BTS discussion thread


Apr 25, 2018
UNRELATED: How did all of you guys learn these foreign languages? I've been trying to learn some different ones, but in 'murica' , that's not really a thing. *cries in English*
My first language isn't English but my school teaches it. After learning the basics in school, I explored the internet more and more. English sites were always more appealing to me than the ones in my native language. So I kinda had to learn English to survive. After writing, talking and listening to people in English my brain just picked it up and got used to it.

To learn a language I would recommend learning the basics (writing system, basic grammar and vocabulary) and then try to surround yourself in that language as much as possible.
(If you have no classes for your prefered language in your area the internet always provides information and online classes)


May 16, 2018
After I deleted everything that was related to kpop and music bitch my phone glitched in the weirdest and scariest way possible

Peek a Boo by Red Velvet won't even delete after I went into my files and tried numerous amounts of times
I'm going undercover T_T
GIRL ME TOOO!!!! I’ve deleted their photos on my gallery TWICE, but it’s still there!!
I’ve deleted all of their songs but left Hop€ W0rld album there and my hand was Itchy to click on The truth untold and singularity ( fell in love w this song like crazy) so I downloaded those songs and also because I couldn’t forget One Day and Awake (both are my ultimate fav songs) I re downloaded them too ( Im dumb I know smh ) BUT
After that downloading situation, my iTunes started to glitch like, it happened only with BT$ songsss!!! I was listening to Daydream and the song glitched, sounded like a broken CD, at some parts it kept on repeating itself that’s it I AM RE DELETING
May 24, 2018
Has anyone seen The Carters (Bey and Jay) new video for Apesh!t? The setting reminds me of BS&T.
Watched it without sound felt like a horror movie. o_O
Watched the B$$T Japn. ver. it was trippy as well. Look like they're on some
psychedelics or somethin.. .
They look like they were in a museum with creepy art shots.


Apr 30, 2018
Eyes Wide Shut? Yes, its a movie made by Stanley Kubrick before he died. It's a good one its said to expose the el1te's secret parties. If you watch it, you can find the eerie similarity with the scene where T0m cru!se was in the mansion to BT$ scene with their F*L perf.
Stanley Kubrick died on the eve of releasing Eyes Wide Shut. Some say Kubrick had included controversial secrets about either certain well-known figures or organizations and that after he died these scenes were edited out of the film...

honestly dunno how to feel about 'em anymore


Jan 16, 2018


May 24, 2018
Good observations. I watched it in 2x speed so I couldn't observe much. There's like a theme with Mother Mary? And like Mother Mary's face breaking into pieces in b$$T that speaks a lot. It's like they want to shatter religion or something (that's the vibe I get from it). And they have these shots with art. Maybe those art pieces mean something?
I can't stand watching these videos anymore. Feels like they put some subliminal in it. Getting sick of them.
May 24, 2018
I watched it without sound too.

Look at her outfit from their current tour. The cutout in her hat is where her eyes are.
What is happening with them? Seems like something is not right honestly. That screams wrong. And what she's wearing is a total beta-kitten outfit. J@y Zee looks like a handler with that necklace or whatever it is.
I got a headache watching those along with the B$$T Japn. MV.

Also, can see even see in that thing? Totally weird.
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Jun 12, 2018

It really became a sect. The mental pressure some fans put on others is truly terrifying. If you don't love that song or can't vote because you're buzy with your life or don't have money to buy merch, you can't be a fan. And they don't hesitate to let you know that. As an mentality stable adult fan, I could understand that but when you're young and naive, you will feel bad and do anything to show and prove that you're really a fan, anything. You have to devote yourself and your whole life to them. That's one of the reason why I left. To much polices on how supporting them. That's fucked up
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the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
Earlier someone asked about palm reading or lines and if you guys posts their hands in pics i will give you the information i gathered (earlier this month about palmistry ) tho i warn you i'm no professional :3 (if i can be of any help cause i'm only answering thread posts y'all have so much knowledge i feel useless XD )
Please, don't call yourself useless. I really enjoy reading your comments. Thank you for being part of this forum. (And sorry for my awful English :D)
May 24, 2018
yeah, there’s often religious symbols that is tampered with (upside down cross, breaking something, etc) and it has a heavy meaning. for bs&t I thought that marys statue shattering symbolized a loss of innocence.
the art pieces that are in the mv’s have a negative connotation to it (ex: fall of the rebel angels in bs&t) so I assume it’s usually to symbolize dark subjects in a subliminal way.
Thanks for sharing I don't know much about art and the names of the paintings or statues they were showing. So, from what I reckon, they are subliminally, trying to
to maybe taint religion in some form or another (from their symbolism).
So, I did a bit of digging:
Perseus with the Head of Medusa sculpture by Benvenuto Cellini which is from Greek mythology.
The subject matter of the work is the mythological story of Perseus beheading Medusa, a hideous woman-faced Gorgon whose hair was turned to snakes and anyone that looked at her was turned to stone. Perseus stands naked except for a sash and winged sandals, triumphant on top of the body of Medusa with her snakey head in his raised hand. The body of Medusa spews blood from her severed neck. The bronze sculpture and Medusa’s head turns men to stone and is appropriately surrounded by three huge marble statues of men: Hercules, David, and later Neptune.[2] Cellini breathed new life into the piazza visitor through his new use of bronze in Perseus and the head of Medusa and the motifs he used to respond to the previous sculpture in the piazza. If one examines the sculpture from the back, you can see the self-image of the sculptor Cellini on the backside of Perseus' helmet.
The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
Painted in 1562, Bruegel's depiction of this subject is taken from a passage from the Book of Revelation (12, 2-9)[2] and reveals the artist's profound debt to Hieronymous Bosch, especially in the grotesque figures of the fallen angels, shown as half-human, half-animal monsters. Together with Dulle Griet and The Triumph of Death, which have similar dimensions, it was probably painted for the same collector and destined to become part of a series.[3] The Fall of the Rebel Angels depict a mass of creatures tangled in combat, their faces twisted in horror
The composition with a central figure placed among many smaller figures was favoured by Bruegel at this time, not only in other paintings such as Dulle Griet, but also in the series of engravings of the Vices and the Virtues which he had just completed for the Antwerp publisher Hieronymous Cock.[4] The archangel Michael and his angels are shown by Bruegel in the act of driving the rebel angels from Heaven. Pride was the sin which caused the fall of Lucifer and his companions, and the conflict of good and evil, vice and virtue, is a theme which recurs constantly in Bruegel's work.[5].
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
In Greek mythology, Icarus succeeded in flying, with wings made by his father Daedalus, using feathers secured with bees wax. Ignoring his father's warnings, Icarus chose to fly too close to the sun, melting the wax, and fell into the sea and drowned. His legs can be seen in the water just below the ship. The sun, already half-set on the horizon, is a long way away; the flight did not reach anywhere near it. Daedalus does not appear in this version of the painting, though he does, still flying, in the van Buuren one
The ploughman, shepherd and angler are mentioned in Ovid's account of the legend; they are: "astonished and think to see gods approaching them through the aether",[4] which is not entirely the impression given in the painting. The shepherd gazing into the air, away from the ship, may be explained by another version of the composition (see below); in the original work there was probably also a figure of Daedalus in the sky to the left, at which he stares. There is also a Flemish proverb (of the sort imaged in other works by Bruegel): "And the farmer continued to plough..." (En de boer ... hij ploegde voort") pointing out the ignorance of people to fellow men's suffering.[5] The painting may, as Auden's poem suggests, depict humankind's indifference to suffering by highlighting the ordinary events which continue to occur, despite the unobserved death of Icarus.
Green drink R***M had was absinthe.
Absinthe is historically described as a distilled, highly alcoholic (45–74% ABV / 90–148 U.S. proof) beverage.It is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium ("grand wormwood"), together with green anise, sweet fennel, and other medicinal and culinary herbs.[5]
Absinthe originated in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland in the late 18th century. It rose to great popularity as an alcoholic drink in late 19th- and early 20th-century France, particularly among Parisian artists and writers. Owing in part to its association with bohemian culture, the consumption of absinthe was opposed by social conservatives
Replica of Michelangelo’s Pietà which depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. It has been secularised—in the shot in which the statue’s face explodes, we can see that the torso up of the body being carried depicts not Jesus but an anonymous figure made in a geometric sculptural style. The second reference is the scene in which Jin leads the members in a toast, which has strong echoes of the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before the Crucifixion. These details underscore the notion of a person who sacrifices himself to save humanity

What I get from the themes are: sacrifice, religion, mythology and humankind's indifference to suffering. also, interesting the idea of temptation:
The myth is about the bold pursuit of ambition, but it is also about the dangers of greed, of giving in to the lures of ambition. Temptation comes in several other forms: J!min’s apple is a Biblical reference to sin in general, while the smoke in R**M's scenes liken the setting to an opium den, and the liquid he sips resembles absinthe, a representation of the lure of alcohol and drinking. It is interesting to note that the struggle with evil is not external, but internal, relating to one’s own inclination towards temptation. B$t” MV is not just about any boy meeting evil, but about a boy being exposed to the idea of evil through art, and further, facing evil as a young artist.
Seems like they're giving a message that they were tempted by the el1te for the money/fame/power and they've given in?

Other themes and questions: Herman Hesse’s Demian, Abraxas (as a god and a demon, Abraxas), the paintings, the Friedrich Nietzsche quote, the sculptures? What’s with the neon colours that contrast so jarringly with the dreamy, mock-Victorian aesthetic? And the million-dollar question: why does J1n kiss the statue? The dance incorporates gestures of the members covering their eyes, ears, and mouths, recalling the three wise monkeys that embody the proverbial principle of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.


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May 24, 2018
I remember some ARM¥s talked about a ta€kook fanfic, in which JK drinks Ta€''s sperm like water...
Ewww. o_O
Yikes. Wth. *barf emoji*Unknown.png Wow people should keep that those thoughts themselves.

On another note,




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the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
Thanks for sharing I don't know much about art and the names of the paintings or statues they were showing. So, from what I reckon, they are subliminally, trying to
to maybe taint religion in some form or another (from their symbolism).
So, I did a bit of digging:

What I get from the themes are: sacrifice, religion, mythology and humankind's indifference to suffering. also, interesting the idea of temptation:

Seems like they're giving a message that they were tempted by the el1te for the money/fame/power and they've given in?

Other themes and questions: Herman Hesse’s Demian, Abraxas (as a god and a demon, Abraxas), the paintings, the Friedrich Nietzsche quote, the sculptures? What’s with the neon colours that contrast so jarringly with the dreamy, mock-Victorian aesthetic? And the million-dollar question: why does J1n kiss the statue? The dance incorporates gestures of the members covering their eyes, ears, and mouths, recalling the three wise monkeys that embody the proverbial principle of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.
Someone here said that J!n's kiss was a "kiss of the death".
May 24, 2018
Someone here said that J!n's kiss was a "kiss of the death".
Must be some sort of
predictive programming then, along with them being winter solstice born they are 2 on the to be watched. Vee has a fall of Icarus and that didn't end well. And with all the signs ver has been giving....

I keep waking up everyday at 3am since a month now..
Does it happen to you too ?
I don't know if this is the same
when I look at the time I see 3:33 a lot and that kinda scares me. But I heard its some angel number (I hope).
This person has a point (the answer):

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Mar 24, 2018
UNRELATED: How did all of you guys learn these foreign languages? I've been trying to learn some different ones, but in 'murica' , that's not really a thing. *cries in English*
I was born in the UK but funnily English wasn’t my first language my parents were born in Britain too but I learnt my grandparents native language instead
I’m currently learning French in school there are a lot of Websites online and you could get a personal trainer if you wanted to
I tried learning Arabic but I was so bad that my tutor gave up on me lol I do know some Arabic and can read it so hopefully I’ll go back to it
But yh I think learning different languages is so beautiful I want to be able to communicate with everyone lol


Dec 22, 2017
Its totally unsettling especially if you watch the film and compare it like you think: 'Is this really happening?'. How they got inspiration from such a relatively old American-made film is beyond me. And I think, what prompted them to pick that particular film? Hm.
exactly. And the movie is based on the occult and the occult sex parties. why would a kpop group whos main fanbase are teenage girls look for inspiration in that kind of movie?
How does the concept of "ritual sexual parties" conects with youth? Fans are so into theories but they can't see the agenda this group is trying to push


Jan 2, 2018
Hi guys! :) I was previously kinda active on the discussion thread about kpop and Illum1nat1 but then I had to leave for a while because Uni kept me busy :/ Finally I have been able to watch this thread and the other one for some time now and i managed to read almost all of the pages.You guys are amazing,thank you so much for your brilliant input and explanations, because of you I pulled off disconnecting myself completely from BeeTS and Kp0p in general and I am so grateful for that help! Despite the fact i knew the truth about Kp0p for a while,I was turning the blind eye to the truth because deep inside I didn't want to believe that Ι wasted so many years and so much energy/time on those people in vain.As i've stated on the other thread,I am very familiar with the Freemas0nry from a young age since my father's best friend is unfortunately a Freemas0n himself and I have a cousin which is an actress in my country and let's say she has seen it all :3 From the small experience i have.i can confirm that all you've written here is true,this cult runs the celebrity life it also happens in my country and mind you I live in a relatively small European country,i don't want to imagine what happens on a bigger scale.Please excuse my English.
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May 24, 2018
Hi guys! :) I was previously kinda active on the discussion thread about kpop and Illum1nat1 but then I had to leave for a while because Uni kept me busy :/ Finally I have been able to watch this thread and the other one for some time now and i managed to read almost all of the pages.You guys are amazing,thank you so much for your brilliant input and explanations, because of you I pulled off to disconnect myself completely from BeeTS and Kp0p in general and I am so grateful for that help! Despite the fact i knew the truth about Kp0p for a while,I was turning the blind eye to the truth because deep inside I didn't want to believe that Ι wasted so many years and so much energy/time on those people in vain.As i've stated on the other thread,I am very familiar with the Freemas0nry from a young age since my father's best friend is unfortunately a Freemas0n himself and I have a cousin which is an actress in my country and let's say she has seen it all :3 From the small experience i have.i can confirm that all you've written here is true,this cult runs the celebrity life it also happens in my country and mind you I live in a relatively small European country,i don't want to imagine what happens on a bigger scale.Please excuse my English.
Welcome :D! Hope to hear from you.
I know someone who said their dad was in the !lluminati but didn't believe them at first but now the evidence is clear there is a secret cabal due to Beet$ and all their symbolism and K-p0p as well so maybe it has helped me in some way be woke
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