

Jun 17, 2017
He decided to listen to Putin, a former KGB agent, instead of his own intel agencies? Like he is going to admit collusion? Totally stupid.
are you still on this russia- collusion thing? are we still on the claim that the russians got trump to be elected? lets be crystal clear: hillary lost because of herself and in SPITE of the fact that the left wing MSM and hollywood pounded the people to hate him. unless the russians rigged the software (and we know the dems did), this whole russian fiasco is a smokescreen.

of course putin wanted trump over hillary-- dont you remember hillary threatening russia in sept of 2016? that was abundantly clear, and even putin knows that shes a rothschild agent 100%. dont you remember the russians screwing up the whole NWO plan of creating that "greater israel" project by taking control of the syrian situation from obama? of course she doesnt like russia and putin-- theyre a different elite faction.

as for the evidence against trump (the piss tapes), he said it was 'nonsense'. so no one knows for sure. with putin, hes sharp enough to keep his cards close and not say anything he doesnt have to. further, putin offered to send over the 12 officials to be questioned by mueller. what did mueller do? nothing. he called muellers bluff. there IS no case.

Lol give me a BREAK. You Trump supporters will try to play down anything that makes Trump look like the treasonous ahole that he is.

find me evidence of treason. youll end up incriminating hillary, debbie wasserman, and the DNC.


Jun 17, 2017
This seems to confirm my theory that Trump is some kind of tool used to undermine and bring down the USA.
thats a valid theory, but i would argue that it would be done indirectly by co-opting trumps policies. NWO will move ahead with their agenda, slowly or quickly and sometimes sideways and roundabout, regardless of the president.


Oct 2, 2017
are you still on this russia- collusion thing? are we still on the claim that the russians got trump to be elected? lets be crystal clear: hillary lost because of herself and in SPITE of the fact that the left wing MSM and hollywood pounded the people to hate him. unless the russians rigged the software (and we know the dems did), this whole russian fiasco is a smokescreen.
Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million votes. Trump only won because of the electoral college, which can be easily manipulated such as the russians allegedly did because you only have to control a smaller amount of votes. The US is not a democracy.

of course putin wanted trump over hillary-- dont you remember hillary threatening russia in sept of 2016? that was abundantly clear, and even putin knows that shes a rothschild agent 100%. dont you remember the russians screwing up the whole NWO plan of creating that "greater israel" project by taking control of the syrian situation from obama? of course she doesnt like russia and putin-- theyre a different elite faction.
And Trump isn't a "Rothschild agent"? What about his love story with Israel?

as for the evidence against trump (the piss tapes), he said it was 'nonsense'. so no one knows for sure. with putin, hes sharp enough to keep his cards close and not say anything he doesnt have to. further, putin offered to send over the 12 officials to be questioned by mueller. what did mueller do? nothing. he called muellers bluff. there IS no case.
Putin looked VERY uncomfortable when asked about the "kompromat", and some body language experts even claimed that he was lying.

find me evidence of treason. youll end up incrim
I don't need to, he just did on that summit for everyone to see, choosing to deny what Mueller did uncover in his investigation of the russian hacking allegations. Trump decided to ignore this just because he is a narcissist who only cares about his own wellbeing and not the well being of the US. He says it is a witch hunt because that is the only thing he can say.


Jun 17, 2017
Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million votes. Trump only won because of the electoral college, which can be easily manipulated such as the russians allegedly did because you only have to control a smaller amount of votes. The US is not a democracy.

she/NWO/soros had all of the machine software rigged in the cities and the dead voters. the big surprise was that it wasnt enough to have her win.

And Trump isn't a "Rothschild agent"? What about his love story with Israel?

no. hes with the rockefeller faction. ive explained this already. his love story for israel? no idea, but theres no way any president who wants to be reelected will call out israel for their behavior-- you know that. if trump is a good guy, we will see some interesting things in his second term where he has to answer to no one for reelection.

Putin looked VERY uncomfortable when asked about the "kompromat", and some body language experts even claimed that he was lying.

not enough to convict IMO.

I don't need to, he just did on that summit for everyone to see, choosing to deny what Mueller did uncover in his investigation of the russian hacking allegations. Trump decided to ignore this just because he is a narcissist who only cares about his own wellbeing and not the well being of the US. He says it is a witch hunt because that is the only thing he can say.

thats all you got on him? speculation? it IS a witch hunt. its the same drama that the GOP pulled on clinton for the lewinsky scandal, except this hunt has no substance and is supported by anyone and everyone who never liked trump. when strzok is questioned by congress about his texts, the libs clap for his verbal attack on trump. the democrats are not interested in the truth; theyre interested in getting rid of trump by any means.

question for you: why would trump allow mueller to keep his job?


Oct 2, 2017
thats a valid theory, but i would argue that it would be done indirectly by co-opting trumps policies. NWO will move ahead with their agenda, slowly or quickly and sometimes sideways and roundabout, regardless of the president.
Trump seems to be there to destabilize the Western alliance also. He does exactly what China or Russia would want a US president to do. My personal view is that the NWO needs a weak US, a need to basically turn it into a third world country and effectively be easier to surrender to UN control policies.

It is going to do that by getting everyone addicted to technology such as VR/AR and social media (already started) to disconnect them from reality, then by breaking the economy, then depopulate it with Agenda 21, to finally invade it with UN troops. Maybe those Walmart camps will be used also for resistors.


Jun 17, 2017
My personal view is that the NWO needs a weak US, a need to basically turn it into a third world country and effectively be easier to surrender to UN control policies.

fully agree here. this is why decentralization of government and countries is so important right now to stop globalism.

It is going to do that by getting everyone addicted to technology such as VR/AR and social media (already started) to disconnect them from reality, then by breaking the economy, then depopulate it with Agenda 21, to finally invade it with UN troops. Maybe those Walmart camps will be used also for resistors.

fully agree again.

not sure if youll agree with this, but trump has done a 180 from what the US has become accustomed to during 8 years of the obama administration. this can only lead to civil unrest, which is what the NWO wants, regardless of whether one likes or dislikes trumps policies and politics.


Oct 2, 2017
she/NWO/soros had all of the machine software rigged in the cities and the dead voters. the big surprise was that it wasnt enough to have her winr
Wild unprovable conspiracy theory there. She was ahead in the polls so the popular vote result seems legit. Unless you believe polls are made up...which they are not.

no. hes with the rockefeller faction. ive explained this already. his love story for israel? no idea, but theres no way any president who wants to be reelected will call out israel for their behavior-- you know that. if trump is a good guy, we will see some interesting things in his second term where he has to answer to no one for reelection.
His US embassy move to Israël? His cancellation of palestinian humanitarian funds? And the Rockefellers are in the same boat as the Rothschilds, they only appear to be opposing each other.

thats all you got on him? speculation? it IS a witch hunt. its the same drama that the GOP pulled on clinton for the lewinsky scandal, except this hunt has no substance and is supported by anyone and everyone who never liked trump. when strzok is questioned by congress about his texts, the libs clap for his verbal attack on trump. the democrats are not interested in the truth; theyre interested in getting rid of trump by any means.

question for you: why would trump allow mueller to keep his job?
How could it be a witch hunt when Mueller's got all the facts, that no one has been able to deny? Surely Trump would appoint someone to investigate the investigation of something was not factual? He lets him keep his job because firing him would only arouse suspicions.


Oct 2, 2017
not sure if youll agree with this, but trump has done a 180 from what the US has become accustomed to during 8 years of the obama administration. this can only lead to civil unrest, which is what the NWO wants, regardless of whether one likes or dislikes trumps policies and
Yes, which is why he was put there IMO. I don't see any real push for decentralization being done by people with integrity. Let us face the fact that billionaires usually are rich like that because they have done well for the elites, and you don't see any of them condemning the actions of these same elites other than maybe boost their own ego. People like Putin are very clever, they know the psychology of people like Trump for example.


Jun 17, 2017
Yes, which is why he was put there IMO. I don't see any real push for decentralization being done by people with integrity.
we will see the real trump in his second term-- thats when it will get exciting.


Jun 17, 2017
here is the press conference. does this look like a "disgrace" (anderson CIAcoopers description) to you? maybe for the dems it is. trump handled himself well.



Oct 2, 2017
here is the press conference. does this look like a "disgrace" (anderson CIAcoopers description) to you? maybe for the dems it is. trump handled himself well.

The "disgraceful" part has been discussed already. It is the fact that he choose to take the word of an enemy nation over the word of his own country's FBI. Even some republicans and Fox News personalities were disgusted by his behaviour.



Nov 30, 2017
LOL at caping for intel agencies and the mainstream media. Do you know anything about this site? You sound like a total fool who wants to fall into the media's goal of pushing another cold war. The furthest extent of what Russia did was hacking John Podesta's emails (who is a complete scumbag in every way) and doing some trolling on Facebook.

You don't think other countries like China are hacking and meddling in our elections? You don't think the United States has done the same to other countries? Grow up. This is a ploy be neocons and the media to blow this out of proportion and lead to armed conflict.


Oct 2, 2017
LOL at caping for intel agencies and the mainstream media. Do you know anything about this site? You sound like a total fool who wants to fall into the media's goal of pushing another cold war.
Lol another cold war? Did you even read anything that I wrote? Apparently not, noob.

The furthest extent of what Russia did was hacking John Podesta's emails (who is a complete scumbag in every way) and doing some trolling on Facebook.
And of course you can prove that? Not.

You don't think other countries like China are hacking and meddling in our elections? You don't think the United States has done the same to other countries? Grow up.
So now you admit that Russia did in fact meddle with the elections? Logic is not your forte apparently since you just contradicted yourself. Get lost stupid troll.


Nov 30, 2017
Lol another cold war? Did you even read anything that I wrote? Apparently not, noob.

And of course you can prove that? Not.

So now you admit that Russia did in fact meddle with the elections? Logic is not your forte apparently since you just contradicted yourself. Get lost stupid troll.
Can you prove they did more? It's not on me to prove a negative. I admit they likely got ahold of Podesta's emails and released them and they posted anti-Hilary stories and memes on social media. No big deal, not an act of war like I've heard it described by the hysterical media. If you don't think the U.S. has meddled in elections and fall for the media's hysteria then you're exactly the kind of fool elites love.


Jun 17, 2017
The "disgraceful" part has been discussed already. It is the fact that he choose to take the word of an enemy nation over the word of his own country's FBI. Even some republicans and Fox News personalities were disgusted by his behaviour.
what!? our countrys FBI is totally corrupt-- have you not been following the peter strzok hearings? the whole fish STINKS from the head down. trump said that he has his own intel people-- and thats precisely who i would listen to in his position. the left media was not happy that trump brought up the weiner server (LOL)-- that simply disappeared from the headlines, but it holds key info regarding pizzagate, hillary, and podesta.

yes-- i saw that some on FOX news were disappointed with his behavior. RINOs who outed themselves.


May 20, 2017

What Secretary of State Tillerson’s Firing Means

By Paul Craig Roberts

July 20, 2018
Senator Chuck Schumer (D, NY) says Tillerson’s firing indicates that the Trump administration is disintegrating. I understand why Senator Schumer sees it that way, especially following all the other dismissals and resignations.
I see it differently. The firing of Secretary of State Tillerson, the movement of CIA Director Pompeo to Secretary of State, and the promotion of Gina Haspel, who oversaw the secret CIA torture prisons in Thailand, indicate that the military/security complex has closed its grip on the Trump regime. There will be no more talk of normalizing relations with Russia.

The combination of the Israel Lobby, the neoconservatives, and the military/security complex have proven to be too powerful for peace to be established between the two nuclear powers. If you look at Trump’s administration, the above three forces are those in charge.
Israel remains determined to use the US military to destabilize Syria and Iran in order to isolate Hezbollah and cut off the militia’s support and supplies. The neoconservatives both support Israel’s interest and their own desire for Washington’s hegemony over the world. The military/security complex intends to hold on to the “Russia threat” as a justification of its budget and power.

- Details)

The presstitutes are in complete harmony with the scheme. Although Russiagate has been proven to be false charges orchestrated by the DNC, FBI, and CIA, the presstitutes continue to repeat the charges as if evidence exists that proves the charges to be true. The “stolen election” is fiction turned into fact. And now we have a new charge, that Putin ordered a former British spy in England to be eliminated while sitting on a park bench with the use of a highly unlikely form of military poison. The charge is preposterous, but that is not preventing the fiction from becoming fact.
Having served in Washington for a quarter century and having known members of the British government, I do not believe that any of them believe the Russiagate and Skripal poisoning stories. What is happening is that an agenda has taken precedence over truth.
This is an extremely dangerous agenda. Russia’s new weapons easily give Russia military superiority over the US. As China and Iran see the situation similarly to the Russians, the US is greatly out-classed. Yet, Washington and its vassals persist in making violent and false charges and threats against Russia, Iran, and on occasion China. Russia, Iran, and China know that these charges are false. Confronting an endless string of false and hostile charges, they prepare for war.
The world is being driven to war, which would be nuclear, by a tiny minority: Israeli Zionists, neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex. We are witnessing the most reckless and irresponsible behavior in world history. Where are the voices against it?
This article was first published on March 14, 2018.

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z gharib

Sep 26, 2017
Cartoonist Rob Rogers fired after drawings criticising Trump
Have the US president's attacks on the media resulted in newspapers censoring themselves?

An editorial cartoonist fired by a major US newspaper has found a new way to share his opinions.
Rob Rogers was let go after a publisher rejected his drawings criticising President Donald Trump.
The cartoons are now on display at George Washington University's Corcoran School of the Arts and Design in Washington, DC, where Rogers spoke to Al Jazeera about his work and freedom of the press.