Be aware of the JAHTRUTH cult

Jul 29, 2018
What I quoted from the bible says the exact opposite. And you are missing the point. Your cult leader is NOT Jesus Christ returned. He (you?) is just a confused misogynistic old guy pumping out islam/christian/science fiction pamphlets from a home computer.

Why don't YOU stop trying to make arguments and instead accept the fact that there are people who have been trying to help you?
Your misogynistic islam/christian/science fiction cult helps no one. It is full of error and nonsense.

And why not try listening to them and taking their advice for once, instead of speaking?
Advice from a misogynistic islam/christian/science fiction cult would be worse than useless.
You are the one who should shut up and listen. Maybe youd' learn something. But I doubt it.

STOP DEFLECTING. Your cult leader (you?) is NOT Jesus Christ returned. He's just an old misogynist pumping out cult pamphlets from his home computer. EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM. EVERY KNEE SHALL BEND. EVERY NATION SHALL WAIL AND MOURN THEIR SINS. AND HE SHALL COME AS HE LEFT, IN FULL GLORY IN THE CLOUDS. That is what the bible says. This has NOT happened. Your cult leader is just an old human man pumping out crap and nonsense. When Jesus Christ returns, no one will be getting a pamphlet about it. They'll see it and know it for themselves. EVERYONE WILL.
And then I (one of The Lord's disciples) showed you how Jesus said that when He returns in the "Clouds" of heaven for ALL to see, the time to repent is going to be up.

What it says in Ezekiel is of course true in the present because the The Lord's appearing in the Clouds when all will see Him, has not yet occurred, but, it is only until then.

That is what it says, out of the mouth of Jesus Himself.

So now you have two options. You can either accept what you have been shown about this (check it, you are able), and take it to heart and change your point of view. Or, you can continue to do the opposite. It's your choice and your responsibility, as you have been shown.

Seriously, why don't you now that you know about this, take time to study what you have been given? You have time. I know you do. You spend days on forums, why not spend it more profitably? Why not study the information you have been given?

Quiet that nagging voice inside of your own head, that tells you everything it tells you, and that you then come and post on this thread (the evil voice in your head - your Ego) and see if you can learn to tell the difference between who you actually are and what "it" is. Which is one of the things that JAH's Book would be able to teach you (if only you would let it, by reading, studying and DIGESTING what it says and then do it).

You have time. Why not use it wisely? Why not reap the benefits, like so many others, who have already been doing this and finding it out for themselves. What is stopping YOU?

YOU need to find out.

Because the unavoidable fact for everyone right now in this moment is that our time IS running out. And it is running out rapidly.

What have you got to lose? Only all that you might gain if you did, for a start.

When Christ comes in the Clouds for all the world to see it will be too late for anyone to repent then and that's the Scripture, and now, you know it, because it has been shown to you, so again, what you do with that is now up to you.

Come on, Dusty. For your own good, my suggestion to you is to make a change, and that you do it now.

There is no time like the present.

If only you believe that you can, then you can do it.

Peace be upon you and within you.
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Jul 29, 2018
25:31 When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the Holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the Throne of his glory:
25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats:
25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed [thee]? or thirsty, and gave [thee] drink?
25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took [thee] in? or naked, and clothed [thee]?
25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.
25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into Everlasting Fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (YOU that do not DO God's Will):
25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
25:45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] not to one of the least of these, ye did [it] not to me.
25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into Life Eternal.

It does NOT say that the goats will be given an opportunity to repent on that day. Because when Christ comes in the "Clouds" of heaven for ALL to see, then everything will be settled.

So very clearly, the time to be repenting, is NOW.

Anyone who therefore still allows their "self" to keep on thinking otherwise, knowing what Jesus has said WILL (which means it IS going to) happen, would be being foolish, in the extreme.


Jun 30, 2019
Because when Christ comes in the "Clouds" of heaven for ALL to see, ....
You just outed yourself as cultist liar.
You just admitted that when Jesus Christ returns, He will come in all His glory in the clouds.

He will come in glory in the clouds - just as He left.
ALL eyes shall see Him come.
ALL knees shall bend.
ALL will know Jesus Christ is Lord.
ALL nations will weep and mourn their sins.

It would have happened immediately upon His return in all glory in the clouds.

So your fruity little cult, claiming that a misogynistic old fart named Jonathan is really Jesus Christ in His second coming, is a LIE.

Repent. Stop spewing word vomit and REPENT.
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Jul 29, 2018
No because it also says that He would come as "a thief in the night" (happens first).

17:24 For as the lightening, that lighteneth out of the one [part] under heaven, shineth unto the other [part] under heaven; so shall also the Son of Man be in his day.
17:25 But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.
17:26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man.
17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.
17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

Revelation 3:3 Remember therefore what thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt NOT know what hour I will come upon thee.

Revelation 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

First as a thief in the night.

Then in the "Clouds" of heaven.

Study the Survival Plan, which explains everything:

It says that Christ first must be here amongst the people again inside of a new human body with a new name:

Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a NEW name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].

For the stated purpose and then He will appear in the "Clouds" at which point it will be too late.

Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with "Clouds"; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
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Jun 30, 2019
First as a thief in the night.

Then in the "Clouds" of heaven.
Nope. The 'thief in the night' part is just explaining that he'd come unexpected upon sleeping people.
He always just comes back ONCE ... in all His glory in the clouds, and ALL eyes see Him,
and ALL knees bend, and ALL nations mourn their sins. He comes back ONCE and in
ALL GLORY. The angels specifically said so. Revelation specifically says so.
Your cult leader is a fraud.
Nov 4, 2019
1 - The JAHTRUTH cultist recruited help from his cult. How cute.
2 - No, John Anthony Hill is NOT the 2nd Coming of Christ. He's just a self absorbed confused old guy with an ego the size of the moon. He needs mental health help. Everything he writes is easily debunked. His mishmash of islam/christianity/science fiction is absurd and self contradictory. The bible is clear - when Jesus Christ returns He will return AS HE LEFT - in full glory in coming in the clouds, and EVERY eye shall see Him, and EVERY knee shall bend, and ALL nations shall weep over their sins (repent). NONE of that has happened, therefore Jesus Christ has NOT returned. There has been no 2nd Coming.
3 - No, 'the courts' and 'the ruling elite' are NOT 'very frightened and anxious' over anything put out by your fruity little cult. The establishment swats it away like the pesky little gnat that it is and they PITY the idiots who think it's true. Get over yourselves.
4 - 'Allah wills it ...'??? There is no 'Allah'. There is a God, but there is no 'Allah'. That's an invention of a sex obsessed, mass murdering caravan thief who, 1500 years ago, lead people in the middle east away from Christianity and into an absurd nonsense filled religion/political system called 'Islam'. And yes, Islam is easily debunked as false as well.
5 - Talk to the Father and not the devil ... I already do ... I 'pray without ceasing' as the bible tells us to. YOU, however, are talking to a false God and are in a false CULT. Read the bible ... it is very clear ... your cult leader is NOT the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. YOU stop talking to the devil. Wake the hell up.
Nov 4, 2019
1 - The JAHTRUTH cultist recruited help from his cult. How cute.
2 - No, John Anthony Hill is NOT the 2nd Coming of Christ. He's just a self absorbed confused old guy with an ego the size of the moon. He needs mental health help. Everything he writes is easily debunked. His mishmash of islam/christianity/science fiction is absurd and self contradictory. The bible is clear - when Jesus Christ returns He will return AS HE LEFT - in full glory in coming in the clouds, and EVERY eye shall see Him, and EVERY knee shall bend, and ALL nations shall weep over their sins (repent). NONE of that has happened, therefore Jesus Christ has NOT returned. There has been no 2nd Coming.
3 - No, 'the courts' and 'the ruling elite' are NOT 'very frightened and anxious' over anything put out by your fruity little cult. The establishment swats it away like the pesky little gnat that it is and they PITY the idiots who think it's true. Get over yourselves.
4 - 'Allah wills it ...'??? There is no 'Allah'. There is a God, but there is no 'Allah'. That's an invention of a sex obsessed, mass murdering caravan thief who, 1500 years ago, lead people in the middle east away from Christianity and into an absurd nonsense filled religion/political system called 'Islam'. And yes, Islam is easily debunked as false as well.
5 - Talk to the Father and not the devil ... I already do ... I 'pray without ceasing' as the bible tells us to. YOU, however, are talking to a false God and are in a false CULT. Read the bible ... it is very clear ... your cult leader is NOT the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. YOU stop talking to the devil. Wake the hell up.
I hope this finds you well in good spirits and having a good day. I note that you need to use a lot of a gry language to express your thoughts. Perhaps you need mental health help. Ease what does pffft mean?
I read the Koran. I believe that oe if The Lords names is Allah. I also believe that he has many names.
To state that I am a member of a cult is not true. I have first hank kowlege of the courts in Scotland running scared of the challenge written by JAH.
I have seen the courts spectacularly drop charges. So to anyone who is willing to engage their reasoning
1 - The JAHTRUTH cultist recruited help from his cult. How cute.
2 - No, John Anthony Hill is NOT the 2nd Coming of Christ. He's just a self absorbed confused old guy with an ego the size of the moon. He needs mental health help. Everything he writes is easily debunked. His mishmash of islam/christianity/science fiction is absurd and self contradictory. The bible is clear - when Jesus Christ returns He will return AS HE LEFT - in full glory in coming in the clouds, and EVERY eye shall see Him, and EVERY knee shall bend, and ALL nations shall weep over their sins (repent). NONE of that has happened, therefore Jesus Christ has NOT returned. There has been no 2nd Coming.
3 - No, 'the courts' and 'the ruling elite' are NOT 'very frightened and anxious' over anything put out by your fruity little cult. The establishment swats it away like the pesky little gnat that it is and they PITY the idiots who think it's true. Get over yourselves.
4 - 'Allah wills it ...'??? There is no 'Allah'. There is a God, but there is no 'Allah'. That's an invention of a sex obsessed, mass murdering caravan thief who, 1500 years ago, lead people in the middle east away from Christianity and into an absurd nonsense filled religion/political system called 'Islam'. And yes, Islam is easily debunked as false as well.
5 - Talk to the Father and not the devil ... I already do ... I 'pray without ceasing' as the bible tells us to. YOU, however, are talking to a false God and are in a false CULT. Read the bible ... it is very clear ... your cult leader is NOT the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. YOU stop talking to the devil. Wake the hell up.
1 - The JAHTRUTH cultist recruited help from his cult. How cute.
2 - No, John Anthony Hill is NOT the 2nd Coming of Christ. He's just a self absorbed confused old guy with an ego the size of the moon. He needs mental health help. Everything he writes is easily debunked. His mishmash of islam/christianity/science fiction is absurd and self contradictory. The bible is clear - when Jesus Christ returns He will return AS HE LEFT - in full glory in coming in the clouds, and EVERY eye shall see Him, and EVERY knee shall bend, and ALL nations shall weep over their sins (repent). NONE of that has happened, therefore Jesus Christ has NOT returned. There has been no 2nd Coming.
3 - No, 'the courts' and 'the ruling elite' are NOT 'very frightened and anxious' over anything put out by your fruity little cult. The establishment swats it away like the pesky little gnat that it is and they PITY the idiots who think it's true. Get over yourselves.
4 - 'Allah wills it ...'??? There is no 'Allah'. There is a God, but there is no 'Allah'. That's an invention of a sex obsessed, mass murdering caravan thief who, 1500 years ago, lead people in the middle east away from Christianity and into an absurd nonsense filled religion/political system called 'Islam'. And yes, Islam is easily debunked as false as well.
5 - Talk to the Father and not the devil ... I already do ... I 'pray without ceasing' as the bible tells us to. YOU, however, are talking to a false God and are in a false CULT. Read the bible ... it is very clear ... your cult leader is NOT the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. YOU stop talking to the devil. Wake the hell up.


Mar 13, 2017
I hope this finds you well in good spirits and having a good day. I note that you need to use a lot of a gry language to express your thoughts. Perhaps you need mental health help.
We are all tired of arguing about Jahtruth, so this comes off the back of really having enough of John Anthony Hill being forced down out throats...

On a sidenote, just delete your duplicate post, and edit the one above to delete the duplicate quotes....

You will see in this thread I posted another thread up were we spoke at length about this cult with Bible student.
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Mar 13, 2017
It's no use, only Jeshua and the Holy Spirit can show some people the truth... It's a fruitless endevour that we have tried for months to show. When I and a few others tried to bring the cult into the light and show how far it is from biblical truth, no matter how sound our arguments were or what we said it's like the devil sealed people's eyes and ears to keep on believing in the jahtruth cult. Just pray for him, there is no other way....

Here was a whole thread:
Nov 4, 2019
1 - The JAHTRUTH cultist recruited help from his cult. How cute.
2 - No, John Anthony Hill is NOT the 2nd Coming of Christ. He's just a self absorbed confused old guy with an ego the size of the moon. He needs mental health help. Everything he writes is easily debunked. His mishmash of islam/christianity/science fiction is absurd and self contradictory. The bible is clear - when Jesus Christ returns He will return AS HE LEFT - in full glory in coming in the clouds, and EVERY eye shall see Him, and EVERY knee shall bend, and ALL nations shall weep over their sins (repent). NONE of that has happened, therefore Jesus Christ has NOT returned. There has been no 2nd Coming.
3 - No, 'the courts' and 'the ruling elite' are NOT 'very frightened and anxious' over anything put out by your fruity little cult. The establishment swats it away like the pesky little gnat that it is and they PITY the idiots who think it's true. Get over yourselves.
4 - 'Allah wills it ...'??? There is no 'Allah'. There is a God, but there is no 'Allah'. That's an invention of a sex obsessed, mass murdering caravan thief who, 1500 years ago, lead people in the middle east away from Christianity and into an absurd nonsense filled religion/political system called 'Islam'. And yes, Islam is easily debunked as false as well.
5 - Talk to the Father and not the devil ... I already do ... I 'pray without ceasing' as the bible tells us to. YOU, however, are talking to a false God and are in a false CULT. Read the bible ... it is very clear ... your cult leader is NOT the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. YOU stop talking to the devil. Wake the hell up.
JAH is Christ. The spirit inhabiting the human body of Mr Hill is the Christ.
There is no cult. JAH works 12 and 15 hour shifts every day. Why do you demand to see tax returns? Do you pay tax to Satan through the HMRC? Do you subscribe to using depleted uranium shells on innocent civillains off of fast attack aircraft's in Elizabeth the fake monarchs name? Or perhaps you support the organised paedophillia ripping out of the Catholic Church? It is easier to take a step back, clear your mind and identify the internal attribution of your bodies brain. Your self. I.e. the running train of language that you call thinking. Then we you walk past your fridge if you have one ask yourself who says it's OK to eat the extra cake?
Who is the voice that says it's OK to break the Law of Moses? It's certainly not Father/God/ Cherisherof the World's?
Can you perceive the will of Father.
Wake the hell up you scream. Well pal,Satan is trying very hard to make me allow my human to fall asleep. When you become awake in your human Father will have shown you the JAH is the Laird of Lairds Nd KING of Kings.
Why do the unenlightened rage and imagine a futile thing? All this bad mouthing that you are doing with your bodies mouth is agressive and completely innapropriate. I suggest you have a good long hard look at yourself and ask Father to forgive you and guide you. I also suggest that you come out of the satanic cult that you are in. Please stop the swearing (pffft) and leave JAH alone, and start to fight Satan.
Nov 4, 2019
We are all tired of arguing about Jahtruth, so this comes off the back of really having enough of John Anthony Hill being forced down out throats...

On a sidenote, just delete your duplicate post, and edit the one above to delete the duplicate quotes....

You will see in this thread I posted another thread up were we spoke at length about this cult with Bible student.
Aww thanks for helping me to spell


Mar 13, 2017
@Captain ricardo what I really cannot understand is why everyone that believe in jahtruth thinks that the rest of us fall under the Roman Catholic Church, it is extremely frustrating, we are all well aware of the elites and their agendas and none of us subscribe to them.

It's like you cannot distinguish between people that are under the laws of the RCC and other people who have a relationship with Jesus and follow the Word of God unaltered?

Have a look at the start of this thread and think very clearly now....

God has built in a mechanism in the Bible so that no one can tweak it without breaking the Heptadic structure, yet Jahtruth comes and adds words and breaks the structure with his 'new' version.

Jahtruth might believe he is Jesus but I think he is posessed by a very powerful demon that makes things happen for him and he doesn't even realize it, he is leading a small following astray.

Read about the Heptadic stucture in the thread I posted, then read through the thread, and after that then lets continue this debate after you have looked through the evidence we have presented that Jahtruth is a false christ.
Jul 29, 2018
@Camidria I'm curious to know, if you really have really sat and thought about and understand what a translation (into another language - English) actually is and what it means, and what explanatory notes (placed in parenthesis) are, what interpretation is and what interpolations are, such as the multitudes of them abounding throughout the original king James 1611 Authorised Version? Do you understand that none of these things are alteration of the originals. They are attempts at transcribing them into another tongue, for the purpose of making it possible for people of a different language (English) than the original to understand them. It's the case with the 1611 kJAV and with all English (or other language) bibles.

Further, where in the Bible does it actually teach what you are saying? i.e. Where in Scripture does God explain about the hepatdic structure that you are talking about (I would be curious to read it, as in a given chapter and verse). I know about where His Law is given and where Christ explained how to live according to it (which is through following Him and His Example and Teachings, of how to do it).

I know of the prophecy God gave in the book of Enoch, that says that one day all of God's Words and Messages would be written correctly, and that the way that the fulfillment of this will be recognised, is going to be when ALL of God's Words that He has given and which has been written down by mankind, will concur:


104:8 They shall speak evil things; they shall utter falsehood (ch. 97:2); create a great creation (false religions and religious traditions and technology); and compose books of their own words (books of man-made laws; books of the religious traditions of their fathers; novels; etc.; etc.; etc. - ch. 68:13).


But when they shall write correctly all My words in their own languages,
104:9 They (My words) shall neither change nor diminish (Mark 13:31; Matt. 5:17-19); but when all shall be written correctly; ALL, which from the first I have uttered concerning them shall concur (John 10:35; Sura 15:9).
104:10 Another secret also I point out. To the righteous and the wise shall be given Books of joy, of integrity, and of great Wisdom. To them shall Books be given (Rev. 2:17), in which they shall believe (and Live by);
104:11 And in which they shall rejoice. And all the righteous shall be rewarded, who from these (Books) shall acquire the Knowledge of The Straight Way.

I know of the prophecy in Revelation, that says that ONLY The Lamb was found worthy, to break the seals on the Books. Which means, only Christ could do it (write all of God's Words to mankind down correctly, so that all of them shall concur.)

Which is found to be fulfilled, for the first and only time, with the publication of JAH's King of kings' Bible.

Please think very carefully about this statement, for a moment, to be able to let the implications of it sink in...

And as more and more people are coming to know of this and study it and for the first time ever, seeing the complete harmony in all of the Scripture, the news of this fulfillment of God's Prophecy in Enoch is continuing to spread all over the world.

So, having now explained to you about explanatory notes (which are placed in parenthesis) and how a translation and (accurate and correct) interpretation of a text does not alter the text, but just shows what the text actually is saying, and this being made evident, by being able to see that all of it is in harmony with itself and concurring.

The Roman Catholic Church has no doubt been filled with demons and the popes have lead billions of people astray, and the christianity that followed has been influenced by them, even after the reformation. That's why I wanted to show you Christian Pinto's film called "A Lamp In The Dark: The Untold History Of The Bible"

JAH (which you may or may not know yet) has promoted the reading of the 1611 Authorised Version king James Bible to people for many years, as well as the King of kings's Bible (the two are in complete harmony with each other - I have both and have read from both).

So, how can that possibly be "breaking the structure" when it does not alter the original Message (it's a translation and translations, due to the difference in how languages work, have to at times come with explanatory notes, etc. - but that you can check for yourself.) And also, in my opinion, JAH has kept it to a minimum in His Translation.

His Translation agrees with the king James 1611 A.V. (but is more accurate) and for the first time ever, all of God's Word is found in one volume, fully cross referenced (making it easy to check) and found to concur. As was prophesied by God, through His first prophet - Enoch.

So, this whole hepatdic structure argument that you are trying to make against the King of kings' Bible, therefore, since we are actually talking about an English translation and interpretation of the Scriptures (God's Word), seems to be nothing more than (no offense intended) a "red herring".

Just thought to share, as something for you to perhaps take a step back with and think about. Be careful, not to make rash judgements or jump to any premature conclusions about this. Remember what Christ says in the gospel of Matthew, about judging, etc. Peace be upon you, and within you.
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Mar 13, 2017
@bible_student the fact that the Quran and extra tidbits that isn't found in either book has been included in jah's bible is already reason enough for me to not trust it one bit.

The Heptadic structure is found only in the Septuagint and Torah, the quran's origins was obscure writings of Muhammad found from several thousand different people written on pieces of bone, stone and cloth and then smuched together, it doesn't have the heptadic structure at all, it preaches a completely different Jesus and message than the Bible - you cannot marry them without altering both of their messages.

If you would for one second have a look at the Heptadic structure and actually watch the video you would see how incredible it is.... Based on sevens, throughout the whole Bible if you want to replicate only Mark with 34 rules with these multiple's of seven it will take 1000 000 Super Computers at 400 million tries per second 4,300,000 years.

So to replicate the Bible would take 60 Million Super Computers that work at 26.4 billion tries per second 2.83 billion years.
Not so for the quran which remains a confusing book....

And then if jah was Jesus, his revised book would have included this structure, because why? Because he is then God and God can do everything. God is Super Holy and can do what He wants, so God can rewrite the Bible in English with the Heptadic stucture intact no problem, because God is God and God can do anything.


Jun 30, 2019
JAH is Christ. The spirit inhabiting the human body of Mr Hill is the Christ.
..... and that, once again, proves it. JAHTRUTH is a cult. A really dumb one.

Please stop the swearing (pffft)
That's not swearing.

and leave JAH alone,
I will NOT leave cults alone. This forum is for discussing religion and spirituality. Outing a ridiculous islam/christian/science fiction hybrid cult is part of that. Suck it up, buttercup. Reality bites when you are on the receiving end of truth that shows you to be wrong. Good luck with that.


Jun 30, 2019
Jahtruth might believe he is Jesus but I think he is posessed by a very powerful demon that makes things happen for him and he doesn't even realize it, he is leading a small following astray.
... or he's just mentally ill. Either way, this old dude in the UK named Jonathan isn't Jesus Christ. It's just that simple.


Jun 30, 2019
@bible_student the fact that the Quran and extra tidbits that isn't found in either book has been included in jah's bible is already reason enough for me to not trust it one bit.
There are so many things wrong with the Qu'ran .. and it's so easily debunked .. and Muhammad was nothing more than a sex obsessed mass murdering caravan thief who ADMITTED that he was demon possessed at times. More than enough solid evidence that the Qu'ran and Islam are NOT of God. You are 100% correct. It's not something to believe .. not even in little spoonfuls ... no matter how pretty it is with yummy frosting on it, it's still a turd cake.
Jul 29, 2018
@bible_student the fact that the Quran and extra tidbits that isn't found in either book has been included in jah's bible is already reason enough for me to not trust it one bit.

The Heptadic structure is found only in the Septuagint and Torah, the quran's origins was obscure writings of Muhammad found from several thousand different people written on pieces of bone, stone and cloth and then smuched together, it doesn't have the heptadic structure at all, it preaches a completely different Jesus and message than the Bible - you cannot marry them without altering both of their messages.
Not in JAH's King of kings' Bible. He has written much about the Koran to try and help people who have read it, to come to understand it correctly (as God intended) and to see that they need to read the Bible and accept Christ and God's Laws, as it says in the Bible. For more on this please read through His Koran pages, if you would like to see more about that.

If you would for one second have a look at the Heptadic structure and actually watch the video you would see how incredible it is.... Based on sevens, throughout the whole Bible if you want to replicate only Mark with 34 rules with these multiple's of seven it will take 1000 000 Super Computers at 400 million tries per second 4,300,000 years.

So to replicate the Bible would take 60 Million Super Computers that work at 26.4 billion tries per second 2.83 billion years.
There are also other codes including "word codes" in it.

Not so for the quran which remains a confusing book....
JAH has correctly translated and interpreted the Koran, to be in alignment with and perfect harmony with the 1611 A.V. king James Bible. He says it's also good for king James bible students to read this version of the true Koran, to be able to quote from it to muslims, to be able to help them (because they have also all been deceived):

And then if jah was Jesus, his revised book would have included this structure, because why? Because he is then God and God can do everything. God is Super Holy and can do what He wants, so God can rewrite the Bible in English with the Heptadic stucture intact no problem, because God is God and God can do anything.
Who says it doesn't? But again, it's a translation into English. JAH's Bible translation includes the Torah and also the Letter of Aristeas, which explains how the Greek Septuagint came into existence. So, all of what you are talking about here is included. And the rest, is in perfect harmony and agreement with that (Torah, Old Testament). The Greek Septuagent is a Greek translation of the Old Covenant/Testament.

Please see: The Letter of Aristeas, King of kings' Bible. (Scroll down, it is right after the Old Covenant/Testament, included as Intermediary (in between the Old and New Covenants).
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Nov 4, 2019
..... and that, once again, proves it. JAHTRUTH is a cult. A really dumb one.

That's not swearing.
Aye it is so.
You can call me dumb if you want. But looking at your argument it's just bog standard devil drivel. You cannot have a good spiritual grounding if you have to pffft it all the time in order to express yourself pardon the pun. Why do you resort to calling me buttercup? That's a very camp way of saying blaw bag. So tell me this then. Who is it who fights Satan in his most sacred of places of buisness eh? It's certainly not your mob/group/cult. You have no peace, hence the reason you have to attack JAH. Why cant you fight Satan? It's because that's the dominant spiritual force coursing through your human. Why do the unenlightened rage and imagine a futile thing? ( quote)

I will NOT leave cults alone. This forum is for discussing religion and spirituality. Outing a ridiculous islam/christian/science fiction hybrid cult is part of that. Suck it up, buttercup. Reality bites when you are on the receiving end of truth that shows you to be wrong. Good luck with that.
Nov 4, 2019
@bible_student the fact that the Quran and extra tidbits that isn't found in either book has been included in jah's bible is already reason enough for me to not trust it one bit.

The Heptadic structure is found only in the Septuagint and Torah, the quran's origins was obscure writings of Muhammad found from several thousand different people written on pieces of bone, stone and cloth and then smuched together, it doesn't have the heptadic structure at all, it preaches a completely different Jesus and message than the Bible - you cannot marry them without altering both of their messages.

If you would for one second have a look at the Heptadic structure and actually watch the video you would see how incredible it is.... Based on sevens, throughout the whole Bible if you want to replicate only Mark with 34 rules with these multiple's of seven it will take 1000 000 Super Computers at 400 million tries per second 4,300,000 years.

So to replicate the Bible would take 60 Million Super Computers that work at 26.4 billion tries per second 2.83 billion years.
Not so for the quran which remains a confusing book....

And then if jah was Jesus, his revised book would have included this structure, because why? Because he is then God and God can do everything. God is Super Holy and can do what He wants, so God can rewrite the Bible in English with the Heptadic stucture intact no problem, because God is God and God can do anything.
JAH does not claim to be God. He said that we should talk to God and get to know Him.
The Bible translation by JAH is the best translation i have had a look at. There is only one God" I AM " is his name.
Maud'Dib is Arabic for teacher of righteousness. JAH is the best teacher I have studied under. You won't ever beat JAH. So called 'lord Turnbull' senator of the so called royal college of justice couldn't get the better of Him. So what chance have you got eh? Quit while you can and reconcile with God before its too late. Take the advice and leave JAH alone.