Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Mar 16, 2017


Apr 6, 2018
This article by VC

Reminded me of Dynamite..

'Cause I, I, I'm in the stars tonight
So watch me bring the fire and set the night alight (Hey)
Shinin' through the city with a little funk and soul
So I'ma light it up like dynamite, woah-oh-oh

-Light it up and blow it up, for the great reset..
Here, speaking of reinisalisation, I wanted precisely marked. We see, often see the black star, or eclipse. What worries me, moreover he has a lot, but then a lot of reference to their God, whether in films, series, manga and KPop. I'm going to refer to manga, for two things, it's like you know, this is too separate, to do a quick analysis. And as I am in the analysis of manga, at the moment, I will then take three examples, of three very well known manga, which are extremely explicit:
- The first is the one I named, is Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack On Titans), which clearly shows the ending: The manga has inspirations from the Nordic Cult, and uses for Paradise Island, where for the city is a German village, including two references to wars: The first and second world war. A combination, which sets the tone for the third ... By the way, Eren's name means Hermit, like the Hermit map, which can be found on one of the maps of the 2017 World Economic cover. The Hermit is related to Odin. And Thor, Odin, and Loki are the same God. Note that to gain knowledge, it is torn off the left eye. As a reminder, if I was not mistaken in my anayses, the left eye, the lunar eye is linked to death (even if it is used as the right eye, which is linked to the third eye, the pineal gland, and more exactly the light that is inside).
- He also has in Naruto, I wanted to refer to it in relation, in fact, that in the end it is a fight between the two sons, between the son of the sun embodied by Naruto (Thor) who is the son of the sun and Sasuke (Loki) who is the son of the moon.
- And I end on One Piece, just the logo, shows it, with the E (3E; which forms the Omega, the triad by the 3 and E, which has an ink shape on the logo of One Piece) , the O of Omega where of 0, for 1 for that of the beginning. It is also about Paradise (as in Berseck and surely, in a lot of other manga) where Luffy left. As Eren lives on Paradise Island, which by the way was a Nazi project.

We also see a lot of times, whether in manga or in other references, a nod to the black sun (just before the pyramid, which also appears very often), as well as in many clips. The black sun, the eclipse (see the red moon, blood moon, sacrificial moon) a death star a star that is either related to Satan or to the Antichrist (the one who comes after Christ), the Dajjal, where Loki again ... as opposed to the sun, dominating, opposed to God, light, life.

P.S. On the other hand, they really took the idea of the cycle as a real reference. The idea of complete cleansing, with a goal, which I still do not understand, apart from that of a single leader, for a people (this may be why the pyramid, and not to signify, the death of someone 'a).
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Jul 23, 2020
They are losing their powers.
Something is "off" about Key, but I don't think it has to do with him. I know that doesn't make sense. He's my second favorite in SHINee/kpop and the first few years I was a fan I didn't notice it, but overtime he became more and more in his head, like he was far away or something. To me, it became really bad/obvious in 2016. Even now, when he takes pictures he doesn't really look like he's "there". Like the camera is taking more and more of what he's left "here". He's also alluded to having/possibly remembering at least one other past life, so there's that.
Key lost his shine and I think he is lonely. He spent Christmas alone...Minho and the rest spent it with their families. I am glad he keeps busy
SHINee has interesting members whom we loveimage_2021-02-04_141509.png
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Jan 23, 2021
Jae of D@ySix. This group wasn’t discussed here for some time. I hoped he was safe compared to other idols and groups, but I was probably naïve.

This guy was my biggest bias for the longest time. So it’s sad to start to see some things. Ofc, these are only my speculations, but it’s all low key uncanny. I didn’t even try very hard to dig deep, I don’t have time for that, I just realized over time.
How did I get here (Jae's podcast)


On YT you can see Jae’s set in dive studio. He has several posters behind him: Matrix, Truman Show, Inception, something that looks like a blueprint of a robot and two others that I was not able to identify if it’s something famous.

All 3 movies Matrix, Truman Show and Inception have a common theme. Manipulation (mind control) and reality vs virtual reality/false reality/dreams, while they all appear to be “the true reality” when you are in them.

In the movies people were lied to, in 2 cases by authorities, and the main goal was control. In Matrix it was AI keeping humanity in virtual reality, and lying even to those who escaped out of the Matrix to control and use them. In Truman it was producer of the show and other actors and staff who lied to Truman his whole life, they controlled his environment, life and his behavior to create a show for entertainment. In Inception dreams were used to put an information into the mind of rich guy to control him, and 'creators' of the dreams played with his mind and trust.

Why did Jae chose those posters? And was it him? Is there any message behind it or does he just like the movies?
Another fun fact kind of related those films is that Jae was nick named Chicken Little, because of the resemblance on some photos. He hates the joke. I started to wonder, is this nickname a coincidence? Have you seen the movie (made by Disney)? “The sky is falling down!” one youtuber said: "a perfect movie for flat-earthers who think sky is just a projection and we are under a dome. And we are lied to by authorities about reality we live in." Sky falling down, UFOs, three-eyed fluffy aliens... Is this also a predictive programming? (If you are wondering, I'm not flat-earther).

"I will rise again like a phoenix, and soon everyone will forget!":
Hmm, yeah, I guess everybody already forgot about this movie, but the falling sky and aliens stayed in their subconsciousness.

Btw, flat-earth conspiracy was one of Jae’s topics in How did I get here.
Another thing I find interesting is that the show’s own posters have game/arcade theme = virtual, false reality. Jae likes games. But is that really the only reason why he chose this theme and the movie posters?

Btw is that a white rabbit?

eaJ project
When he started his solo project called eaJ, I was like „Jae, don’t be lazy. You just flipped your stage name... ingenious.” Now I’m afraid it’s intentional. But still lazy :D (People in the occult like to write and read backwards.)

Look at the song names… similar concept I pointed out in the podcast. I never liked the songs very much, even Jae said it’s lazy writing and quick composing, the lyrics sometimes don’t seem to make sense and for his mumbling you don’t even understand 50% of them. He looks tired and depressed. I’m not surprised with his anxiety and insomnia. That brings me to question: why does he have anxiety and insomnia?

release date: 24.4.2020
You hit me in the morning
Said yesterday was boring
When they heard you call me
Must have already been sleepin'
Always the excuses
My autumn blue in bruises
Yes, he’s holdin' his breath

Hoping what he’s thinkin'
Ain’t know what the truth is
No more

Past 12 and you telling me you gotta go
Go out tomorrow morning, gonna catch the z's, you know
Come on tell me, tell me, tell me, gotta know
That everybody and their mama knows

Don’t tell Truman
Please just play along

'Cause she might go-go-go
If she knows, no
Don’t tell Truman
This might be my final song (what is this doing here? What does it mean? Does he have suicide thoughts? Or was his life in danger?)

Love might go-go-go
If she knows, no

  • blood moon in MV several times
  • we see falling star that turns out to be Jae
  • rose clearly means blood, is this about programming?
Shouting but they all got you on mute
I could see my
Blood on the floor
Or it might just be a


Game theme. Quote from revolutionary Net flix Black Mirr0r episode Bandersnatch about a game developer (it’s actually viewer who controls the plot and decisions of main character):

“There are messages in every game. Like Pac-Man, do you know what PAC stands for? P-A-C. Program and Control. He’s program and control. The whole thing is a metaphor. He thinks he’s got free will but really, he’s trapped in a maze, in a system. All he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably just in his own head. Even if he does escape by slipping out on one side of the maze, what happens? He comes right back on the other side”.

In one of his streams Jae explained the MV is actually on loop, it starts where it ends. Does he feel trapped in never ending circles, programmed and controlled? I would say the lyrics are about him being used by someone who doesn’t care about him, and he wants to escape, but then he don’t. Because this ‘relationship’ is giving him something he wants and loves, despite the fact it’s killing him.

(notice his hand from 1:08)

Loving you's just getting harder and harder to do
'Cause my head says no, but my phone keeps calling you
And you never pick up unless you've got nothin' to do
But you say that you want me much as I want you

Over and over, like it's Red Rover
Will your games ever be through?
Play me over and over,
Pacman and lover
Hoping you run out of quarters soon

Don't hurt me, leave me
No, I don't mean that
Love me all the way to death

It's killing me how?
Fear is holding me down
But I wanna hold you
I might burn to the ground (Ground)
But see me burn with a smile
If I die it's with you
Any thoughts? I would like to know what you think.



Sep 29, 2020
Jae of D@ySix. This group wasn’t discussed here for some time. I hoped he was safe compared to other idols and groups, but I was probably naïve.

This guy was my biggest bias for the longest time. So it’s sad to start to see some things. Ofc, these are only my speculations, but it’s all low key uncanny. I didn’t even try very hard to dig deep, I don’t have time for that, I just realized over time.
How did I get here (Jae's podcast)
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On YT you can see Jae’s set in dive studio. He has several posters behind him: Matrix, Truman Show, Inception, something that looks like a blueprint of a robot and two others that I was not able to identify if it’s something famous.

All 3 movies Matrix, Truman Show and Inception have a common theme. Manipulation (mind control) and reality vs virtual reality/false reality/dreams, while they all appear to be “the true reality” when you are in them.

In the movies people were lied to, in 2 cases by authorities, and the main goal was control. In Matrix it was AI keeping humanity in virtual reality, and lying even to those who escaped out of the Matrix to control and use them. In Truman it was producer of the show and other actors and staff who lied to Truman his whole life, they controlled his environment, life and his behavior to create a show for entertainment. In Inception dreams were used to put an information into the mind of rich guy to control him, and 'creators' of the dreams played with his mind and trust.

Why did Jae chose those posters? And was it him? Is there any message behind it or does he just like the movies?
Another fun fact kind of related those films is that Jae was nick named Chicken Little, because of the resemblance on some photos. He hates the joke. I started to wonder, is this nickname a coincidence? Have you seen the movie (made by Disney)? “The sky is falling down!” one youtuber said: "a perfect movie for flat-earthers who think sky is just a projection and we are under a dome. And we are lied to by authorities about reality we live in." Sky falling down, UFOs, three-eyed fluffy aliens... Is this also a predictive programming? (If you are wondering, I'm not flat-earther).

"I will rise again like a phoenix, and soon everyone will forget!":
Hmm, yeah, I guess everybody already forgot about this movie, but the falling sky and aliens stayed in their subconsciousness.

Btw, flat-earth conspiracy was one of Jae’s topics in How did I get here.
Another thing I find interesting is that the show’s own posters have game/arcade theme = virtual, false reality. Jae likes games. But is that really the only reason why he chose this theme and the movie posters?

Btw is that a white rabbit?

eaJ project
When he started his solo project called eaJ, I was like „Jae, don’t be lazy. You just flipped your stage name... ingenious.” Now I’m afraid it’s intentional. But still lazy :D (People in the occult like to write and read backwards.)

Look at the song names… similar concept I pointed out in the podcast. I never liked the songs very much, even Jae said it’s lazy writing and quick composing, the lyrics sometimes don’t seem to make sense and for his mumbling you don’t even understand 50% of them. He looks tired and depressed. I’m not surprised with his anxiety and insomnia. That brings me to question: why does he have anxiety and insomnia?

release date: 24.4.2020
You hit me in the morning
Said yesterday was boring
When they heard you call me
Must have already been sleepin'
Always the excuses
My autumn blue in bruises
Yes, he’s holdin' his breath

Hoping what he’s thinkin'
Ain’t know what the truth is
No more

Past 12 and you telling me you gotta go
Go out tomorrow morning, gonna catch the z's, you know
Come on tell me, tell me, tell me, gotta know
That everybody and their mama knows

Don’t tell Truman
Please just play along

'Cause she might go-go-go
If she knows, no
Don’t tell Truman
This might be my final song (what is this doing here? What does it mean? Does he have suicide thoughts? Or was his life in danger?)

Love might go-go-go
If she knows, no

  • blood moon in MV several times
  • we see falling star that turns out to be Jae
  • rose clearly means blood, is this about programming?
Shouting but they all got you on mute
I could see my
Blood on the floor
Or it might just be a

View attachment 51581

Game theme. Quote from revolutionary Net flix Black Mirr0r episode Bandersnatch about a game developer (it’s actually viewer who controls the plot and decisions of main character):

“There are messages in every game. Like Pac-Man, do you know what PAC stands for? P-A-C. Program and Control. He’s program and control. The whole thing is a metaphor. He thinks he’s got free will but really, he’s trapped in a maze, in a system. All he can do is consume, he’s pursued by demons that are probably just in his own head. Even if he does escape by slipping out on one side of the maze, what happens? He comes right back on the other side”.

In one of his streams Jae explained the MV is actually on loop, it starts where it ends. Does he feel trapped in never ending circles, programmed and controlled? I would say the lyrics are about him being used by someone who doesn’t care about him, and he wants to escape, but then he don’t. Because this ‘relationship’ is giving him something he wants and loves, despite the fact it’s killing him.

(notice his hand from 1:08)

Loving you's just getting harder and harder to do
'Cause my head says no, but my phone keeps calling you
And you never pick up unless you've got nothin' to do
But you say that you want me much as I want you

Over and over, like it's Red Rover
Will your games ever be through?
Play me over and over,
Pacman and lover
Hoping you run out of quarters soon

Don't hurt me, leave me
No, I don't mean that
Love me all the way to death

It's killing me how?
Fear is holding me down
But I wanna hold you
I might burn to the ground (Ground)
But see me burn with a smile
If I die it's with you
Any thoughts? I would like to know what you think.
don't know much details but if he doesn't know how he got there means that they forced him to or even tricked him then I can say that what I noticed is that some of them (not day6 specifically) seem to invent stories about how their dream was to enter into the kpop world and such,how they had to "fight" their parents bc they supposedly didn't want them to but this one sounds like they just want to influence the youth to "live their life", this and that.
hope I didn't say smthg unrelated lol


Dec 16, 2019
I thought that post was an AD like the Jiffy peanut butter on his album and Listerine? Coz I have seem similar posts about that brand from other Kpop artists. Maybe he used the Jongkey thing to make it viral...He was a brilliant business man.
I think... I'm probably too biased to have this conversation. I don't know about an ad or business or anything like that, all I know is on Keys 2017 birthday, he gave him a ring. I don't think it's necessarily fair to say that it's just for "jongkey", because they've been friends a long time. It's been said that they were friends even before they knew they would be debuting together.


Dec 1, 2019
Please can someone who knew Korean and Japanese culture join? We seek for satanism in art.


Sep 9, 2020
I think... I'm probably too biased to have this conversation. I don't know about an ad or business or anything like that, all I know is on Keys 2017 birthday, he gave him a ring. I don't think it's necessarily fair to say that it's just for "jongkey", because they've been friends a long time. It's been said that they were friends even before they knew they would be debuting together.
sorry but i don't donate ring to a friend, it looks more a couple thing


Feb 5, 2021
I’ve been watching this thread for a while and finally decided to make an account. I used to be a huge Kp0p stan and I’m pretty sure every concept we’ve had recently is dark. One can identify this decade of music as being dark.

I found this YouTube channel that exposes Kp0p videos

If bt5 wins the Grammy, it’s a confirmation that they’re on the dark side. I’m sorry, but their music is not THAT great. I can name 20 other Kp0p groups with better music
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Jan 31, 2021
I’ve been watching this thread for a while and finally decided to make an account. I used to be a huge Kpop stan and I’m pretty sure every concept we’ve had recently is dark. One can identify this decade of music as being dark.

I found this YouTube channel that exposes Kpop videos

If bts wins the Grammy, it’s a confirmation that they’re on the dark side. I’m sorry, but their music is not THAT great. I can name 20 other Kpop groups with better music
I agree , i used to be a big fan but i left , i still care for them as humans cuz there could be innocents who got tricked or born into this so ye just pray for them , and the fandoms to get out of that bubble and see the reality. Honestly I was already convinced bt5 were deep into the dark side since BST came out, and esp that whole Ly era.


Sep 9, 2020
I’ve been watching this thread for a while and finally decided to make an account. I used to be a huge Kpop stan and I’m pretty sure every concept we’ve had recently is dark. One can identify this decade of music as being dark.

I found this YouTube channel that exposes Kpop videos

If bts wins the Grammy, it’s a confirmation that they’re on the dark side. I’m sorry, but their music is not THAT great. I can name 20 other Kpop groups with better music
always think that they really overrated, and i didn't change my mind ..


Oct 20, 2019
I noticed that maybe the fact that Key is standing and the others are sitting may mean something. If you go to SH1Nee's instagram the pictures they posted made Key the only one having the head cut off just like in the married to the music mv.
that mv was full of predictive programming related to J0nghyun too, he lost his mouth and kissed the bride that was representing death and unfortunately it seems Key is really the next one and I'm creeped out. $m is eliminating the members that are very talented in many areas just to taemln have the full spotlight only for himself.
Please pray for key.


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