Are The Gods 12 Twelve?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
"Use your intelligence"

And the unicorns - Margin, 'Rhinoceros' (ראמים re'ēmı̂ym from ראם re'êm). This was evidently an animal well known in Palestine, since it is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament (Numbers 23:22; Deuteronomy 33:17; Job 39:9-10; Psalm 22:21; Psalm 29:6; Psalm 92:10, in all which places it is translated unicorn, or unicorn). The derivation of the word is uncertain, and it has been regarded as doubtful what animal is intended. The corresponding Arabic word denotes the oryx, a large and fierce species of the antelope. Gesenius, Schultens, De Wette, and Rosenmuller suppose that the buffalo is intended by the word. Bochart regards it as denoting the gazelle, or a species of the antelope. It can hardly, however, be regarded as so small an animal as the gazelle. The gazelle is common in the neighborhood of mount Sinai; and when Laborde passed through that region his companions killed four, 'the father and mother, and two little animals a fortnight old.' He says of them: 'These creatures, which are very lively in their movements, endeavored to bite when they were caught; their hair is a brown yellow, which becomes pale and long as the animals grows old.


Mar 15, 2017
Ok - interesting as the memes are, I have things to do! Catch you later @JoChris ,

Not sure what you are trying to say @eriunios, having heard very little of your own words, but I hope you have a good day anyway.
Yes this is getting quite boring now the footy match is over.
Some evidence of independent thought would have been nice, but it isn't going to happen.

Eriunios, for your grade for your anti-Christan apologetics - you get an F-. Congratulations.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I hope you don't feel personally attacked. It is the demonic spirits behind the marble faces of the gods I'm not so fond of!

I would rather have had a more text based discussion, with considered responses but I am aware different age groups have different communication patterns and debating experience.