Are The Gods 12 Twelve?


Mar 18, 2017
So the Christian God is bad/evil/dictatorial? Are the Olympians a better choice? The god that a person chooses to serve/follow says alot about the person. "We become what we worship. What people revere, they resemble, either for ruin or for restoration.”
(example;Psalm 115:2-8)

Zeus turned into a bull and RAPED the beautiful Europa. He condemned Prometheus to eternal punishment (an eagle devouring his liver). The eagle was supposedly his incarnation, and that translates into cannibalism just like Cronos. He forced Pandora to shut her jar so that Hope wouldn't escape...the list goes on.
What is interesting though, especially for the elite, is the "obsession" with Europa's violation. Monuments are everywhere (yes, one will argue they are about the Mother of Europe. Well, she could be depicted without the bull/Zeus).

Whisked away to be raped

Of bestiality in the Roman arena, Martial wrote:
"Believe that Pasiphae coupled with the Dictaean
bull! We've seen it! The Ancient Myth has been confirmed! Hoary antiquity, Caesar, should not marvel at itself: whatever Fame sings of, the arena presents to you."
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Jun 4, 2017
Have you come across L.A Marzulli, Tim Alberino or Steve Quayle? All interesting characters who have been drawn to research into this subject....
I've watched/read a bit of Marzulli, yes. Dr Michael Heiser also has some very interesting information, as well. The Divine Council, Mount Hermon, etc. Rob Skiba has also done an enormous amount of research-- if you like Marzulli, I imagine you will like him, too.

It's fascinating. Sort of the missing piece that brings it all together.


Apr 18, 2017
So the Christian God is bad/evil/dictatorial? Are the Olympians a better choice? The god that a person chooses to serve/follow says alot about the person. "We become what we worship. What people revere, they resemble, either for ruin or for restoration.”
(example;Psalm 115:2-8)

Zeus turned into a bull and RAPED the beautiful Europa. He condemned Prometheus to eternal punishment (an eagle devouring his liver). The eagle was supposedly his incarnation, and that translates into cannibalism just like Cronos. He forced Pandora to shut her jar so that Hope wouldn't escape...the list goes on.
What is interesting though, especially for the elite, is the "obsession" with Europa's violation. Monuments are everywhere (yes, one will argue they are about the Mother of Europe. Well, she could be depicted without the bull/Zeus).

Whisked away to be raped

Of bestiality in the Roman arena, Martial wrote:
"Believe that Pasiphae coupled with the Dictaean
bull! We've seen it! The Ancient Myth has been confirmed! Hoary antiquity, Caesar, should not marvel at itself: whatever Fame sings of, the arena presents to you."
I always learn so much from your posts :)


Mar 26, 2017
Are you really a follower of the ancient Greek religion? In 2017?


that's hella cool! The end times just got a little more interesting!

It's funny how people think they can just come here and commit acts of BLATANT impiety against the gods! Will they still be arrogant when we come with some hemlock?


Mar 26, 2017
@Karlysymon @Red Sky at Morning

So... did you two really think your acts of impiety against the Gods would not catch up with you? Hm? HMMM?!

I, Etaglocrates, have assembled the citizens of the city and the two of you have been found GUILTY of impiety against the Gods...

you are given two options

you shall eat this poison hemlock

or you shall be forever banished FOREVER from the city of Athens- and shame shall forever mark your garments!
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