neighbors and within the Gulf.

Riyadh and Tehran cut top-level engagement in 2016, but their foreign ministers on Thursday signed the Beijing Agreement in China’s capital, after senior security officials from both Gulf powers concluded its terms last month.

Longstanding regional dynamics now look set to be reshaped.

“Detente with Saudi Arabia allows Iran to avoid the formation of a united regional front at a time of heightened tensions with the United States and Israel,” said Ali Vaez, from the Belgium-based war monitor International Crisis Group.
Mar 1, 2021
every day i still read jews mocking palestinians, saying 'you never had a border, you were not a nation'

and that there is just like how in Ezekiel 38, the true remnant are a people without borders, walls, gates...

that is fascinating stuff to me. it speaks volumes given modern israel is made up of khazarian jews of the gomer camp and hence literally gog and magog themselves.
this being the camp of cursed jews who were kicked out of the holy land. As it told us in Zechariah 13 and as Jesus had told the early christian community about in luke 21

20 “When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22 For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. 23 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. 24 They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations.

linking this to Zechariah 13, nowhere did it ever say that these jews, who are also called the synagogue of satan, will magically become the remnant.
Rather, the true remnant never left the holy land, always remained there etc.

they just happened to become christian, then muslim..and have been absorbed into a palestinian identity.
accused of 'no land no border' by the synaguge of says it all. we are clearly seeing both sides play out.
now i cant say every palestinian is an authentic jew in blood, im saying the true remnant is amongst the palestinians. the prophecy in Revelation 11 and 12, ultimately links the 1260 days prophecy to the period of islam and 'gentiles trampling' on the holy temple, fulfilled by islam. It's in Rev 12 where we see this merging happening through 'the woman and her offspring seeking shelter in the wilderness for 1260 days'

so again it makes perfect sense that since this period ended in 1948, the SERPENT has made war against them. makes sense why they're called the synoaguge of satan.

as for the palestinians, they bear the testimony of jews, that also follow the commandments, that is, shariah. since a post jesus context means the Torah is fulfilled. You cant be a christian who follows torah like jews follow torah, the entire story of the epistles revolves around this topic.
However sharia coming via prophet Mohammad does make sense in a post-grace context. that is, just like the israelites lost Faith in egypt, the christians lost faith in rome...and hence this whole trinitarian polythiesm and a white man-god figure. So the law was necessary, via a gentile prophet who fulfilled the promise made to ismael and hagar. count full circle with the wilderness and remnant connection, meaning that islam has given life to the true remnant.

all the other shite i keep seeing, like these wild claims that 'gog and magog are muslims' is comical stuff given muslims occupied the holy land for 1260 lunear how could they be gog and magog?
Please don't post on something you don't know about. As of 2005, over 60 percent of Jews were of partial or full Mizrahi ancestry. The Mizrahi Jews were expelled from the Arab world before WW2, and spurred on by the Grand Imam of Jerusalem's admiration of Hitler. There's a population of Ethiopian Jews, and Jews from Spanish Speaking countries, China, India and many other places. A large part of the Israeli population is Druze, Samaritan and others. When you lie on an enemy, it's easier to dehumanize them.
Mar 14, 2017
Please don't post on something you don't know about. As of 2005, over 60 percent of Jews were of partial or full Mizrahi ancestry. The Mizrahi Jews were expelled from the Arab world before WW2, and spurred on by the Grand Imam of Jerusalem's admiration of Hitler. There's a population of Ethiopian Jews, and Jews from Spanish Speaking countries, China, India and many other places. A large part of the Israeli population is Druze, Samaritan and others. When you lie on an enemy, it's easier to dehumanize them.
1) i said 'it's made up of'
made up of what? 10% 20%?
the fact is the group who created israel were the ashnazis and they remain the dominant group.
mizrahi jews are not the elite of israel, the ashkenazi are.

certain ashkenazi jews amassed wealth through usury..and it's the only reason why israel came into existence. it was the power and wealth of house rothschild that led to the balfour declaration.

you think he was talking about about your ave jew living in villages?
No, he was on about a certain jewish elite who ran it, a minority.
when Yahweh was punishing israel and judea, he did it because of their king's actions, not 'the majority'.

2) haha 'spurred on by the grand imam of jerusalem'

there was no youtube or facebook back then you daft heffer. you think muslims in tunisia or india were sitting around waiting to watch the Grand Imam of Jerusalem podcast? you think the grand imam toured the islamic world making anti jewish speeches?

in my post, ididnt really talk about the exodus of jews in the muslim world, but i have spoken often about how PSEUDO-islamic revivalism and arab nationalism played a big part.
i called it pseudo islamic...the post-colonial era gave rise to nationalist/facist elements in every single part of the world across every religion. it's why the partition of india happened aswell. Those movements strayed from authentic islam in one way or another.

3) MORE IMPORTANTLY, the above doesnt change the fact that the true remnant foretold in Zechariah 12, are the camp who never left the holy land.
mizrahi jews are still not the remnant of Zechariah 13.
Furthermore i draw the gog and magog connection because of the title of this thread and obsessive argument made by Red and knobheads like amir tsarfati that the muslims are gog and magog. When in fact we see clear evidence that the ashkenazi/khazarian connection is the one purposely mocking Ezekiel 38, doing the complete opposite every chance they get.

so Ezekiel 38 speaks of a nation 'no walls/gates' (ie no borders for example). no weapons. a 'peaceful and unsuspecting' people.
we see a complete 180 on each one, which makes perfect sense when the dominant race in israel are themselves ashkenazi.
Mar 14, 2017
Revelation 11 1Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the number of worshipers there. 2But exclude the courtyard outside the temple. Do not measure it, because it has been given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for 42 months. 3And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

Above is during the 6th trumpet of the 7th seal. So it's still in the future... and as it states it is a period consisting of 42 months/1260 days.

Needless to say It has absolutely nothing to do with 1260 lunar years of islamic rule over Jerusalem.

Below is where Jesus warned that Jerusalem would be trampled by gentiles... and here is where you guys come in and trample around the Holy city with your filthy feet.L0L

Luke 21 20But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know that her desolation is near. 21Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country stay out of the city. 22For these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.

23How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! For there will be great distress upon the land and wrath against this people. 24They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations. And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

The flying roll has the same dimensions as a submarine launched ballistic missile. And it destroys stone and timber and leaves a residue...

It approaches as an ephah according to the angel that is the size of about half a barrel... not unlike this...

That's a W84 warhead.​

the trumpets have their own timeline and there's no precise chronology here.
For example when we talk about the whore of babylon system, it is something that's already here, as is the Beast.
the precise prophecies of them pertain to their destruction or a certain period of events.
likewise the Rev 11 and Rev 12 '1260 days' prophecy, only really talks about their doesnt mean 'and then there is going to be this brand new 1260 days (years) period'.

desperate or what.

2) "Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. "
which is exactly what it says in Revelation 11..

however..'the gentiles' extends to all non-jews and hence every period of the holy land under gentile rule.
within that, you get a certain Rev 11 '1260 days' prophecy.

11 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

hence islam came and muslims literally rule jerusalem for 1260 LUNAR YEARS..
I've also explained clearly in my previous posts, how this connects with Rev 12's WILDERNESS. The woman and her offspring FLED TO THE WILDERNESS is symbolic of Hagar fleeing from Sarah.
we know in Zechariah 13, that the true remnant of judea, the true jews of blood and spirit, never left the holy land, which makes sense because in luke 21, Jesus told that true remnant to hide in the mountains and that the synagogue of satan would be taken out/enslaved etc.

it makes so much sense that the true remnant became muslim, when yoo connect to 1260 days, the wilderness/hagar-sarah connection and the fact that this all adds up perfectly to muslims ruling jerusalem for 1260 lunar years.
how about that for prophecy?
and after that 1260 days period is over..
Rev 11 - THE ANTICHRIST makes war against the two witnesses, the city is then called 'sodom and egypt' (gay parade and masonic israel LOL).
Rev 12 - the woman's offspring are targeted and murdered.
7 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

that makes sense when i see israelis murdering palestinian children every tea time. it's become a past time sport over there.
im being very specific. it isnt like they murder children in collatoral damage...they specifically target the children..

etc etc

makes perfect sense..
i guess i believe in the book more than you ever have, with your piss poor interpretations of isaiah 14 and everything else.

ps i forgot to add this before
your argument that God was the literal father of Jesus because 'jesus had no wordly father' was pretty comical...given the Quran answered this one with the most basic argument
Did Adam have a father?


lmao flying scroll dimensions
the desperation is unreal.

i know what zechariah 5 don't.



Dec 13, 2017
1) i said 'it's made up of'
made up of what? 10% 20%?
the fact is the group who created israel were the ashnazis and they remain the dominant group.
mizrahi jews are not the elite of israel, the ashkenazi are.
So Ashkenazi is an old jewish name for Germania.

Do you not consider yourself as a neo nazi ?


Dec 13, 2017
the trumpets have their own timeline and there's no precise chronology here.
For example when we talk about the whore of babylon system, it is something that's already here, as is the Beast.
the precise prophecies of them pertain to their destruction or a certain period of events.
likewise the Rev 11 and Rev 12 '1260 days' prophecy, only really talks about their doesnt mean 'and then there is going to be this brand new 1260 days (years) period'.
Rev 11 equates 42 months with 1260 days... so how you get 1260 lunar years is a personal interpretation at best.

2) "Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. "
which is exactly what it says in Revelation 11..
Not exactly.

Jesus said in Luke that jews would be scattered into all the nations while Jerusalem would be trampled by gentiles yes that's you guys... until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled. That happened on June 7 1967 when jews restored control over the Old City.

In Rev 11 the courtyard outside the temple has been handed over to the gentiles and they will trample the holy city for 42 months/1260 days. What this means time will tell...

your argument that God was the literal father of Jesus because 'jesus had no wordly father' was pretty comical...
Yea well that's what the Holy bible state... that Jesus didn't have a human father and that God was His Father. And that's why Jesus is known as the only begotten Son of God. Again Jesus constantly referred to God as His Father and God acknowledged Jesus as His Son.

I know this is not halal according to the quran... but as i see it satan is right when he denies Jesus as his Son.

lmao flying scroll dimensions
the desperation is unreal.

i know what zechariah 5 don't.
Well believe what you want.

I'm only trying to help you understand.
Mar 14, 2017
Rev 11 equates 42 months with 1260 days... so how you get 1260 lunar years is a personal interpretation at best.

Not exactly.

Jesus said in Luke that jews would be scattered into all the nations while Jerusalem would be trampled by gentiles yes that's you guys... until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled. That happened on June 7 1967 when jews restored control over the Old City.

In Rev 11 the courtyard outside the temple has been handed over to the gentiles and they will trample the holy city for 42 months/1260 days. What this means time will tell...

Yea well that's what the Holy bible state... that Jesus didn't have a human father and that God was His Father. And that's why Jesus is known as the only begotten Son of God. Again Jesus constantly referred to God as His Father and God acknowledged Jesus as His Son.

I know this is not halal according to the quran... but as i see it satan is right when he denies Jesus as his Son.

Well believe what you want.

I'm only trying to help you understand.

Rev 11 equates 42 months with 1260 days... so how you get 1260 lunar years is a personal interpretation at best.
just like 70 weeks become 490 lunar years.
I don't imagine 2000 years post-Christ, of gentiles, inc 1260 lunar years literally...of islamic rule over jerusalem, would be something insignificant.
Need I remind you yet again of the parable of tenants. Why did Jesus say another race would become tenants and would produce the fruit?
now think about it, Romans ruled it...and a period of that was under christianity. Christianity lost it the moment islam came...and other than after the first crusade, it was muslim until 1948.
if it was about the romans/christians, why would Jesus speak as if it was some OTHER race? given the romans already ruled Judea by that point (give unto ceasar..)
41 “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

plus even within this is the fact that it was the romans who actually crucified Jesus..rome being the Beast, is certainly not the one fulfilling the better part of the 'gentiles' prophecy. in fact during the jewish revolt against Heraclius (emperor of the byzantine empire in the time of prophet Mohammad), the jews established a jewish state in jerusalem and were literally constructing the new temple. When the byzantines took it back, they broke that structure and left the temple mount a mess. Basically, the temple mount was only restored by muslims, not by christians, so it rules out the roman/christian period of gentiles.

I don't think you've quite grasped the contents of scripture fully yet. It is important to have funnell vision and be capable of seeing various prophecies and chapters/verses collectively. So for example within all of this, I also look at how in isaiah 42, we go from the Christ prophecy in the first 10 verses of that chapter, then into the 'new song prophecy' (new song in the context, new scripture, new story etc as in islam) where it connects with the wilderness and KEDAR.
This makes perfect sense 'post Christ', as in, Ishmael could never become a great nation until after the messiah has been. There is a lot more to dit than just that though. I'm thinking of multiple things but mentioning them all would be a wast eof time since you tend to ignore everything i say just like you throw the Book behind your arse as and when it suits you.

So in isaiah 42, you have 3 sections.
The first is about Jesus and christianity (a light for gentiles)
the second, is the NEW SONG prophecy which is about God making WAR against pagans. as in, the rise of islam.
the third is a condemnation of the jews who had witnessed the above.
God says

18 “Hear, you deaf;
look, you blind, and see!
19 Who is blind but my servant,
and deaf like the messenger I send?
Who is blind like the one in covenant with me,
blind like the servant of the Lord?
20 You have seen many things, but you pay no attention;
your ears are open, but you do not listen.”
21 It pleased the Lord
for the sake of his righteousness
to make his law great and glorious.

For they would not follow his ways;
they did not obey his law.
25 So he poured out on them his burning anger,
the violence of war.
It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand;
it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart.

clearly these are events taking place post-Christ and pre-second comin, since the second coming is not leading to a condemnation of jews, but their elevation.

2) im seeing clear proof of islam, you're trying to pigeon hole made up interpretations via isaiah 14 to try and claim Allah is satan.
in fact Jesus said SATANS KINGDOM IS NOT DIVIDED ie satan doesnt condemn satan.

so how do you explain these verses?
O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.
(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #168)

satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.
(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #268)

Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by satan into insanity. That is because they say, "Trade is [just] like interest." But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah. But whoever returns to [dealing in interest or usury] - those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.
(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #275)

Indeed, those of you who turned back on the day the two armies met, it was satan who caused them to slip because of some [blame] they had earned. But Allah has already forgiven them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.
(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #155)

And [also] those who spend of their wealth to be seen by the people and believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day. And he to whom satan is a companion - then evil is he as a companion.
(سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #38)

Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and satan wishes to lead them far astray.
(سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #60)

so by claiming Allah IS SATAN, via fake interpretation of isaiah 14, is both an attack against the bible itself aswell as an attack against the very logic Jesus used to defend himself, when he was accused of 'taking out demons in the name of Baal'.

it is no wonder Jesus is going to reject you and say 'i never knew you'
u fake xtians are a joke.

Jesus said in Luke that jews would be scattered into all the nations while Jerusalem would be trampled by gentiles yes that's you guys... until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled. That happened on June 7 1967 when jews restored control over the Old City.

Jesus challenged and rejected the claim that they were ever jews to begin when, when he called them 'sons of SATAN'
hence the rejectors of Jesus, became 'the synagogue of satan'.
basically the true jews, the true remnant of zechariah 13, are the camp of jews, of blood and spirit, who, like the apostles...were jewish by blood and yet christian in identity.
in luke 21, Jesus spoke to them and told them to find shelter in the mountains whilst the anti-christ jews/synagogue of satan/sons of satan..were kicked out, being 'cut off' (zechariah 13)
how did Jesus speak of those 'jews' in luke 21?

There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.
They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations.

the followers/believers of Christ, would flee to the mountains..they would survive, not die or be taken into slavery.
thus in Zechariah 13 we are told 1/3 would survive and become the remnant.

whatever happened to the early jewish christian community, where did they go? their descendants?
again, based on Zechariah 13, the remnant would remain there. they never left.

Rev 11...the outer court was still on the temple was a reference to an area that was not part of the historic temple. The location of the al jami al aqsa (the mosque built on the temple mount, typically known as 'masjid al aqsa') is not physically built on the area that was once the temple.
The Dome of the Rock is not to be confused with the al jami al aqsa (the mosque).

As i said before..

Jesus himself said
God has referred to Israel as 'my first born' and likewise there were many 'sons of God'. This is symbolic lingo..not to be taken literally.
it's just metaphorical/symbolic language.


Dec 13, 2017
Rev 11 equates 42 months with 1260 days... so how you get 1260 lunar years is a personal interpretation at best.
just like 70 weeks become 490 lunar years.
A shabua or seven in Daniel 9 is seven years... not seven solar years nor seven lunar years but 360 weeks... which is almost seven solar years.

And 70 sevens in Daniel 9 are not a continues count of 70 x 360 weeks... as the count is paused when the Messiah came to be cut off until jews again restore control over the Old City... and this long paused period of about 2000 years is by christians at least called the church age or age of grace.

I don't imagine 2000 years post-Christ, of gentiles, inc 1260 lunar years literally...of islamic rule over jerusalem, would be something insignificant.
Need I remind you yet again of the parable of tenants. Why did Jesus say another race would become tenants and would produce the fruit?
Jesus was walking talking in the temple courts... when a group of priests scribes and elders came up to Him and asked by what authority are you doing these things ? And Jesus told them a parable about the wicked tenants... which they understood referred to them. So the Kingdom of God would be taken from them and given to a people who would produce its fruits (love compassion righteousness mercy etc etc) in other words the Kingdom of God would be given to christians (not muslims who kill lie cheat n steal).


Dec 13, 2017
Jesus himself said
God has referred to Israel as 'my first born' and likewise there were many 'sons of God'. This is symbolic lingo..not to be taken literally.
it's just metaphorical/symbolic language.
Jesus literally didn't have a human father.

And that's why He constantly referred to YHWH as His Father and why YHWH also acknowledged Jesus as His Son.

There is nothing symbolical nor metaphorical about it.... Jesus literally didn't have a human father.
Mar 1, 2021
1) i said 'it's made up of'
made up of what? 10% 20%?
the fact is the group who created israel were the ashnazis and they remain the dominant group.
mizrahi jews are not the elite of israel, the ashkenazi are.

certain ashkenazi jews amassed wealth through usury..and it's the only reason why israel came into existence. it was the power and wealth of house rothschild that led to the balfour declaration.

you think he was talking about about your ave jew living in villages?
No, he was on about a certain jewish elite who ran it, a minority.
when Yahweh was punishing israel and judea, he did it because of their king's actions, not 'the majority'.

2) haha 'spurred on by the grand imam of jerusalem'

there was no youtube or facebook back then you daft heffer. you think muslims in tunisia or india were sitting around waiting to watch the Grand Imam of Jerusalem podcast? you think the grand imam toured the islamic world making anti jewish speeches?

in my post, ididnt really talk about the exodus of jews in the muslim world, but i have spoken often about how PSEUDO-islamic revivalism and arab nationalism played a big part.
i called it pseudo islamic...the post-colonial era gave rise to nationalist/facist elements in every single part of the world across every religion. it's why the partition of india happened aswell. Those movements strayed from authentic islam in one way or another.

3) MORE IMPORTANTLY, the above doesnt change the fact that the true remnant foretold in Zechariah 12, are the camp who never left the holy land.
mizrahi jews are still not the remnant of Zechariah 13.
Furthermore i draw the gog and magog connection because of the title of this thread and obsessive argument made by Red and knobheads like amir tsarfati that the muslims are gog and magog. When in fact we see clear evidence that the ashkenazi/khazarian connection is the one purposely mocking Ezekiel 38, doing the complete opposite every chance they get.

so Ezekiel 38 speaks of a nation 'no walls/gates' (ie no borders for example). no weapons. a 'peaceful and unsuspecting' people.
we see a complete 180 on each one, which makes perfect sense when the dominant race in israel are themselves ashkenazi.
I'm actually Jewish and know what I'm talking about. When the Grand Imam or other leaders issue reports or laws, those get passed around. How do you think news made it from one place to another? The Old West even had the pony express. Jews never left Israel. Even with expulsion, some of us remained. You obviously have a hate-on for Jews. Did one of them steal your wife, reject your artwork or have a bigger one than you? Grow up and stop scapegoating people. This gets people killed. I won't bother with the rest of your post because you didn't come to debate, especially not with insults like daft heifer? That's very mature.
Mar 14, 2017
A shabua or seven in Daniel 9 is seven years... not seven solar years nor seven lunar years but 360 weeks... which is almost seven solar years.

And 70 sevens in Daniel 9 are not a continues count of 70 x 360 weeks... as the count is paused when the Messiah came to be cut off until jews again restore control over the Old City... and this long paused period of about 2000 years is by christians at least called the church age or age of grace.

Jesus was walking talking in the temple courts... when a group of priests scribes and elders came up to Him and asked by what authority are you doing these things ? And Jesus told them a parable about the wicked tenants... which they understood referred to them. So the Kingdom of God would be taken from them and given to a people who would produce its fruits (love compassion righteousness mercy etc etc) in other words the Kingdom of God would be given to christians (not muslims who kill lie cheat n steal).
1) The 70 sevens prophecy, just like the 4 beasts, are all TEMPLE CENTRIC. Eg the 4 beasts ruled over the temple. The 10 horns of Rome for example were the 10 emperors of Rome who specifically ruled Jerusalem when the temple was there. There were many more emperors but they don't count since there was no temple.

a 'seven' in Daniel 9, is 7 years. In the context, lunar years, because of the jewish lunar year, not solar.

The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[h] In the middle of the ‘seven’[i] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[j] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him

The prophecy doesnt cut off from Jesus, it cut off from the temple's destruction.

So Jesus was 'cut off' at the 69th week. The temple was destroyed in the MIDDLE of the final week.
how come the temple wasn't destroyed 3.5 years after Jesus?
that 3.5 years is instead multiplied 10 fold..which comes to 68AD with the roman seige of Jerusalem. Thus 'the abomination' set up in the temple until it was destroyed in 70AD.

There is no 'church period', christianity had nothing to with the temple mount. the temple mount/gentiles prophecy in Revelation 11 begins when muslims took control and established al aqsa. 'trampling on the outer court' as it were.

As far as how the period expands and the logic behind it, i can't tell you. However i can speak confidently that it was temple mount centric. The temple and sacrifice extend to the concept of the LAW and SLAVERY as opposed to Jesus as the atonement representing SONSHIP. I'm familiar with the Pauline epistles and understand the role of islam as a religion of LAW post-Christ and hence the connection between Jerusalem and hagar, which further extends in Revelation 11.

Although on that note, I've explained this before but will explain it again.
Paul's argument was that the early christians (inc the gentiles) were likened to the original Patriarchs, 'righteous by FAITH before there was a law (of Moses)'.
However Paul also said that this position of 'grace by faith' was lost when the israelites lost true belief in Egypt.
God instead gave them the law of Moses. Paul went on to explain how the law was not revealed to conceal sin, but to make it's depths known, in order to magnify His Grace, later.
made a lot of sense to me that stuff...and yet christians/xtians fail to appreciate that by this logic, if the early christians were likened to the patriarchs then we're seeing a repeat of the original story, via the gentiles. So they went from Faith/grace, to the law...all so that Jesus could 'fulfill the law' and return people to salvation when they were knee deep in a sinful state by the law itself.
So naturally, it makes sense that faith would be lost and yet again a law would be given..leading to the second coming of Jesus.
basic deduction, it makes a lot of sense this way. If people were just constantly in this state of faith and all perfectly forgiven, there'd be little point in Jesus returning. His ascension and return was done, for the gentile period.

Jesus was walking talking in the temple courts... when a group of priests scribes and elders came up to Him and asked by what authority are you doing these things ? And Jesus told them a parable about the wicked tenants... which they understood referred to them. So the Kingdom of God would be taken from them and given to a people who would produce its fruits (love compassion righteousness mercy etc etc) in other words the Kingdom of God would be given to christians (not muslims who kill lie cheat n steal).

-the vineyard in the parable of tenants, is literal Jerusalem, proof is there in Isaiah 5 that it doesnt refer to an imaginary disney land but to the actual holy land. In otherwords, the jews were going to be kicked out (which is also expanded on in luke 21) and replaced.

You say it refers to christians...but muslims were there for a lot longer than christians were. Whilst historically christians were in that 'state of faith'...when that faith was lost, the symbol of the cross died..and instead became the symbol of roman imperialism/power and hence murder.
all this talk of lying, cheating and stealing, im pretty sure eddie guerrero was a christian...but also the fact that muslims were tenants in jerusalem for far longer than christians were, speaks for itself.

for what it's worth, i dont have a particular high regard for most muslims these days, but we're in the end times.

The Quran dedicates Chapter 18 to the story of the seven sleepers, who were christian. prophet Mohammad spoke about a certain awliya (friend of God) by the name of 'juraij' (st George). So at the very least, early christianity even in the 3rd century, was in the highest level of faith.

within islam, there are 3 levels of faith. Iman (basic belief, but still sinful and under the influence of the carnal soul), most of us. Islam, where the carnal soul is controlled and brough tto submission, aka 'slavery', aka the circumcision concept, tamed/cut but still under duality. The highest level is called IHSAN and this level is more the complete negation of SELF and hence the death of the carnal soul (ie the cross symbol of the dead serpent).
when we talk about matters of sin..and our carnal nature..
islam currently is like how the jews were before and at the time of Jesus. unable to fulfill the the requirements of law and in a state of despair eg 'the consciousness of sin'. Awaiting God's grace.

The xtians however are like the israelites in egypt. You are ever more slaves, to the matrix.
I'm not doing to diss authentic christianity, id rather save that for xtians, so called christians who are anythning but.
If you were the tenants of the vineyard, muslims would not have taken it the moment islam came.

3) again, symbolic language.
Adam didnt have a blood father either. Semen is pretty much a container for the LIFE FORCE...and the spirit was BREATHED into Jesus just like it was into Adam. Hence the 'living waters' and divine breath aspect of Jesus.
i like how you are fixated on a literal interpretation of BEN ELOHIM but don't apply that rule to other parts of scripture where Israel and judea are referred to as God's wives.
jews don't take it literally, why do you?
Mar 14, 2017
I'm actually Jewish and know what I'm talking about. When the Grand Imam or other leaders issue reports or laws, those get passed around. How do you think news made it from one place to another? The Old West even had the pony express. Jews never left Israel. Even with expulsion, some of us remained. You obviously have a hate-on for Jews. Did one of them steal your wife, reject your artwork or have a bigger one than you? Grow up and stop scapegoating people. This gets people killed. I won't bother with the rest of your post because you didn't come to debate, especially not with insults like daft heifer? That's very mature.

1) the colonial era gave muslims a huge kick up the arse. They were too comfortable for too long (read up on the ottomons and mughals if you arent familiar why). When muslims lost that position to smaller european nations, they realised how out of depth they were..and that in turn gave rise to what were originally islamic revivalist moments. Back then most muslims couldnt even read or write and those revivalist movements were low intellect AF.
Examples of these islamic revivalist movements are wahabism, the sunni hanafi divide in india between two different schools which led to the 'brelwi' and 'deobandi' movements which are at large and heavily destructive in modern pakistan btw. there were similar ones all over.
However the post-colonial era coupled with the post-modern era led to arab nationalism and what they call 'pan arabism'.
obv that, countered by zionism allied with colonial nations eg Britain and France esp, led to the expulsion of jews from the muslim world.
However, i think if you look at the bigger picture, you'll find historically muslims and jews werent enemies. Basically muslims reacted to zionism. You should focus more on the fact that jews were part of the muslim world for so long, until zionism as a western colonial tool came along and fked it up.
look at how, during the partition of india, kashmir was divided and leads to a currently constant conflict? isnt that the point? to keep people in constant conflict?

Some things are coincidental though and unfortunate. For example, the compilation of the quran in non-chronological (by the date of revelation) format, means that after the first introductory Chapter of the Quran, we are given a chapter called 'The Cow', a chapter revealed in Madina where they was a large jewish presence and hence it covers a lot of jewish centric topics and history.
when a muslim reads this chapter with modern politics and contexts in mind, it's far easier to form a collective negative mindset against Jews.
Yet that is like reading the following in isaiah 42

“Hear, you deaf;
look, you blind, and see!
19 Who is blind but my servant,
and deaf like the messenger I send?
Who is blind like the one in covenant with me,
blind like the servant of the Lord?
20 You have seen many things, but you pay no attention;
your ears are open, but you do not listen.”
21 It pleased the Lord
for the sake of his righteousness
to make his law great and glorious.
22 But this is a people plundered and looted,
all of them trapped in pits
or hidden away in prisons.
They have become plunder,
with no one to rescue them;
they have been made loot,
with no one to say, “Send them back.”
23 Which of you will listen to this
or pay close attention in time to come?
24 Who handed Jacob over to become loot,
and Israel to the plunderers?
Was it not the Lord,
against whom we have sinned?
For they would not follow his ways;
they did not obey his law.
25 So he poured out on them his burning anger,
the violence of war.
It enveloped them in flames, yet they did not understand;
it consumed them, but they did not take it to heart.

as in, it's important to see the full picture. How you absorb information is obviously dominated by personal narratives and experiences.

The Quran actually more accurately says this about Bani Israel

O Children of israel! Remember My Favour which I bestowed upon you and that I preferred you to the 'Alamin [mankind and jinn (of your time period, in the past)].
(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #47)

anyone can twist scripture one way or another. i'm not trying to claim it was faeries and daffodils in the muslim world, for jews. jews were still 'the other', but they were people of the book, abrahimic..and generally respected. Muslims weren't accusing jews of murdering Jesus, i mean muslims generally reject the crucifixion (i dont, ironically). The negative position muslims held on jews was largely that 'they rejected the prophets inc prophet Mohammad'. I doubt there was anything ethnic/racist or ideological set against judaism. When Caliph Umar conquered jerusalem, he had a jewish historian with him teaching him about Jerusalem. It is said he sought knowledge from jews all the time. in the same way i can read the bible, any muslim can..the message is just a different period of time and contexts, but the message of all prophets is one and the same as far as matters of faith are concerned.

muslims arent one-dimensional and neither am I. I have complicated views and these dont only apply to jews, they apply just as much to other muslim groups or to christianity. As a muslim ive taken a lot of positives from each religion, this includes hinduism aswell.
i can diss hindus online, whilst still accepting good things from them, the same thing with jews.
if you read through my posts, you'd find me often talking about kabballah, the sephirots (related to my understanding of metaphysics).
what i reject outright is this notion of 'judeo-xtianity against islam' in the modern perspective. Whether that is pushing warped ideas that muslims are gog and magog, or that the muslim world represents the BEAST (which was rome, not islam).
For example in Daniel 2, the rock (which is representing Jesus/the messiah) destroys the entire image. Yet if you look into islam, muslims were the actual ones who ended babylon, persia and defeated the byzantine empire. Islam basically was the primary antagonist to the Beast/image system and still is.

2) generally when i talk about jews and israel, it is in response to 'judeo-christian' bs and lies against islam. For example this amir tsarfati guy. He's a fake 'messianic jew', has authored books to profit off gullible christians and all he does is stir up shit.

ive spent most of my time countering the utter bs spread by amir tsarfati about how the muslim world is gog and magog for example. that is the nonsense Red has been peddling on here shamelessly and without merit.
to that ive argued that the messianic ideals and prophecies in the bible, are complete contradicted by modern israel.

i talk about how persia was the greatest friend jews ever had..
and how netenyahu summed up that relationship with
'dem wunted to wipe us juice off da map'
what a fucking bastard for saying that. The book of Esther story was a triumph of jews and their acceptance in persia.

so then wtf is netenyahu? he cant be a real jew can he? imposters who have butchered every religious principle of historical israel.
i have many theories behind this...but ultimately the bible itself allows me to differentiate between the true remnant and the rest.

As for 'there were always jews there'..
the jews were completely kicked out by the byzantines after the jewish revolt against heraclius, the establishment and then break up of the jewish sassanian vassal state in jerusalem.
when Umar conquered Jerusalem, the christians simply told him
"look, mate, you can have it all, we dont care...just promise not to let jews back in"
and whilst Umar agreed...he also became aware that the christians had renegaded on their original promise to the jews of safe passage (for pilgrimage at the very least), so he reneged on his promise and invited jews to return.

i bet as a jew you dont even know about the jewish sassanian vassal state in jerusalem and the aftermath.

ill go even deeper on this one..
i believe in leviticus 26's punishments theme, as a massive unconscious guilt complex and form of psychological reversal.
whatever the reasons behind that (such as general sinfulness, or the rejection of Jesus or the destruction of the temple or just general negativity), religion and scripture is mass programming.
thus, as per this theme..
the seed the jews planted, was a messianic one. it was their archetypal messiah, who unlike Jesus, was basically the person Mohammad became and what he establish, was the messianic goal of 7th century jewish messianicism.
there's an entire context of 6th and 7th century jewish messianic, rabbinic tradition and so forth which literally led to the creation of a jewish-sassanian vassal state.
within all of that, you even had the forgery of a fake zoroastrian prophetic/eschatological text called the Bahman Yast, which was a partial rip off of Daniel (i can spot this since im well read, the ave joe back then who ever read that book, would not know any better, thus i can see the extent of manipulation at hand). This particular text, presented this grand idea of 'the good east/persia...vs the evil west (rome, greece, christianity). obv that makes sense given jews were persecuted by them, whilst persia was at war against them.

Basically it's like this..
all of these ideals and dreams, backfired due to that psychological reversal i spoke about and the manifestation of it all was Mohammad and islam. So jews have a powerful mind. Considering even the 4 beasts of Daniel came true a person who plays around with visualisation and manifesration...i find it more fascinating personally.

look, the average muslim thinks Mohammad is the be all and end all. Yet i understand him and islam to be a shadow manifestation of messianic ideals. So then how much higher do i regard messianicism in it's true light? there's a certain dualism at play here.
This doesnt contradict my beliefs though. as it says 'by their tresspass the gentiles are reckoned'.
you see in isaiah 42 how these themes play with God testing jews.

how that relates to modern times and this topic? basically it is a grand attempt to reverse the old polarity. Hence they are anti persia and anti is now 'the beautiful and good west vs the wicked and evil east'.

whilst i also believe this grand attempt leads to what is the antichrist figure as opposed to the true messiah...ultimately i can sit back and understand it is all a game..and people are ultimately manipulated by monkey mind games within the same scripture that teaches us to rise above it. Hence, isaiah 42's last portion, the 'blind and deaf' part is...
'after all this, how did you know wake up and understand how this game really works?'
on that note, i really do believe in 'true jews'..the remnant and likewise in the abrahimic story.

what im finding is a challenge to me, is taking myself out of it all. it is the serpent, the nafs...ultimately playing us all...and even basic hatred comes from the nafs.
there are instances where ill give into hate, where it's fucking justified..
amir tsarfati is a peice of shit and so is netenyahu. yet generally even amongst muslims, ive been in the pro-israel camp.
here's why..
in the Quran, chapter 17, Surah al isra, named after prophet Mohammad's 'night journey' to Jerusalem, a jerusalem centric chapter, we're told of how Allah could bless the jews anytime He wills (in the context this means making them a nation again literally, returning them to the holy land). So, generally seeing the existence of a jewish state, im like 'yeh, that's cool with me, i dont get why muslims would fight that?'
However the Quran also says 'but if you revert to your sins, We shall revert to our punishments', thus i can immediately conclude that a murderous state like israel...that constantly lies and peddles propaganda against muslims just to justify it's own not really going to last.
i mean at the very least, it's a state that's shit all over it's own messianic ideals.

i judge people by their own apparent religious values. if israel was a purely secular state, id be okay with that. However 'they' go to secular europe to peddle the 'vee are secular modern ffreedumb state btw' and then they go to derpy murica to peddle the 'vee are gods chosen wuns btw, dem moselims doeeee' (amir tsarfati, prime example, netenyahu, fucking hate them).
that is where i tend to get dragged into it.

ive also seen how sam harris called for a complete annahilation of the muslim he's an athiest.
i also speak about how the bolsheviks were a jewish athiest movement, that murdered 20-40m orthodox christians and many millions of muslims too...

tell me im wrong?
stiill, im not bothered about ron jeremy's big dick..but on that note, jews also run the porn industry..
and jews are also the whore of babylon foretold in Revelation.

you know what i actually believe? on a dead serious note..
i believe jewish people are incredibly gifted, mentally, spiritually..and with that also comes a negative side. When they are under the influence of satan, they are used for evil. The 'whore of babylon' (references jeremiah 2, 3, zechariah 5, habakkuk 5, revelation 17/18) is a group of jewish elite occultists who are facilitating the creation of a global thoughtform 'the image of the beast', which is of a reptilian nature, to serve their reptilian agenda...and thus it feeds off human evil, negativity.
the mass bloodbath of the 20th century, was all a mass blood sacrifice (this inc the bolshevik revolution) and then the sexual revolution further extends feeding off the human life force.

but then i also believe that the bloodline descendants of Mohammad are satans agents in the muslim world, who are extending the power of this 'image' within the muslim world, all over, on a mass scale. so wehrever there are syeds, i see muslims dominated by drug dealing, drinking, adultery, murder, emnity between families etc. im not just speaking on external observation. ive seen it all in the astral plane.

if you're a religious jew in any form, if you accept the existence of demonic entities and a demonic world (the lower astral) which corresponds to our own reptilian'll at least accept that there's the elite reptilian agenda is mass control/domination and the enslavement of mankind. to make us into nothingmore than feed for metaphysical constructs of their making, that serve their agenda.
it makes sense that those who are at the forefront of the most important religions....are serving that side.
so when i say 'the jews' or i say 'the syeds' im generalising, understanding that the ave joe on the street isnt a threat to me, but within them are networks of people intensely dedicated to satanic sorcery. im dead serious btw.

the creators of modern israel, the rothschilds, are satanic

that's pretty plain isnt it? baphomet...

bloodline itself doesnt make them true jews. so when i say 'the jews' i also have clarified they're the 'synagogue of satan' and not authentic jews of blood and spirit.
the authentic ones, are a remnant known only to God. im a believer in Jesus Christ, the prophets, the apostles of Christ..they were all jewish.
in the same way that i believe in the concept of the imam mahdi, whilst i hold a very negative view of the Syeds, the caste/bloodline he comes from.
im reminded of this hadith

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: When we were sitting with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), he talked about periods of trial (fitnahs), mentioning many of them. When he mentioned the one when people should stay in their houses, some asked him: Apostle of Allah, what is the trial (fitnah) of staying at home? He replied: It will be flight and plunder. Then will come a test which is pleasant. Its murkiness is due to the fact that it is produced by a man from the people of my house, who will assert that he belongs to me, whereas he does not, for my friends are only the God-fearing. Then the people will unite under a man who will be like a hip-bone on a rib. Then there will be the little black trial which will leave none of this community without giving him a slap, and when people say that it is finished, it will be extended. During it a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, so that the people will be in two camps: the camp of faith which will contain no hypocrisy, and the camp of hypocrisy which will contain no faith. When that happens, expect the Antichrist (Dajjal) that day or the next. (Book #35, Hadith #4230)

final point
'judeo-christianity' is the Beast system working with the whore of babylon/synagogue of satan.
it isnt the good side at all.

in islamic eschatology, the rise of house saud along with the wahabi movement, is described as 'the side of the head of satan'. it refers to an area of arabia called 'najd' and what came there? the rise of house saud and wahabism, the present location of Riyadh, full of it's satanic symbolism throughout.
now...what if an arab reads this and he is from najd aswell as a wahabi? my advice would be, 'just dont follow that crap'
likewise i dont follow any of the movements or sects in pakistan. i stepped out from all of that..
and this particular hadith covers that position

It has been narrated on the authority of Hudhaifa b. al-Yaman who said: People used to ask the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) about the good times, but I used to ask him about bad times fearing lest they overtake me. I said: Messenger of Allah, we were in the midst of ignorance and evil, and then God brought us this good (time through Islam). Is there any bad time after this good one? He said: Yes. I asked: Will there be a good time again after that bad time? He said: Yes, but therein will be a hidden evil. I asked: What will be the evil hidden therein? He said: (That time will witness the rise of) the people who will adopt ways other than mine and seek guidance other than mine. You will know good points as well as bad points. I asked: Will there be a bad time after this good one? He said: Yes. (A time will come) when there will be people standing and inviting at the gates of Hell. Whoso responds to their call they will throw them into the fire. I said: Messenger of Allah, describe them for us. He said: All right. They will be a people having the same complexion as ours and speaking our language. I said: Messenger of Allah, what do you suggest if I happen to live in that time? He said: You should stick to the main body of the Muslims and their leader. I said: If they have no (such thing as the) main body and have no leader? He said: Separate yourself from all these factions, though you may have to eat the roots of trees (in a jungle) until death comes to you and you are in this state. (Book #020, Hadith #4553)

modern israel is definately an abomination.
im pakistani and spent a lot of time in the past (inc on wup-forum) talking about how pakistan was an abomination. i got dissed and mocked so bad for that viewpoint, but it was based largely on the fact that every single religious group, movement, sect etc and even the pakistani army, intelligence etc are heavily rooted in the occult. imran khan, even in interviews, holds onto amulets/taweez (which are constructs, extentions of thoughtforms on paper and all of which are based on magic).
i expect no good from any of it. However pakistanis dont try to legitimise pakistan from scripture, like how jews like amir tsarfati and netenyahu tried to use the bible to justify themselves.
furthermore, if we're completely honest, mass murder, expulsion etc is a regular theme in the bible.
God's chosen ones were some of the most fucked up humans imaginable.
i can 'believe' in the book and still know that a lot of what is in it, is deeply satanic. Hence Jesus told some rabbis, that 'your God is satan, he was a murderer from the beginning'. we learn that in the human experience, God reflects our own nature back on us. If we are murderous and hateful, God will reflect that back onto us..and it's a double edged sword. Hence why Yahweh would destroy the temple twice and bring about the massacre of 'His people'. I look at most of the problems occuring within the muslim world, in the same way. if people are under the reptilian influence'll reflect back on the larger scale no matter what.

The Quran tells us all our suffering is from our own selves.

Jesus was preaching a higher message. That message is a major part of the more developed teachings within sufi islam aswell. the message of Jesus however is long dead and the cross with it...and sufism is dead too today.
hence it goes back to that hadith
Separate yourself from all these factions, though you may have to eat the roots of trees (in a jungle) until death comes to you and you are in this state.

there's no group, movement, ideology, nationality today that is good. they are all fucked...and keep in mind that i understand the 'reptilian' influence because ive explored my own mind for a long time. i know how it all works from my own self-examination. the demonic/reptilian influence is the serpent within us. even though im far from good in that respect..i came to accept the fact that this serpent isnt going anywhere anytime soon, so i might aswell just come to terms with it.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Jesus was preaching a higher message. That message is a major part of the more developed teachings within sufi islam aswell. the message of Jesus however is long dead and the cross with it...and sufism is dead too today.
It remains a fact that the Jewish leadership and a significant, vocal number of the ordinary people cried out “His blood be on us, and on our children.”

It also remains a fact that something radical happens in the hearts of the Jewish nation at the end of the Tribulation:

Zechariah 12:9-11 - King James Version

9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

However, I don’t think it’s likely we will see eye to eye in the idea that God has yet future, prophesied dealings with actual Israel. Perhaps at this point it is enough to have set out two alternate interpretations and be in a position to see what (if anything) happens.

It is however perfectly possible to talk about Jesus (especially today) separately from the Jews. From what you have said above, do you believe that Jesus was saying something different than the NT records, and that “something different” was something that Sufi Islam once understood but has now lost? I would be interested in trying to understand how and why you hold this view?


Dec 13, 2017
1) The 70 sevens prophecy, just like the 4 beasts, are all TEMPLE CENTRIC.
Absolutely not. It's a countdown to the Messiah and a prince who shall come.

Some bible versions assume and add temple after 3671. כָּנָף (kanaph) wing, extremity in Dan 9:27. And that's audacious adding stuff into the Scriptures just because you assume... im pretty sure the Bible includes a warning not to do that. They assumed temple because the prince who shall come is said to cease sacrifice and offering... and so they assume that it is talking about ceasing animal sacrifice in a rebuilt temple.

The Sages taught: During the tenure of Shimon HaTzaddik, the lot for God always arose in the High Priest’s right hand; after his death, it occurred only occasionally; but during the forty years prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, the lot for God did not arise in the High Priest’s right hand at all. So too, the strip of crimson wool that was tied to the head of the goat that was sent to Azazel did not turn white, and the westernmost lamp of the candelabrum did not burn continually.

And the doors of the Sanctuary opened by themselves as a sign that they would soon be opened by enemies, until Rabban Yoḥanan ben Zakkai scolded them. He said to the Sanctuary: Sanctuary, Sanctuary, why do you frighten yourself with these signs? I know about you that you will ultimately be destroyed, and Zechariah, son of Ido, has already prophesied concerning you: “Open your doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars” (Zechariah 11:1), Lebanon being an appellation for the Temple.

Do you understand ? God abandoned the temple 40 years before its destruction.

Let me rephrase it... God did not acknowledge animal sacrifices for sins 40 years before the temple was destroyed... and abandoned the temple when His Son was crucified.
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Mar 14, 2017
It remains a fact that the Jewish leadership and a significant, vocal number of the ordinary people cried out “His blood be on us, and on our children.”

It also remains a fact that something radical happens in the hearts of the Jewish nation at the end of the Tribulation:

Zechariah 12:9-11 - King James Version

9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

However, I don’t think it’s likely we will see eye to eye in the idea that God has yet future, prophesied dealings with actual Israel. Perhaps at this point it is enough to have set out two alternate interpretations and be in a position to see what (if anything) happens.

It is however perfectly possible to talk about Jesus (especially today) separately from the Jews. From what you have said above, do you believe that Jesus was saying something different than the NT records, and that “something different” was something that Sufi Islam once understood but has now lost? I would be interested in trying to understand how and why you hold this view?

The ezekiel 38/zechariah 12 prophecy pertains to the same event and is not to be confused with the Luke 21/Zechariah 13 destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.

ezekiel 38 is the real end times israel and is the total opposite of modern israel.
you are forgetting that this takes place long after the wh*re of babylon is destroyed, the beast..and even before those events you have the euphrates war.

fundamentally i believe modern israel's jews are the camp who were kicked out of the holy land from 70AD s per the Zech 13 prophecy and thus they can't be the remnant.

i swear, i have no issue accepting modern israel as a purely secular state built upon it's own historical ties to the land. Just don't make it about religion but instead about ethnicity.

lastly, just remember, a land of milk and honey for a lactose intolerant race? im talking about the ashnazis...
so even after contradicting every single messianic ideal mentioned in Ezekiel 38, they even have to mess up this one too.
you still think they're the real jews?

where's the real real remnant?