Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49

Mar 14, 2017
This Isaiah prophecy is about a fallen heavenly being who wants to be like the God of Israel.

He will sit on the mount of the congregation like YHWH did... but higher up and so a bit further north... where he will establish himself on that mount above YHWH.

Nevertheless he will end up in the Pit beneath the Dome of the Rock.

2 Corinthians 4 4The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

The god of the world in this age as said in this verse above has blinded people from recognising Jesus Christ as the God of Israel. Who is this god blinding people from believeing that Jesus is God ? That's the god of the quran who has established himself on the highest point on the mount of the congregation... but is prophesied to end up in the Pit.

you lost the first time. to even try and bring it up again just shows you're a dick.
Mar 14, 2017
Anybody and i mean all who don't understand after the shepherde has spoonfed them is dead !
Jesus didnt spoonfeed anyone. He literally said
"i have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear to hear them right now"
Mar 14, 2017
You all hate the J3w thats end time prophetic right there...
Jesus and most of the prophets in the bible, were JEWS.
my argument, just like what Jesus argued, is that to truely be a 'jew', one has to be jew in spirit aswell as blood. Hence, Jesus went on to accuse some jews of being 'sons of satan' and then we were told about a certain 'synagogue of satan'.

i see a state that openly lies over and over again, uses propaganda, murders kids...and then i say 'they arent true jews'.
there are good jews too. my music and art teachers in primary school and high school were jews. Back when my kid brother got cancer, this music teacher used to drive 30mins every single Saturday (remember, that's the sabbath) to the cancer hospital to see my brother. That was only after learning that i had a baby brother in hospital. My art teacher in HS was class.


Mar 23, 2021
Jesus and most of the prophets in the bible, were JEWS.
my argument, just like what Jesus argued, is that to truely be a 'jew', one has to be jew in spirit aswell as blood. Hence, Jesus went on to accuse some jews of being 'sons of satan' and then we were told about a certain 'synagogue of satan'.

i see a state that openly lies over and over again, uses propaganda, murders kids...and then i say 'they arent true jews'.
there are good jews too. my music and art teachers in primary school and high school were jews. Back when my kid brother got cancer, this music teacher used to drive 30mins every single Saturday (remember, that's the sabbath) to the cancer hospital to see my brother. That was only after learning that i had a baby brother in hospital. My art teacher in HS was class.
Yes there are good jews kind of the point though not? Its not the people per se but it also is bible states stiff necked people feet quick to etc etc you get my drift. Point is that GOD still is dealing with them now as then they will be judged but not until they cry out for GOD and realize its not going to be no one that will come to their aid but the most HIGH. HIS covenant and word matters.


Dec 13, 2017
Jesus didnt spoonfeed anyone. He literally said
"i have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear to hear them right now"
He told Paul a lot and the whole book of Revelation. to John.

The God of the bible is not the god of the quran.

The former is the Creator and the latter is a cherub.

That is what the bible clearly hints at in the Isaiah 14 prophecy and quite frankly one must be dead to not understand it even when shown. Besides the god of the quran calls Jesus Christ who is the I AM and the Logos of God who became the Son of God for just another prophet. This is blasphemy plain and simple... but as stated in Isaiah 14 this impostor on the mount of the congregation is destined for the Pit. Not because he calls the I AM and the Logos/Son of God for a prophet but because he is the devil doing devilishly while pretending to be God.
Mar 14, 2017
He told Paul a lot and the whole book of Revelation. to John.

The God of the bible is not the god of the quran.

The former is the Creator and the latter is a cherub.

That is what the bible clearly hints at in the Isaiah 14 prophecy and quite frankly one must be dead to not understand it even when shown. Besides the god of the quran calls Jesus Christ who is the I AM and the Logos of God who became the Son of God for just another prophet. This is blasphemy plain and simple... but as stated in Isaiah 14 this impostor on the mount of the congregation is destined for the Pit. Not because he calls the I AM and the Logos/Son of God for a prophet but because he is the devil doing devilishly while pretending to be God.

1) The LOGOS/son/image of God is the macrocosmic expression of God's Immanence and the holy spirit is the microcosmic.
It is through the holy spirit that any human living can experience with 'immanence' directly. However either a person is chosen or a person has exceptional qualities (i guess even this means that person is chosen).

It is arrogant as hell to assume YOU have this and are on that level. No one should say this. In the Quran Allah addressed the jews for something similar
(2) (They have incurred divine displeasure): In that they broke their covenant; that they rejected the signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers in defiance of right; that they said, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's Word; We need no more)";- Nay, Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little is it they believe;-
(سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #155)

The other problem is you read the new testament epistles and think Paul/Peter etc were talking to YOU. They were talking to particular christian communities in their own time. They werent talking to YOU.
Jesus said he will reject many and say 'i never KNEW you'.
people don't understand the significance of these words. KNOWING is what i mean when i say 'gnosis'. in sufi islam this is called marifah. It is a mystical personal connection which only occurs when the heart reflects that person/thing.
So in this case, you have to have 'gnosis' of Jesus.

'i am in you and are in me'.
he wasnt talking to you, he was talking to his close christian followers. The ave 'xtian' today has no connection to anything. Paul warned about this, saying the wild branches could be cut off much easier than the original branches (the jews, ironic isnt it?)

3) why a CHERUB? cherub's are like babys. in the bible, the fallen angels were seraphs. Muslims also have accepted that the one we call iblees, was a seraph.
The seraph's have the nature of FIRE. That is, the fire of desire, because they posess a deeper self awareness than other angels. This fire is positive and negative, it is light aswell as burning destruction.. St Thomas Aquinas's view was fascinating to a muslim
it explained why Iblees was addressed amongst the angels and yet he was a jinn. Few muslims understand that angels and jinns refers to the metaphysical level and not 'species' eg there are many types of entities in the astral plane, Humans have an astral body aswell and are every bit a part of it as any other entities in it.

the usual muslim understanding is that angels posess no free will and hence are sinless/infallible and only obey God. However there is no direct theological basis for this. This is just opinion. The camp who hold that opinion cannot address why iblees, a jinn, was ranked amongst 'the angels'..

The name seraphim clearly indicates their ceaseless and eternal revolution about Divine Principles, their heat and keenness, the exuberance of their intense, perpetual, tireless activity, and their elevative and energetic assimilation of those below, kindling them and firing them to their own heat, and wholly purifying them by a burning and all-consuming flame; and by the unhidden, unquenchable, changeless, radiant and enlightening power, dispelling and destroying the shadows of darkness

The name "Seraphim" does not come from charity only, but from the excess of charity, expressed by the word ardor or fire. Hence Dionysius (Coel. Hier. vii) expounds the name "Seraphim" according to the properties of fire, containing an excess of heat. Now in fire we may consider three things.

First, the movement which is upwards and continuous. This signifies that they are borne inflexibly towards God.

Secondly, the active force which is "heat," which is not found in fire simply, but exists with a certain sharpness, as being of most penetrating action, and reaching even to the smallest things, and as it were, with superabundant fervor; whereby is signified the action of these angels, exercised powerfully upon those who are subject to them, rousing them to a like fervor, and cleansing them wholly by their heat.

Thirdly we consider in fire the quality of clarity, or brightness; which signifies that these angels have in themselves an inextinguishable light, and that they also perfectly enlighten others

fascinating insight, honestly..this stuff gave me a lot of clarity regarding my/our nature. in buddhism, tanha/craving is bad desire..and chandha is wholesome/good desire. the objective being to transform tanha into chandha.

i forgot to add that Seraph also means SERPENT. when i talk about the astral body, it is primarily the astral body that forms our carnal nature. It is the desire body. From the pov of the metaphysical descent of conscioness, it as an evolution of consciousness...rather than being 'further away' from God, it brings a greater potential via desire itself. Desire pointed upwards, towards the Absolute, becomes LIGHT...and desire pointed downwards towards the material illusion, becomes a destructive burning fire.
in the quranic story of Adam and was only when Iblees was made to focus on Adam, that he became jealous. in my understand that means his focus/attention was on the Absolute...and he was ranked the highest of angels as a consequence because his fire was enlightenment.

So here, it's primarily about the transformation of the serpent...from destruction to enlightening. That is, this theme connects with the circumcision/philosophy of right action. with what muslims call 'islam/submission/slavery'.
the issue with this path, is just like it was with iblees/the fallen matter how much we try, the fall is too easy. it's like a drug/alcohol addict going clean. even if they are clean for 20 years, it only takes one moment to lose it all.

The jews for example could be faithful to God for 400 years...and only the actions of one generation was punish the whole nation for many more generations.

4) Elohim/Elah/Allah...same thing.
to say 'Allah is a cherub', is laughable, given arab christians also say 'Allah'. Just as persians and pakistanis say 'HUDA' and the hindus say 'isvara/bhagwan' or the sikhs say 'waheguru' or the english speakers say 'God'

who was the entity that promised ishmael 'i will make him a great nation and raise 12 princes from him'?
the 4 beasts of Daniel were great empires....yet their greatness was only in relation to their conquest/control of the temple mount.
To make Ishmael a truely great nation, it had to be at least greater than the 4 beasts...and it was...just as muslims conquered jerusalem and held it longer than any other religious before it inc christianity and judaism.

to say 'nah that was satan all along' is basically disbelief in God's promise.


Dec 13, 2017
1) The LOGOS/son/image of God is the macrocosmic expression of God's Immanence and the holy spirit is the microcosmic.
It is through the holy spirit that any human living can experience with 'immanence' directly. However either a person is chosen or a person has exceptional qualities (i guess even this means that person is chosen).
Listen when it comes to God's essence nature or whatever... i can only refer to the bible. I truly don't know how it's like to be God.

It is arrogant as hell to assume YOU have this and are on that level. No one should say this. In the Quran Allah addressed the jews for something similar
(2) (They have incurred divine displeasure): In that they broke their covenant; that they rejected the signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers in defiance of right; that they said, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's Word; We need no more)";- Nay, Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little is it they believe;-
(سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #155)
Why you quote the quran to me when you know i'm sure it's not from God ?

people don't understand the significance of these words. KNOWING is what i mean when i say 'gnosis'. in sufi islam this is called marifah. It is a mystical personal connection which only occurs when the heart reflects that person/thing.
So in this case, you have to have 'gnosis' of Jesus.
Gnostics were the very first christian heretics.

'i am in you and are in me'.
he wasnt talking to you, he was talking to his close christian followers.
Well let me tell you a little story about voices whispering in my room one night making me a little afraid... and me calling on Jesus and a light lit up inside my head. Wh'o's that you think ?

3) why a CHERUB? cherub's are like babys. in the bible, the fallen angels were seraphs.
Nowhere in the bible will you find cherubs described as little babies. There are apparently several classes of angels so perhaps some seraphs fell as well idk ?

4) Elohim/Elah/Allah...same thing.
Also angels are called elohim in the bible... which means also satan is an elohim.

It's just that Elohim or God in the bible has a name... and that name is YHWH (in the latin script)

Originally in the protosinaitic/canaanite script which Moses wrote... Elohim or God's personal name was written like this...

Mar 14, 2017
Listen when it comes to God's essence nature or whatever... i can only refer to the bible. I truly don't know how it's like to be God.

Why you quote the quran to me when you know i'm sure it's not from God ?

Gnostics were the very first christian heretics.

Well let me tell you a little story about voices whispering in my room one night making me a little afraid... and me calling on Jesus and a light lit up inside my head. Wh'o's that you think ?

Nowhere in the bible will you find cherubs described as little babies. There are apparently several classes of angels so perhaps some seraphs fell as well idk ?

Also angels are called elohim in the bible... which means also satan is an elohim.

It's just that Elohim or God in the bible has a name... and that name is YHWH (in the latin script)

Originally in the protosinaitic/canaanite script which Moses wrote... Elohim or God's personal name was written like this...

i would appreciate in future if you dont dissect my posts.

1) Listen when it comes to God's essence nature or whatever... i can only refer to the bible. I truly don't know how it's like to be God.

what i know is that there that the Father alone is TRANCENDENT and is the only primordial power.
The Son is 'transparent' or akin to a prism through which the the light of God is expressed eg made IMMANENT...
that is...'the Father is made known through the Son'
The Son is empty otherwise and has nothing, no knowledge of the last hour for example. 'the son can do nothing on his own, it is the Father doing it through the son'.

i know that in ancient religions, this 'level', referring to the Macrocosmic expression of God, via His Immanence....was called 'the watery abyss/primordial waters' and in islamic theology/literature has often been called 'the primordial ink'

in that context, the holy spirit is akin to THE PEN and Wisdom 'the intellect' which writes the code of creation, the 'preserved scriptorium' which the jews call 'the original torah'.
this is knowledge ultimately i get from scripture but also through some awareness of ancient beliefs/mythology.
you know why im confident absorbing information from outside of scripture? because humans all share the same metaphysical reality and therefore there have been people from all walks who have had their own personal experiences of such levels of consciousness that i can understandwhat they're implying. that is why it is easy for me to understand the trinity in it's original contexts.

you find the same theme in egyptian mythology, sumerian and hindu...the same theme...slightly different variations in interpretation.
mine is the only one consistent with monothiesm.
yours is, basically polythiesm and you know it.

According to Christian theology, the transcendent God, who cannot be approached or seen in essence or being, becomes immanent primarily in the God-man Jesus the Christ, who is the incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. In Byzantine Rite theology the immanence of God is expressed as the hypostases or energies of God, who in his essence is incomprehensible and transcendent. In Catholic theology, Christ and the Holy Spirit immanently reveal themselves; God the Father only reveals himself immanently vicariously through the Son and Spirit, and the divine nature, the Godhead is wholly transcendent and unable to be comprehended.

This is expressed in St. Paul's letter to the Philippians, where he writes:

who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.[7]
The Holy Spirit is also expressed as an immanence of God.

and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."[8]
The immanence of the triune God is celebrated in the Catholic Church, traditional Protestant Churches, and Eastern Churches during the liturgical feast of the Theophany of God, known in Western Christianity as the Epiphany.

so where did this 'Jesus is fully God' stuff come from? it's a later development and not directly from scripture unless you wish to openly contradict scripture. i dont believe in contradictions. i believe in a single unified truth.

2) i quoted the Quran because it highlights how the jews rejected various prophets by saying 'WE HAVE GOD ALREADY' eg there were many false prophets claiming to have God already inspiring them. in the book of jeremiah this is highlighted for example.
so anyone can claim God is the one guiding them whilst their beliefs are false.

in your case, you're polythiest and yet claim Allah is false. it shows you are inspired by satan.

3) Also angels are called elohim in the bible... which means also satan is an elohim.
and John of patmos went down to worship an angel.
the falsehoods of biblical era people only reveals they were not guided correctly.

for example in the bible, God called israel 'my first born'. terminology like that eg 'begotten' is just regional and cultural. applying it in modern contexts makes you dumb. that is why islam rejects the LANGUAGE of the bible like 'son of God' because islam understands there's a global audience and many people in other walks of life couldnt understand it.

when jesus told the disciples to preach the gospel, they were inspired by the holy spirit to speak in tongues and languages. i imagine within that, the peculiarities of each culture and language would have been expressed in the correct manner.
so for example christians in the middle east say 'Allah' aswell. Allah means THE GOD.

so the term is not the issue. your issue is the core entity behind the Quran.
however you are far behind when it comes to knowledge of the Quran to make that judgement. you literally read isaiah 14 speaking of the king of babylon and said 'dat iz satan' and then tried to claim mt zaphon is the temple mount because 'it was the mount of Assembley' (to pagans, that would not be temple mount but actual mt zaphon, they had their own holy places and attached beliefs).

you just arent credible nor are you honest.

Lastly, Yahweh was a name of God given in the time of when Abraham was saying 'elohim', did he mean 'satan the fallen angel'? that is the *hit you are saying.


Dec 13, 2017
i would appreciate in future if you dont dissect my posts.
I quote points from your long posts... and respond to that.

what i know is that there that the Father alone is TRANCENDENT and is the only primordial power.
The Son is 'transparent' or akin to a prism through which the the light of God is expressed eg made IMMANENT...
that is...'the Father is made known through the Son'
The Son is empty otherwise and has nothing, no knowledge of the last hour for example. 'the son can do nothing on his own, it is the Father doing it through the son'.
This is your opinion of God based on your private interpretation from a mishmash of bible and quran verses.

In the bible the eternal Logos of God who 2000 years ago was born on earth as the Son of God... is just a prophet in the quran.

If you don't understand that you must either pick the bible or the quran or neither... you are well some would say a moron.

i know that in ancient religions, this 'level', referring to the Macrocosmic expression of God, via His Immanence....was called 'the watery abyss/primordial waters' and in islamic theology/literature has often been called 'the primordial ink'

in that context, the holy spirit is akin to THE PEN and Wisdom 'the intellect' which writes the code of creation, the 'preserved scriptorium' which the jews call 'the original torah'.
Jesus said crystal clearly in the bible that it is He and nobody else who will judge everybody.

So tell Him then how God really is and how He fits into that according to your understanding.

so where did this 'Jesus is fully God' stuff come from? it's a later development and not directly from scripture unless you wish to openly contradict scripture. i dont believe in contradictions. i believe in a single unified truth.
This Jesus is God stuff and Judge come from the bible.

John 5 22Furthermore, the Father judges no one, but has assigned all judgment to the Son, 23so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.

John 8 23Then He told them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24That is why I told you that you would die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

John 8 58“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was, I am!”

John 14 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”

These are just a few verses from Jesus own mouth... saying things which only God or a madman would say. Jesus is not a madman.

2) i quoted the Quran because it highlights how the jews rejected various prophets by saying 'WE HAVE GOD ALREADY' eg there were many false prophets claiming to have God already inspiring them. in the book of jeremiah this is highlighted for example.
so anyone can claim God is the one guiding them whilst their beliefs are false.

in your case, you're polythiest and yet claim Allah is false. it shows you are inspired by satan.
Jesus is the Logos of God and the Holy spirit is the Spirit of God.

Not so unlike the body soul and spirit trinity in man.

Do you have a soul ? If yes... would you say your soul is another than yourself ?

I would say of course not. My soul is absolutely part and parcel of myself.

We three (body soul spirit) are intrinsically entwined and together in this.

So where is the polytheism in this ? It's only an error idea in your mind.

3) Also angels are called elohim in the bible... which means also satan is an elohim.
and John of patmos went down to worship an angel.
the falsehoods of biblical era people only reveals they were not guided correctly.
What ?

for example in the bible, God called israel 'my first born'. terminology like that eg 'begotten' is just regional and cultural. applying it in modern contexts makes you dumb. that is why islam rejects the LANGUAGE of the bible like 'son of God' because islam understands there's a global audience and many people in other walks of life couldnt understand it.
You use the quran to interpret the bible.

That's like using the devil's drivel to interpret God's word.

when jesus told the disciples to preach the gospel, they were inspired by the holy spirit to speak in tongues and languages. i imagine within that, the peculiarities of each culture and language would have been expressed in the correct manner.
so for example christians in the middle east say 'Allah' aswell. Allah means THE GOD.
I'm saying that the entity behind the quran... pretends to be God or Allah.

So arabs can read about God or Allah in the bible... but just leave the quran closed and out of it. Burn it.

so the term is not the issue. your issue is the core entity behind the Quran.

however you are far behind when it comes to knowledge of the Quran to make that judgement. you literally read isaiah 14 speaking of the king of babylon and said 'dat iz satan' and then tried to claim mt zaphon is the temple mount because 'it was the mount of Assembley'
Who's the king of Babylon ? No who is the king of Babylon ?

He will pretend to be God on the mount of assembly on the zaphon or north side.

God had a temple there on the mount of assembly for a thousand years... but an impostor will as well.

And that impostor is called Helel that is Crescent and he have five statements or pillars... but will end up in the Pit (under the Dome of the Rock).

Lastly, Yahweh was a name of God given in the time of when Abraham was saying 'elohim', did he mean 'satan the fallen angel'? that is the *hit you are saying.
God and gods that is angels are called elohim in the bible.

There are a lot of angels so no shortage of elohim.

El Shadday is what God presented himself as before the time of Moses.
Mar 14, 2017
I quote points from your long posts... and respond to that.

This is your opinion of God based on your private interpretation from a mishmash of bible and quran verses.

In the bible the eternal Logos of God who 2000 years ago was born on earth as the Son of God... is just a prophet in the quran.

If you don't understand that you must either pick the bible or the quran or neither... you are well some would say a moron.

Jesus said crystal clearly in the bible that it is He and nobody else who will judge everybody.

So tell Him then how God really is and how He fits into that according to your understanding.

This Jesus is God stuff and Judge come from the bible.

John 5 22Furthermore, the Father judges no one, but has assigned all judgment to the Son, 23so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.

John 8 23Then He told them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24That is why I told you that you would die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.”

John 8 58“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was, I am!”

John 14 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”

These are just a few verses from Jesus own mouth... saying things which only God or a madman would say. Jesus is not a madman.

Jesus is the Logos of God and the Holy spirit is the Spirit of God.

Not so unlike the body soul and spirit trinity in man.

Do you have a soul ? If yes... would you say your soul is another than yourself ?

I would say of course not. My soul is absolutely part and parcel of myself.

We three (body soul spirit) are intrinsically entwined and together in this.

So where is the polytheism in this ? It's only an error idea in your mind.

What ?

You use the quran to interpret the bible.

That's like using the devil's drivel to interpret God's word.

I'm saying that the entity behind the quran... pretends to be God or Allah.

So arabs can read about God or Allah in the bible... but just leave the quran closed and out of it. Burn it.


Who's the king of Babylon ? No who is the king of Babylon ?

He will pretend to be God on the mount of assembly on the zaphon or north side.

God had a temple there on the mount of assembly for a thousand years... but an impostor will as well.

And that impostor is called Helel that is Crescent and he have five statements or pillars... but will end up in the Pit (under the Dome of the Rock).

God and gods that is angels are called elohim in the bible.

There are a lot of angels so no shortage of elohim.

El Shadday is what God presented himself as before the time of Moses.

only annoying idiots dissect posts the way you keep doing. it is a diversion tactic aimed to put the other person off from responding.

you said

This is your opinion of God based on your private interpretation from a mishmash of bible and quran verses.
In the bible the eternal Logos of God who 2000 years ago was born on earth as the Son of God... is just a prophet in the quran.
If you don't understand that you must either pick the bible or the quran or neither... you are well some would say a moron.

what id said previously was this
what i know is that there that the Father alone is TRANCENDENT and is the only primordial power.
The Son is 'transparent' or akin to a prism through which the the light of God is expressed eg made IMMANENT...
that is...'the Father is made known through the Son'
The Son is empty otherwise and has nothing, no knowledge of the last hour for example. 'the son can do nothing on his own, it is the Father doing it through the son'.

this isnt some mishmash of anything...because i directly quoted from the wikipedia info on 'immanence' and quoted what it said under 'christianity'
The LOGOS is the IMMANENCE OF GOD, which itself is eternal.
Since God is eternal, all things in creation past present and future, have existed in an eternal state 'with God' as it were...since God has known about everything eternally...that 'place' if you will, in God's knowledge, is the origin of all things and hence their true reality.
That is the meaning of LOGOS.

furthermore your theology is broken. Since John 1:1 specifically saya

the 2 are contradictory statements on the surface. They need balancing and my viewpoint acheives that whilst yours ignores the former for the latter, something xtians do when they throw the bible behind their arses whenever it suits them. pathetic.

2) Your view about Jesus being given the task of judgement, doesnt make him 'fully/Absolute/Tracendent God'
nor does it meet the requirements of the so called trinity which claims the father, son and holy spirit are CO EQUALS in Godhead...
despite Jesus said
'i cant do anything by myself, i am empty, God does it all through me'
thus it makes sense that i see the logos as a prism through which the singular Trancendent power becomes Immanent.
what is 'the WORD', it is God's EXPRESSION.

thus just like with John 1:1, i have constantly told christians that
'there are 2 pov's, the logical left brain pov and the mystical right brain pov...and john1:1 contains boths'
and hence the xtian problem is that they have taken the mystical part and adopted only that, then tried to turn it into a logical statement and failed every time.

am i the Soul, Mind and body? from the logical left brain pov, the soul is acting through them...but the mind and body contain elements of their own that do not belong to the soul and thus the body nor the mind can be called 'the soul'.
that's my point. the logos and holy spirit are the macrocosmic and microcosmic expressions of the Father's Immanence. The Trancendent Father is Immanent through them.

so when you worship Jesus as God, you forget that the LOGOS is not merely limited to Jesus, but is ALL THINGS IN CREATION, the origin of them all...and hence
Romans 11
For of him, and through him, and unto him, are all things.

As ive also explained before, Jesus is adoni 'lord' whilst God is 'adonai'
we constantly see in the epistles of Paul, that he always says GOD THE FATHER...not GOD THE SON
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

given 'lord' is adoni is you xtians who capitalise the L in order to prove how pagan you really are.
you guys are theologically broken man.

3) no 'God' never had a temple on actual mt zaphon.
mt zaphon may have been called 'the mount of assembly' but that doesnt mean it is the temple mount which is also given that name.
just because 2 different places are assigned the same term, doesnt make both true. it's just that the pagans believed mt zaphon was the holiest of holiest...NOT jerusalem.
AND NO, the king of babylon didnt think he was God. if such was the case, why did we see evidence on the contrary in the book of Daniel?

"Daniel had a strong influence on King Nebuchadnezzar’s religious beliefs. In the Bible’s version of events, Daniel’s God ultimately proves to be the supreme God, above all ancient gods. Nebuchadnezzar came to rely on the God of Israel, Daniel’s God, after demanding that the magicians tell him what he had dreamed of and what his dream was about. In the biblical story, they all fail to do so, except for Daniel, who explains to the king that only his God could accomplish this task. Daniel both tells the king about his dream and interprets it (Daniel 2:24-49). "

4) lastly, the name for 'gods' in arabic is ILAH....whilst God alone is ALLAH.
you're trying to find something in semantics but have zero substance in any point.

in arabic the word for lord is rabb..but in application, muslims only assign it to God alone. historically it would have been used even for men. however prophet Mohammad rejected such us.

the jews did not apply 'elohim' to angels though, they called them 'ben elohim' (sons of God'.

The word elohim or 'elohiym (ʼĕlôhîym) is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deities" or various other words in Biblical Hebrew.[1][2][4][7][8][9][12]

In Hebrew, the ending -im normally indicates a masculine plural. However, when referring to the Jewish God, Elohim is usually understood to be grammatically singular (i.e. it governs a singular verb or adjective).[6][13] In Modern Hebrew, it is often referred to in the singular despite the -im ending that denotes plural masculine nouns in Hebrew.

all this means is the jews used the term 'elohim' which is plural, but only applied it to a singular God.

El Shadday
err not an e all-encompassing name for God but just a contexual one.
it's like if yo were drowning in water and God saved you...then you called God 'the God of the sea'.
the latter is interchangeable....the emphasis here shouldbe on the term EL.

just because pagans also used the word 'el' for their false gods, doesnt make the jewish God the same type of false God. what matters, is the actual theological foundation within that belief system. Eg, they understood that EL/elohim were references to the primordial power.
Jesus called God 'elah'.

the core beliefs are what matter..and in this case the core beliefs in islam are that there is a single ABSOLUTE God, who alone is Trancendent.
lastly, 'only a prophet'....yet he is called 'THE WORD OF ALLAH' other 'only a prophet' is given the name 'KALAM' (which is the arabic word for WORD/LOGOS)


Dec 13, 2017
The Son is empty otherwise and has nothing, no knowledge of the last hour for example. 'the son can do nothing on his own, it is the Father doing it through the son'.
The Son will judge everybody in the end. Your eventual continued existense is entirely up to the Son.

Nobody is interested in your personal opinion about the Father and the Son.

The LOGOS is the IMMANENCE OF GOD, which itself is eternal.
Since God is eternal, all things in creation past present and future, have existed in an eternal state 'with God' as it were...since God has known about everything eternally...that 'place' if you will, in God's knowledge, is the origin of all things and hence their true reality.
That is the meaning of LOGOS.
Nobody is interested in your fantasies about God.

You only come across as a poumpous bastard trying to explain God... better sit down shut up and start serving the Son.

'i cant do anything by myself, i am empty, God does it all through me'
thus it makes sense that i see the logos as a prism through which the singular Trancendent power becomes Immanent.
what is 'the WORD', it is God's EXPRESSION.

thus just like with John 1:1, i have constantly told christians that
'there are 2 pov's, the logical left brain pov and the mystical right brain pov...and john1:1 contains boths'
and hence the xtian problem is that they have taken the mystical part and adopted only that, then tried to turn it into a logical statement and failed every time.

am i the Soul, Mind and body? from the logical left brain pov, the soul is acting through them...but the mind and body contain elements of their own that do not belong to the soul and thus the body nor the mind can be called 'the soul'.
that's my point. the logos and holy spirit are the macrocosmic and microcosmic expressions of the Father's Immanence. The Trancendent Father is Immanent through them.

so when you worship Jesus as God, you forget that the LOGOS is not merely limited to Jesus, but is ALL THINGS IN CREATION, the origin of them all...and hence
Romans 11
For of him, and through him, and unto him, are all things.

As ive also explained before, Jesus is adoni 'lord' whilst God is 'adonai'
we constantly see in the epistles of Paul, that he always says GOD THE FATHER...not GOD THE SON
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

given 'lord' is adoni is you xtians who capitalise the L in order to prove how pagan you really are.
you guys are theologically broken man.

3) no 'God' never had a temple on actual mt zaphon.
mt zaphon may have been called 'the mount of assembly' but that doesnt mean it is the temple mount which is also given that name.
just because 2 different places are assigned the same term, doesnt make both true. it's just that the pagans believed mt zaphon was the holiest of holiest...NOT jerusalem.
AND NO, the king of babylon didnt think he was God. if such was the case, why did we see evidence on the contrary in the book of Daniel?

"Daniel had a strong influence on King Nebuchadnezzar’s religious beliefs. In the Bible’s version of events, Daniel’s God ultimately proves to be the supreme God, above all ancient gods. Nebuchadnezzar came to rely on the God of Israel, Daniel’s God, after demanding that the magicians tell him what he had dreamed of and what his dream was about. In the biblical story, they all fail to do so, except for Daniel, who explains to the king that only his God could accomplish this task. Daniel both tells the king about his dream and interprets it (Daniel 2:24-49). "

4) lastly, the name for 'gods' in arabic is ILAH....whilst God alone is ALLAH.
you're trying to find something in semantics but have zero substance in any point.

in arabic the word for lord is rabb..but in application, muslims only assign it to God alone. historically it would have been used even for men. however prophet Mohammad rejected such us.

the jews did not apply 'elohim' to angels though, they called them 'ben elohim' (sons of God'.

The word elohim or 'elohiym (ʼĕlôhîym) is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deities" or various other words in Biblical Hebrew.[1][2][4][7][8][9][12]

In Hebrew, the ending -im normally indicates a masculine plural. However, when referring to the Jewish God, Elohim is usually understood to be grammatically singular (i.e. it governs a singular verb or adjective).[6][13] In Modern Hebrew, it is often referred to in the singular despite the -im ending that denotes plural masculine nouns in Hebrew.

all this means is the jews used the term 'elohim' which is plural, but only applied it to a singular God.

El Shadday
err not an e all-encompassing name for God but just a contexual one.
it's like if yo were drowning in water and God saved you...then you called God 'the God of the sea'.
the latter is interchangeable....the emphasis here shouldbe on the term EL.

just because pagans also used the word 'el' for their false gods, doesnt make the jewish God the same type of false God. what matters, is the actual theological foundation within that belief system. Eg, they understood that EL/elohim were references to the primordial power.
Jesus called God 'elah'.

the core beliefs are what matter..and in this case the core beliefs in islam are that there is a single ABSOLUTE God, who alone is Trancendent.
lastly, 'only a prophet'....yet he is called 'THE WORD OF ALLAH' other 'only a prophet' is given the name 'KALAM' (which is the arabic word for WORD/LOGOS)
Bla bla bla

I just put you on ignore AsspireSoul... since i refuse to believe anybody can be that moronic... so i wrote you off as a troll.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

Micah 4:9

“Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.”

King James Version (KJV)

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
From Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram account:

“Many people are writing me on Instagram direct message and telling me that Israel’s situation is similar to the one in the United States. It could be further from the truth. America doesn’t have on its border tens of thousands of rockets waiting to be launched by Iranian proxies. America isn’t relying on its reserve soldiers to be the main fighting force in times of war. America isn’t flooded by foreign money to fund the riots. It’s all coming from US based billionaires.

Yes, chaos, riots and protests look the same everywhere but in israel a legally and with overwhelming majority elected government is being toppled by mostly foreign money while Iranian proxies are ready to launch thousands of missiles towards a country where reserve’s soldiers decided to take political side and not show up to their training.”

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Mar 14, 2017
The Son will judge everybody in the end. Your eventual continued existense is entirely up to the Son.

Nobody is interested in your personal opinion about the Father and the Son.

Nobody is interested in your fantasies about God.

You only come across as a poumpous bastard trying to explain God... better sit down shut up and start serving the Son.

Bla bla bla

I just put you on ignore AsspireSoul... since i refuse to believe anybody can be that moronic... so i wrote you off as a troll.
proven yet again that xtianity is a fake religion, a polythiestic/pagan roman creation.

John 20:17
Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’

John 5:19
Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

Romans 1
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the lord (xtians capitalise the L in order to prove their pagan beliefs, but it is only 'adoni/lord', not LORD) Jesus Christ.

1 Corinithians 1
1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes,
2 To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours:
3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Corinithians 1
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,
To the church of God in Corinth, together with all his holy people throughout Achaia:
2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Galatians 1
1 Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2 and all the brothers and sisters[a] with me,
To the churches in Galatia:
3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 1
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
