You do realize it has been a few weeks I shut my posts down from prying eyes? No? Then why were you not worried about the years they were open instead of just now?
Yeah, Awoken wants to read my posts. Nobody else has ever said a word or even noticed I made the change.
And I have a history in your eyes and that of Awokens, not the whole of the forum, so enough of that mess.
At least you admit Awoken is dying to read my past posts and we will agree to disagree that it is stalky to do so.
I wonder what
@VigilantCitizen would have to say about all this and the personal takes outweighing a person's choice of privacy? I know what he would say, the tools are there for a reason but one of them is not to stalk or obsess. BTW, I just opened my past posts. Have fun. Now what will people hang their hat on while avoiding what is actually said in my posts. Creep on Awoken.