

May 3, 2018
american indians did not 'found' anything. they simply were here when the most recent europeans arrived, which is also not to say that the american indians were the original people of the continent. id also submit that although they had their own spirituality and culture which is/was arguably more advanced in some respects than the whites, almost all NA tribes had primative lodging structure and no form of written communication. i am NOT implying that one culture was better or worse-- i AM implying that the white christians brough a hell of a lot of technology and know-how from europe. (yes, some of that knowledge wasnt so great.)

both the native americans and whites committed atrocities. your statements are far too general and way too broad to make any point, not to mention that the atrocities you listed were not committed by 100% white christians.
Doesn't matter. You don't extrminate people. It's not good.


Jun 17, 2017
Doesn't matter. You don't extrminate people. It's not good.
i never said it was.
americans have some things to be ashamed of in their past, but we fess up to it. go ask a turk to fess up to the armenian genocide, or to a japanese to fess up to the horrible treatment of the chinese or koreans in the more recent past.


Mar 13, 2017
I was watching this show recently called "Deals from The Darkside". Where this guy collects old school torture devices. The show is kind of interesting, but the psychics they have on are fake as hell. Nevertheless the torture devices are real, and maybe white Christians didn't invent them all. But they sure deployed the shit out of them.

We are talking about people who would hang each other over nothing. Get accused of witchcraft? Oh sorry, welcome to the torture chamber. And we aren't talking about electroshock treatment. This is also why I laugh when religious people talk about morality BTW. Like yeah, keep telling yourselves that. I've seen what their morality created.


May 3, 2018
i never said it was.
americans have some things to be ashamed of in their past, but we fess up to it. go ask a turk to fess up to the armenian genocide, or to a japanese to fess up to the horrible treatment of the chinese or koreans in the more recent past.
No genocide is good. By Turkish or Japanese or whatever.

Everybody likes to deny their own bad acts. Facts are facts though.


May 3, 2018
I was watching this show recently called "Deals from The Darkside". Where this guy collects old school torture devices. The show is kind of interesting, but the psychics they have on are fake as hell. Nevertheless the torture devices are real, and maybe white Christians didn't invent them all. But they sure deployed the shit out of them.

We are talking about people who would hang each other over nothing. Get accused of witchcraft? Oh sorry, welcome to the torture chamber. And we aren't talking about electroshock treatment. This is also why I laugh when religious people talk about morality BTW. Like yeah, keep telling yourselves that. I've seen what their morality created.
Religions are so bad


Oct 10, 2017
Trump McQueen's intimate encounter with Mason Macron warmth my heart, if I still had one.

The same goes for Freemason Putin boy.



Mar 18, 2017
"If anything, Trump’s presidency has shown that, while Trump has left the promises he made to his base largely unfulfilled, he gladly keeps the promises made to his biggest donor.
While Trump’s campaign promises – particularly those populist and anti-war in nature – have rung hollow, the President has notably fulfilled his campaign promises that were of prime importance to Adelson. Those promises were the moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which Adelson has aggressively promoted and is even helping to finance, and removing the U.S. from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran nuclear deal."

Preparing the hearts and minds, i presume...
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2018
Trump playing 7D intergalactic chess again I see.

So after his meeting with our Praying Mantis/Beetlejuice hybrid Prime Minister, Trump then decided to give his exclusive interview to the The Sun newspaper, the most tawdry rag ever put to print, yes it still has a good pair of tits on page 3 (today's were a pic of May and Trump together) He was probably advised that was his target demographic for newspaper sales, and I'm using the term newspaper very loosely there.

Before you know it the Sun has printed the headline quoting Trump as saying "May has wrecked Brexit..US deal is off!"

It also goes on to quote him saying "Boris Johnson would make a great PM" ...about a man who's incapable of even making breakfast.

He also manages to get in a "Terror is the London Mayor's fault" on the same front page....saves tweeting it I suppose.

He must have been aware that The Sun doesn't do truth but hey they were the highest bidder and a deals a deal.

What could be considered to be a bit of a PR gaff, even for Trump, needing addressing so what does the tangoe'd messiah do?....


......He calls them fake news....obviously!

What a masterstroke.


Jan 22, 2018
...back at Trump Towers after Donald' s trip to the UK...

Trump: Heyyyy.... I'm home!!!

Ivanka: Heyyy Daddy welcome home...

(Hugs, lasting a bit longer than your average Father/Daughter hugs.....Ivanka takes Donalds hands off her bottom)

Ivanka: Sooo how did it go then?

Trump: Really well really well, I birdied the 4th and 7th and shot a lovely drive on the 12th. You know that lake by the 16th? I hooked one into there so I had it filled with sand and played a beautiful bunker shot outta there landing 4 foot from the pin and I....

Ivanka: I didn't mean the golf daddy I meant all the other stuff?

Trump: ohhh right, erm well I made a cool half a million by slagging off their Prime Minister to a newspaper then called them out as fake news....the oldest trick in the book....

Ivanka: Ohhh daddy!

Trump: I even met that lizard lady, hey now SHE is rich, you should have seen some of her cool stuff......
Make sure you all tune in next week folks for another edition of Trumped.

(Play title music)


Jun 17, 2017
This seems to confirm my theory that Trump is some kind of tool used to undermine and bring down the USA. People on Twitter are going nuts over this summit. But you can bet he will not lose too many supporters because most of them are brain dead anyway.
vice and huff post are not news sources. you might as well get your fake news from CNN. vice has nothing to add but speculation, and huff post is repeating left wing propaganda.


Oct 2, 2017
vice and huff post are not news sources. you might as well get your fake news from CNN. vice has nothing to add but speculation, and huff post is repeating left wing propaganda.
So what would you consider "news sources"? Fox News? :rolleyes:


Jun 17, 2017
So what would you consider "news sources"? Fox News? :rolleyes:
fox news is slanted. i agree, and ive said that on numerous occasions. but gimme a break--- huff post and vice??

how about ron pauls angle on this:
he has criticized trump before (rightfully so, so hes not a trumpist), and i think he is someone who is worthy of listening.

The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is a "step in the right direction," former US Senator Ron Paul told RT, while also addressing the "propaganda" notion that the US must have an enemy in Russia.
"I was very pleased with what went on today," Paul said. He added that if the two leaders ever had a serious discussion, "I guess it would come out on how much we've been involved when we shouldn't be involved, for instance in Ukraine, and how that occurred.”

Read more
Ron Paul sounds off on Trump, tariffs and US 'secret government'
"But if they don't want to concentrate on those problems and they want to look forward I think that is great… I think the next best step ever would be for us to reassess this and say that Trump's going in the right direction and talk him into getting rid of the sanctions on Russia."
Paul also addressed the US media, calling it a "big problem" because "they're almost unanimously endorsing the idea that we have to have an enemy, and at this point – especially for the last 20 years – they've been working very hard to make Russia the enemy, and I think this is wrong."
When asked by RT why the US media already seems angry about the meeting between the two presidents, he said: "It's hard to say, but we usually describe that there is a secret government that likes to control things and most people know what we talk about when we talk about the 'deep state.' And they do have a lot of clout, they are very much involved in the media and the leadership of both parties, so both parties and the media are very, very, annoyed with Trump [being so] independent."
Paul also addressed the recent indictment of 12 Russian individuals by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, saying there is "an argument why Russia is an enemy and we have to quit talking to them and I think it's just a propaganda stunt and I think those indictments were more about propaganda than seeking justice."
The retired Libertarian senator's comments came just after Trump and Putin met in Helsinki, holding a joint press conference in which they once again reiterated that no meddling or collusion had taken place during the 2016 presidential election.


Oct 2, 2017
vice and huff post are not news sources. you might as well get your fake news from CNN. vice has nothing to add but speculation, and huff post is repeating left wing propaganda.
Besides, I was talking about the fact that he did not say "no" to the question asked about Russia having compromising material on him. This can easily be verified and I did even see the video.

Also the source of information is irrelevant because Trump is getting bashed real hard from all sides over his submission towards Putin.


Oct 2, 2017
fox news is slanted. i agree, and ive said that on numerous occasions. but gimme a break--- huff post and vice??

how about ron pauls angle on this:
he has criticized trump before (rightfully so, so hes not a trumpist), and i think he is someone who is worthy of listening.

The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is a "step in the right direction," former US Senator Ron Paul told RT, while also addressing the "propaganda" notion that the US must have an enemy in Russia.
"I was very pleased with what went on today," Paul said. He added that if the two leaders ever had a serious discussion, "I guess it would come out on how much we've been involved when we shouldn't be involved, for instance in Ukraine, and how that occurred.”

Read more
Ron Paul sounds off on Trump, tariffs and US 'secret government'
"But if they don't want to concentrate on those problems and they want to look forward I think that is great… I think the next best step ever would be for us to reassess this and say that Trump's going in the right direction and talk him into getting rid of the sanctions on Russia."
Paul also addressed the US media, calling it a "big problem" because "they're almost unanimously endorsing the idea that we have to have an enemy, and at this point – especially for the last 20 years – they've been working very hard to make Russia the enemy, and I think this is wrong."
When asked by RT why the US media already seems angry about the meeting between the two presidents, he said: "It's hard to say, but we usually describe that there is a secret government that likes to control things and most people know what we talk about when we talk about the 'deep state.' And they do have a lot of clout, they are very much involved in the media and the leadership of both parties, so both parties and the media are very, very, annoyed with Trump [being so] independent."
Paul also addressed the recent indictment of 12 Russian individuals by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, saying there is "an argument why Russia is an enemy and we have to quit talking to them and I think it's just a propaganda stunt and I think those indictments were more about propaganda than seeking justice."
The retired Libertarian senator's comments came just after Trump and Putin met in Helsinki, holding a joint press conference in which they once again reiterated that no meddling or collusion had taken place during the 2016 presidential election.
Lol give me a BREAK. You Trump supporters will try to play down anything that makes Trump look like the treasonous ahole that he is. He decided to listen to Putin, a former KGB agent, instead of his own intel agencies? Like he is going to admit collusion? Totally stupid.