The most racist countries in the world (#6 will shock you)


Mar 18, 2017
Where else do you go when America has such an international presence and is considered the super power of the world? Where do you go from Yemen and Afghanistan after the US wrecks your country? I'd go live with the winners just so I don't get bombed or accused of being a terrorist with nuclear weapons or at the least escape the extra shitty living conditions America created
I agree. Back in the day, for my French lessons, i read this story set in Colonial Algeria and everyday, before classes begun, the kids would pledge allegiance to the “Fatherland”, France. To this day, France still maintains some control over its former colonies just as Britain does through the Commonwealth. You cannot indoctrinate a generation and not expect any repercussions that is why the migrants tend to settle in countries that were colonial masters (obvious: if you only speak French, France, Belgium and Switzerland would be a choice). The “Fatherland” is always the first port of call. Same with Latin America and Spain.
Now, there is an interesting twist to this age-old relationship;
Crisis reversing migration between Europe and South America

For the US, as a choice, its two-fold; interventionism and soft power (or cultural influence).


Apr 22, 2017
I agree. Back in the day, for my French lessons, i read this story set in Colonial Algeria and everyday, before classes begun, the kids would pledge allegiance to the “Fatherland”, France. To this day, France still maintains some control over its former colonies just as Britain does through the Commonwealth. You cannot indoctrinate a generation and not expect any repercussions that is why the migrants tend to settle in countries that were colonial masters (obvious: if you only speak French, France, Belgium and Switzerland would be a choice). The “Fatherland” is always the first port of call. Same with Latin America and Spain.
Now, there is an interesting twist to this age-old relationship;
Crisis reversing migration between Europe and South America

For the US, as a choice, its two-fold; interventionism and soft power (or cultural influence).
Precisely and we end up going down the rabbit hole that is eugenics, Darwinism, Frank Boas, and Melville J. Herskovits. Enter racism, social and educational indoctrination, historical fiction, pseudo science, constantly altered maps, spiritual suppression and ultimately the oppression of not only the indigenous but the peasants regardless of color.

Of course everyone wants to come here because we have the prettiest lies and we occupy much of the world. I don't hate this country, it belongs to me and the other people here before Columbus and the Doctrine of Discovery, but we are all so indoctrinated and socially engineered that we and foreigners alike believe the lies. This country is built on systematic racism and eugenics to the tee.

When I was watching Black Panther, the CIA agent mentions how Killmonger and his squad are elite operatives tasked with blending in and destabilizing countries overnight. Is art a reflection of life or the reverse? This is what America does systematically from our home to every other country.


Mar 18, 2017
Precisely and we end up going down the rabbit hole that is eugenics, Darwinism, Frank Boas, and Melville J. Herskovits. Enter racism, social and educational indoctrination, historical fiction, pseudo science, constantly altered maps, spiritual suppression and ultimately the oppression of not only the indigenous but the peasants regardless of color.

Of course everyone wants to come here because we have the prettiest lies and we occupy much of the world. I don't hate this country, it belongs to me and the other people here before Columbus and the Doctrine of Discovery, but we are all so indoctrinated and socially engineered that we and foreigners alike believe the lies. This country is built on systematic racism and eugenics to the tee.

When I was watching Black Panther, the CIA agent mentions how Killmonger and his squad are elite operatives tasked with blending in and destabilizing countries overnight. Is art a reflection of life or the reverse? This is what America does systematically from our home to every other country.
I was bored this time last week and i decided to rewatch
40mins to the end, its everything that you are talking about. My conclusion was that the Blacks were used as a test subject for the rest of the population in regard to social engineering. An example would be removing the fathers from the home. More children are growing up without fathers, they may not be imprisoned at the rate that blacks are, nevertheless the conditions have been created so that the father figure isn't present for all races, to further fragment societal cohesion.


Apr 22, 2017
I was bored this time last week and i decided to rewatch
View attachment 20257
40mins to the end, its everything that you are talking about. My conclusion was that the Blacks were used as a test subject for the rest of the population in regard to social engineering. An example would be removing the fathers from the home. More children are growing up without fathers, they may not be imprisoned at the rate that blacks are, nevertheless the conditions have been created so that the father figure isn't present for all races, to further fragment societal cohesion.
Have you heard of the Freedmen? The congregation for the propagation of the faith was in America and during the 1800's they would forcefully indoctrinate these indigenous prisoners of war/slaves into "Christianity" hence freeing them. I say that say that from this to welfare in the 60's to the crack era in the 80's is all happening to white people in America and gradually escalating. Whites have been suffering meth and prescription pain pills, are on welfare, and attend various institutions of indoctrination.


Oct 23, 2018
On itablet so I can't cut-and-paste the map.

As you can clearly see, western countries* are the most racist.... NOT.

* assuming the people asked directly/ responding to survey were being honest of course.
– Countries in the Middle East and Asia were found to be the least racially tolerant.
– Latin and Anglo countries were the most racially tolerant.
– Jordan and India were the least racially tolerant.
– France was the least racially tolerant country in Europe.

That is true about France. Went there once and found it to be a bit snooty even though I liked France at that time. I got some beautiful clothes there and liked that I could fit into something a size 2 (not American size 2, more like a medium size).


Dec 10, 2018
Blacks don't and never have done well in America systematically. I guess it's just passé now. The same country that genocides and enslaves the indigenous and steals everything from them culturally, spiritually, historically, physically, and mentally? Same country that treats the very very same group that they stole from like second class citizens?

The statistics for racism seem as skewed as the US census.
I think you’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda my friend
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Apr 22, 2017
I think you’ve been watching too much leftist propaganda my friend
Feel free to dispute my historical claims. I'm not saying anything that can't be proven through records. I don't align with any political ideologies and it's ignorant to consider what I've said to be propaganda when there are government documents from the CIA to lawsuits like the one Martin Luther King's family filed and won in court over his assassination.

Otherwise you keep your false paradigm passive aggressive insults to yourself


Dec 10, 2018
Feel free to dispute my historical claims. I'm not saying anything that can't be proven through records. I don't align with any political ideologies and it's ignorant to consider what I've said to be propaganda when there are government documents from the CIA to lawsuits like the one Martin Luther King's family filed and won in court over his assassination.

Otherwise you keep your false paradigm passive aggressive insults to yourself
Tell me something how did white Europeans “steal everything” or even anything from anyone?

Did we not build everything you see today?

Why would we need to steal anyone else’s culture when we have our very own beautiful one?


Apr 22, 2017
Tell me something how did white Europeans “steal everything” or even anything from anyone?

Did we not build everything you see today?

Why would we need to steal anyone else’s culture when we have our very own beautiful one?
Starting with the Spanish and the Moors protected under the Landry act in the 1500's who came looking for resources and began enslaving the aboriginals of southern and Central America. Following them was Columbus who like the Spanish came under the Roman Catholic Church's Doctrine of Discovery and because the aboriginals weren't CathOlic, by law the Europeans were sellers r to r*pe and pillage and slave because under that doctrine the aboriginals weren't seen as people but savages and pagans.

The various Europeans would continue their actions while gradually moving into North America using trade pacts with the natives that they would eventually and always violate while putting the natives into servitude that would last their entire lives. So how did the Europeans steal everything? Through the doctrine of Discovery and lies basically. The Europeans didn't know how to farm in the Americas and Africans certainly would not have known his r to work this land.

The US government was structured around many aboriginal concepts of governing like holding Congress and there being a commander in chief.

The European did not build everything we see because they were building deception and genocide through physical and color of law while indoctrinating the aboriginals into religion, servitude simultaneously eradicating their culture.

The aboriginals through indentured servitude, acquired through slave trades and war, worked the fields, built the structures, fought their wars and toiled away for the purpose of the European progressing himself. So who really built America? The aboriginal that was already here in the Americas.

You tell me why the Europeans would even need to come to the Americas. Let alone enslave and kill the natives. There weren't even enough Europeans in the the late 1700's in America, by way of census in the 1790's, to build much of anything without the aboriginal.

The American government through lies and paper genocide tried to wipe the aboriginals out and when they couldn't they continued to enslave them, indoctrinate, use them to kill other aboriginals, and ultimately exploit. Through the belief in eugenics and Darwinism they changed their heritage to colored, black, negro, etc and introduced racism in America to the same people they broke pacts with and who built the foundation of this national corporation.

I can keep going, I have videos if you're interested.

His whole channel is backed by historical sources and documentation.
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Jul 9, 2019
I'm from South Africa, a white Afrikaans speaking lady, and we are being hated more and more. The government decided to "expropriate land without compensation" and hand it to the disadvantage during the apartheid years. The banks confirmed that if your farm gets expropriated the farmer is still accountable for the outstanding debts of the farm/land.

Racism is thriving here against the white Afrikaans minority. The farmers are tortured on their farms, burnt with irons, steaming hot water being thrown in their mouths, get dosed with petrol and lit alight, being r*ped in front of their children and then they get r*ped. Sometimes the torture goes on for hours. They don't come to steal/rob, they come to murder. One of our parties here, the EFF even sings "one bullet one farmer". Another party, Black First Land First" openly encourages violence against the whites.

I think South Africa needs to be #1 on the list


Mar 13, 2017
I'm from South Africa, a white Afrikaans speaking lady, and we are being hated more and more. The government decided to "expropriate land without compensation" and hand it to the disadvantage during the apartheid years. The banks confirmed that if your farm gets expropriated the farmer is still accountable for the outstanding debts of the farm/land.

Racism is thriving here against the white Afrikaans minority. The farmers are tortured on their farms, burnt with irons, steaming hot water being thrown in their mouths, get dosed with petrol and lit alight, being r*ped in front of their children and then they get r*ped. Sometimes the torture goes on for hours. They don't come to steal/rob, they come to murder. One of our parties here, the EFF even sings "one bullet one farmer". Another party, Black First Land First" openly encourages violence against the whites.

I think South Africa needs to be #1 on the list
Horrible to hear this! I didn’t know the part where the farmers still have to pay their! Though I’m not overlooking the rest, I just haven’t heard about that part of it.

Are you safe? Do you still live in SA?