BTS discussion thread

Mar 24, 2018
I don't think any group after them is going to make it this big from k0rea... I just know... i just feel it... Even the r00kie grp isn't going to be welcomed from b1gh1t.. It will take a lot of time to forget the influence of the b4ngtans
It’s absolutely ridiculous I am actually shocked like what is the point of copying another group and actually expect it to work out BTS has a “special formula” and stood out on their individuality and “realness” making a copy of them will spoil the whole concept honestly
May 24, 2018
Is it me or the other ones? If it's me, i'm so sorry for just liking the posts bc i'm very shy and my english isn't good. Dont worry, actually i'm not new lurker here. I came from other k p o p thread before this b t s thread created.
So, dont worry and keep going guys. Altho at first i scared too, but i realised it's stupid thought when law in my country's still sucks and i'm sure they'll dont care with this b*llsh*t xD
And it's rather creepy bc the other k p o p thread keep shrinking as well as in here :(
me too.. my Eng suddenly got worse and I don't have enough knowledge to interrupt much :)
Dont be shy we don't bite.
Maybe they do:

Also, to anyone asking:
Mar 24, 2018
Is it me or the other ones? If it's me, i'm so sorry for just liking the posts bc i'm very shy and my english isn't good. Dont worry, actually i'm not new lurker here. I came from other k p o p thread before this b t s thread created.
So, dont worry and keep going guys. Altho at first i scared too, but i realised it's stupid thought when law in my country's still sucks and i'm sure they'll dont care with this b*llsh*t xD
And it's rather creepy bc the other k p o p thread keep shrinking as well as in here :(
Your English is amazing honestly Plz input any thoughts and opinions if you can I’m sure they will be very beneficial to this thread


May 20, 2018
@Hopeful I am just dropping in to say I saw something in a k-drama that was wholly satanic and did not belong in the entire movie....
specifically an out of place wall hanging in the home of the main actress that said these words.
" Fallen angels listen to the whispers of (you know who) I do not want to complete that.o_O
Moreover it was in the 13the episode at the 3:33/34 mark.
So guys here is the scene from a romance genre kdrama...
This scene appears in the 13th episode and at 3:33 seconds at some websites and at 3:14 at some because of the editing that some websites do... But yeah it has nothing to do with the story of the drama and yet they put their symbols anywhere they want and that too blatantly
May 24, 2018
So guys here is the scene from a romance genre kdrama...
This scene appears in the 13th episode and at 3:33 seconds at some websites and at 3:14 at some because of the editing that some websites do... But yeah it has nothing to do with the story of the
drama and yet they put their symbols anywhere they want and that too blatantly
View attachment 9957
They’ve infiltrated the k-scene music, dramas, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re in variety shows. Now it’s not only us but sk too
What drama is that? I can see the word lucifer in the poster just it’s covered by the lady

That figure looks like vee’s w1ngs in b$t and it looks like the grim reaper in their vl1ve

The fallen angels listen whispers from lucifer?? Hmmm. Strange of the to have that on the wall. Why they put that there? Hmm...

Evil abound and around and people turning a blind eye. May God help us all.


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May 20, 2018
English aint my first language ... It's not even my second language :D..
It's not you don't worry :)
Actually your english is very good and btw i'm sure for 1/3 if not half of us english isn't our first language XD
I'm shy person too but we are for the truth so we to stick for the truth so if you find anything interesting make sure to post it here ~
Also laws in country are always sh*tty AF but if they work with the el!te then it's no surprise
If the other threads are shrieking maybe it's literally a bug/lag from the website but who knows :/


Jun 1, 2018
:oops: The absurdity of all of this is a complete turn off. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen a company do. Oh, how I wish it will backfire somehow! The way they manipulate fans is troubling!
Yeah, it is. I found it is so funny to read the "the 4th term was over, it a new term now". I don't know why it reminds me to my old days at school lol. New term, examination, quiz, evaluation. Pardon my absurdity LOL.

I heard it was so difficult to join their fanclub, and they must pay some money to be a member. And I just found that the fanclub's member could faces demotion by reading those tweets. Like, "Huh?". It is clear that the company are using them. I feel pity to those fans. Poor them.


Apr 30, 2018
May 24, 2018
should I watch this?
Eyes Wide Shut? Yes, its a movie made by Stanley Kubrick before he died. It's a good one its said to expose the el1te's secret parties. If you watch it, you can find the eerie similarity with the scene where T0m cru!se was in the mansion to BT$ scene with their F*L perf.
Stanley Kubrick died on the eve of releasing Eyes Wide Shut. Some say Kubrick had included controversial secrets about either certain well-known figures or organizations and that after he died these scenes were edited out of the film...

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