Be aware of the JAHTRUTH cult


Jun 26, 2019
A beautiful reply!

There are accounts of 2nd century Christians who were quite inclusive. I'll try to find the sources, as this is a great topic. Obviously women were integral to the movement. The Jewish Essenes were mostly males but descriptions by Philo and Josephus talk about their ceremonies full of men and women singing and worshiping God.
It definitely is a great topic. I find it beautiful that Jesus associated with what the religious upper crust would consider the dregs of society. And his interactions with women definitely went against the cultural prescription of the time. He never treated them as lesser.


Dec 13, 2017
God gave us roles and rules... and so we are role playing.

Men as men and women as women.

Today there no longer is God's roles and rules... as everybody are free to be and do whatever they want.

And so you know it's the time of the end...

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
A. Freeman and Bible Student are one in the same.
He uses the same names back and forth elsewhere.
And he's applauding/liking his own posts while trying to distract and deflect from the ON TOPIC points and questions others have.
Rather deceitful. Typical cult behavior.
This forum was literally just joined yesterday. I've never joined this forum before under any other name, nor have any other posts ever been made here under any other name.

The same goes for other forums, as "Dusty" (aka PioneerSpirit on another forum) should know. Dozens of articles have been published online as well. All under A Freeman. None under any other name.

So you are again accusing others of doing what you are actually doing, as part of yet another ad hominem attack (which is what this entire thread is), because you apparently have no shame about bearing false witness nor any love for the truth.

Shame on you.

Please make a public apology for your deceitful and disgusting behavior and please stop doing this to me and others for your own sake. Every lie murders another part of the one who tells it.


Nov 5, 2019
I'll make this clear: I consider myself fairly open-minded to other religions and I always try to be respectful even though I may disagree with another's perspective.

However, your book is a bastardization of Christianity, Islam, (twisting and muddying the scriptures of both) various pop culture references and your fearless leader's own apparent desire to lord his "superiority" over women
It's obvious that you haven't studied what He has to say in depth. So your not putting the full picture into your "open mind". How can you form an unbiased opinion thereby?

while advertising his singleness and desire to bag one. Hardly the etiquette of the sophisticated and enlightened.
You'll have to provide the evidence for that very rude and wild statement.

And He's not very popular with Mrs. Elizabeth Battenberg for exposing her massive fraud, and her security services have already tried to frame Him, and stitch Him up, and defame Him (backfired spectacularly), so why would anyone take something like you're suggesting seriously?

Answer me this: why would God create women at all if they were spiritually less evolved and yet as equally necessary for the continuation of the species?
You're referring to the physical human species. Wouldn't you prefer being the Spirit BEing who doesn't need a human body? human+Being.

Why give them the bulk of parenting and nurturing responsibilities thus subjecting the new generations (including boys) to their ineptitude and carnal thinking?
Women's carnal more human animal minds are better at cleaning, nurturing human carnal bodies than men; thank God for women with that, who are better at Spirit/ leadership/ disciplne etc. things. It's insane fraudulent government who've taken that role away from men.

Never mind that your cult blatantly contradicts the bible. And the nature of men and women as can be observed in reality.
It's obvious that you haven't put anything of real substance from it into your "open mind".

Matthew 28:26-30
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
Where is He? Exactly; no-one knows where His body is.

27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
This is the correct spelling in that verse, which you will see renders the interpretation then correct

28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Carcase is a dead animal or human?

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
All thoroughly interpreted here, and you will see that the prophecy is spot on with now.

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Refer to my previous reply about all the details of His return.

You've been deceived.
To me that's judgement without having investigated. If you want to debunk something you need to delve into it. I invite you to It's a bit of an encyclopedia.


Jun 26, 2019
It's obvious that you haven't studied what He has to say in depth. So your not putting the full picture into your "open mind". How can you form an unbiased opinion thereby?
I assume you and your ilk on this forum put your best foot forward in representing the cardinal teachings of the Jah truth cult? If so even a glance at what you spout is enough to debunk it. The man extrapolates his own ridiculous interpretation from scripture, even doing so incorrectly. For example, that copy-paste you posted claims men and not women were made in the image of God. That's false.

Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

"Man" here comes from the Hebrew "adam" which is the name for the generic species of humanity.

He also claims that "blue for boys and pink for girls" is nature's way of indicating his misogynistic ideology that men are spiritually superior because of the spiritual connotations of that colour when those associations are purely constructed by social norms -which is ironic considering pink used to be considered a MASCULINE colour and blue a FEMININE one at one point in history. That already weakens his argument.

You'll have to provide the evidence for that very rude and wild statement.
I hummed and ha-ed whether I should give this link, but you provided a good opportunity to show how UNLIKE Jesus/ Elijah of the bible John Anthony Hill is like.

I have omitted email addresses and photo of woman for her privacy's sake in this entry.

Hi ******, It seems you've got an admirer in your neighbourhood named John Anthony Hill aka Anthony John Hill aka Muad'Dib, 70, in Carrick St, Kells, Co Meath who is originally from Sheffield, but is now in exile in Kells and is feeling lonely. I suggest, therefore, that next time you're arrested by IRA kneecappers and hauled off to Kells police station you pay John aka Anthony aka Muad'Dib a visit and have a heart to heart chat or else get him on your Angela's Caches Show as I'm sure he has a lot to share, especially regarding the 7/7/05 London bombings. Anyway, at 61 I guess both you and John at 70 could do with some company, so to get the ball rolling hows about you both popping out down the pub for a guinness!! Yours in the battle, AGP, 7th Oct 2018

View attachment 24077!

Again, the man himself sounds like a nice but deluded man (and I genuinely give him good wishes in his relationship-seeking if he is lonely) but I am sick of seeing his disciple posting such ridiculous rambling stuff of "Jahtruth" constantly.
You're referring to the physical human species. Wouldn't you prefer being the Spirit BEing who doesn't need a human body? human+Being.
Without human bodies where would our spirits be? Try existing without a body. The body IS the vessel of the spirit which means that without the means of physical procreation you wouldn't exist. Only once this age ends and Jesus returns will our bodies be exchanged for glorious ones that are not sin-stained by human nature.

Women's carnal more human animal minds are better at cleaning, nurturing human carnal bodies than men; thank God for women with that, who are better at Spirit/ leadership/ disciplne etc. things. It's insane fraudulent government who've taken that role away from men.
Is that why men on average are more easily led astray by matters of the flesh? Youalso completely ignored all the scriptural evidence I gave of women who were considered spiritually-minded enough to be called prophetesses, disciples and judges.

It's obvious that you haven't put anything of real substance from it into your "open mind".
Try providing a real agument and rebuttal intead of gaslightling and deflection.

Where is He? Exactly; no-one knows where His body is.
He ascended into heaven after being raised from the dead. He is at the right hand of the Father.

This is the correct spelling in that verse, which you will see renders the interpretation then correct
Referencing from a propaganda site that is authoritative based on . . . .what exactly? The fact it claims to be the correct interpretation? And according to the Greek, "lightning" is correctly derived from the word "astrapé". Its usage covers "a flash of lightning, brightness, luster" but not enlightenment.

Carcase is a dead animal or human?
Relevance? What are you trying to read into that bit?

All thoroughly interpreted here, and you will see that the prophecy is spot on with now.
Again according a source that asserts its own I terpretative authority because of it says so.

Refer to my previous reply about all the details of His return.

To me that's judgement without having investigated. If you want to debunk something you need to delve into it. I invite you to It's a bit of an encyclopedia.
I think I've seen enough to recognise fraudulence.

Okay, bye.

Lost you on that one?

Done prior.
I said I'll take Jesus's word over yours. And no, you did not address why God used women the way He did because that is irreconcilable with your cult's stance on how God supposedly considers women less than men.
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Jul 20, 2019
Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

"Man" here comes from the Hebrew "adam" which is the name for the generic species of humanity.

He also claims that "blue for boys and pink for girls" is nature's way of indicating his misogynistic ideology that men are spiritually superior because of the spiritual connotations of that colour when those associations are purely constructed by social norms -which is ironic considering pink used to be considered a MASCULINE colour and blue a FEMININE one at one point in history. That already weakens his argument.
I'm intrigued. Do you actually take this to mean the human body itself? (head, neck, arms, chest, buttocks, phallus/vagina, legs, feet)

And if so, do you believe that God actually some kind of guy that lives in another dimension or something that pops into earth every now and then?
If so I'd question the validity of whether such an idea is even Theism/Theistic to begin with. The problems that arise from such a strange idea however are purely unique to Christianity, oddly enough. Judaism, for one, is vehemently opposed to such an interpretation of Genesis 1:27 and would consider it a heretical interpretation.

That aside, the actual sentence itself of Genesis 1:27 is very bizarre, both in translations and in Hebrew.

It appears to state two separate things here:

1. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him
2. Male and female He created them.​

It doesn't make for a coherent sentence taken as one statement, when it's clearly two. Basically though the two terms themselves are: Bärä otô (created Him) and Bärä otäm (created Them).


Jun 30, 2019
This forum was literally just joined yesterday. I've never joined this forum before under any other name, nor have any other posts ever been made here under any other name. The same goes for other forums, as "Dusty" (aka PioneerSpirit on another forum) should know. .
You just outed yourself as a liar.. again.
Bible Student and A Freeman are one in the same.
Both accounts at multiple sites say the exact same personal off topic tripe, and threaten the exact same lawsuits.
Satan, the father of lies and liars, is your daddy.

Stop deflecting and stop lying.

ADMIT that the bible says EVERY eye shall see when Jesus returns.
ADMIT that the bible says EVERY knee shall bend when Jesus returns.
ADMIT that the bible says EVERY nation shall mourn and weep their sins when Jesus returns.
ADMIT that the bible says Jesus shall return - AS HE LEFT - in full glory in the clouds.
ADMIT that NONE of those things happened and that your cult leader, Jonathan, is either deranged or a liar, or possessed by evil spirits.
It's IMPOSSIBLE for him to be Jesus Christ returned. Admit it.
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Jun 30, 2019
Where is He? Exactly; no-one knows where His body is.
The BIBLE knows and therefore we ALL know.
Jesus went to Heaven, in glory in the clouds.
He sits at the right hand of the Father until His 2nd Coming.
And that has NOT happened yet.

Acts 1:9-12
Jesus Ascends to Heaven

9 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”


Jun 26, 2019
I'm intrigued. Do you actually take this to mean the human body itself? (head, neck, arms, chest, buttocks, phallus/vagina, legs, feet)
Hi @Infinityloop long time no see (virtually speaking). :)

There is an interesting aspect to the creation of mankind. All the way through Genesis 1–3 we have ha-adam and our English Bibles usually translate it as “man” or “the man.”
The Hebrew word adam is translated either as “man” or “Adam” depending on context and on the presence or lack of the definite article (“the” in English, ha in Hebrew). So “ha-adam“ is translated usually as “the man” (referring to either an unspecified man or to mankind as a whole, depending on context), whereas adam (without ha) is translated as “Adam” (referring to the specific man by the name). Genesis 1:26 says “And God said, ‘let us make man [adam, with no ha before it] in our image’” and 1:27 is parallel to verse 26, giving more definition and precision to the statement in verse 26. Verse 27 says “so God created man [ha-adam] in His own image, in the image of God he created him.“ So we are thinking of a single man at this point. But then it adds “male and female he created them“ (plural). So now we see that “man” comes in two forms: male and female.

Also, the Torah states that Eve was created from one of Adam’s “tzela”s (Genesis 2:21). The word tzela means “side” the many other times it’s used in the Torah (e.g. several times in Exodus 26 and Ezekiel 41) – usually referring to the side of a building or structure. It can also mean rib but it seems to more closely be associated with its architectural connotation. I know that there is the opinion in the Talmud (Brachot 61a) that Adam and Eve were initially created as a single being – with male and female halves. While I'm not 100% sure about the specifics surrounding what the physical implications of such an idea is, I do think that the first creature (more accurately translated an adam and not Adam) God created was split into male and female which is why marriage is defined as a man and woman cleaving and becoming one flesh - as they once were. Perhaps that is where God's assessment of homosexuality as sinful comes from -because in keeping with the links between sacred architecture (where tzela represented a side of the temple for example) and the forming and distinction of the sexes who both form a construction of His image -homosexuality is sacrilegious. Its just an idea.

And if so, do you believe that God actually some kind of guy that lives in another dimension or something that pops into earth every now and then?
If so I'd question the validity of whether such an idea is even Theism/Theistic to begin with. The problems that arise from such a strange idea however are purely unique to Christianity, oddly enough.
I dont believe God ever "popped into Earth" as no man has ever seen God and lived.

John 1:18
18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.

This does however branch off into talk of the trinity which I might add to that thread of yours if I get the time.

That aside, the actual sentence itself of Genesis 1:27 is very bizarre, both in translations and in Hebrew.

It appears to state two separate things here:

1. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him

2. Male and female He created them.​

It doesn't make for a coherent sentence taken as one statement, when it's clearly two. Basically though the two terms themselves are: Bärä otô (created Him) and Bärä otäm (created Them).
Well, keeping in mind the distinctions of the two adams, English translations are a bit dicey. It doesn't seem to directly translate to a male pronoun.
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Jun 30, 2019
Well .... this thread has served its purpose. The JAHTRUTH cult has been exposed for what it is ... anti-biblical nonsense. The cultists arrived and showed their true colors ... misogyny, lies, hypocritical personal attacks, threats of hellfire and lawsuits, severe lack of understanding of the nature of God, deflection deflection deflection, and more deflection.

The JAHTRUTH cult is a mess. Be aware of it. Nothing more to be said ... it's all rather obvious.



Mar 15, 2017
This forum was literally just joined yesterday. I've never joined this forum before under any other name, nor have any other posts ever been made here under any other name.

The same goes for other forums, as "Dusty" (aka PioneerSpirit on another forum) should know. Dozens of articles have been published online as well. All under A Freeman. None under any other name.

So you are again accusing others of doing what you are actually doing, as part of yet another ad hominem attack (which is what this entire thread is), because you apparently have no shame about bearing false witness nor any love for the truth.

Shame on you.

Please make a public apology for your deceitful and disgusting behavior and please stop doing this to me and others for your own sake. Every lie murders another part of the one who tells it.
Is this you?

Did Jahtruth always blame women and children for their r*pe?

Would JESUS blame women and children for their r*pe? Matthew 18:1-7
Muhammad certainly does. John Anthony Hill reveals his belief in the Quran more than the bible in that area.

Well .... this thread has served its purpose. The JAHTRUTH cult has been exposed for what it is ... anti-biblical nonsense. The cultists arrived and showed their true colors ... misogyny, lies, hypocritical personal attacks, threats of hellfire and lawsuits, severe lack of understanding of the nature of God, deflection deflection deflection, and more deflection.

The JAHTRUTH cult is a mess. Be aware of it. Nothing more to be said ... it's all rather obvious.

Reply again if and when you believe God wishes you to do so.
I see now after Jahtruth's propaganda website, on first page results of both Google and Duckduckgo have VC forum listed, with all our warnings against this ridiculous cult.
Jul 20, 2019
Hi @Infinityloop long time no see (virtually speaking). :)

There is an interesting aspect to the creation of mankind. All the way through Genesis 1–3 we have ha-adam and our English Bibles usually translate it as “man” or “the man.”
The Hebrew word adam is translated either as “man” or “Adam” depending on context and on the presence or lack of the definite article (“the” in English, ha in Hebrew). So “ha-adam“ is translated usually as “the man” (referring to either an unspecified man or to mankind as a whole, depending on context), whereas adam (without ha) is translated as “Adam” (referring to the specific man by the name). Genesis 1:26 says “And God said, ‘let us make man [adam, with no ha before it] in our image’” and 1:27 is parallel to verse 26, giving more definition and precision to the statement in verse 26. Verse 27 says “so God created man [ha-adam] in His own image, in the image of God he created him.“ So we are thinking of a single man at this point. But then it adds “male and female he created them“ (plural). So now we see that “man” comes in two forms: male and female.

Also, the Torah states that Eve was created from one of Adam’s “tzela”s (Genesis 2:21). The word tzela means “side” the many other times it’s used in the Torah (e.g. several times in Exodus 26 and Ezekiel 41) – usually referring to the side of a building or structure. It can also mean rib but it seems to more closely be associated with its architectural connotation. I know that there is the opinion in the Talmud (Brachot 61a) that Adam and Eve were initially created as a single being – with male and female halves. While I'm not 100% sure about the specifics surrounding what the physical implications of such an idea is, I do think that the first creature (more accurately translated an adam and not Adam) God created was split into male and female which is why marriage is defined as a man and woman cleaving and becoming one flesh - as they once were. Perhaps that is where God's assessment of homosexuality as sinful comes from -because in keeping with the links between sacred architecture (where tzela represented a side of the temple for example) and the forming and distinction of the sexes who both form a construction of His image -homosexuality is sacrilegious. Its just an idea.
I don't hold much validity to the creation story given in Genesis (obviously) but it is indeed a very curious oddity.
The text, if interpreted literally does imply that "Adam" or even mankind itself prior to Adam (depending on which camp you fall into regarding if Adam was the first or not) that he/it was Androgynous. Then out of Adam's 'rib' we have the female gender created in Eve, representing as you've eloquently put that the male/female duality has a built in spiritual (and psychological too btw) Unity, clearly embodied in the act of sex itself (seeing that it is a defining physical aspect of the concept of male and female).

How a literal interpretation of "the image of God" is brought into this however remains a mystery. There would be a lot of implications interpreting it literally (as well as the off-topic projection of the Trinity onto those passages..)

I dont believe God ever "popped into Earth" as no man has ever seen God and lived.

John 1:18
18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.

This does however branch off into talk of the trinity which I might add to that thread of yours if I get the time.
Yeah, of course in your Trinity interpretation would be "nobody has ever seen the Father" etc.

Well, keeping in mind the distinctions of the two adams, English translations are a bit dicey. It doesn't seem to directly translate to a male pronoun.

This is because the subtleties of the Hebrew text are not usually well-conveyed in the English text. Whether it's the fault of the translator or not is hard to say. However lack of specificity in some translations, as well as lack of transliteration of certain words with their own etymological connotations always makes for easy problems, whether one admits them or not. The most common one for instance is the use of the generic phrase "The Lord" in translations, of which is used to mask many different words throughout both the Tanakh and New Testament. Et al

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I don't hold much validity to the creation story given in Genesis (obviously) but it is indeed a very curious oddity.
The text, if interpreted literally does imply that "Adam" or even mankind itself prior to Adam (depending on which camp you fall into regarding if Adam was the first or not) that he/it was Androgynous. Then out of Adam's 'rib' we have the female gender created in Eve, representing as you've eloquently put that the male/female duality has a built in spiritual (and psychological too btw) Unity, clearly embodied in the act of sex itself (seeing that it is a defining physical aspect of the concept of male and female).

How a literal interpretation of "the image of God" is brought into this however remains a mystery. There would be a lot of implications interpreting it literally (as well as the off-topic projection of the Trinity onto those passages..)

Yeah, of course in your Trinity interpretation would be "nobody has ever seen the Father" etc.

This is because the subtleties of the Hebrew text are not usually well-conveyed in the English text. Whether it's the fault of the translator or not is hard to say. However lack of specificity in some translations, as well as lack of transliteration of certain words with their own etymological connotations always makes for easy problems, whether one admits them or not. The most common one for instance is the use of the generic phrase "The Lord" in translations, of which is used to mask many different words throughout both the Tanakh and New Testament. Et al
Have you considered that Adam being put to sleep and his bride being created from his rib has an interesting resonance with Jesus (the second Adam), who died and was pierced in his side to allow for the creation of His bride, the Church?
Jul 20, 2019
Have you considered that Adam being put to sleep and his bride being created from his rib has an interesting resonance with Jesus (the second Adam), who died and was pierced in his side to allow for the creation of His bride, the Church?
Well both Christianity and Islam do espouse Jesus as being both symbolically and literally as the "second Adam", so that connection isn't out-of-place. Although your specific analogy there didn't specifically occur to me in connection to the topic. I don't think the analogy is complete though, as Jesus was "killed" whereas Adam wasn't.
The whole thing with 'the bide' however is really interesting, not in your usual theological use though.


Jun 26, 2019
How a literal interpretation of "the image of God" is brought into this however remains a mystery. There would be a lot of implications interpreting it literally (as well as the off-topic projection of the Trinity onto those passages..)
I don't recall specifically mentioning the literal image . . . If I did feel free to quote it. The projection of the Trinity in those passages is less of a projection and more of a potential inference because language allows it to be so. That's why I mentioned it.

Yeah, of course in your Trinity interpretation would be "nobody has ever seen the Father" etc.
Well it's not my interpretation exactly considering the bible says no one has seen God and each time the Lord appears to people in the Old Testament, the initial reaction tends to be fear of death which reinforces the idea that no man can see God and live.

This is because the subtleties of the Hebrew text are not usually well-conveyed in the English text. Whether it's the fault of the translator or not is hard to say. However lack of specificity in some translations, as well as lack of transliteration of certain words with their own etymological connotations always makes for easy problems, whether one admits them or not. The most common one for instance is the use of the generic phrase "The Lord" in translations, of which is used to mask many different words throughout both the Tanakh and New Testament. Et al
The English translations definitely are not perfect which is why looking into the original manuscripts and culture at the time helps to traverse the "lost in translation" dilemma. You may believe it childish but I also think, that while increase in knowledge is something to aspire to, God willing, that there's a reason why we're also told that without faith its impossible to please God -I believe that enough was translated faithfully to help those who seek Him out find what they need to. Those of us who have the resources and ability can and probably should look further but I don't doubt that in His faithfulness no core messages vital to salvation would have been altered.


Jun 26, 2019
Well both Christianity and Islam do espouse Jesus as being both symbolically and literally as the "second Adam", so that connection isn't out-of-place. Although your specific analogy there didn't specifically occur to me in connection to the topic. I don't think the analogy is complete though, as Jesus was "killed" whereas Adam wasn't.
The whole thing with 'the bide' however is really interesting, not in your usual theological use though.
You could make the case that Adam had experienced spiritual death once he ate of the fruit, culminating in a later physical death.