Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Mar 24, 2018
Does anybody believe the group, ATEEZ, is being set up to take BTS’ place once they are no longer profitable?
Yes and I actually liked ateez (not their music but I really liked their personality even though ik it’s all fake personas. Their symbolism is so huge in their songs especially for a rookie group and they were able to perform at mama so quickly which is a prestige award show right. Also Wooyoung was a Bighit trainee. I wonder why he left. They seem like clones of BTS like they give the same vibes. I followed many groups but ateez was a lot similar to
BTS from symbolism to their assigned personalities it’s like they copy and pasted with RM and Hongjoong, wooyoung and Jimin, and Yunho and J-Hope. It’s really weird and they are promoted everywhere Aswell.


Mar 4, 2019
Yes and I actually liked ateez (not their music but I really liked their personality even though ik it’s all fake personas. Their symbolism is so huge in their songs especially for a rookie group and they were able to perform at mama so quickly which is a prestige award show right. Also Wooyoung was a Bighit trainee. I wonder why he left. They seem like clones of BTS like they give the same vibes. I followed many groups but ateez was a lot similar to
BTS from symbolism to their assigned personalities it’s like they copy and pasted with RM and Hongjoong, wooyoung and Jimin, and Yunho and J-Hope. It’s really weird and they are promoted everywhere Aswell.

Yes this, they just blew up way too fast for it not to be true. I get real dark energy from this group like the modern BTS. Sucks cause I liked them when they were "KQ Fellaz" . They don't really appeal to me anymore but I definitely see all the BTS comparisons. They're like clones.


Jun 28, 2020
Yes and I actually liked ateez (not their music but I really liked their personality even though ik it’s all fake personas. Their symbolism is so huge in their songs especially for a rookie group and they were able to perform at mama so quickly which is a prestige award show right. Also Wooyoung was a Bighit trainee. I wonder why he left. They seem like clones of BTS like they give the same vibes. I followed many groups but ateez was a lot similar to
BTS from symbolism to their assigned personalities it’s like they copy and pasted with RM and Hongjoong, wooyoung and Jimin, and Yunho and J-Hope. It’s really weird and they are promoted everywhere Aswell.
I actually agree with the parallel of at**z and b*s stage personalities. I remember seeing an in insider leak saying kpop companies are trying to replicate the same success of b*s in terms of creating relatable personalities with fans. For at**z I'm not sure why they use w**y*ng and s*n for b*s fake love cover... Also that time when at**z did the cover of bst at seemed like an initiation ritual kind of thing to me....


Jan 6, 2018
I actually agree with the parallel of at**z and b*s stage personalities. I remember seeing an in insider leak saying kpop companies are trying to replicate the same success of b*s in terms of creating relatable personalities with fans. For at**z I'm not sure why they use w**y*ng and s*n for b*s fake love cover... Also that time when at**z did the cover of bst at seemed like an initiation ritual kind of thing to me....
When ATEEZ does their own version of “Blood, Sweat, and Tears,” that’s when you know they have crossed over to the dark side.

Yes and I actually liked ateez (not their music but I really liked their personality even though ik it’s all fake personas. Their symbolism is so huge in their songs especially for a rookie group and they were able to perform at mama so quickly which is a prestige award show right. Also Wooyoung was a Bighit trainee. I wonder why he left. They seem like clones of BTS like they give the same vibes. I followed many groups but ateez was a lot similar to
BTS from symbolism to their assigned personalities it’s like they copy and pasted with RM and Hongjoong, wooyoung and Jimin, and Yunho and J-Hope. It’s really weird and they are promoted everywhere Aswell.
I know Wooyoung left because Yeosang (also a BigHit trainee) wanted to leave for KQ. He said he would follow him wherever he went.


Apr 6, 2018
La définition du "Vautour", venant du même dictionnaire, que la définition du "Bain", cette définition accompagne la définition du "bain", mais aussi du clip, que j'avais mit puisqu'il m'était à la fois le bain, à la fois, les corps, qui fait pensé à du cannibalisme:
The definition of "Vulture", coming from the same dictionary, as the definition of "Bath", this definition accompanies the definition of "bath", but also of the clip, which I had put since it was at the same time the bath, at the same time, the bodies, which makes one think of cannibalism:
Le vautour royal, mangeur d'entrailles, est un symbole de mort chez les Mayas (METS). Mais, se nourrissant de charognes et d'immondices, il peut être considéré comme un agent régénérateur des forces vitales, qui sont contenue dans les composition organique et les déchets de toute sorte, autrement dit comme un purificateur; un magicien qui assure le cycle de renouveau, en transmutait la mort en vie nouvelle. C'est ce qui explique dans le symbolique cosmologique qu'il soit également associé aux signes d'eau; c'est le cas du calendrier Maya; et qu'il régisse les précieux orages de ma saison sèche, assurant le renouveau de la végétation, et devenait de ce fait une divinité de l'abondance. On en voit un grand nombre, droits et sombres, sur les îles limoneuses de grand fleuves, comme le Mékong, en face des villes et des villages.
Ces mêmes raisons l'associent au feu céleste, à la fois purificateur en fécondant. Dans de nombreux rites indiens d'Amérique du Sud, il est le premier possesseur du feu, qu'un démiurge lui vole, généralement avec l'aide du crapaud (MATT, LEVC). En Afrique Noire, chez les Bambaras, ce même symbolisme est poussé à ses plus extrêmes conséquences sur plan mystique, avec la classe des initiés vautour (CAHR). Le vautour du Koré est 'initié, mort à la vie profane et qui vient de pénétrer dans la sagesse divine, purifié, brulé par les épreuves initiatiques. Dans les sorties de la confrérie, il apparait comme un clown, et surtout comme un enfant, car il vient en effet de naître, ou plutôt de renaître, mais dans le domaine transcendental de Dieu, dont la revêt, aux yeux du profane, les apparences de la folie et de l'innocence. Et, comme un enfant, il se traîne sur le sol et dévore tout ce qu'il trouve, jusqu'à y compris ses propres excréments: c'est ce qu'il a triomphé de la mort terrestre, et il a le pouvoir de transmuer la nourriture en or philosophale. On dit de lui qu'il est le plus riche des êtres, car il connait seul l'or véritable. On le célèbre dans une prière en disant que si le dessus, et le dessous, de l'aliment est pareils, c'est la vérité. Enfin, dans l'analogie établie entre les classes d'initiés et les échelons de la hiérarchie sociale, il correspond à la femme toujours parturiente. Il est donc aussi, en Afrique comme en Amérique, un symbole de fertilité et d'abondance, sur tout les plans de la richesse: richesse vitale, matérielle et spirituelle.
Dans Un souvenir d'enfance de Léonard de Vinci. Sigmund Freud a fait du vautour une métamorphose de la mère. La déesse-vautour égyptienne, Nekhbet, était, selon les croyances populaires, la protectrice des naissances.
Le vautour est parfois identifié à Isis dans les Textes des Pyramides. Les paroles mystérieuses d'Isis, celles qui confèrent la vie, doivent être communs des défunts. La possession de l'oraison du vautour se fera bienfaisante dans la région des mille champs. C'est dans la nuit, les ténèbres, la mort; que la déesse vautour revivifie l'âme qui ressuscite l'âme; Le vautour (la mère) à conçu dans la nuit, à ta corne oh! vache enceinte) expliqué dans la matrice. Le vautour figure souvent dans l'art égyptien le pouvoir des Mères célestes. Il absorbe les cadavres et redonne la vie, symbolisant le cycle de la mort et de la vie dans une perpétuelle transmutation.
Un admirable relief d'Isis décore le temple de Philae, représentant la déesse Isis assis sur son trône, de profil, le crâne enveloppé comme d'un casque par les ailes tombantes d'un grand oiseau, d'où se détachent une tête et une queue de vautour, casque surmonté d'un globe lunaire qu'encadrent comme un lyre deux cornes de vache; la déesse, le buste nu, tend un sein découvert, gonflé, comme pour un allaitement: rare accumulation de symboles féminins, personnification du processus biologique dans l'univers, une des plus belles images de l'éternel féminin.
Le vautour est encore, dans les traditions gréco-romaines, un oiseau divinatoires. C'était un des oiseaux consacrés à Apollon, parce que son vol, comme celui du cygne, du milan, du corbeau, donne des présages. Remus voit six vautours, Romulus douze, quand, installés l'un sur la Palatin, l'autre sur l'Aventin, ils interrogent le ciel pour savoir où construire la vile: Rome s'édifiera à l'endroit où les présages se seront montrés le plus favorables.
The king vulture, eater of entrails, is a symbol of death among the Mayas (METS). But, feeding on carrion and filth, it can be considered as a regenerating agent of vital forces, which are contained in organic composition and waste of all kinds, in other words as a purifier; a magician who ensures the cycle of renewal, transmuted death into new life. This is what explains in the cosmological symbolism that it is also associated with water signs; this is the case with the Mayan calendar; and that it governs the precious storms of my dry season, ensuring the renewal of the vegetation, and thus became a divinity of abundance. We see a great number of them, straight and dark, on the silty islands of great rivers, like the Mekong, opposite towns and villages.
These same reasons associate it with the celestial fire, at the same time purifying while fertilizing. In many South American Indian rites, he is the first owner of fire, which a demiurge steals from him, usually with the help of the toad (MATT, LEVC). In Black Africa, among the Bambaras, this same symbolism is pushed to its most extreme consequences on a mystical level, with the class of vulture initiates (CAHR). The Korah vulture is' initiated, dead to profane life and who has just entered divine wisdom, purified, burnt by initiation trials. In the outings of the brotherhood, he appears like a clown, and above all like a child, because he has indeed just been born, or rather reborn, but in the transcendental domain of God, with which, in the eyes of the layman, the appearances of madness and innocence. And, like a child, he crawls along the ground and devours everything he finds, including his own excrement: this is what he has triumphed over earthly death, and he has the power to to transmute food into philosopher's gold. It is said of him that he is the richest of beings, because only he knows true gold. It is celebrated in a prayer saying that if the top and bottom of the food is the same, it is the truth. Finally, in the analogy established between the initiate classes and the levels of the social hierarchy, it corresponds to the woman who is always parturient. It is therefore also, in Africa as in America, a symbol of fertility and abundance, on all levels of wealth: vital, material and spiritual wealth.
In A childhood memory of Leonardo da Vinci. Sigmund Freud made the vulture a metamorphosis of the mother. The Egyptian vulture goddess, Nekhbet, was popularly believed to be the patroness of births.
The vulture is sometimes identified with Isis in the Pyramid Texts. The mysterious words of Isis, those which confer life, must be common to the deceased. The possession of the vulture's prayer will be beneficial in the region of a thousand fields. It is in the night, darkness, death; may the vulture goddess revive the soul which resuscitates the soul; The vulture (the mother) conceived in the night, at your horn oh! pregnant cow) explained in the matrix. The vulture often figures in Egyptian art the power of the Heavenly Mothers. It absorbs corpses and restores life, symbolizing the cycle of death and life in perpetual transmutation.
An admirable relief of Isis decorates the temple of Philae, representing the goddess Isis seated on her throne, in profile, the skull enveloped like a helmet by the drooping wings of a large bird, from which stand out a head and a vulture's tail, helmet surmounted by a moon globe framed like a lyre by two cow horns; the goddess, the naked bust, holds out an uncovered, swollen breast, as for breastfeeding: rare accumulation of feminine symbols, personification of the biological process in the universe, one of the most beautiful images of the eternal feminine.
The vulture is still, in Greco-Roman traditions, a divinatory bird. It was one of the birds consecrated to Apollo, because its flight, like that of the swan, the kite, the crow, gives omen. Remus sees six vultures, Romulus twelve, when, installed one on the Palatine, the other on the Aventine, they question the sky to know where to build the city: Rome will be built where the omens will be. shown the most favorable.

Et que ce soit dans Black Cristal ou dans Narnia (qui invoque Isis, la déesse de glace, qu'on voit aussi dans le clip "Overcome" de NU'EST ou d'autre clip, où apparait de la glace. Comme dans le clip "Blood, Sweat & Tears", lorsque Jungkook chute comme Icare, la fenêtre ouvert à gauche, laisse passer de la neige.
And whether in Black Cristal or in Narnia (which invokes Isis, the ice goddess, which we also see in the clip "Overcome" of NU'EST or other clip, where ice appears. As in the clip "Blood, Sweat & Tears", when Jungkook falls like Icarus, the open window on the left, lets snow pass through.
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Dec 12, 2019
Hey guys! I don't know if this would be considered good news but.. Wendy's back! I'm worried 'cause in the teaser images for their 'Milky Way' cover she looked a bit different, but let's just hope that's surgery after effects or something. Gosh, I hope those women leave that retched company soon or something 'cause I'm highkey concerned for them. (Oh, also, Krystal of f(x) left too I think, so good on her.)



Apr 6, 2018
Hi guys have you seen new Oneus MV?What do you think about it?
Quick note: I had planned to do an article on the latest ONEUS music videos, I think finally put it:
This clip accompanies the previous one by the crown. They use Christian iconographies. Like the object of mass, the lance, the crown. Symbols, related to the Pelican (Phoenix).

I take this opportunity to say, to underline my theory on Jin's death, that Jin is the only one to return to the stairs, off the stairs is associated with going up to heaven. And Youtube, just suggested the 2nd teaser of N.O, I might have noticed it before, but I didn't know what it meant, but jungkook wears red shoes when they come down the stairs:
Sans titre-1.jpg


Aug 20, 2020
Quick note: I had planned to do an article on the latest ONEUS music videos, I think finally put it:
This clip accompanies the previous one by the crown. They use Christian iconographies. Like the object of mass, the lance, the crown. Symbols, related to the Pelican (Phoenix).

I take this opportunity to say, to underline my theory on Jin's death, that Jin is the only one to return to the stairs, off the stairs is associated with going up to heaven. And Youtube, just suggested the 2nd teaser of N.O, I might have noticed it before, but I didn't know what it meant, but jungkook wears red shoes when they come down the stairs:
View attachment 40452
This teaser is creepy,there is red colour and the final words scared me because there are two numbers written in red...and the teaser is released the date 11 september...the numbers seemed reversed,28 was Jonghyun's age?This colour is refered to sacrifice...


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Apr 6, 2018
Quick note: I had planned to do an article on the latest ONEUS music videos, I think finally put it:
This clip accompanies the previous one by the crown. They use Christian iconographies. Like the object of mass, the lance, the crown. Symbols, related to the Pelican (Phoenix).

I take this opportunity to say, to underline my theory on Jin's death, that Jin is the only one to return to the stairs, off the stairs is associated with going up to heaven. And Youtube, just suggested the 2nd teaser of N.O, I might have noticed it before, but I didn't know what it meant, but jungkook wears red shoes when they come down the stairs:
View attachment 40452
Google posted a new Live of '100' from SuperM, and I hallucinated, when I saw the shoes...:
Sans titre-1.jpg

Note that in Freemasonry, white is a sign of secrecy.

They also carry logos, which at the same time think of the nuclear power. But the fans that appear in Xia's clip. Or the four leaf, which I had in theory, and confirmed by my dico, is a sign of trinity. Whether it is, in a circle or a triangle is the same. Since the circle represents the mind (the body being the square), and the triad (which can also be a rhombus) represents the triad.

Baekhyun wears a chain, and I noticed that it got bigger each time. On the other hand, I don't know why...
Dec 26, 2017
Quick note: I had planned to do an article on the latest ONEUS music videos, I think finally put it:
This clip accompanies the previous one by the crown. They use Christian iconographies. Like the object of mass, the lance, the crown. Symbols, related to the Pelican (Phoenix).

I take this opportunity to say, to underline my theory on Jin's death, that Jin is the only one to return to the stairs, off the stairs is associated with going up to heaven. And Youtube, just suggested the 2nd teaser of N.O, I might have noticed it before, but I didn't know what it meant, but jungkook wears red shoes when they come down the stairs:
View attachment 40452
I always knows..there is a lot and a lot going on with BTS NO video...its so creepy..I was scared watching it the first time

I think there is a lots of predictive programming going on with the video...they also wear mask which I think is like predicting the corona virus...I think that video deserve analysis...I might post one in the BTS thread later


Apr 6, 2018
I always knows..there is a lot and a lot going on with BTS NO video...its so creepy..I was scared watching it the first time

I think there is a lots of predictive programming going on with the video...they also wear mask which I think is like predicting the corona virus...I think that video deserve analysis...I might post one in the BTS thread later
I can't wait to see your analysis.

About the epidemic, I don't know. Or if, they sit at a distance, while leaving a space, and shift between the rows, learning on an electronic table, taking a capsule of blood. Hands distant.

By watching the clip, when they were seated at their tables, I saw the three frames, each of which frames an angel, a symbol, which is often appearing on the ceilings, in boxes and the rhombus, whose sides re-entry, symbolizes the triad (the four seasons, the four periods). All three symbolize a light. I do not see well enough what he or she is holding, on the other hand it is always on two steps backwards, position on a vase, which is positioned on the last step (In Freemasonry, the three steps are a symbol (on the other hand, I don't remember what). And the whole of the piece, as well as the walkers, the teacher and the guardians, but also the musicians have the shoes, the blackest (although some are white)). Note that the vase one carries the material, the other the light. And that the three symbols of light, can also symbolized the triad. Note also that the vase one carries the material, the other the light. And that the three symbols of light, can symbolized the triad.

In fact, the angel is visible, she has a cherub (note that they did not have the same shape in Babylon). And when they are in the classroom, Jungkook, is the only one wearing gold, on his white shoes.


Aug 20, 2020
I always knows..there is a lot and a lot going on with BTS NO video...its so creepy..I was scared watching it the first time

I think there is a lots of predictive programming going on with the video...they also wear mask which I think is like predicting the corona virus...I think that video deserve analysis...I might post one in the BTS thread later
I saw Bts "No"video,it is very seems a school with futuristic technology,there are people with masks(pandemic reference?),they took a blood pill to learn things(sacrifice?).
They fight with masked people,there is an explosion and then they are in a place like heaven...the end is very scared...they will be sacrificed after being used???


Apr 23, 2018
I was browsing through YouTube and came across G-I-D-L-E's vid for their new Japanese release.
The video itself is the usual witchcraft stuff, but I checked out the the official video and I feel like I watched a satanic ritual.

A girl is forcefully taken

She's afraid. They drink blood.

In the end she's broken with black hand marks all over (representing abuse). Her hands are black because she too takes part in evil.

Water and blood - good and evil.

They flash the above pic...It's one of the girls, but purposely made to look demonic.

Sacrificial table on an altar


Worshiping the spirit (devil) they summoned.

There's a lot more going on, like one of them shoots herself, and another rolls around in mud (maybe blood) dancing in the middle of barbed wire and licking it, mocking religion by holding an apple etc. There's so much bad energy in the video. Analysing video's always leave me with a bad feeling, but I hope it helps wake people up. The video is not's them performing their religious beliefs and practises.
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Aug 20, 2020
I was browsing through YouTube and came across G-I-D-L-E's vid for their new Japanese release.
View attachment 40538
The video itself is the usual witchcraft stuff, but I checked out the the official video and I feel like I watched a satanic ritual.

View attachment 40539
A girl is forcefully taken

View attachment 40542
She's afraid. They drink blood.

View attachment 40547
In the end she's broken with black hand marks all over (representing abuse). Her hands are black because she too takes part in evil.

View attachment 40540
View attachment 40541
Water and blood - good and evil.

View attachment 40543
They flash the above pic...It's one of the girls, but purposely made to look demonic.

View attachment 40544
Sacrificial table on an altar

View attachment 40545

View attachment 40546
Worshiping the spirit (devil) they summoned.

There's a lot more going on, like one of them shoots herself, and another rolls around in mud (maybe blood) dancing in the middle of barbed wire and licking it, mocking religion by holding an apple etc. There's so much bad energy in the video. Analysing video's always leave me with a bad feeling, but I hope it helps wake people up. The video is not's them performing their religious beliefs and practises.
This video is disgusting....very satanic and seems a ritual,there are references to mk ultra,the girls have a bad expression...they are very strange like they are not humans..


Aug 20, 2020
Hello! What do you think about ONEUS new MV? It is full of satanic symbols and mockery of christianity.
I find this video disgusting and there are references to blood sacrifice,also the bath tube,and i don't know what to think about the shooting scene but it seems a predictive program like Ladies code...they must to obey or they will be punished...