Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Apr 19, 2021
Another kpop idol, Kang Min Soo or Aquinas comes out as bisexual today. He definitely got more attention from that. And his last mv one month ago was pretty symbolic too, with the colors, masks and the devil horns dance move in the chorus. The same old same old, this is not surprising at all anymore..


Sep 9, 2020
Another kpop idol, Kang Min Soo or Aquinas comes out as bisexual today. He definitely got more attention from that. And his last mv one month ago was pretty symbolic too, with the colors, masks and the devil horns dance move in the chorus. The same old same old, this is not surprising at all anymore..
never heard of him


Jun 22, 2021
Another kpop idol, Kang Min Soo or Aquinas comes out as bisexual today. He definitely got more attention from that. And his last mv one month ago was pretty symbolic too, with the colors, masks and the devil horns dance move in the chorus. The same old same old, this is not surprising at all anymore..
never heard of him but thanks for the recommendation


Jul 23, 2020


Jul 14, 2021
To the creator
Thank you for creating this space to allow us to discuss the many aspects of Kpop as entities try to determine world affairs through entertainment

To Jonghyun who inspired this thread. I love you more than I can express in words. As a blinger, your death has left a wound that has left many asking questions, but we will never know your moments as you departed from SHINee and the world you created. Lately, listening to your songs has become hard as thoughts linger especially with how your group has silenced your existence. Even as I write this, I am in tears for your loss, but love knows everything and will fix brokenness. Saranghae!

To all those on this thread who have shared thoughts, advice, hope and every great message and all those who watch the influences that the unconscious state knows nothing about, thank you for your hard work and keep spreading knowledge because this world needs it. As the system pushes its agenda through KPOP and KDRAMAs, so much will change so we must prepare through knowledge and understanding.

I read a lot, but I wanted to share something Jonghyun talked about on his twitter in 2016. This was at a time when SHAWOLS forced him to apologize for wearing INDIAN clothing in a VCR. He wrote a long apology that also addressed his thoughts on homosexuality. He stated that he didn't swing that way and he is not in a position to judge those who choose to live that way, but homosexuality was not his heart's inclination. I just thought I should share this in case it wasn't shared as this was a topic here.

Jonghyun's position in his own words. English translation and the twitter post.

"I also want to share my thoughts on my comment during the talk segment of the concert when I said, “I respect those inclinations, but I don’t swing that way.”

I don’t remember what my exact words were, but I do remember thinking to myself that I need to speak accurately to avoid any problems arising, which is why I used the phrases “inclinations” and “swing that way”. The meaning of the word “inclination” is “tendencies that come from one’s inherent disposition”. Disposition is the essence of one’s heart. Meanwhile a tendency can be interpreted as the way that happenings, ideology, and actions are related. Therefore “inclinations” can be defined as “the specific course that one’s identity leads them on.”

I used the word “inclinations” not because I’m afraid to use words like “gay” or “homosexual” or “sexual minority,” but instead to convey that I don’t share those tendencies. That being said, if the phrase “swing that way” is a colloquial degradation of sexual minorities, then my use of it was an ignorant mistake. If this is the case, I apologize on this point as well. But “swing that way” was not the intended focus of my statement, “inclination” was."
I love you all.



Sep 10, 2020
Hey I posted this about a month ago and my thoughts have changed drastically since then back then I did not know much about Catholicism because I am a Muslim and only knew basic stuff about Christianity like salvation/Triune concept so I ended up misunderstanding some of the symbolisms in his Mvs. I believe at least he believes he is a "Catholic" because so much of the symbolisms in his Mvs are related to Catholicism like "Purgatory" reference in Idea and advice or opening scene of idea with the "confession room" where he is talking to his other self or "stigmatas" in both Idea and advice mvs and teasers (black paint) songs like "Holy water" and "Lights" with lyrics that more or less are about his relationship with God and his burning heart tattoo which could be a reference to "sacred heart" in christianity. Surprisingly Catholicism and occult share quite a lot of symbolisms like the
"eye of providence" or "Petrine Cross" a.k.a inverted cross
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so most of the symbolisms in his mvs are more related to catholicism and less to the occult but frankly the catholic church has a shady history and from what I have observed they have incorporated some pagan rituals in catholicism and stuff like depicting images or icons of christ and other heavenly beings are not prohibited but rather encouraged in Catholicism I would say Catholicism in a way encourages "art" so maybe when Tm is dressed as a priest or wearing a crown of thorns it's not him trying to mock christianity but he is just using these symbolisms for a concept.
I feel he is more aware than others too but more in the sense that he knows kpop is fake and manufactured and possibly evil and that's because almost all of his title tracks since jonghyun's death (2018) have been about how his "idol" image is fake and he has a "bad side" to him which he hides in front of public under my skin-famous-criminal-idea-advice are all about the same theme of "false idol" plus advice had another reference to jonghyun's death (complete the cruel history) the chess motif in advice is I think symbolizing "war" against 5m/fans/public for forcing these false stereotypes on him like the "baby dress" and the "prostitute outfit" with strap is obviously a reference to the "baby image" and "flower boy" image which 5m made him portray and the choreo has him shooting and throwing punches to his enemies that's why he keeps referencing his own death in the lyrics and mv (car crash, completing cruel history, if you want to see the "end", "loser pours it out" I.e pouring out wine for someone who has passed away on his grave) and that would explain the sword he held in teasers.
But I don't think he is anymore than just a regular industry "puppet" anymore 5m loves him because he is a perfect corporate slave he loves to work so it is easy to exploit him for money which is the only thing that 5m cares about.
Perfect explanation


Dec 2, 2019
Hello! Having a bad day? Take a deep breath, count to ten and then try again.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
Hello! Having a bad day? Take a deep breath, count to ten and then try again.

I don't know who's behind it, but apparently the most remarkable activities of them were sharing a bunch of gay video links in many others forums of The Vigilant Citizen before got crazy here...

I was happy to finally find a space where I can discuss freely what freaks have been doing to our world, and now one of them intrudes upon it...

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
I don't know who's behind it, but apparently the most remarkable activities of them were sharing a bunch of gay video links in many others forums of The Vigilant Citizen before got crazy here...

I was happy to finally find a space where I can discuss freely what freaks have been doing to our world, and now one of them intrudes upon it...


They don't get online very often, but when they do they spam everywhere. Judging by the same content of every video links they shared so far, I guess it's another gay who feels insecure by the actual facts and information regarding LGBTQ agenda being shared widely.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
No you dont understand. Before they would make informational post sometimes, now they edited it into shit. Im worried for og op.

I don't know...
I just don't remember I've ever seen this user in the forum before. Besides, they joined VCF very recently and started to spam everywhere sooner... I mean, when did they have time to share any useful information...?

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
I remembered s/he did share some info on the thread before they got hacked:(

Why do you think they got hacked?
Why they cannot be the same person?

Just think about it, if you were a phycho who wants to spam in some forum by hacking others' accounts, you would choose veteran ones to cause as much troubles as you can. Why would you waste your effort just to hack a new joint who barely had posts in the forums?
Moreover, if we assume that the account is really hacked, can't the original user sign in by a new one to tell us, or at least to continue their activities here...?

Let's face it, we do post valuable information but that doesn't necessarily mean that we are alike when it comes to the mental stability...

Edit: their very recent joining makes me certain more that they came here only to cause troubles.
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Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
Bruh i was fucking bored and chose at random. You don’t need “veteran accounts” (does that mean something particular) to spam gay kissing scenes

Why are you justifying yourself as if someone asked you to?
Relax, I was just explaining a possibility of what's going on, so don't freak out.

Edit: they deleted their post I quoted above, so I think this tells us about them a lot
Edit2: I was wrong about them deleting their post, cuz they actually gone.

I think this teached us a lesson to not let any freak mess up here or in any other forums without report them intensively.
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Jan 19, 2021
Hi guys I need your help. I feel like straykids and other people has been stalking my every post and moves. I'm so scared because they copy everything I do. The first time I had noticed this is when I posted a picture of hyunjin looking similar to an anime character named saito with long hair after that on their comback hyunjin had long hair. I also posted him looking like ryota kise with blond hair and after that he turned his hair blond too every move I make I feel like they do something similar and they want me to stay and post everyday on Facebook or else they will not get active. There was a time when I finally had enough of kpop and told the truth I said I only like hyunjin because of his visuals and he got angry after that he then was punished by his manager and made a fake. Story that he is a bully. I feel like they are watching me and my everymove. Straykids was not that popular before I became a fan of them back on March 2020 but after I started posting about them they suddenly got popular. It's so weird how after gods menu they got so popular and got many album sales I mean their music is just mediocre and not even that good to me it's noise and would never bother to listen to it. I only followed them because of hyunjin and how handsome he is but after he grew his hair longer and looked gay ugly I stopped. I hate the title of their song because its blasphemy and they try way too hard like fan service for their fans. I am so scared right now because I felt like someone is watching me even the government. I also feel like I'm the reason why there is a covid pandemic because I said a lot of racist words to white people and said I hate pewdiepie on a game called mobile legends and I feel like someone made me go trending and exposed me as a racist and now people are angry at me and created a virus to make Asians look bad. I live here in the Philippines and the president here is duterte I feel like he is making the people here a hostage if I don't post he will force to vaccinate the people and if I do then the vaccination will get delayed. I'm so scared and angry at the same time because I don't want people to get vaccinated because one of my pastors told me that the vaccine is the mark of the beast and I don't want people to go to hell because of me. I don't want to go to hell because I didn't stay and post on Facebook everyday but at the same time I don't want to post because I'm angry at these evil people wanting me to post because that's against my free will. Guys please help me I'm so paranoid now I prayed to God everyday to help me but he still doesn't answer it. I feel like I can end the quarantine if I sacrifice myself and post everyday but I don't want to because I feel like they are always mocking me, humiliating me with the shameful posts I see and I feel like it's directed towards me.

Oh ok sorry I read your tone wrong. I’ll edit my message to be less defensive
I feel like these are the same person
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Apr 13, 2021
Why are you justifying yourself as if someone asked you to?
Relax, I was just explaining a possibility of what's going on, so don't freak out.
I never saw a hacker justifying himself or trying so hard to proof he is a hacker. He is additionally showing he edited past posts to clear its a hacking. Hackers usually hack for the purpose of bashing the hacked one or causing something very big trouble. This user don't hold any character of a hacker.