BTS discussion thread

Mar 1, 2021
They have got nothing more to do. Playing absurd childish games. Ufffffff:D. What type of content is this. All about food stuff. This makes no sense to normal people like us. Certainly sending signals to their vip clients
It was very cringe and gross. They had a lot of energy and kept bouncing around like they ate too much sugar. Even Jimmy looked like he was hyper. It has to be a code for something. This made no sense to me. What do you think it was? This is two times they went on his show this month.


Mar 11, 2021
It was very cringe and gross. They had a lot of energy and kept bouncing around like they ate too much sugar. Even Jimmy looked like he was hyper. It has to be a code for something. This made no sense to me. What do you think it was? This is two times they went on his show this month.
There is a lot of P*do symbolism like a lot - a lot of links to prostitution too... all these food references are not for army but for others who know exactly what they mean I haven’t watched all of the video because they make me cringe but
Mar 1, 2021
I don't know but all these ice creams, bananas, cup cakes donot indicate smtng good, these kind of videos are not for us as they are beyond our imagination what are they even doing. Armys think this is content for them but as i shared a video above about their kbs interview, if you see it clearly you will notice them talking in code words, and those messages are certainly for certain vip clients.
That's so disgusting. It's making me feel unsettled thinking about what the cupcake stands for and why it needs 90+ candles. The whole thing was aimed for a different audience than Armys. Everyone was so excited. I couldn't understand why Tae was so animated. He's usually dialed back and in his own world.

There is a lot of P*do symbolism like a lot - a lot of links to prostitution too... all these food references are not for army but for others who know exactly what they mean I haven’t watched all of the video because they make me cringe but
It's really gross that they are using those symbols and so happy to do that. The butter in the fishbowl looks different to me now.


Sep 9, 2020
It was very cringe and gross. They had a lot of energy and kept bouncing around like they ate too much sugar. Even Jimmy looked like he was hyper. It has to be a code for something. This made no sense to me. What do you think it was? This is two times they went on his show this month.
maybe they snorting cocaine that's why they are so energetic..
Mar 1, 2021
Yikes! Such a strange childish game. And I often think they're on uppers. This clip reminded me of J*K in this interview, he was definitely on something that day..
He's not acting like a person at an interview. North Korea produces a lot of methamphetamine. It's probably not that hard for companies to get amphetamine or meth, and it's probably a necessity with their schedules. The intense dancing all day, that's not easy. Another video of Tae making signs with his hands at 13:11. The song he's listening to is very explicit.


May 16, 2021
When they debuted, Bang was taking them to photoshoots all over Asia, the US and eventually Dubai. Their hotel had rooms that cost thousands a night. He wasn't running a poor company contrary to popular thought. He was worth millions when they debuted.

Tae and Jn have talked about their chicken breast only diet. There was a time when Rm and Tae snuck ice cream in their pockets because staff was looking for them. On American Hustle, JK was stuffing his face with food.

Sg had to choose between food and going to see his family. The room they had was so small only one person could walk between 3 bunks and a single bed. A manager was caught hitting Tae and another raised his hand to JK causing him to flinch. If they weren't famous, people might agree that their eating disorders, mental health issues and constant bruising are a sign of past abuse.
Isn't it normal trainee life? I don't take it for anything special.
Mar 1, 2021
You are attacking someone for sharing opinion? The one who is fast to attack someone is most likely to be something else.
When I got disagreed with another member, she popped up and started attacking me. There's a few accounts whose sole purpose seem to be the amen chorus. They agree with their main and shout down anyone who disagrees. It's a common way to derail threads.
Mar 1, 2021
Isn't it normal trainee life? I don't take it for anything special.
Most nugus are doing festivals or tiny shows hoping to catch an eye or a sponsor. If he couldn't feed them food why is he taking them on trips around the world. Especially Dubai which has a reputation.


May 16, 2021
When I got disagreed with another member, she popped up and started attacking me. There's a few accounts whose sole purpose seem to be the amen chorus. They agree with their main and shout down anyone who disagrees. It's a common way to derail threads.
You sound much nefarious. I can't see anyone to spark any fight if not its you or some cheerleaders. Nonetheless, fighting isn't my purpose here. You have shown your true color long before so .... it doesn't bother me
Most nugus are doing festivals or tiny shows hoping to catch an eye or a sponsor. If he couldn't feed them food why is he taking them on trips around the world. Especially Dubai which has a reputation.
They were getting extra privileges dear. If other idols had the chance they wouldn't miss the opportunity.


Apr 13, 2021
You are attacking someone for sharing opinion? The one who is fast to attack someone is most likely to be something else.
If you scroll back the member who told me I sound like someone has already deleted that post. Its very telling what norm is norm on this thread. Once again sapphire's words becoming more real.


May 16, 2021
For example, check these quoted posts;)
Aiylishia/blossom/chassidy is actually a established "puppet" here. Her posts seem to be quite.....hmmm....:oops:
She seems quite frightened to keep posts:D
She was on kpop thread too with xxx, claiming someone troll just because this person showed his views
She seems to accuse the exact thing on others who doesn't share the same view out of nowhere, that she does:oops:
Its a shame there are also some people with this niche. I want to share something I read on other thread.

Edit: The explanation of them being curious on vc for making an article doesn't convince me, its lame. Vc continously writing many articles on various artists. I don't see they are overflooded. I never experienced on any forum an overload of new face with hyper-interaction its scary. Kpop fans are generally obsessed in idols so with the fact many fans are accepting them being in something dark so quick doesn't sit in right place to me. Some speculations from regular posters
Aiylishia is getting along with kpop posters but not on other thread posters? A crazy voice in my head tells me the shills who can't get enough boards outside gathers around kpop threads.
Last edited:


May 16, 2021
Some more experiences from malta link
13 Jun 2005

Subject: My Experience with Mason/Occult

First I would like thank your website for allowing me to vent this strange experience that I went through. I assure you it is true, but very uneasy.

My parents went to a furniture auction and bought a handfull of items that they brought into the house. I live with my parents with my younger brother. I started looking at the furniture that my parents bought since it looked very strange and downright scary.

First there was a pair of chairs which upon inspection had a pentagram on the part where your back rests. In the pentagram was 18 circles (which is 6+6+6). There was also a pair of lamps which had three six fingered toes on each. They were black and had three faces of an old man and a goat head with a wreath being placed around it by two naked humans.

Anyways, it was only a short time until my brother started seeing strange things near these items. One occurance was I was getting a glass of water when I saw a black silhouette of a person doing a nazi-like saluate to the lamp. I was shocked and it disappeared before my eyes.

My brother saw the same shape near the other lamp upstairs, but it didn't make any moves. Around the chairs we started seeing a red dot light that would also disappear. We told our parents about it, but they said it was absurd. I ended up destroying the objects, but that's when things got much worse.

They also bought a table and chairs which had the pyramid insignia on it. There was also 666 carved in the table and chairs. One night I saw a huge black blob hovering above the table. One night I was sleeping in my bed when I felt something was trying to shake me. I told my parents, but they don't believe in the supernatural.

Anyways, that's my story, I know it is a bit to take in but that is what happened. I would have never believed in the occult or evil spirits until these happenings.

Satan's Strategy of Confusion, Suggestion, and Control

What Satan seeks is a negation of worship and any thought of a higher purpose or higher power other than the here and now, i.e. 'naturalism'.

According to the Satanic scheme of things there can be no objective truth, everything is merely 'relative'. The purpose of Satanic Rituals is a mocking of religion, that is why they are usually based on a reversal of normative religious rituals and rites.

Therefore by closely scrutinizing occult rituals and teachings, the presence of reversals and mockeries, sometimes of a very nuanced nature, which would have required the 'creator' to have had a deep theological understanding, can often be detected - by trained theologians. As often many of the initiates have little or no theological understanding or training the satanic 'humour' is all the greater as the candidate has no idea what he has just participated in.

Essentially the purpose of all occult initiations and rituals is for the initiate to 'awaken' his or her own 'dormant powers'. In reality of course the 'hidden powers' 'awakened' are not the initiates but represent in fact the presence of demonic spirits, as the occultist has put themself in a state of familiar possession.

Over time, and as the complexity of the ritual deepens, this 'familiar spirit' symbiotic relationship only worsens as more powerful demons are tied to the Mason by the occult initiations.

It seems in Satan's scheme of things possession is indeed nine tenth's of the law


Apr 13, 2021
Some more experiences from malta link
13 Jun 2005

Subject: My Experience with Mason/Occult

First I would like thank your website for allowing me to vent this strange experience that I went through. I assure you it is true, but very uneasy.

My parents went to a furniture auction and bought a handfull of items that they brought into the house. I live with my parents with my younger brother. I started looking at the furniture that my parents bought since it looked very strange and downright scary.

First there was a pair of chairs which upon inspection had a pentagram on the part where your back rests. In the pentagram was 18 circles (which is 6+6+6). There was also a pair of lamps which had three six fingered toes on each. They were black and had three faces of an old man and a goat head with a wreath being placed around it by two naked humans.

Anyways, it was only a short time until my brother started seeing strange things near these items. One occurance was I was getting a glass of water when I saw a black silhouette of a person doing a nazi-like saluate to the lamp. I was shocked and it disappeared before my eyes.

My brother saw the same shape near the other lamp upstairs, but it didn't make any moves. Around the chairs we started seeing a red dot light that would also disappear. We told our parents about it, but they said it was absurd. I ended up destroying the objects, but that's when things got much worse.

They also bought a table and chairs which had the pyramid insignia on it. There was also 666 carved in the table and chairs. One night I saw a huge black blob hovering above the table. One night I was sleeping in my bed when I felt something was trying to shake me. I told my parents, but they don't believe in the supernatural.

Anyways, that's my story, I know it is a bit to take in but that is what happened. I would have never believed in the occult or evil spirits until these happenings.

Satan's Strategy of Confusion, Suggestion, and Control

What Satan seeks is a negation of worship and any thought of a higher purpose or higher power other than the here and now, i.e. 'naturalism'.

According to the Satanic scheme of things there can be no objective truth, everything is merely 'relative'. The purpose of Satanic Rituals is a mocking of religion, that is why they are usually based on a reversal of normative religious rituals and rites.

Therefore by closely scrutinizing occult rituals and teachings, the presence of reversals and mockeries, sometimes of a very nuanced nature, which would have required the 'creator' to have had a deep theological understanding, can often be detected - by trained theologians. As often many of the initiates have little or no theological understanding or training the satanic 'humour' is all the greater as the candidate has no idea what he has just participated in.

Essentially the purpose of all occult initiations and rituals is for the initiate to 'awaken' his or her own 'dormant powers'. In reality of course the 'hidden powers' 'awakened' are not the initiates but represent in fact the presence of demonic spirits, as the occultist has put themself in a state of familiar possession.

Over time, and as the complexity of the ritual deepens, this 'familiar spirit' symbiotic relationship only worsens as more powerful demons are tied to the Mason by the occult initiations.

It seems in Satan's scheme of things possession is indeed nine tenth's of the law
......In vatican

Jim Shaw, the demitted 33rd degree Freemason, who resigned from Masonry after becoming a Christian wrote in his book The Deadly Deception: "there is underlying all Masonic thinking and writing, an attitude and spirit of elitism which says, "Masonry is not for everyone, just for the select few." At the same time Masonry teaches it is the only true religion and that all other religions are but corrupted and perverted forms of Masonry.

This is both elitist and contradictory, in that it leaves no hope for the non-elite to ever be able to find the "true religion." Freemasonry proudly proclaims it makes good men better; but this leaves no provision for bad men to ever be able to become good."

He continues: "It is significant, I think, that those whom Masonry rejects and excludes are the very ones Jesus sought out to accept and minister to:

The Lodge excludes and rejects the blind, for they cannot see to engage in the signs and due-guards;

it rejects the crippled and maimed, for they cannot assume the body positions necessary for the signs and due-guards.

The deaf are excluded because they cannot hear the "secret" words.

The poor are excluded, for they cannot pay the fees and dues.

The mentally challenged are rejected because they cannot memorize the correct questions and answers to be recited in rituals in order to function in the Lodge.

The emotionally ill are rejected because they cannot be trusted with the "secrets."

Historically, blacks and women have been excluded simply because they are considered unsuitable."

"Jesus, on the other hand proclaims that "whosoever will, may come" and receive His gift of redemption and that all may "take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17). He especially reached out to the blind, the crippled, the mentally challenged and mentally ill, the poor and the unwanted - the very ones Masonry excludes and rejects (as unworthy)."
The blasphemy masons show is the most remarkable activities following the oath. Can you see famous artists are mostly into blasphemous culture and promotion the like bts.


Dec 9, 2020
Isn't it normal trainee life? I don't take it for anything special.
No, it's not normal trainee life. PD had them all living this way because it feeds that underdog narrative. Most of BTS grew up wealthy and/or decently. SG was the only one who lived in poverty for most of his life. SJ could have paid for everyone's meals, but probably wasn't allowed to. SJ is the only one who I think doesn't have an eating disorder, cause he's never been crazy thin, and he seems to eat what he wants, when he wants. The other BTS members talk very openly about dieting and starving themselves.

Additionally, according to sasaengs, JM was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa years ago. He's iron deficient, apparently and has to be on supplements to this day. Now, sasaengs say all kinds of stuff that isn't true, so who knows how legit this is. Especially since what I read was posted by a leaker (someone who buys sasaeng info and leaks it, or posts bogus info and claims it is a leak when it's not). But the only evidence it could be true is how severely underweight he used to be.


Apr 13, 2021
You, lal golapi, and yellowish are all the same person, huh? Regardless it seems y'alls sole purpose is to derail this thread. It's so obvious.
Later on you will say anyone not thinking like you are the same person. Dude who is even attacking you? Chill! Seemingly its very hostile from a new poster.