Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 23, 2021
what is the meaning of the numbers can you tell me please 6_28_6_2021
The trailer was released 6.6.2021. Here are only double 6
Release date for album is 2021 28 06 at 6 PM
If you put the two sixes of month and time aside for a while, and count numbers in year and day, you would also get 6 (2+2+1+2+8 = 15, 1+5 = 6)
So basically 666


Jan 21, 2021
Ok now this is my hypothesis about sh1nee take it with a grain of salt I believe sh1nee was purposefully created by lee freemason because he wanted to take control of T@emin I think T@emin is from a special bloodline I read an article about kpop idols who share ancestry with the korean emperor and T@emin was in that list I think lee soo man knew that and he chose him on purpose
Every kpop idol has a concept an image they get to portray and their company decides that for them I think the image they chose for T@emin was Luc1fer/Antichrist that's why he was the only one wearing black in luc1fer they singled him out in that mv
he also portrays luc1fer in want
T@emin confirmed in his vlive that this was based on the old testament now where does this connect with sh1nee?
firstly Their name lee soo man chose that name for them Sh1nee according to him means one who receives light guess what Luc1fer means? light bringer light bearing which means all members including saint j0nghyun were supposed to represent fallen angels which they do in RDD.
I think T@emin is Sm's version of Gdragon both of them are similiar in the way that they both were children when they entered the industry both were members of a 5 member grp which lost 1 member both have been called feminine and have supported the adrogynous agenda and Both have been titled "King of Kpop" except in T@emin's case I think he does not have as much control over his work as Gdragon and is more like a SLAVE no puns intended of the Kpop industry I think he has gone through alot of trauma and I also believe he has handlers Bcz I find it strange how sm never allows him to go anywhere without his manager and body guard they sent a body guard for his private enlistment as well which I think no X-O members recieved when they enlisted.He also seems to have no connections outside of 5m he doesn't even have many friends and 5m is always keeping him busy with work he an idol in his 13th year who has released more albums and done more promotions then anyone in 2020-2021 he even said that he has no time to eat or sleep bcz he is that busy.
I also believe T@emin went through monarch programming he was probably taken advantage of by lee freemason when he was young the way lee freemason talks about him is too creepy they purposefully chose him because he was a catholic devout christian boy they always do that they go for the innocent helpless ones like britney and justin bieber
so about Mr. Francesco I think sh1nee hyungs and his sm colleagues were involved in his grooming we know key and j0nghyun(bcz he was the self proclaimed no 1 taemint who wholeheartedly supported his solo work) were into BDSM and were probably the ones who introduced him to that stuff you also have suju who kept mocking him for his feminine appearance they were desensitizing him by doing that he resisted at first minho said if t@emin knew he would be forced to wear extensions for sherlock he would never had agreed to it T@emin resisted their feminine agenda for some time upto press it era I think after that he became desensitized to it and sadly accepted it as a part of his identity
Now Why I think he went through monarch programming if you look at his song lyrics one of the most common theme in his title tracks is about having "alters" it began with press your number
Patients who suffer from DID have said that talking with their alters is like having a phone call notice at 3:26 there are 2 taemins one who is innocent and tied and one who is committing the crime the blue roses in my opinion represent "dissociation" the dissociation from reality at the end of the Mv the innocent taemin burns the car feeling regretful for his crime
now moving on to Famous
Famous again begins with the same dual personality theme one Taemin is tied the other Taemin is the evil superstar one taemin bleeds as the other taemin performs the evil taemin kills the innocent one and leaves the lyrics also talk about this in the japanese version he talks about experiencing Dissonance and headaches and not understanding who he is and says that his fame love is all a lie it will all end one day.
Moving on to criminal this one is as straightforward as you can get T@emin himself said it is about "Stockholm Syndrome" about the evil taemin hurting the innocent Taemin the entire album is filled with songs about him fighting with his alter
Mv begins with him tied he says "I try to get away from you but being BRAINWASHED all I can do is nod" and He takes off the cloth that binds him but he is still not free he says "Its as painful as much as I can't breathe but it is also magnificent" he could be referring to 2 things here either that he hates doing the satanic stuff but loves the fame it brings him or he could be talking about experiencing dissonance again like famous that when he lets his alter takeover it brings him relief similiar to how britney said in hold it against me that it feels like "paradise" at 2:45 we see him being dragged by his backup dancers I think this represents his handlers who are controlling him they cover his face and then when they let him go at 3:02 he has completed his transition to the evil T@emin
I will talk about IDEA and Advice in another post bcz this has already become too long
I've always felt like something was off with Taemin. his aura is really weird and kind of creepy and his eyes are evil. of course he's a victim and a slave for those disgusting pedophiles but I feel like he's more aware of it than other idols like bts, exo, etc. which is really sad because I started to genuinely like him these past few days.
I could be wrong about this but does anyone else feel like taemin is more than just a victim? something like, 'the victim becomes the abuser', maybe not yet but in the near future?


Jun 2, 2021
I've always felt like something was off with Taemin. his aura is really weird and kind of creepy and his eyes are evil. of course he's a victim and a slave for those disgusting pedophiles but I feel like he's more aware of it than other idols like bts, exo, etc. which is really sad because I started to genuinely like him these past few days.
I could be wrong about this but does anyone else feel like taemin is more than just a victim? something like, 'the victim becomes the abuser', maybe not yet but in the near future?
Hey I posted this about a month ago and my thoughts have changed drastically since then back then I did not know much about Catholicism because I am a Muslim and only knew basic stuff about Christianity like salvation/Triune concept so I ended up misunderstanding some of the symbolisms in his Mvs. I believe at least he believes he is a "Catholic" because so much of the symbolisms in his Mvs are related to Catholicism like "Purgatory" reference in Idea and advice or opening scene of idea with the "confession room" where he is talking to his other self or "stigmatas" in both Idea and advice mvs and teasers (black paint) songs like "Holy water" and "Lights" with lyrics that more or less are about his relationship with God and his burning heart tattoo which could be a reference to "sacred heart" in christianity. Surprisingly Catholicism and occult share quite a lot of symbolisms like the
"eye of providence" or "Petrine Cross" a.k.a inverted cross
so most of the symbolisms in his mvs are more related to catholicism and less to the occult but frankly the catholic church has a shady history and from what I have observed they have incorporated some pagan rituals in catholicism and stuff like depicting images or icons of christ and other heavenly beings are not prohibited but rather encouraged in Catholicism I would say Catholicism in a way encourages "art" so maybe when Tm is dressed as a priest or wearing a crown of thorns it's not him trying to mock christianity but he is just using these symbolisms for a concept.
I feel he is more aware than others too but more in the sense that he knows kpop is fake and manufactured and possibly evil and that's because almost all of his title tracks since jonghyun's death (2018) have been about how his "idol" image is fake and he has a "bad side" to him which he hides in front of public under my skin-famous-criminal-idea-advice are all about the same theme of "false idol" plus advice had another reference to jonghyun's death (complete the cruel history) the chess motif in advice is I think symbolizing "war" against 5m/fans/public for forcing these false stereotypes on him like the "baby dress" and the "prostitute outfit" with strap is obviously a reference to the "baby image" and "flower boy" image which 5m made him portray and the choreo has him shooting and throwing punches to his enemies that's why he keeps referencing his own death in the lyrics and mv (car crash, completing cruel history, if you want to see the "end", "loser pours it out" I.e pouring out wine for someone who has passed away on his grave) and that would explain the sword he held in teasers.
But I don't think he is anymore than just a regular industry "puppet" anymore 5m loves him because he is a perfect corporate slave he loves to work so it is easy to exploit him for money which is the only thing that 5m cares about.
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Feb 16, 2021
I wonder if Oli London is also demon possessed. He is promoting so many agendas at once: transsexual agenta, gay agenta, idolatry agenta, materialism and gets money supposedly from his "career" when that girl who used to be his friend exposed him for being broke. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a handler and is a sex slave as well.



Sep 9, 2020
I wonder if Oli London is also demon possessed. He is promoting so many agendas at once: transsexual agenta, gay agenta, idolatry agenta, materialism and gets money supposedly from his "career" when that girl who used to be his friend exposed him for being broke. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a handler and is a sex slave as well.

i don't think he's demon possessed, it seems to me that he just want attention ..