BTS discussion thread

Mar 24, 2018
Hi guys! :) I was previously kinda active on the discussion thread about kpop and Illum1nat1 but then I had to leave for a while because Uni kept me busy :/ Finally I have been able to watch this thread and the other one for some time now and i managed to read almost all of the pages.You guys are amazing,thank you so much for your brilliant input and explanations, because of you I pulled off to disconnect myself completely from BeeTS and Kp0p in general and I am so grateful for that help! Despite the fact i knew the truth about Kp0p for a while,I was turning the blind eye to the truth because deep inside I didn't want to believe that Ι wasted so many years and so much energy/time on those people in vain.As i've stated on the other thread,I am very familiar with the Freemas0nry from a young age since my father's best friend is unfortunately a Freemas0n himself and I have a cousin which is an actress in my country and let's say she has seen it all :3 From the small experience i have.i can confirm that all you've written here is true,this cult runs the celebrity life it also happens in my country and mind you I live in a relatively small European country,i don't want to imagine what happens on a bigger scale.Please excuse my English.
Welcome!!! I’m sad that these things are true but expected it regardless
Wow, I hope nothing bad happened to your cousin it must have been hard to watch
Yh even Presidents and big worldwide figures are puppets for the people behind my dad used to tell me that there are those behind the scenes who are far worse and who pull the strings


Mar 21, 2017
So guys here is the scene from a romance genre kdrama...
This scene appears in the 13th episode and at 3:33 seconds at some websites and at 3:14 at some because of the editing that some websites do... But yeah it has nothing to do with the story of the drama and yet they put their symbols anywhere they want and that too blatantly
View attachment 9957
What’s the name? I’m watching 4 dramas right now. None of them are close to the 13 episode and the lead actress don’t look familiar


Mar 21, 2017
UNRELATED: How did all of you guys learn these foreign languages? I've been trying to learn some different ones, but in 'murica' , that's not really a thing. *cries in English*
Yes please tell. I wanna learn Japanese and Korean. I can introduce myself and have a basic convo in Japanese but with Korean Other than the words I learned from Dramas I don’t know where to begin with Hangul. I have a book and audio to help with the sound, but I’m finding it harder than Japanese
May 24, 2018
exactly. And the movie is based on the occult and the occult sex parties. why would a kpop group whos main fanbase are teenage girls look for inspiration in that kind of movie?
How does the concept of "ritual sexual parties" conects with youth? Fans are so into theories but they can't see the agenda this group is trying to push
The fans definitely glossed over that fact. Not many people knew what it was about probably (with that F*L extended ver.). Just people saying "Welp, I guess I'm gonna grab my cloak & mask and join a cult now". To them its a joke. A reality that is non-existent. They could not wrap their heads on something like this can happen in real life. It kinda lives up to the name 'secret society'. Or not-so-secret-secret society that people see as a joke but is all too real and sinister.

The Late Capitalism of K-Pop

“Taking a look at the history and development of South Korean pop music and the highly exploitative system that underpins it.”


Jan 2, 2018
Thank you dear~! Yes it was kinda hard for her because she refuses to take part in those things so she is restricted to some small roles only,,I have written some of her experiences and other events on the other thread I can repost them if you'd like to but I don't want to tire people with the same answers.:oops: In case that I haven't mentioned it before I want to add that from what I know by a few acquaintances of mine that work with the national media,in this industry you have to be g@y or at least you have to pretend to be in order to be accepted,it is really sick so the theories about BeeTeeS being sold to the higher-ups are likely to be true as well :( Your dad is absolutely right and I am glad he is woke-you don't see many cogitative people nowdays- as far as I know those who pull the strings are not even the presidents themselves but even more big figures than them.This cult works wonders, it makes you believe that you are in control of everything but the truth is you are a puppet just the rest of them,it is really sad.
Mar 24, 2018
Thank you dear~! Yes it was kinda hard for her because she refuses to take part in those things so she is restricted to some small roles only,,I have written some of her experiences and other events on the other thread I can repost them if you'd like to but I don't want to tire people with the same answers.:oops: In case that I haven't mentioned it before I want to add that from what I know by a few acquaintances of mine that work with the national media,in this industry you have to be g@y or at least you have to pretend to be in order to be accepted,it is really sick so the theories about BeeTeeS being sold to the higher-ups are likely to be true as well :( Your dad is absolutely right and I am glad he is woke-you don't see many cogitative people nowdays- as far as I know those who pull the strings are not even the presidents themselves but even more big figures than them.This cult works wonders, it makes you believe that you are in control of everything but the truth is you are a puppet just the rest of them,it is really sad.
Oh It’s better to be small than huge and to do disgusting things right
Ik they pushed the hat agenda but didn’t know you had to pretend to be gay that’s absolutely horrible now I really do think that some members may have a romantic relationship (VKook)
Thank you I am glad too that my family believes this illuminati stuff as my friends dismiss it yh theses celebs are nothing but puppets for the elite who will be replaced sooner or later


Jan 2, 2018
Thank you so much! :) I am having my exams this month but i'll do my best to be as active as possible :) Oh wow did they blatanlty say that? It takes a lot of guts to admit that kind of thing,did they say it on this very thread or somewhere else and in what context? :eek:I believe that they maybe mean that their dad is a high-ranking Freemas0N bc as far as i know you can't be part of the iLLUm!nat1 unless you are a famous figure but of course I could be wrong :/
May 24, 2018
If i didn't know who he was.. I would have easily said.. That's a one pretty looking office lady .. :D
Lmao! You crack me up girl!
I hate this tbh... to me, not all ladies could pull off the look when wearing pearls and now.. they put it on guys ??
Idk what the stylists or people in charge are thinking.
It's sad what they make them wear. I don't think he wears this out of his own volition. This is part of the el1te's androgynous agenda.
That pearl-look is not flattering at all imho.


May 20, 2018
Thanks for sharing I don't know much about art and the names of the paintings or statues they were showing. So, from what I reckon, they are subliminally, trying to
to maybe taint religion in some form or another (from their symbolism).
So, I did a bit of digging:

What I get from the themes are: sacrifice, religion, mythology and humankind's indifference to suffering. also, interesting the idea of temptation:

Seems like they're giving a message that they were tempted by the el1te for the money/fame/power and they've given in?

Other themes and questions: Herman Hesse’s Demian, Abraxas (as a god and a demon, Abraxas), the paintings, the Friedrich Nietzsche quote, the sculptures? What’s with the neon colours that contrast so jarringly with the dreamy, mock-Victorian aesthetic? And the million-dollar question: why does J1n kiss the statue? The dance incorporates gestures of the members covering their eyes, ears, and mouths, recalling the three wise monkeys that embody the proverbial principle of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.
Loved the post..
But does icarus here.. Represents the fallen angel? I mean they do have double meanings to their songs so why not disguise luc1fer with icarus...

The remaining arts.. I.e.. perseus.... medusa head.. Last supper.. Are still dark
May 24, 2018
Thank you so much! :) I am having my exams this month but i'll do my best to be as active as possible :) Oh wow did they blatanlty say that? It takes a lot of guts to admit that kind of thing,did they say it on this very thread or somewhere else and in what context? :eek:I believe that they maybe mean that their dad is a high-ranking Freemas0N bc as far as i know you can't be part of the iLLUm!nat1 unless you are a famous figure but of course I could be wrong :/
The thing is
I thought he was lying to me and I just brushed it off (I didn't believe any of this stuff was real before like the general population). He's not in this thread he doesn't listen to k-pop. But he did hint on some bl00d sacrifices and the hand signs and all that stuff. They have relatives in the entertainment biz and his parent is in politics and other relatives. I don't know how high up they are but he said his dad doesn't even disclose stuff to him its a secret. I don't keep in touch with him now we lost touch he was an acquaintance I knew from another person. Also, I've now reckoned that I've seen people in my school flash the 'roc sign' and '6 sign' but I didn't know what it was and they made me do it. Little sh!ts. Anyways, I was a non-believer before and didn't know all this stuff so maybe he thought I wouldn't believe him even if he told me.
May 24, 2018
Loved the post..
But does icarus here.. Represents the fallen angel? I mean they do have double meanings to their songs so why not disguise luc1fer with icarus...

The remaining arts.. I.e.. perseus.... medusa head.. Last supper.. Are still dark
I found something interesting about Icarus now that you mentioned it:
Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth. Icarus and his father attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. Icarus' father warns him first of complacency and then of hubris, asking that he fly neither too low nor too high, so the sea's dampness would not clog his wings or the sun's heat melt them. Icarus ignored his father's instructions not to fly too close to the sun; when the wax in his wings melted he tumbled out of the sky and fell into the sea where he drowned, sparking the idiom "don't fly too close to the sun".
This tragic theme of failure at the hands of hubris contains similarities to that of Phaëthon.

So they talk about the sin of Hubris and it is:
describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance. In its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods, and which in turn brings about the downfall, or nemesis, of the perpetrator of hubris.
The adjectival form of the noun hubris is "hubristic". Hubris is usually perceived as a characteristic of an individual rather than a group, although the group the offender belongs to may suffer collateral consequences from the wrongful act. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments or capabilities.

So what I get is Hubris is a behaviour that challenges 'gods'. If Vee is !carus has he done something to challenge divine or does it speak for the whole group?

Also, it can mean:
In ancient Greek, hubris referred to actions that shamed and humiliated the victim for the pleasure or gratification of the abuser.[3] The term had a strong sexual connotation, and the shame reflected upon the perpetrator as well.[4]
Violations of the law against hubris included what might today be termed assault and battery; sexual crimes; or the theft of public or sacred property. Two well-known cases are found in the speeches of Demosthenes, a prominent statesman and orator in ancient Greece. These two examples occurred when first Midias punched Demosthenes in the face in the theatre (Against Midias), and second when (in Against Conon) a defendant allegedly assaulted a man and crowed over the victim.
In ancient Athens, hubris was defined as the use of violence to shame the victim (this sense of hubris could also characterize r*pe. Aristotle defined hubris as shaming the victim, not because of anything that happened to the committer or might happen to the committer, but merely for that committer's own gratification:
to cause shame to the victim, not in order that anything may happen to you, nor because anything has happened to you, but merely for your own gratification. Hubris is not the requital of past injuries; this is revenge. As for the pleasure in hubris, its cause is this: naive men think that by ill-treating others they make their own superiority the greater.
Crucial to this definition are the ancient Greek concepts of honour (τιμή, timē) and shame (αἰδώς, aidōs). The concept of honour included not only the exaltation of the one receiving honour, but also the shaming of the one overcome by the act of hubris. This concept of honour is akin to a zero-sum game. Rush Rehm simplifies this definition of hubris to the contemporary concept of "insolence, contempt, and excessive violence".
In Greek mythology, when a figure's hubris offends the gods of ancient Greece, it is usually punished; examples of such hubristic, sinful humans include Icarus, Phaethon, Arachne, Salmoneus, Niobe, Cassiopeia, and Tereus.
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Dec 22, 2017


Apr 8, 2018